AR vs VR | What are Virtual and Augmented Realities? | @edureka!

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[Music] welcome to the age of new realities virtual and augmented the world is advancing faster than it has ever before it is hard to keep up with the day-to-day technological advancement so at any given time there is a plethora of new technologies to keep your eye on especially if you're an investor is the investors job to know the next big thing and one of the things that the investors are heavily investing is in virtual and augmented reality we are surely spending most of our time looking at screens beaten laptop TV or a cell phone they have become a big part of our lives and VR and AR are the two technologies that are changing the way we use screens creating new and exciting experiences both in a different way the market for AR and VR products in 2018 is expected to be seventeen point eight billion dollars but by 2022 it is expected to go as high as two 150 billion dollars now that's a lot of dollars to think about especially when we had just four years away from 2022 now AR and we are both are two different things and each has its strengths and weaknesses so let's start with via emerging yourself into an totally different world that is the virtual world is the whole concept of the VR technology the use of computer technology to create simulated environment of which we become a part and can live that experience the sensorama was a machine that is one of the earliest known example of immersive multi-sensory technology which could be considered as some sort of virtual reality thing it had screens you could have smells you can experience the wind blowing through your hair and much more now I when Edward Sutherland is an American computer scientist and internet pioneer widely regarded as the father of computer graphics now the soir of damocles is widely considered to be the fourth virtual reality head-mounted display which is the hmd system it was created in 1968 by Ivan Sutherland with the help of a student Bob sprout before he began working towards what he termed the ultimate display now virtual reality uses head technology who every move our head to look around what's happening although we are made a lot of promises back in the late 80s and 90s it did not evolve much apart from gaming and arcades Sega introduced the concept of VR headset in the market but it was actually a Nintendo which released the infamous Virtual Boy now when I say infamous I'll explain why it was such a huge disaster the display was only 244 pixel wide and there was only a single color used that is red moerewa it was uncomfortable and expensive for an average gamer to buy that headset there was a lot of hype in the 90s but the technology wasn't right and ready to deliver that hype today we have the right technology where we can create high-definition 3d content and create immersive experience that are very close to real life although it mostly used for gaming it was supposed to give us an experience of travel with our traveling and experience Intel in new words it is now being used in research and therapy too which is also used for people having acrophobia which is the phobia of height how is your anxiety now I still feel okay quite high up to be this close to the edge with very little barrier ok nowadays VR content is useful for PTSD and cognitive therapy patient surgeons are using VR to practice highly technical surgeries before operating and businesses are using them to give a virtual tour now talking about the types of VR tech available right now we have wired and wireless now wired are the ones which are connected to a good processor and usually work a lot faster and smoother but the thing about the wired we are at cert is that first of all they are expensive and secondly the movement is limited at the headset is connected to a system or a processor which is doing the heavy computing now when it comes to wireless we use the mobile phones and talk them into the VR headset although the mobile screens do not provide a very high definition and the fast processing content as the screen size is small it provides you with the ability to move as it as well as you can carry 8 anywhere and it does not very much so the famous example of the via headset is the oculus rift we have HTC vive and we also have the PS we are in the wireless category we have Samsung gear we are and the Google Data in view on one hand where we are takes you to only the world they are at thanks to the existing world the word argument has derived from the latin word our grid which means to add or increase it does not cut out the real world but rather it's an enhancement of the real world where we mix the real world with virtual objects and that creates beauty that's why it is sometimes referred to as mixed reality now when a person's real environment is supplemented or augmented with the computer-generated virtual images it is known as augmented reality magically was one of the first company to introduce air to the wall it's secured around 15 million dollar investment in 2014 and released the most famous magically one recently who will invested 2.3 billion dollars to this company you can think of it as the oculus rift of air technology they have been making great advancement in content usage and the high-definition wide-angle view there is also the concept of smart lenses it is similar to a lens but helps in creating content and that too without using any external devices but just your eye with AR you can interact with stuff right in front of you as if it was an object in the room you kind of manipulate it and it completely creates a new environment around you you might have heard about the wisely famous Pokemon go I know you have now more than three hundred and eighty million users were playing it at one single point that has one out of every 20 people on the earth now if you've used snapchat then you are already using air there various phase filter are all AR based what snapchat does is that it presents a layer of reality over the reality in which we are already in now AI users can interact with the virtual content in the real world and can distinguish between the two if we look at the usage of the er technology apart from gaming if implemented right business can use it correctly to work customers through the repairs or efficiently the best suited example for this one is the Volkswagen Mota it is an app which provides the real-time augmented reality implementation of how to repair your car other examples include the Google Translate then again we have the Google glass and we have the most famous hololens by Microsoft now it was Microsoft who first coined the term mixed reality not talking about the different types of realities AR and VR they had two different things and each has its own strengths and weaknesses in the long run here is gonna be the winner now that's what I think because the future is molted it was AR because if you look at what's happened with our cell phones over the last 10 years they have become more and more an extension for ourselves into the lives and the world we have been augmenting reality with our phone this whole time it's it's sort of an extension to what we are already doing with our cell phones it allows you to interact with the real world and still add virtual things to the environment if we look at the different VR gears only a few people have it so it's widespread adoption rate is much lower as compared to the air technology and where the only thing you need is a smartphone or a tablet now this doesn't mean that we are does not have as place they can be many wonderful application of virtual reality not just in gaming but also in therapy there are even studies where people with paralyzed limbs and people in shock have learned to walk again which helped them to visualize their feet stepping one in front of the other it helps them to recreate it in the real life now one thing I do want to say here is that in the future there might be a scenario where we have VR and they are in the same device and you can switch between the two seamlessly one moment you are walking in your office and doing other work when suddenly you feel tired and want to sister VR I have a smooth and relaxing experience I believe that the gap between these two are going to end very soon and that too in the side of air but who knows if we might develop some dope technology where we have such high definition graphics that it looks almost like reality and we are then takes on air who knows let us know in the comments below what you think is the future I hope you have enjoyed listening to this video please be kind enough to like it and you can comment any of your doubts and queries and we will reply them at the earliest do look out for more videos in our playlist and subscribe to any rekha channel to learn more happy learning
Channel: edureka!
Views: 143,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yt:cc=on, ar vs vr, ar vs vr difference, ar, vr, augmented reality, virtual reality, augmented realty vs virtual reality, virtual reality tutorial, augmented reality tutorial, augmented reality app, augmented reality app tutorial, augmented reality tutorial for beginners, augmented reality game, augmented reality projects, virtual reality tutorial for beginners, virtual reality movie, ar gadgets, vr gadgets, online training, edureka
Id: ZFTgGi06vbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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