ArcaOS: Using Modern OS/2 - Install and Review

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today we're going to be looking at the rebirth of an operating system that was once expected to change the world but unfortunately never did now once upon a time back in the late 1980s microsoft helped to develop a new operating system platform that was a direct competitor to windows and something which many people believed could actually become the new default os for pcs and the team who gave us the original hardware and software for the pc platform ibm and microsoft teamed up to release operating system 2 or os2 as it was abbreviated although very soon after development started seeing it as a competitor to their windows 3.1 platform and not been able to reach an agreement on how to market it microsoft dropped out leaving os2 in the hands of ibm and os2 offered some very nice features for the time by the time os2 warp was released in 1995 it gave you excellent compatibility with dos and windows 3.1 applications and in fact in reviews it was often referred to as a better dos than dos and a better windows than windows after an estimated 990 million dollars a year was spent on development os2 just couldn't topple the microsoft dominance and at its peak it never reached higher than a 5 market share of pc operating systems and despite finding uses in embedded applications such as atms os2 was phased out by ibm by the mid-2000s in 2001 a spin-off operating system known as ecom station was developed by a group called serenity systems with the aim of allowing os2 applications to run on more modern hardware and although ecom station appears to be still on sale at the time of recording this video financial hardships mean that it hasn't been updated for a decade now and there have been several user petitions for ibm to open source os2 but this is something that ibm have continually refused to do probably due to the fact that it contains third-party code from microsoft as well as apparently quite interestingly from commodore now according to legend ibm did a technology transfer with commodore allowing them to use their rex scripting language from os2 in amiga os in return for using some of the amiga technology for os2 version 2.0 and above at least that's according to several sources i've read online but i must admit i can't see any of the amiga technology in os2 or aker os at a glance step forward to 2015 and a new os2 derived operating system arrived originally known as blue lion and later renamed arka os now arca os is a closed source commercial operating system that aims to bring os2 into the 21st century and it can run legacy 16 and 32-bit os2 applications 16-bit windows apps dos programs rec scripts and lots more as well and it brings more modern benefits such as large disk support multi-core support and it can access up to four gigabytes of ram and just to clarify this is a paid for commercial operating system with at the time of recording this video no free or demo version available and a personal license will cost you 129 but what can you do with it in 2021 and how well does it run well i just want to give a big thank you to the arka os team who actually supplied me with a review copy of the os for this video but just to clarify it's not a paid for or sponsored video they were just kind enough to send me a copy of it to try out and beyond that i'm able to give my complete honest opinions on it so i'm installing archer os on a pretty standard pc a fujitsu esprimo pentium dual core machine running at 2.8 gigahertz with four gigabytes of ram a 320 gigabyte hard disk in here this machine is around 10 years old and was originally sold with windows 7. so i've done the aka os image to a dvd-r and the installer is very straightforward now you boot from the disk originally you're asked to select your font size which for this video i've increased it to make it more visible on the video you get your keyboard options in there as well and you can even change the mouse to be left or right handed so on the first screen we do get some very nice accessibility options here and then you get the multi-page terms and conditions which of course we're going to read in depth before continuing and then you need to select the volume you want to install arca os on now as i mentioned i've got a hard disk in here that currently has windows 7 installed but i'm happy to overwrite that with a single volume using the default options and then it will gather information about the drive now this stage it warned me that there are some problems with the disk layout so i select fix problems and it asks me to give the machine a reboot and we do that with a control alt delete from the keyboard and then it will boot from the disk again we've run through the accessibility options and skip past the t's and c's and then i tried the disk setup again now at this stage it can't actually see any of my drives in the target volumes list and if i go to manage partitions it tells me that the drive is corrupt so i tried to create a volume on the disk a standard bootable volume but unfortunately try as i might i couldn't figure out how to format the drive or see any option to do it from the installer now i was looking for about 10 to 15 minutes and after a bit of googling and checking forums people suggested to me that i simply format the drive if i've got an existing windows partition on there as there doesn't appear to be a way to erase it properly so i downloaded the free version of a program called dfc which is a bootable application that can manage drives from this very minimal interface and from here i was able to delete the windows 7 ntfs partition and then booting into the arc os installer again i was able to select the drive and run through the rest of the installer so a bit of a hurdle there obviously if you're installing it to a new drive with nothing pre-installed that probably won't be an issue but it's worth knowing if you're overwriting an old windows install and next we get a very nice hardware overview screen showing the system and recognized attached devices and drivers and i was quite impressed to see that akka os actually