ARCHER'S MIC DROP, Fate/Stay Night UBW Abridged Ep. 8, #Reaction

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hi everyone i'm mary and today we're going to be looking at fate stay night unlimited blade works a bridge by project mouthwash this is episode 8 castro away which i'm pretty sure we all know is a very obvious reference to stand by me although it could be shawshank redemption oh crap you know it's one of those two and i'm absolutely certain about that yep joking inside yeah i get it it's a castaway reference yeah i don't really know how this is going to play into the actual abridged if it will play in or if it was just a funny little name clip they came up with which yeah i'd be fine with that that said i know project mouthwash is really damn good and having started catching up on their actual dnd playthroughs god damn those are good if anyone knows where i can maybe find animated copies i would love to find them just because i want to find them seriously i just finished a deli unvoided oh god if you haven't seen that it's a trip yeah so you guys know the deal there's a link below to the original video hit it up because it's project mouthwash you know they're good they're really damn good at what they do and they earn it by being damn good also once you're done with that don't forget to leave a like comment subscribe according to this chart which i definitely remember to put up only 25 of people here are actually subscribed you should probably fix that because then you'll get notified when this stuff goes up also then you can hit discord and actually get notified because i'll just give you a straight notification myself so yeah do that let's get started the following is a fan based parody it does sound like hearing it works and related materials belong to the people that doesn't sound like curious the intonation's off does someone else play kyrie now who's playing who where is it where is that lesser braille i wasn't expecting a gold shrine or anything but wasn't that one lover casual teleportation up because you can oh you're so sweet i forgot about this what did i ever do to deserve a servant like you killed hundreds force me against my will actually i don't think she killed that me in this version oh yes that's right and look how it all paid off get bent oh honey if one of us is bent it's most certainly not me and frankly i rather like you this way but if you'd hurry up and stop resisting my command seals we could move our relationship along to the next level okay so um full disclosure i actually hadn't um watched this much of unlimited blade works because i had seen the previous movements like ah it's probably more or less the same and then i didn't realize the uh okay yeah um i saw a disclaimer on twitter that uh logan put out you should be aware the opening section was yeah to use the technical term of course okay i think the only thing that's actually youtube appropriate to say is so this is what resisting a command seal looks like still makes more sense than the previous movie where i was like okay i'm yours now i will do whatever you want yeah i'm exaggerating but i'm sorry i just needed a second to okay yeah get away with this someone who will stop you i mean yes but come now by now you must have realized nothing can stop me i mean there is nothing kind of one no one in this world who stands above me none are capable of distracting me from reaching deep inside hello dear am i interrupting something a little zucchini i'm so happy to see you if i knew you were going to stop by i'd have cleaned up the place i drew see this they're keeping her characterization really accurate here and it's creepy to me because i'm used to fake granora's interpretation of her where she's kind of a cinnamon roll it's like right now right here with pizza key here she's going cinnamon roll and i love it because i actually like that depiction that's the word of her character but then there's the other half of her where it's like you know she is the witch of betrayal still and she can be creepy as f and they did that but split personality it's like there's the witch and then there's medea media i don't actually know which one is correct to say i think it's media or media i don't actually know still just it's such a twitch freak out level what the hell personality shift and they got it right they did it the audio sounds great even just the inflection on the voice from going also i just want to point out i hope to never edit a scene like this again is specifically cut for half of this oh god what the other half is going to happen i mean the rest of the show is fine i just this part right here took a scene that was already uncomfortable they're just making it more drifted here through corridors of unrest and instinct oh yeah he does the super descriptive also strictly dancing was on last night and you didn't show up to watch it oh you were either you monster or won the war did you record it yes dear did you watch it without me no dear thank god so have we won the relationship yet not yet honey bunch but i did steal lover and killed the practitioner god i hate rules where's his body oh his body where is his corpse honeybunch sure i love this i love this the obvious trope if you don't have the body they're not dead the servant with all the power from the age of gods makes the obvious mistake because sure when people get killed they die but the person in the current setting who was the freaking assassin realizes no no body no dead i just i just love this showing someone being super competent because it just fits and sorry just little things like this super amuse me surely you possess his inert cadaver oh i uh ice i suppose i don't know isn't that okay no you [ __ ] up be dead well i'm convinced what's our next move then and he just went for it simple got it every good thing i just said about it