APTN National News October 29, 2022 – Guilty verdict in kidnapping murder, MMIWG2S license plates

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[Music] hello kante and welcome to APK national news weekend I'm Daryl stranger we start tonight in Alberta where two more people were found guilty Friday in an Edmonton courtroom in the death of 25 year old nature duperon duperon was kidnapped fed drugs and left to die off an Alberta Highway aptn's Chris Stewart has more on Friday buddy Underwood was found guilty of second-degree murder forcible confinement kidnapping and robbery for his role in the death of nature duperon Tyra Muskego was also found guilty of manslaughter forcible confinement and robbery in April of 2019 nature duperon was kidnapped in Edmonton beaten handcuffed and driven three hours West she was force-fed and injected with fentanyl she was taken to a wooded area near Hinton Alberta and left to die her body was found two weeks later in September Kayla Bezos and Grayson is shepi both pled guilty to second-degree murder for their role in nature dubron's death her mother spoke to aptn and says all four should have been convicted a first degree murder you just left it as is but you know they continue to uh torture her all the way to Hinton and passington when they made how many stops and they all had time to be able to stop with what they were doing they could have helped her they could have phoned 9-1-1 they could have said something at the gas stations or the Tim Hortons or McDonald's you know they could have did something but each one of them we're all there and they all followed through with their plan Underwood and Muskego will be sentenced on December 2nd Chris Stewart aptn National News Edmonton in Southern Alberta the family of a Blackfoot woman is grieving after her remains were found in Lethbridge County 34 year old Tia blood was reported missing earlier this month her body was located in a rural area near the Lethbridge near Lethbridge excuse me Monday evening following an autopsy RCMP said the manner of death is inconclusive and remains under investigation in connection to that investigation Hunter Frank of Lethbridge has been arrested and charged with indignity to human remains and two counts of theft family members took to social media to say blood was a Shining Light and will be missed missed they ask for privacy she was wife and mother of two a Manitoba MLA has proposed a new bill to add a specialty license plate in order to honor missing and murdered indigenous women and girls and two-spirited people Point Douglas MLA Bernadette Smith proposed a private members Bill seeking support to amend the drivers and vehicles act Manitoba drivers could choose two different license plate designs honoring MMI wg2s and raise money for the families proceeds from the license plates will go towards a charity for the benefit of MMI wg2s family members Smith's sister Claudette Osborne tile went missing in 2008 this week the bill passed second reading with a few more steps needed before becoming official you know resoundingly I hear from families that they feel like their loved ones have been forgotten that um they feel like people are connected to the issue and that there's not enough awareness being raised around this issue so this would be a way for us in this house you know as leaders in this province to stand with those families to help those families feel like they're not alone but not only Us in this house but manage opens an apology ceremony for a First Nations family wrongfully detained by The Vancouver Police Department was canceled after officers involved in the incident did not attend helsink Nation says the officers not attending is an example of the police department's lack of respect for indigenous culture it begins Lee Wilson has more today we were hoping to be um joined by the constables that were involved in the handcuffing incident with Max and his family Chief Marilyn Sledge of the helic nation expresses disappointment that VPD officers involved in the wrongful detaining of two band members at a in Vancouver in 2019 were not in attendance in an apology ceremony at their big house in Bella Bella the ceremony was canceled when the officers did not show it was part of a human rights settlement on behalf of Maxwell Johnson and his 12 year old granddaughter Johnson says the healing cannot move ahead without those officers it's very disheartening to get the news that the two officers can't be here without any explanation and we can't go full circle with our healing now because they chose not to show up Vancouver Police Department leaders were in attendance in Bella Bella for the scheduled apology ceremony an uplifting ceremony for Johnson was held instead the community members and officers who attended shared a meal on behalf of the Vancouver Police board Vice chair Faye Whiteman apologized to Maxwell Johnson and his granddaughter for the lasting pain and Trauma that Mr Johnson torianne and their loved ones and this community has experienced as a result of this incident I'm a grandparent myself of a 13 year old and I can tell you that I cannot imagine the pain of seeing my granddaughter have a cupped aptn news contacted BPD and VPD board for our comment but do not receive a response before