found my network adapter straight away and automatically installed the relevant driver and after that the installer does its own thing this part took around 15 minutes to complete as it copied over all the required files from the dvd-r and during the install process we get a couple of reboots before we land on the arca os desktop for the very first time so next we'll explore the bundled applications in arca os we'll test out running some older os2 programs on here and how well does it run windows 3.1 and dos programs and games all of that coming up in just a minute and just before we jump into that i wanted to take a quick moment to give a big thank you to this video sponsor my wonderful friends at readley now i've been a fan of technology magazines ever since i was a kid and really brings you some of the best magazines in the most convenient way straight to your phone tablet or even your desktop pc and you get unlimited access to over 5 000 magazines and you can read as many as you like for one set price just 7.99 a month they're kind of like the netflix of magazines and you can do family sharing with titles on everything you could imagine fashion lifestyle education health technology and lots more there is something for everyone with bookmarking and offline reading so that means you can even read them when you haven't got signal and never miss a magazine again you can check out back issues of your favorite magazines all without the fuss of a long-term contract and because you watch my channel i know that you like your retro gaming and technology and there are some amazing mags on here including the wonderful retro gamer magazine which i've been reading for over 15 years and it's amazing to be able to read it on here anywhere you go without having to put a magazine in your bag or take up space in your room and they've even got the new version of zap 64 and 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that is what this video is going to be it's going to be me as a new user to arca os exploring it as i haven't got a background with os2 i didn't use it back in the day i've been playing around with os2 warp and ecom station in virtualbox over the last couple of days but apart from that my experience with os2 goes no further so i'm far from an expert and i know there'll be people watching this video who've used os2 for like 35 years who know like the back of their hand probably screaming at me as i get terminology wrong and that kind of thing that is going to happen i don't really know this operating system so really we're looking at this with a fresh pair of eyes and exploring it as a brand new user but i thought i'd just get that out there at the start before the inevitable comments so here we are on the desktop which i think is actually called the uh the workplace shell so i've done a bit of research and that's the name of the graphical user interface that is carried over from os2 and my first impressions are that it looks really nice you know we haven't got much clutter here it's a very clean looking user interface with them some nice looking default icons here we have a taskbar down the bottom and a start menu over here where you'd expect to find it in the uh the bottom left of the screen or maybe the x button choosing by the little pop-up that appeared over it there that might be what it's called but again i mean if you're coming from something like windows or any really any linux distro these days you're going to be able to find your way around all these navigational tools really simple um one thing that really jumped out to me on first boot is that we have these six different virtual workspaces which you can flip between using this widget that actually appears on boot and again this is something i saw using os2 warp and ecom station so it's been in os2 for a long time but to demo that if i open the computer icon here you'll see the computer appears in there and then if i drag that to the right of the screen i can click on the next workspace and carry it over so there's nothing revolutionary about that but the thing about it is having that so in your face in the corner of the graphical user interface when you boot obviously it's built into a lot of other operating systems but usually i find that the virtual workspaces i kind of buried on some obscure keyboard shortcut or it might be a small menu item in the top corner of the screen having it really prominently displayed by default down here and giving you these six virtual desktops gives you a lot of real estate and i think it makes it probably you're gonna be more likely to use it having it so obvious so i think that's a very nice move actually now anyone that's used windows before is going to find the desktop very familiar again like i mentioned we've got computer there which is you know like my computer and windows you've got the network explorer there as well with um you know some extra tools in there trashcan which um recycle bin on windows one thing i'll find is um when using this if you come from a windows background there is one thing that might take some time to adjust to now that is the window gadgets here now we have three of them in the top right corner obviously on windows clicking the last one is what you'd normally use to close the window although in across clicking it actually maximizes the window and then the next one minimizes it down to the the taskbar there to close a window it is the first gadget which is a window with a line through it you know which makes sense you click that and the windows vanish um which obviously isn't a problem there's nothing wrong with doing that it's just the way that this operating system does it but you know having used windows for so long i'm recording this uh you know i've had a couple of attempts at doing this um i kept clicking that over and over again trying to close windows you know it's just kind of muscle memory and it's just a different way of doing things but yeah that is probably something that will catch you out if you're used to the way that windows does things another thing i noticed as well that could be something i'm doing wrong but actually um navigating