use her noble phantasm to vaporize that brutish heracles and refill the grail to our heart's condition it would mostly work end of this war is upon us no it's not the first where is that you checked the lecture yes i checked the left turn okay so i actually just watched this i was like oh that's so cool and then i saw it again because i wanted to go back i saw it ah i just is this something that actually happened in the shower piece again i haven't watched the original i need to i didn't realize it'd be so much different and now i'm like okay no it's different i need to go watch it thank you for the bridge for that i didn't realize they just had x-cup the shield avalon because apparently that's what it's called in fate right behind fading out that's just such a cool little touch right behind the logo that's just neat i like that also relationship calls the couple mine is the entire rapey bits definitely minus that part in any way shape or form i know you haven't slept since saber was taken but i highly discourage collapsing on the edge of a caster servant's territory that sounds bad hey did you make this tote yeah i can make coats so what and they're made of cashmere i can make cash not a big deal you can de-summon cashmere what's your name hmm are you interested in what i think commands could you tell me your true name i never asked properly i thought i was lucifer or satan or actually say the devil you feel like yelling at me if the past few days have taught me anything it's that i can be hard-headed so i re-evaluated some things and realized that the grail probably can't summon lucifer not normally anyway okay that last part is very important because the grail can some anything that uh the type moon creators would like to actually have at any moment ship or form specifically i mean you got gilgamesh everything else is kind of lower than that and i'm including most gods because gilgamesh is broken as [ __ ] so is he actually going to say it i don't uh i don't remember [ __ ] sorry you don't remember i have amnesia i guess uh-huh it doesn't even sound convincing yeah oh yeah yep so when you called your noble phantasms and yelled the name of khalid bog when fighting caster and did all your mage crabs that was all that misha too see he's so bad at lying so i must be fergus mcroesch mystery solved except if that were the case you'd be the foster father of kukulen who didn't recognize you so yeah that's never happened today oh drat looks like we're back at square one and we almost had it too it's got that mishiro oh yeah yes she doesn't believe i love this i wonder how much her variation in the bridge actually suspects you i must be dead we can only hope doubt it probably not though he's like actually one of the toughest people alive i know i recommend against this a lot so don't take it lightly i think we should carpet bomb the church if kira is gone we can take out caster and kuzuki easily and he might actually remember and maybe gilgamesh i mean it wouldn't work but you could try gonna be kind of hard to reunite shiro and paper if there's no baber don't you think they're mr memory mcknow how reunite them tell me you're kidding we talked about this ring because i slept on it and got over being angry and realized something archer i like being around shiro you read me it's the heads right you listen to me i think shiro's a good person a dumb person yes good guy i trust gyro emia because i know he'd never betray me he's proven to me i can trust him in fact being around him makes me feel grounded and mutually dependent upon i trust shiro emiya i honestly can't tell right now if this entire bit is her rubbing it in that she found out who he is or rubbing in that she's made a decision he doesn't agree with and i don't actually know which way i would prefer if she's rubbing in he is not going to get his way by the entire we don't trust shiro thing she's doing a great job of just rubbing it and just watching his face go like i hate everything you're saying right now but if she's just rubbing it's like i figured out who you are and your amnesia is [ __ ] i also love that because it's just such a meta move to just rub in his face and watch him just grind under such a stupid amnesia defense i i love it both ways i don't know which one would work better i mean a lot of it would depend on the context of what happens next and we know what happens next piece it's still unlimited blade works abridged or just unlimited blade works in general there are certain things that have to happen and archer's next development is going to be one but either way this sets up i just don't know which one will work better and it either way is brilliant and the thing is it could be interpreted both ways where she means it as just rubbing in his face that she's making a decision that he doesn't agree with while he's taking this oh you've figured out who i am and you're just rubbing me in my face right now both ways work though and that that's kind of brilliant writing because even if you interpret it one way or the other both are very effective at getting the exact same message across but they have completely different meanings including for per who's talking sorry just things like this really cool little dialogue bits that have multiple ways of interpretation that are fundamentally accurate in either aspect as a writing major this is just geek out moment right here it's just really well done okay why do you have amnesia she is trump why do you have amnesia why is that sword man bleeding so much because he doesn't have a sense of his own limits and compulsively has to help others sweetie now come along before he offers you candy i hope his journey nears its completion why thank you random mother and daughter you in the streets accurately are they when the sky opens up and now fire starts pouring out orphans that's grand order