Aqua Lung Leg3nd Elite is 2020 Best Scuba Regulator**A Work of Art

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[Music] hi folks bob collins for divers supply got a real treat for you today we're going to be taking a quick look at the aqualung legend elite now in the bumper i put a couple of pictures of the forerunners of this regulator and that was the double hose aqualung aqua master and the aqua lung con shelf six you see right here now these were absolutely state of the art regulators in their time matter of fact believe it or not when i first started diving i dove with this double hose regulator and it wasn't long before i upgraded and moved to this regulator the conshelf6 in all actuality this regulator is so far beyond these two is like comparing to this regulator a new lexus or something compared to a 1940 pickup truck it's that much difference this is such a beautiful technologically advanced regulator it's like a piece of jewelry is the best way i can describe it it's absolutely gorgeous so let's take a look inside and see what we see [Music] now in the box we've got this beautiful first stage we've got a wonderful and flexible braided hose we've got an extra mouthpiece over here and there's also what they call a glacial or lip protector for cold water diving that's removable that's on this second stage mouthpiece i'm going to take a look closer look so you can see it comes with an extra mouthpiece there the second stage is just an absolutely gorgeous piece of gear this is the lip protector i was telling you about for cold water diving and these are many times known as comfo bite mouthpieces that are on here and of course this lip protector just slips right off and can be moved to a different mouthpiece if you like now one of the things you're going to notice and what i'm going to do is i would like to show you this second stage first and then we'll go to the first stage so when you look at this piece of gear it's absolutely gorgeous if you look at the front purge cover it's got such a nice design to it if you get in a strong flow it's not going to cause this second stage to free flow over here on the side we've got a knob this is to adjust our uh breathing breaking pressure so that when you breathe in you can lighten that resistance or strengthen it totally up to you the lever that you see here when it's pushed forward it makes the unit less sensitive and what i mean by that being less sensitive when the air comes out of the barrel it's actually reflected against the diaphragm that's in here then the air turns and comes and goes down into your mouth and down into your throat of course now if you pull it back it opens the little deflector that's over the barrel and the air comes directly out and goes straight down your throat so you know it's a little bit like shifting it into higher gear i find this extremely useful if i'm diving in a strong current or maybe i'm drift diving and i need to turn and swim into the current i might reach up and pull the lever back just to give me a little bit more airflow or if i'm stop maybe fighting a stronger current that sort of thing so that's this gorgeous second stage now you'll see some fins right here and this is basically a heat i'm not going to call it a heat exchanger but a heat receiver so of course as you breathe through a regulator the air is expanding and cooling so if you can take some of the warmth of the water and put it into the air that's coming into your mouth and into the mechanism it will keep it from freezing up and of course here's our beautiful braided hose you can see that there let's take a look at the first stage okay the first stage is an absolute work of art they call this area this is again you can see the fins on this to allow you to dive in colder water and it's got a little protective plastic cover here on the top of it again to help keep the direct metal of this area from freezing of course now again this is like a piece of jewelry when you look at things just i mean as simple as the yoke knob it's got really big nice grips on it and one of the things about it i'm going to turn it this way i don't know if you can see it very well in the camera i'm going to show it in this other angle you can actually look all the way through here and what that does it keeps water from hanging anywhere in this yoke knob one of the things is the overall design where you've got your low pressure ports your high pressure ports tend to face down and of course many of you will actually dive it in this direction now aqualung calls this unit a dry chamber which means what happens is there's not any kind of gel or liquid in this balance then this is a balanced first stage which means as you go deeper and as you actually as you breathe as you go deeper it senses the pressure by this little hole right here water goes there and it pushes on a diaphragm or a dam that's in there and then that will adjust the intermediate pressure that's coming down your hoses now i'm also going to point out something if you unscrew the yoke knob and i'm going to put some some pictures up here so that you can see this when you push out this opening cover and you look in here then what you're going to see is what they call acd automatic closure device so when you mount this on your tank valve and you screw it down the pressure of it pushing against the valve opens up the acd and what that does it keeps water dirt or anything else from going inside your first stage and of course as you unscrew it to lift it off of your valve then what happens is the acd closes and it's really a beautiful mechanism to do that now one of the things i think you're going to notice and that i paid attention to was the fact is you see how tall this particular i'm going to call it head is and one of the things is these low pressure ports and high pressure ports are slightly pointed down but one of the things i like about this is and if i dove this personally i would probably dive it in this position then you would see the head would be pointing down any water that went in that little opening when i came to the surface would drain right out and of course you can see the difference a lot of people when they tilt their head back they bump it on this first stage that may be sticking up a little bit and you can see here how nice and small and streamlined it looks and it's actually got a slight tilt to the front of this if you take a close look at that so that's a quick look at the aqualung legend elite again it's just a gorgeous piece of equipment it's got a lot of great features especially like the acd the dry chamber the design of the second stage the functionality and the adjustability of the second stage make this piece a real real gem to dive with and to own so i'm going to list a link for this unit down below in the description if you'd like to pick one up i'm also going to put a link down below to a video by scuba labs they tested a bunch of regs and the aqualung legend was actually rated very high and i hope you take a look at that it's well done it's got a lot of underwater video about it i appreciate you guys watching if you're new here please reach down hit the subscribe button and of course we always like to see your comments if you're already diving this regulator leave us a comment down below that'd be great other people love reading those comments also so again folks i'm bob collins for divers supply appreciate you watching this is video number 99 the next one's 100. thanks for watching you
Channel: Divers-Supply
Views: 7,376
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aqua lung legend elite regulator, aqua lung leg3nd elite review, divers supply, best regulators 2020, best regulator for scuba diving, best regulators prime build
Id: nyUDCj2_P3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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