and moving files around was a bit different so if we go into drives here you can see um the drives that this machine recognizes um again the same naming convention as windows we have an a drive there b which would be floppy drives if i had them on this machine c is um the disk drive inside the machine and then if i try to um move a file for example i've got a few um files i've downloaded um i should go to the home folder here and then put downloads there so there should be a couple of files that i've downloaded from the internet in here um which don't appear to be showing now go back into there maybe now there we go see if i want to move say for example um this file here into the downloads folder normally on most operating systems i could click on it and then i could just drag and drop it into the place i want it to go i can't get that working in acura os to move files around the only way that i could figure out how to do it from the desktop was to right click on the file on the move uh go to pickup and that changes the icon to um this little pointer here that i can then click on the destination i want to move it to click in there right click and then go to drop and that will move the file so i do find that a bit cumbersome i mean there might be a way i've tried right clicking it or you know double clicking with both buttons i've tried middle clicking i can't see any other way to actually physically drag and drop files without having to go through all those menu items which um yeah i thought was a little bit fiddly it would be nice just to have drag and drop but you know maybe that's the way that os2 has done things for years and you know obviously used to it but it would be nice to have the option maybe it's buried somewhere in the preferences but yeah out of the box that's the only way that i could find to um move programs around so that did uh did require a little bit of figuring out um for me to do that so we'll close all these down now and we'll check a few of the um bundle programs in here as well now you can go from the start menu down here as i mentioned so um desktop which actually gives you a link to the uh the directories that you've got here so if we go to programs that kind of gives me a directory view of what you'd find in here so there's just two ways of accessing it really um so we'll go into um some look at install software first of all um we have a few tools in here we've got firefox installed by default um which obviously is a mainstream web browser that you know is nice to see in here i'm not sure how old this version of firefox is and the icon obviously looks like firefox from a few years ago so we'll double click that and give it a launch and um i haven't got a wi-fi adapter connected to this machine it hasn't got wi-fi installed inside it so i've got an ethernet cable plugged in so i can't really demo how well archer os connects to wi-fi networks in this video but let's see if it works on here connected via ethernet yeah we're getting the um results here yeah so a piece to be connected to the internet working uh just fine here in firefox see how old this version is because it does look a few years old the ui version 45.9 you know i know firefox is definitely further ahead than that now i'm not a firefox user these days and i've been chrome for pretty much the last decade um firefox 45.9 was that release date see when that came out so that was 2017. so yeah when you're talking to browser this you know it's a few years old now um but probably won't have that many issues on modern websites let's try one of my youtube videos um which is always a good test on an alternative operating system as i found you know using stuff like morpho s and haiku and react os recently one thing that those operating systems tend to struggle with is youtube you know that's always a good test of a browser in an alternative operating system so we'll try my recent pi storm video okay should we get it started and appears to be working fine in here we've got the advert there we'll skip through that there we go here is my video from a few months ago about the pie storm so um yeah appears to be playing just fine in here so that is actually um a big bonus you know compared to most alternative operating systems again having firefox i think really helps there so that is obviously a big bonus having a mainstream browser that you know sites like youtube recognize because normally on alternative operating systems you have to spoof it as mozilla or chrome or something like that so um yeah it looks like it's playing right here a little bit slow but you've got to remember this machine is 10 years old so often expected to fly on youtube even running windows are linux and we can do the now that i've got that cinema mode that appears to be all right can we do full screen raspberry pi i'm going to close up there and we're going to be using a program called win this will be working fine so um yeah past the youtube test with their flying colors there so um very good first impression here now there could be a newer version of uh maybe firefox or another web browser available this is the one that's installed out of the box in the current edition of varchar os but you know first impression there the fact that youtube works um i think most things probably will after that so uh nice to see that in there and what else do we have with some dvd tools um yeah for authoring dvds by the looks of it we have a document viewer called a lucid um it's just like pdfe or that kind of thing it looks like yeah pdf yes pdf viewer so it's always handy to have included in an operating system um a calculator a nice scientific-ish calculator so again all the things you'd expect to find bundled with any operating system um it looks like a vnc clients in there as well uh remote desktop so you can connect to any windows machines thunderbird again another mozilla product so um good to see a mainstream mail client in here which i imagine you know will connect to your gmails and that kind of thing and your outlook servers um they all open in separate windows as well by default not in the same window so it doesn't mean that your your