that's for sure he said boy this town needs a hero does you're not it okay came here to ask the priest for advice stumbled onto something way different to be completely fair i think she did a solid for him in this one completely unironically too yeah no running into her and running into kirei yeah no medea media whatever did a solid for shiro massive solid huge solid hell even running into archer alone would be safer he would just die that way kira you you no no huh was that rain are you going to bore oh death with these meaningless i mean i guess it would make sense to know where she's at it's a pipe i must say if you're casting a sleep smell it's starting to work huh what are you bored oh yeah this is more like a sun mother relationship here than continuing other relationships about to be slaughtered see that that's the thing you said when i said that i was bluffing are you bluffing hey archer you can take out kuzuki right it should be no problem for a servant to defeat a human and while you're taking on kuzuki i'll leave smackdown on our resident witch of course it should be no problem for a human to defeat a servant silly me oh how sweet this will be just the four of us with archer announcing himself up front instead of making a sudden mid-scene appearance yep i do love it when everything is so predictable you just stay comfortable over there babe she poisoned the dress i'm in constant pain oh that's actually evil i'll put her down come over there and suck the poison out of your body myself ah consider it your reward for that crazy magic resistance you have if you can kill her you can do whatever you want just get me out of this thing freezing um time to teach her the meaning of 100 my hands slipped that was not the plan oops my whole body and sword slipped it to archer tay so compromised though hmm we talked about this i guess i slept on it and got over being angry yep or something like that anyways caster this is such a dick not going to be an easy sale but i have a couple questions i know it's the reason behind the original but it's still a dick move you could defeat berserker right of course no i observed a partial deployment of her noble phantasm before with enough mana she can obliterate most or all of berserker's resurrection most is accurate and i guess i'm an easy sail after all i owe you an apology is that bastard betraying me yes what the [ __ ] archer i can't let you do this if you turn to her side i'll use my last command seal too then do it don't waste my time trying to intimidate me girl if you've got it in you to command me to kill myself then shut your mouth and put me down i'm not interested in watching you work up to another smart move only to back down when the hardest part is in front of you you can't tolerate me fine then do it this is definitely in response to that's what everything she said this episode maybe one day you'll grow up to become a decisive powerful mage but right now the difference between us is like night and day oh god that line might seem just like a throwaway intimidation but it also says so much about what's going to happen one he knows he's being a dick right now but he also knows she is acting without full knowledge because he has more knowledge because he's freaking zero at me from the freaking future or possible future piece i don't think he's actually in his timeline so future of a different timeline but still it counts and he knows what she goes on to become and this this has so much more meaning that what you would normally think normally it just sounds like he's just saying i am so much above you and you just haven't reached my level yet but because of who he is and where he's from he's saying so much more and this just layered in there just to say okay i know you're going to become great you will become great i'm betraying you now because i need to do this because you are making choices and then stopping before you carry them out and by his estimation she's screwing up because she's stopping we know more just about that but still he's also saying right here it's not just him trying to intimidate her it is but it's also acknowledging she's going to become great and she will survive this so even though he's betraying her now he's not going to kill her he might act like it but he won't also because plot reasons we know that but still it because when you know who he is there's layers added onto what he's saying that you don't get otherwise i just the fact the abridged writing carries that through and you see that and you can hear it and it works on two levels both the this is just straight intimidation and then there's a level of here's what it means if you understand the context which rin wouldn't so she gets none of that but shiro would so he's saying something at least to himself because he knows what this actually means because he's basically giving himself the out of i'm going to be that ass but i'm also going to still respect you because i know who you are i it's such good writing dear god the writing in this a single episode is it writing on one level and doing just good writing is hard writing on two levels and then doing it in multiple scenes so close together i'm having writing jealousy right now so much writing jealousy and it is so freaking earned we're not even halfway in i'm squashing this spider once and for all and by that you mean both shiro and media media i don't know which one is this not only did i steal lover from you but you're archer as well right archer tell me so that i can trust you oh no what is your wish and what is your kill shiro don't got one don't know it come again he doesn't have a wish supposedly he says he has amnesia although that may or may not be shaking he's so bad right pardon my skepticism but you're betraying your previous master to side with someone whose methods you can't stand so that you can