Arch stuck on Lenovo screen

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hello everyone so today I wasted almost my entire day so since morning I have been uh uh trying to fix my computer so what happened I did an upgrade of my Arch installation and uh I think it is probably for the very first time after the upgrade I was not really able to boot into my laptop so what happened I was uh stuck at the Lenovo screen so you know after the grub menu when you press the um option to boot into the operating system then of course there is a splash screen from Lenovo of course I'm talking about ThinkPad it might be something else or different for you but I was not really able to go any further and I tried few things so first of all I tried to boot into my laptop using uh Arch Linux bootable disk which I will always keep keep with me and when I did edit both into the uh into the laptop I was able to CH root and I mounted the the drive and then I tried to reinstall the kernel that didn't work I also tried to downgrade the kernel that also didn't work and for example if you want to download the kernel or downgrade the kernel you need to basically do it using a cache so Pacman maintains a cache and usually it will keep the old or the recent kernels so you can use basically those files to download downgrade so it didn't work I tried a couple of times and I was of course not happy and uh I I spent like couple of hours doing just this then then I decided okay I can't fix it or I can't be bothered let us reinstall Arch and that is what I am doing right now it is actually uh getting I mean I've reinstalled it but I'm trying to copy the old file so basically what happened I reinstalled the OS and for installing OS you can of course do it from the same bootable disk USB that I I highly recommend you to keep with you all the time and always keep it up to date so basically you know every month maybe download the latest ISO file and then make a bootable USB from it uh it is definitely needed I can tell you from my experience although it has happened for the very first time for Arch but when I add Fedora I always kept like a bootable disk I I also do this for her by the way windows now what I did then I uh after installing watch I of course you know with like used my GitHub repository not GitHub it's on bitbucket to restore my DOT files I also because I keep a Backup backup of my files usually in my other computers and also external storage I reverted the files which I'm doing right now it will take some time and then uh some of the files are also maintained I mean for for backup I I use of course you know sometimes our thing sometimes think thing but I keep I make it a point every week and I think I should probably do it a bit more often to basically backup everything regularly like everything maybe every other day or maybe I need to figure out a strategy so that I can backup all of my files in all of my other computers like every day and of course same thing and Dropbox are great but uh I most likely will set up a thin thing like a computer like a I have one Intel MEC which I will most likely use and I can also give you some advice on basically if you're doing all this then you should keep all the instructions handy with you for example I have my orc file in which I keep track of or basically write down all the instructions like to install large I also keep track of all the packages that I need to install so basically maintain I'll maintain this uh you know list of commands or things that you need to type in so if you have it handy maybe on your other computer for example I'm using this uh ThinkPad at 220 which fortunately has all the files and I was basically you know referring to it to restore everything the last thing that I want to talk about is uh basically keep an ethernet cable with you I of course have Wi-Fi on my laptops and using iewctl command you can always uh or nmcli if you have installed network manager you can also always you know connect to the network but if you have ethernet cable then it will give you peace of mind and keep it with you all the time I mean these people don't really bother with ethernet cable I think it is very important so yeah that is it I thought I'll probably share uh this with everyone of course you know I've learned something the only thing that I've learned is because most of the time that I spent today is basically moving my files like backup five after installing I mean restarting Arch will probably not take like more than half an hour and I think if you are stuck somewhere or if you are maybe if you are not sure what to do I mean just reinstall everything and uh one more thing when you are keeping a backup of your files in other computers and definitely in a in One external storage like I have like one two DB hard disk I always mirror my two to be hard disk to one more hard disk so if you have a backup then you'll be you know happy in life and if this situation arises where you have to perform a backup then you can hopefully do it of course it will be waste your time but at least you will have your files with you and of course you know whenever whenever possible keep your files uh if not I mean I'm sure it's not possible for all kind of files but let us say you are working on a project file or you're writing code then of course Version Control it has built and yeah that is it uh not a great day for me but I'm happy that I've lost nothing but sometime all right that is it for today's video I hope you enjoyed watching this video and you learned something new thank you very much
Channel: Blackberry Boy
Views: 51
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lenovo, Arch, ThinkPad, T14
Id: _ntrY0Xei_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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