screen can get quite cluttered quite quickly as you're seeing here um let's try the multimedia folder and that kind of ages you know os2 multimedia that is such a mid 90's buzzword isn't it when we look uh looking here we have um we have some cd audio players we've got a media player uh a movies folder okay and i guess we have a default um video player so double click that see if that works very small should we make that bigger there we go let's look at some uh space nebulas and stuff flying through it's playing really smoothly in here that's an mpeg file um so you have the default video viewer looking good and again you know it's kind of got that um mid 90s kind of theme to it everything kind of had like marble or brushed metal kind of um appearance back then didn't it that was very hot back in the mid 90s so yeah nothing too exciting but nice to have a media player included out of the box here as well we have a few sounds in there too um waveform and some midi files as well let's try applause there you go and that actually played through my headphones here um so i'm hoping you heard that on the video again that is one thing that um i did read the ros can sometimes it's got like a a default audio driver that doesn't necessarily work with all machines but it appears to have just worked out the box on this um fujitsu pc so that's good to see um some great sound effects in here that is one thing i remember actually when playing around with os2 warp that everything made a sound effect on that you opened the window it whistled you minimized everything you did in the gui made the sound effect which um got really annoying after a while so it is good to see them kind of tone that down in agarose you know it's not just uh making sounds all the time but there are quite a selection in here so maybe there is a way to make it do that um with some midi files in there as well which don't appear to open in anything i see something called midi there uh maybe i can open them in here okay didn't make a sound there the device driver cannot be opened all the required hardware is missing but did play a sound though didn't it okay i think that's the error sound that's playing there maybe one of those old ost warp sound effects maybe you need actual midi hardware to play those or maybe some more configuration of the the sound device or something but yeah the support is in there by the looks of it as well it's going to utilities that we've got in here um an archive tool um which looks like it's for you opening your zip files and that kind of thing um a character map always useful if you're struggling to find something on a keyboard shortcut you know copy and paste them from there uh clipboard viewer and nothing on the clipboard at the moment um cpu monitor um you know quite high cpu usage rather looks here of 200 just from this again i said it's an old machine um drag text between windows and like like a clipboard kind of thing i guess sir icon editor and this is cool so i can open an icon um oh yeah okay so this is kind of something i used to do on the amiga quite a bit actually make my own icons or um actually you know do some customization to the included ones looks like we have a uh a bitmap graphics editor here that we can just uh mess around with the icon file so we can make our own you know change your screen into a into night mode you know dark modes everywhere these days so yeah very cool to have an actual icon editor bundle with it as well that's more of them sound effects i jinxed it by saying there wasn't an idea here uh metaphile viewer i'm not sure what that one is looks like that's a search for files tool a text editor of course you need a text editor in any operating system looks quite nice as well quite similar to notepad on windows by the looks of it discard that toolbar okay we can uh looks like a dock we can have down there at the bottom of the screen i think i'll leave that there it looks quite nice um some problem determination tools you know kind of debugging on that kind of thing which we won't go into here um got a couple of games installed by default um okay uh boy i definitely need hints wow a version of solitaire that i've definitely never seen before and looks uh way too complicated for me um yeah i can't make it do anything oh there we go did something yeah more hints please yeah i think we will uh we'll come out of that what the games that we have in there with chess yeah you need a good chess sir chess program 3d chess by the looks of it can we get we can rotate that round that's pretty cool some nice sound effects again so yeah you know nice of a chest program included um and a more traditional kind of with the os2 logo on these as well that's quite interesting actually some parts of um across seem to be branded os too i guess these are probably legacy applications that are from the um the original os2 yeah this is from 1996 by ibm so it looks like this is um just you know a straight drag and drop from the older os2 warp um setup back then so nothing updated there but it's cool to see that actually it just works by you know clicking on it you'd have to do anything extra to get the old legacy applications running here so um with development folder as well with the rex console i did briefly touch on rex on the intro and that um you know if you want to read more about rex i'll link up the wikipedia article in the video description that was also an amiga os as well outrex which is a really powerful scripting language that you can actually make full-blown programs with and also a lot of programs have what are called rex ports so you can make them kind of interact with each other as well um a really really powerful language and yeah i think it actually originated in os2 so we have the console there that i imagine is asking me to uh locate a rex file to load um another nice sound effect yeah unfortunately i don't know where they are but you know that's obviously included here as well if you want it okay so we have some um these look like the uh the control panel slash preferences section here um down here in the taskbar icon themes high resolution desktop icons are currently active