achieve a non-existent wish i could just kill you if you don't like this rule breaker yep later the evening bell tolls young lady put up your dainty dukes and prepare for entropy right now projection hey stop making those no come on happy to supply more enemies if you want to keep honestly yourself probably stronger why don't you set them free for now that wasn't our deal i have altered the deal at this point the only servants not under your control are lancer and berserker even if they see gilgamesh they wouldn't be anymore i actually completely forgot what he did during this round having lost their war here and succumbed to despair as they realized they couldn't even help a single person oh i like new evil arch again the entire rant i did about how it has two levels everything he just said about succumbing to despair despair i can speak because you can't save a single person he's saying it as if to be intimidating in the evil but what he's also doing is completely accurately summarizing every single thing about his character he's talking about himself because he's talking about shiro who is him he's saying what he went through but also saying what shira's gonna go through two-level writing i saw in the comments that this is such subtle just everything subtle flexing from archer this episode oh dear god i approve i just this is i i am really damn good writing sure where's this been what can i say i mean what do you think rin had to do this is just me freed from a certain ball and chain i should have used that first command seal to make you obey everything i said huh surprise would have been different i'm in a giving mood today you two are free to go ah of course literally nothing would be different you'll be dead my thoughts well tell me what she already is fine we're going i'm disappointed in you archer i finally realized that you aren't lucifer you need to find out you really are the devil oh let's find a hill do you do what i don't know to bury you on i figured you seemed so determined to die that we might as well save everyone the trouble and just get you in the ground well technically it worked out for you the herd in my stomach from being slapped across the church basement that hurt in my pride for having lost favor and archer to that grecian husty and the herd in my heart from some [ __ ] trying to yeah let's just find a field girl why do we need a field she just nearly could oh she just included him in that i'm going to kill myself and anyone around me okay let's find a hill yeah probably good place to not have witnesses victims sold away i know i deserve it you're stupid yes you're reckless he is yes you're dumb yeah stupid but you got me you're you're stupid frankly you're throwing softballs here yeah when this all started i just wanted the cup and like last war i bumped into a master by accident and almost took them down and i was like six so like i thought it'd be kind of easy it all seemed like fun and games and then she did treat like uh i had to kill you and he's right isn't he i can't do anything hard same i thought i'd have a chance to prove i could be a hero but like my dad said it turned out to be complicated oh god archer threw a wrench into things with his hitler talk hitler oh yeah previously no it's not right to try and throw my life away for others but i just can't accept that it's wrong either even though i tried so hard to make you go away oh dear god this right here this entire scene stands out for me because this is such a turning point moment and they're handling it beautifully as they're portraying at least right now they're reflecting on everything they wanted from the first episode and everything they've realized is this is there's a term for this in writing it's the dark knight of the soul there's a few different phrases and that's the one that just stands out to me i know it's not even the best one but the one that stands out to me and it's usually when the character reaches their lowest point not the point where they're forced down to it but the point where they have to confront it and the fact that they're literally in a dark night stepping away from each other like facing away so they can't confront each other but just confronting their inner battle while talking about themselves to each other it works so well because both of them just confessed rin wanted to go in as a game but now she's realizing not a game and i can't follow through because i don't actually want to do that and then she was like i want to be the hero but i can't follow through because i'm just not able to do that and both of them are facing what they wanted to is not what they can do and they're literally moving through that and just the trope works and it fits and they're handling it beautifully and the fact that she's confessing just to shiro her own issues is great because again this is stuff archer would have not known in this situation because what he's gone through and what has happened in this abridged are very different i'm guessing he's more of the heavens feel route archer but still i just i love it when someone does writing aspects very well and i'm geeking out about a lot of this but it's very geek out words because they're just doing good jobs writing this whoever did this part of the script and everything prior to it they're just kicking it out of the ballpark on this one they're not even hitting out of the ballpark they hit the ball and then kicked it on top of that because they did a roundhouse kick out of nowhere somehow this is like soccer baseball i don't know i don't do sports it's a thing maybe sure whatever ah yeah you didn't account for my million complexes though yeah only national i'm short sighted yes i've got tunnel vision when people are in danger oh yes sakura archer because if it's archer i got some really awkward news oh my god no no no no no no no or