ArcGIS StoryMaps

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[Music] the next generation ArcGIS story maps makes storytelling easy and accessible for everyone I'm going to create a story a complete story in a matter of minutes this story is about a recent scientific expedition to Mount Everest and it was led by Alex Tate and sponsored by the National Geographic and Rolex I'll add some of the materials that Alex shared with us images videos commentary so this is the new story builder every great story starts with a catchy title an informative summary we can add images or videos to the cover of the story here's a striking photo of Everest base camps tent city so we'll start the story off with an introductory paragraph and since Alex was part of a team that installed the highest weather station in the world I'll add a button that readers can click to view the current weather at the top of the mountain right now it's negative twelve point eight degrees Celsius or nine point one degrees Fahrenheit warmer than usual but a lot colder than here so that chart showed us the weather at Everest it'd also be nice to see the weather across the region I'll add a dashboard of current weather conditions from the living Atlas embedding is super simple right now I'm just adding a URL so no code is needed readers can interact with the dashboard directly within the story and then in the next section I'd like to add a simple map showing the location of Mount Everest we can add maps from ArcGIS online or you can simply create your own using the new Express Maps all without leaving the story so a default base map appears from ArcGIS online with a nice neutral background so anything you add to it will stand out itself first search for Katmandu which is where many of the people in the expedition flew in and I can easily add the point to the mat next I'll search for Mount Everest and add the point to the map as well here we can upload an image and a nice description for the pop-up there are a number of simple drawing tools available this arrow shows the direction that the people traveled and this text ensures that Mount Everest is the focus of the story look how interactive and accessible the information is on this express map so let's continue the Everest expedition story I'll add a quote from Alex tape that describes one of the biggest challenges of extreme elevations less oxygen and images make the story more personal and brings us closer to actually being bear the team produced scans of the glaciers at the highest resolution ever collected at Mount Everest so I'd like to create a new visual dynamic so I'll add a sidecar story Maps can display videos from YouTube or Vimeo and now we can directly upload video clips right into the story builder this is a sample drawn video that the team collected take a look at this massive tent city at Everest base camp it supports thousands of people each year but the surrounding River Basins of the Hindukush Himalaya support nearly two billion people so I'd like to show this we can create simple Maps but we can also add maps from ArcGIS online to bring in rich information I'll bring in one of my own maps there's the help of ArcGIS online and story maps we can compose a new map directly in the story builder with layers such as the National Geographic base map River Basins of the Hindukush Himalaya and population density so our new map clearly highlights populations dependent on this region so in the next slides I'd like to add a different perspective of Mount Everest using a web scene we can add scenes from the living out list or from my organization a lot of scene that one of my colleagues created showing Mount Everest in 3d we can view images taken along the journey up to the top of the glacier one of the stories I'd like to tell is about glacier loss so this slide of glaciers is exactly what I need to tell my story the dark blue areas are where the glaciers were in 1980 and after 40 years of melting the white areas are where they're located today I'll complete my story by adding an image of Mount Everest at night not many people get a chance to take a photo like this one notice how the peak is hidden in the image to fix this I'll move the focal point of the image to the summit so that this photo is the vault no matter how you view the story finally I'll add some resources for readers to explore more in the new story maps you can embed interactive web content like you saw at the weather dashboard or if you like you can choose to have it automatically show as a cool little card so click on the title returns us to the beginning of the story before I publish it I'd like to make some quick design changes it's super easy to customize the look and feel - better dramatize our story we can change the accent color to best match our branding our organization's branding so I'll choose the iconic National Geographic yellow and add a logo so now I'm ready to publish my story for the world to see oh and by the way ArcGIS story maps are available in 37 different languages so now let's load the story that we just published and use the autoplay feature to review it the story starts with this captivating image of base camp and here we see the interactive dashboard our Express map with a new design alex says quote and the immersive image of a scientist flying his drone here's that striking video the 2d base map of River Basins and the population density the 3d scene of glacier loss over the past few decades and we've applets a story with Mount Everest under the starry night sky and conclude with resources for readers to learn more many people read stories on their phones and stories created with the new rjs story maps look amazing on any device here's the stories that we just published which can be easily shared throughout social media story maps can play a powerful role in raising awareness increasing understanding inspiring people to action and ultimately telling the story of our earth thank you [Applause]
Channel: Esri Events
Views: 31,433
Rating: 4.9272728 out of 5
Keywords: Esri, ArcGIS, GIS, Esri Events, Geographic Information System, Esri UC 2019, Esri User Conference, UC, 2019, Plenary, Maps, The Science of Where, See What Others Can't, Jennifer Bell, ArcGIS StoryMaps, storytelling, story maps
Id: 8wY14zHDmEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 45sec (525 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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