air time the halcyc nation says they had discussions of VPD and wrote letters to express the importance of the apology ceremony and added the two officers were publicly invited Chief slat says the no show by officers shows The Vancouver Police Department's lack of respect for indigenous culture and traditions when a colonial institution seeks to reconcile and and to begin reconciliate reconciliation together it is a prerequisite that they show respect for our customers and engage directly with our communities Nation says they are seeking to reset the relationship with police and hope the officers apologize to bring closure to Maxwell Johnson and his family Lee Wilson ap10 national news all right it's time for a short break but stick around we will have plenty more news once we come back [Music] welcome back the Canadian Human Rights tribunal has rejected the federal government's 20 billion dollar child welfare settlement with the Assembly of First Nations with reaction from the Assembly of First Nations and First Nations leaders in Manitoba here's that story the chrt has stated that the deal did not fully satisfy its orders as it reduced the amount for some children left others out completely and did not guarantee the Forty thousand dollars in compensation for each child and caregiver assembly First Nations Regional Chief Cindy Woodhouse has been leading the way for the afn in this case and expressed her disappointment with the ruling today we learned sadly that this settlement agreement has not been approved I'm deeply frustrated it's a sad day for the many First Nations families learning today that they're long wait for compensation and acknowledgment is going to continue I don't know when or if compensation will flow to these kids and families at this stage we had come so so close to compensation finally reaching our people and today's ruling is a significant significant setback assembly of Manitoba Chiefs acting Grand Chief Cornell McLean called out Cindy Blackstock executive director for the First Nations child and family caring Society we speak about every child matters in Cindy's livestock ties no child matters you know what it seems that they're listening to whatever she has to say in terms of how this compensation moves forward it doesn't seem in her eyes that it's good enough you know I'm hoping that know uh this is this is fixed in a short period and not not years not years down the road Grand Chief garrison city of the Manitoba Kuwait naui oga maganak also had strong words against the decision this is another act that's re-victimizing these children waiting for a compensation that is rightly due unto them and for them to have that hope of receiving that compensation with great expectation and only for that to be snatched from them is cruel it is inhumane Daryl stranger aptn National News Winnipeg and we caught up with the acting Grand Chief Cornell McLean at the time of both the comments he made earlier this week regarding City Blackstock and the Canadian Human Rights tribunal decision late last year the Trudeau government announced the 20 billion dollar compensation package to First Nations Children and Families shortchanged by a chronically underfunded child welfare system the chrt said it's not enough and the current agreement does not guarantee all victims will receive forty thousand dollars in compensation and reduces this amount for others McLean said a quote in City blackstock's eyes no child matters and we asked him if he regretted saying that here's what he had to say you know I guess the thing is is that uh with her motivation behind it uh you know is it more is she looking for more of a I guess a bigger or better compensation deal for the First Nation kids because you know I think um right now the kids have been waiting you know the young adults and families have been waiting uh you know for the last year since this agreement uh you know has been been worked on and it's it's been announced and that uh you know they want to get their hands on some kind of dollars and the ruling was a major setback for the federal government on its Financial package to compensate First Nations children and their families aptanza Fraser Needham has this report from Ottawa late last year the Trudeau government announced a 20 billion dollar compensation package First Nations Children and Families short Changed by a chronically underfunded child welfare system between 2006 and 2022 but in a letter issued Monday the Canadian Human Rights tribunal says it's not enough and outside the House of Commons today Justice Minister David lametti appeared caught off guard by the chrt's latest decision look I think what next as we wait for the final decision this was just a summary today obviously we work with uh with afn we work with the caring Society we work with Nan and all the other partners who with whom we were working as Minister haidu pointed out this was very much an indigenous driven and indigenous-led process and settlement the 15-page chrt letter says the current agreement does not guarantee all victims will receive forty thousand dollars in compensation and reduces this in for others as repeatedly if he would reopen the deal Crown indigenous relations Minister Mark Miller appeared to show no appetite for doing