accurate phrasing animals rewind by 20 seconds please think i've misread what's going on here i've tried to kill you twice he has a type and you just missed her we rated you since we started working together why in the world would you wait okay so here's the thing masochism you ready for this it's kind of stupid like really stupid oh no i'm also pretty stupid so i'm kind of just steering into it at this point besides you're a hard worker you're endlessly passionate you call me out of my nonsense is the blush any bigger probably need besides who doesn't want a woman who can kick their ass yeah this might sound weird or rude because he's actually being smooth probably sounds more suave in my head but you haven't asked that countries would go to war over like oh my god it's just oh get out of here with that thing if helen of troy were a butt that's where she'd be 100 maximum no show more like 100 maximum thick damn too much yes i just stopped talking yes i assumed you weren't done oh i could go off i could see that thing from space okay now you're going too far the human race could mathematically calculate an equation for bliss it'd be i's over that booty equal crazy thing is he's actually being smooth confessed to you by a lot of guys in his own way a share of girls but i think that might be the best one i've heard god damn i guess i give up and that's how the dark knight soul ends i win by moving forward you beat me shiro emiya you have defeated rin tosaka thoroughly and completely i wasn't expecting this to go so wholesome you got that i called dibs remember you're mine no pink or purple-haired [ __ ] from ancient greece gets you your property of rin tosaka as of this moment so you're okay with unlimited comments about your butt [ __ ] i know what i got you go hard phrasing i've opened every cask flipped every table drained the many bottles of wine and i don't even want to know what the priest was doing with that room full of emaciated orphans just where is the lesser grail okay yeah she found the orphan room yeah that's still a thing he's kind of hoping they would forget about that one also i love the fact that they just had all the bottles of wine which probably came from gilgamesh's stash no actually he would have just kept themselves that's probably curious i'm okay with that being destroyed then but just sorry that last thing i didn't want to upgrade so it's just so damn touching i just i wasn't expecting them to actually go that far because a lot of the times now they've actually eschewed the romantic angle for example the entire shiro sabre thing maybe it's just because they're out and i know this is one of the rounds where there actually could be a thing they just kind of skipped over that's like okay now it's not the tiger mom aspect which is like you know what cool that actually kind of fits for them it actually fits very well in fact i'm a little surprised fate has never actually gone that route in any of its other material officially i just realized that now huh but just they they did the dark knight of the soul perfectly they did them hitting the lowest point they had them confessed to their problems they had them actually face what was wrong with themselves and some of their own personal issues and own up to it and then find a way to move forward that was different from how they wanted i just that's just good writing that's just really damn good writing i know i've already said that multiple times i've even commented on that specific scene but they're they're calling it you can't see you can see that thing from space also i think every single person when they went there they went for that meme you know the one it's wren bending over look and then sabers right under gun get me my dick yeah yeah there's just so much good writing in this episode the lesser grail is in ilious field einsberg yeah the massachusetts the same after the second holy grail war certain rules were revisited technically also sakura but that's a different killing spree which he wouldn't know about because he's from the face observer that the grail needed to be better protected so its vessel wouldn't be stolen from the third war and forward they offered up homunculi to serve as the vessel for the lesser grail until four or five servants die total ilias veal will remain active and pre-programmed to protect the ritual against sabotage you are just a wellspring of information does rain also know this nope nah she rarely ever asked my opinion on anything and when it was offered generally ignored it if we'd acted as i saw fit i'm confident that you shiro saber and assassin would all be gone goodness i think i believe you why yes future knowledge is a [ __ ] should be helpful in the future knowledge and power are tell me about that yourself zoe chiro kuzuki is not a mage just a lethal weapon whatever happened to you you can be enchanted to fight on mage level did you eat them you ate them didn't you good do you want the short version or the technically probably yes it for me so i burned his lab and freed his orphans okay i changed my mind and freed his orphans i want the long version all right well buckle in i'll try to hit the important beats oh yeah her original summoner was the rapist right yeah welcome medea princess of colcus we are competing in a holy grail war are you familiar with the concept oh this is where this guy comes from death ritual you do speak japanese don't you i do master i am pleased to form my contract oh right that's about enough small talk i think let's get i just realized who he looks like and considering this is probably intentional that looks a lot like a certain someone who she can't stand god damn jason oh yeah no no even if he wasn't literally everything she hated he yeah wow this is one of those things where i saw his face because of fake grand order i never i really need to watch the