okay right so we're on um the aqua os theme now oh wow okay so it's actually got themes from uh the older os2 warp versions in here so uh yeah you want that kind of that retro look um looks like enable let's try that one that's quite nice why not you'll need to reboot for the changes to take effect okay slightly excessive but um let's give it a reboot it doesn't take long i'm interested to see how this looks and there we go the icon theme looking like it's a straight out of 1996 by the looks of it so uh just the way i like it yeah it's pretty cool um a bit annoying that it requires a reboot but you know it didn't take very long um anything else we can check out in here with a hardware manager as well for you know managing all your drivers and that kind of thing by the looks of it um network adapters uh loads of different fonts that are installed by default here too and we have a package manager included in arca os as well which is nice to see and it gives you um as a new user a really simple way uh to not only see what you've got installed on your system but also extra programs and third-party software that's easily downloadable rather having to you know troll the web and find obscure websites with one or two files on you can just open the package manager here and if you want to download something you know gives you a little description here on a what each one is um okay so just clicking them and then hitting install and it will also download all the uh dependencies that you need as well so we click on that and really is as simple as you know just point and click um and it should be kept up to date with the latest versions of these programs as well so i'm also a big fan of package managers i think you know particularly for new users it does save a lot of headaches and it's good for developers as well you know it means that they can put their software in front of everyone that's using the platform now something very cool about archer os as i mentioned in the video introduction is its ability to run legacy software now if you watch my channel you're probably into your retro stuff so this is something that's included out of the box and i think is extremely cool now if i go into um this little menu option here we have a few different um sessions that we can launch one of them here is win os2 session full screen so click on that and as you can see it launches what is essentially windows 3.1 now i didn't have to set this up manually i didn't have to find windows files i didn't have to mess around with a virtual machine because you know windows 3.1 can actually be a bit of a headache to get working on um a lot of the virtual machine suites out there but this is just installed out of the box and i've actually installed a couple of old windows programs that we have a version of a microsoft office here from i think this is 1993. second click on that and as you can see that launches you know just like it would have back in the day about microsoft word um yeah word version six running here from 1984 actually sorry so um i remember using this at school when i was a kid and uh this works flawlessly in here so you might be thinking why would you want to use a you know 25 year old word processor but the point is that you know a lot of people a lot of industry might have old machines and old hardware that have got custom um installed applications on there that they want to move to more modern hardware this is a really good way of doing it so um i come out of this here been a long time since i used windows 3.1 um i've also installed uh something else you might remember from your school days microsoft and carter now if i double click that it's asking me for a cd rom so what i can do here is i click on ok there we'll go to the desktop icon that says os2 on it there and that'll take me back to the elko os desktop and then i've got something here called um iso fs file system that allows me to mount iso files as a virtual cd-rom drive so i double click that and click on add and find the file so i download that into the the temp folder let me quickly find that for you and then we have microsoft and carter and there is the disk image so click on ok we'll mount that we'll get a message down here saying it's now available for use then if i click back to my windows 3.1 session and we'll try and carter again and there we go microsoft and carter 1994 edition in all of its school library glory and uh here we can go to the contents there um ms-dos remembers where it was last time actually we don't necessarily mess to us do we have a look for os2 there we go and you can waste hours in here just like we did in that pre-internet era um looking at all kinds of things in microsoft and carter so again i mean the fact that cd-rom titles work with very minimal effort in here i do think it's very cool having this um full old school windows 3.1 install in here you know even for like um retro software enthusiasts and retro gamers you know it is a completely headache-free way of just running these old applications with minimum fuss so nice to see that in here so we can come out here now um exit windows 2. that will just drop me back on the aqua os desktop and it isn't just windows applications from back in the day that you can run here as well we actually have a full dos compatibility mode in here too so if i click on them dot session full screen this will take me into you know essentially pc dos ms-dos if i do um all the usual dos commands that you know and i've actually got one of my favorite dos games installed here which is um the legendary prince of persia so i can launch that just as you would on a classic pc and as you can see this incredible game launched with no dosbox setup nothing like that literally just run the program and um i've even got pc speaker audio coming out of this um fujitsu pc which appears to have a built-in speaker it seems so um yeah just as it would have on a an old 286 or whatever you played this on back in the day as you can see now runs really nicely on here um so if you want to play dos games and stuff you know when you don't go through all the the headache of setting up virtual machines and dust