original content and this bridge is just forcing that home i need to go see that even more than heavens feel which i'm holding off on until it's completely because i know it'll be torture to not watch them all back to back yeah even though i know how it ends because of course it's been out i i just wow i love how he's like yes i am very smooth at i do the talking well his dialogue is well done because it looks like he's intentionally sounding off making him just sound creepier and off-putting because he's not used to it but it's like i am usually very smooth and i have money to make people do what i want and probably other reasons and you just throw it out there i like how his dialogue is stilted because it makes him seem awkward and just kind of more than you know everything else dragon dragon you know the one without the fleece throwing on the floor and summon up that caulkish dragon maybe you know you want to is this room's big enough for that dragon right i don't know the side i'm sorry master but i don't have the means to make use of the argon coin as a noble phantasm oh oh you hear that girls can't even summon a dragon what was sacrificed for her princess you are on the phone he has a laugh back to slap city dude you an idiot see this [ __ ] state-of-the-art modern age trap baby orphans go in ether crystals come out ever heard of the toe soccer jewel magic get ready for that to be a thing of the past time for a demonstration ah that's the result of um six human lives crazy right doesn't that get you in the mood to summon a phantasmal beast of the winged draconian variety this [ __ ] is top notch i hadn't caught up to unlimited blade works the actual anime i was unaware of this scene i'm looking forward to her ending him and i thought kirei was just [ __ ] up i didn't realize he was apparently being the nicer of the two people and they they really titled this segment top-notch orphan stock oh dear god uh i i'm this is oh god i just um just skipped him dying needing any of that high-level mage craft of yours you read me i mean look at this thing and look at all those orphans they literally have them hanging right there toe sucker more like toes suck my dick what is that thing this it's the residual mana in and around this lifeless kiln impossible sorry to cut in but he summoned a caster got upset when his non-rider servant wasn't able to summon a dragon that their legend never actually mentioned them summoning or controlling then got upset when you a caster could perform magecraft better than he could yes he seemed rather shocked that i princess medea was able to do the thing i was summoned because i can do i'm starting to see why he's not around anymore no you don't did you eat him i assume you mean his soul i'll rush to the point thank god slap me did something at the church with a letter as i recently found out he survived that long freed myself with rule breaker read the orphans and then when he got mad i trapped him in a nightmarish labyrinth within his mind while his body burned to a crisp completely justified his soul i may have desperately needed mana without a master but there is no way i was consuming that man's essence i don't put things in my mouth if i don't know where they've been seems like a waste coming from you wait you're not done there i lay without mana upon the ground rain beating down on my body as life slipped away and an angel appeared suddenly to rescue me and he was dramatic enough to get her attention to his temple for he was a man and not a pretty boy spirituality i said wait he is oh sir you need not take pity upon this poor malcontent i am but a humble girl trying to find her way in this crazy topsy-turvy world why do i feel like this is a reference to some kind of music like a loving look and said madam sweet mistreated soul i shall aid you however i may it's so weird hearing her voice come out of his mouth until the end of my days also he probably did actually say that that's totally how kuzuki talks yeah it kind of is then i extracted mama from him and our beautiful relationship began so tell me when you extracted mana did you go the blood route or the barry white route good sir how dare you imply that i a refined princess and reserved lady totally got the pounding i so thoroughly deserved after dealing with that god damn i'm sorry it's not even what she's saying it's what she's saying with the super smug smile it's one of the reasons i actually really like her character just i'm surprised they didn't immediately say okay ah you saw me now you die that's a surprise i honestly thought they would skip to that because i'm pretty sure that's actually what happened in the original canon before they went to the more expanded unlimited blade works version i really need to watch this like i was like okay it's more or less close enough the same it's like no no it's not and all this is new and i want to see it and i think before whatever episode nine is i just need to go watch everything what kind of name is that aetro what is he a house gotta love modern transfers yeah it's efficient and souls are sweet but we need to get a servant mana in a hurry nothing seems to be i just just gotta love mana transfers because yeah in the fate route this would have been about where he's uh yeah if the entire principle that this archer is basically shiro from the fate route his experience with mona transfers would be right if they fled from ilya and he and rin and sabre bada transferred and just and that's just a little reference i almost missed that one get out such good dialogue god come to kill me whoa now i used the door so you knew i wasn't trying to kill you you could go through it i can walk through walls apologies i assume everyone who enters a room alone with me is there to kill me even students yes the first student to come to class every day is rather terrifying it was usually emiya ortosika funny enough perhaps it's destiny they are now my enemy ah funny so i was just talking to caster about her past master yeah you seem like a man with a story what would it take to get you to spill the narrative beans why does he want the interest in our past yeah let's just say i'm saving some old curiosities because he never found out the first time around prepare yourself for a riveting story then a dip into a dark pool so deep you make it please please change him so he's just like that excited over here you see my story starts like most i was born at a young age you spider and soon after grew with age i was part of an assassin organization okay he's going without me to be a lethal weapon i met a teacher in an elevator one time and reactively snapped his neck as his life slipped away that's when i learned i didn't like people entering rooms alone with me i thought it would be very secret agent of me to take his name and job so i became kazuki yamashiro in that pretty sure that's canon as well i was deployed soon after tofuki where i took on his role but since i had no teaching skills i just spoke like i was a teacher until they gave me a job as a drama teacher oh my gosh the funny part is that's actually not even a bad way to go about it the drama teacher part i just i love that it's actually the perfect thing for it [ __ ] at school that's how you think people talk that's you blending in it took me four years to realize people didn't talk that way but by that point that was my thing i was the scary drama guy oh it took him four years so for the first four years that was unironic but that means right now and every single step of the way in the abridged that's just him doing a bit because he just doesn't it's his thing i think i like him even more because of that i steered into it yeah you deployed to the school mr yama yep kuzuki you're not going to believe this there was a high ranking target with mafia connections i was sent to observe emiya someone linked to a famous magekiller announced linked to kendo practitioner and well-connected wellspring of youth and energy tiger you were sent to kill tiger fujimora you an assassin trained to such a degree that tiger servants under the right conditions arguably one of them dangerous people on the planet among non-mages were sent to kill tyga fujimora it may seem silly and considering who her grandpa's actually makes sense there's no lie here but why didn't my superiors claim that if she were dropped on a third world country aim to destroy them she would kill one-third inspire one-third and teach the other third math yeah that sounds about right math is dangerous in the wrong hand yes i see unironically yes it is got involved with caster and now you are involved in a holy grail how come tiger still lives what's that i suppose i might have some attraction to this objective mechanical competition it is thoughtless i do not believe in good or evil right or wrong so to fight it also i've got a girl yes come on we're both guys tell me i'm wrong no i think it's more complicated his voice even changed i heard you already got it on with her once you die only once she needed mana yeah she did this is inappropriate yup totally lucky for me we don't have an hr manager for me to get reported to caster saw to that you sure you're not here to kill me because i'm feeling very attacked right now yes for me to blow your mind sure he did manic pixie dream girl who can't be saying that medea isn't you are a manic pixie dream girl what medea unknowingly needs you to help push her pursuit of her own happiness and in doing so you enable her to not graduate beyond her own immaturities and biases you abandoned your own pursuit of happiness you may not be manic you may not be a pixie or a girl girl or a dream but you soy chiro kuzuki are a manic pixie dream girl in a suit and dress shoes wow okay i'm going to actually just lose points on this one i've heard the term manic pixie dream girl i don't think i've ever looked it up and i honestly feel a bit bad about that because i've been going off on all the great usage of just tropes here and i know this is a trope and i'm just pulling a blank i actually just feel really bad about the fact that i'm missing on this one also this guy manic pixie dream girl okay yeah sure also i i would say archer's entire estimation of their relationship is a little off just because they're actually kind of a good fit together mostly because her previous was uh jason canon mythology in real life jason's a dick fate that didn't change yeah i think i need to go outside that's the appropriate response to that i am a manic pixie dream girl oh yep braces i never thought i wanted to hear but nothing this is the most alive i've ever felt that is upsetting yes but i can tie a bandage like no one's business you did replace my whole heart using that pendant that one time yeah hey that took 10 actual years of mana and could have been used like a small-scale noble phantasm no i mean you're alive because of that so he paid it back again you got it hey do we have to do nicknames until castor and kuzuki are out of our lives i don't even want to think about nicknames speaking of i think she's going to come up with them first what we're going to do about them yeah our only option is a sneak attack or something right enough they probably could just be left alone but that's with outside knowledge yeah tomorrow we're gonna head to the einsburn castle oh yeah of course why though cuz we need berserker oh yeah the one who tried to kill us in the streets and aren't your nukes and who's mastered little mini yeah that's what happened to her in this one yeah we're gonna go ask for their help of course i forgot earlier what happened to ilya and gilgamesh i just remembered oh god episode nine is going to hurt unless they just show it right now hey