box and that kind of thing they work completely fine straight out of the box in archer os and to quit them you just press them control and escape and just before we start to wrap this video up obviously we've tested out some legacy microsoft dots and windows applications there i thought we quickly try out a couple of classic os 2 programs we saw a couple of them that are bundled with the operating system but obviously they're tested and i thought it might be a bit more adventurous to try a game from back in the day so i've got another world which is one of my favorite action adventure games from the early 90s and this is the original os2 version that came out back then and again this should run completely fine just by double clicking it we shouldn't have to set anything up or configure anything so if i double click on the executable file there is it going to work there we go interplay logo comes up um and it appears to be running just fine here in 1991 out of this world as it was called in uh some parts of the world i know this is another world and we can make it full screen um and i remember you know this used to give me goosebumps watching this um introduction animation on the the amiga and the super nintendo back in the day i wanted to play this on so yeah i mean i think obviously there wasn't a big gaming scene on os2 but it is a good demo to show games running uh on these kind of things because games were very demanding and obviously a lot of them kind of took advantage of certain hardware so really if you know if a game runs well you can pretty much be rest assured that most things probably should work on here so yeah this piece we're playing fine can i skip the intro and get into the game yeah there he is swimming up lester i think his name was there yeah and we can walk and uh yeah get killed by the killer slugs but yeah no so a legacy os2 game working completely fine in across i also downloaded doom um the original shareware version for os2 as well um they obviously made for a smaller screen resolutions than i've got here dating from you know the early 90s wow yeah that runs really quickly can i make this full screen maybe there is a way alternate i'm not sure new game i'm going then nightmare of course they're going to work yep playing really smoothly you know as you'd expect it's not a demanding game for a modern system but again you know this is a legacy os2 game from the early 90s and running without any fuss directly in acro os so uh you know it appears if you want to run these uh classic games you know if you're a bit of a retro gamer or something like that or we've got legacy applications that you want to run this is a really simple way doing it admittedly um you've got to pay for a license so more expensive than doing it yourself but it is all a piece of work flawlessly in here so that's been a quick look at arca os but is it worth using well obviously you might have assessed from this video that it's not aiming to replace windows or modern linux distributions really as i've kind of touched on a bit in this video i think this is actually designed for companies who are tied to legacy os 2 dos or windows 16-bit applications who want a more modern way to continue using those systems without the expense of having to start over and actually there is quite a big market for that especially with industrial customers who've got old custom-based software that is still working fine but running on aging hardware and this gives them a chance to keep running it but on modern systems but outside of that arca os does have fans in long-time os2 users and those of us who want a really easy way to run retro software and games on modern pcs i love the fact that it's got that windows 3.1 environment in there and the seamless integration of dos and the fact you can run os2 software from back in the day that makes it really interesting for those of us that are really into vintage computing and outside of that you can actually do quite a lot of modern computing tasks on here as well having enough firefox and there could well be a more modern web browser available for it i haven't really dived into that but the version of firefox from a couple of years ago played youtube fine i was able to sign into my google drive and stuff on here as well so you can do a lot of modern computing web-based stuff on here and that said a lot of the classic applications still do the job today i mean i probably can't think of a new feature that i've used in microsoft word for about 20 years now so i've really enjoyed using arca os i'm going to keep it installed on this machine i'm going to continue to use it regularly and learn more about it and follow its developments as well if you want to read more about it i will of course link up their official website and some forums and places you could check out in this video's description if you've got any memories of os2 or maybe you're an archer os user i would love to hear your memories and experiences please do leave a comment in this video and just a quick reminder that i do a weekly retro gaming and technology podcast new episodes available every friday and you can get it from your usual podcast client ask your smart speaker to play the retro hour podcast or head to our website at the and we are joined by veterans of the industry for a special interview on each week's show so have a look back you're bound to find something you're going to find interesting and while you're here on youtube here are another couple of videos i think you might enjoy thank you for watching and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Dan Wood
Views: 137,853
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arcaos, arcaos os2, arcaos os/2, os/2, ibm os2, os/2 history, alternative operating systems, arcaos review, windows 3.1, ms-dos, msdos, dos games, classic computer, 90s computer, 80s computer, windows 95, retro, lgr, pc, computer, vintage, classic, hardware, software, operating system, multimedia, cd-rom, gui, 486 pc, 386 pc, pentium pc
Id: Utse8P_L8k0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 4sec (2224 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.