rain sorry for the outburst but i thought i was the suicidal one justifiable welcome to season two kazuki is a manic pixie dream girl and he's okay with this fact and then they even had him in a very straight voice say that you know it's just the little things that are the gifts that you really enjoy in life and this is one of them i never saw that coming and i still need to go look up what a pixie dream girl is as a trope which will probably lead me to go to tv and then i'll lose a couple days because i just do that every goddamn time yeah there's been multiple nights where i didn't sleep because i just got on that side and it's like nope no you don't have consciousness anymore yeah that's the thing i just i love that this entire episode is not just a flex on archer's part this is whoever wrote all the goddamn lines for archer pulling a freaking nux taku and flexing on every goddamn viewer and it's beautiful archer had the best lines every single thing he said was so great and layered with just intensity and even that little bit right at the end where he's talking to kazuki and his entire bit is like i'm just answering some old questions that that right there is confirmation that i'm not even misreading it because he's flat out admitting i remember because it's his old questions that he never figured out in his first time around during the fate route which is what i'm assuming this one's for it's not entirely sure not clarified but what i think it's that because you know the old questions are from what he didn't know because it never really came up in the fate route so he's getting that and then you just every i love this it's great writing it's so multi-layered so it it's what he's saying to the person it's what he wants people to intercept when they overhear and what it means to him and only him because he's the only person with full context to understand what it means it's so damn well written god damn whoever did the script for this i'm just gonna look it up right now i need to give credit because that is so freaking accomplished uh-huh yeah written by logan laidlaw okay so yeah no logan the guy who's previously was blatant crow and now it's his channel's project dear god logan [ __ ] yes as someone who's a freaking masters in writing and specifically fiction this is good i approve i like this this is great this is just really damn good i love this this is this is some of the best writing i've seen in general it's it's just good there's pithy lines that are funny but they're better if you understand the context and even if you don't they're good writing jealousy so much right now this is just good basically what i'm saying is if you haven't already there is a link below to the original video you should definitely hit it up because there's things i missed and i'm gonna go rewatch because i know there's things i missed because it's me i'm an idiot i miss things and i want to go see them because i know they're gonna be good because every other damn thing was amazing i love this a bridge this is this is such a damn good episode it's complex it has multiple layers it has double speak and triple speak moments that make sense in multiple contexts and fit high budget movies barely even touch on that in less enjoyable ways this is just good and more than anything else it inspired me to go and get the original show so i can just watch it because i did not realize how different it was from what i already knew about the shows i didn't watch because i was like ah it's unlimited blade works i know what's going to happen no i did not and this pointed it out i need to go fix that just just go watch the original it's linked below it's awesome you guys know it's awesome if you haven't already go just comment and say aries said you're awesome and i'm here to say yes you are awesome because you're awesome because this is awesome because it's awesome enough said do that and once you're done don't forget to leave a like comment subscribe and then hit up discord so you actually get notifications whenever things go live like this and more importantly because people tell me whenever things go up like this which i would have missed if people hadn't told me on my discord so for everyone who mentioned this is a thing and everyone who commented this is a thing thank you because missing this would have hurt in hindsight but i didn't because i washed it right away and i'm very much glad with that sorry i'm just i'm super hyped on coffee and this which is awesome and i'm completely okay with it that said my co-workers later today when i go to work are going to be like oh dear god he's on sugar again i'm actually not i'd drink my coffee black but that's probably worse because there's even more caffeine i'm very hyper right now i don't realize that and i just woke up my wife apparently because she was sleeping and i was being very loud and i'm not going to die horribly yeah i walked into that one oops it's all the same for everyone watching thanks don't forget to again i know i say multiple times hit the original then like subscribe all that stuff i'll see you guys later adios you
Channel: Airier
Views: 35,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UBW Abridged Reaction, UBW Ep 8 Reaction, Abridged reaction, Fate/Stay Night UBW Abridged reaction, airier, airier games, unlimited blade works abridged ep 8, airier UBW Abridged, UBW Abridged Ep 8, Fate/Stay Night UBW Abridged, unlimited blade works abridged reaction, unlimited blade works abridged, UBW Abridged, Caster Away, Fate/Stay Night, airier abirdged, #AirierReacts, abridged, Reaction, fate stay night abridged season 2, react, anime, unlimited blade works abridgedseason 2
Id: eafc70EzuNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 18sec (3438 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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