so this is much greater than than the chrt decision in itself and there are some things that the CHR teachers cannot do to make sure children are safe in this country if you look simply at the compensation numbers the chrt can only ever Accord over four forty thousand dollars and under we presented a package and we stood in a New Year's Eve of this past year working late to make sure that we had a comprehensive package that covered a lot of class areas and a lot of categories of children that they may have thought they would have been included in the chrt order they were in fact not minister of indigenous Services Canada Patty hi do you said it was disappointing that indigenous-led design hadn't been accepted by the chrt there is a continued commitment to First Nations to make sure that we satisfy both aspects of this these historic agreements by the way and agreements that our first Nations Partners have worked incredibly hard on arriving at so we'll wait to see the the details from the tribunal and but we'll continue to work with First Nations Partners on both aspects the compensation piece and on the reforming the system aside from the 20 billion dollars in compensation for First Nations Children and Families the Trudeau government has committed another 20 billion dollars to fixing the First Nations child welfare system Fraser Needham ap10 National News Ottawa and while all of this was going on the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs elected a new leader this week and the first woman ever to lead the assembly Sav Jones has this it was a historical by-election for the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs yesterday 59 Chiefs from First Nations throughout Manitoba voted for their new Grand Chief just two of the seven candidates made it after two rounds of voting Kathy Merrick came through with the 50 plus one majority vote as required by the rules she is the first woman elected since the assembly's Inception in 1988. there were an attendance elected to welcome your new grand Chief Kathy Merrick we're all making history today you should be all proud that I am the first woman chief for the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs I will work hard for our people I will work hard for the small communities that think that they don't have a voice I will work hard for our Nations to be represented in the assembly Grand Chief Kathy Merrick will succeed AMC's former Grand Chief Arlene Dumas who was removed due to harassment and sexual assault allegations we met up with Grand Chief Kathy Merrick after she was sworn in it's so exciting to to be given a mandate from the Chiefs 37 Chiefs believing in me to take our organization our assembly of Manitoba Chiefs to to places to do all that good work with them I work for them but they gave me that mandate to to do that for them so I'm gonna correct a lot of things in a good way in a good heart because I'm going there on behalf of the children on behalf of women on behalf of our our men and our youth aptn National News Winnipeg it was a somewhat symbolic day in the House of Commons on Thursday NDP MP Leah gazan reintroduced a motion to recognize what happened in Canada's residential school system as an act of genocide gazan had introduced the same motion last year but back then it failed to pass but Thursday afternoon it was passed unanimously that in the opinion of the house that the government must recognize what happened in Canada's Indian residential schools as genocide as acknowledged by Pope Francis and in accordance with Article 2 of the United Nations convention on the prevention and Punishment of the crime of genocide thank you Mr Speaker all those opposed to The Honorable member moving the motion will please say nay agreed the house has heard the terms of the motion all those opposed to the motion will please say nay carried all right time for one final break but still ahead a story about a mysterious creature in the North welcome back the imaginative film and media arts festival was held in Toronto last weekend 14 awards were handed out with prizes totaling sixty thousand dollars actor and musician Gary farmer was also honored with a special award Steve monjo has more for more than 20 years the imaginative film and media arts festival has been working to inspire and connect communities through original indigenous film and media arts produced by Canadian and international indigenous artists this year actor and musician Gary farmer received the August schillenberg Award of Excellence presented to an actor based on the longevity and impact of their careers professionalism and involvement in mentorship and Community work just an honor to come back to you all and uh and of course all those memories from Aboriginal voices radio which is probably a better idea than it was 20 years ago now so make sure your young people hold that language up that's the most important thing otherwise they'll take our indianness away farmer was honored to receive I I think while Augie Augie Schellenberg he was uh he was an actor and uh and uh I I knew Auggie when he was a younger man and admired his work here in Canada for and the U.S of course for a long time yeah and it's uh it's an honor to be here among all the native people here Farmer's first acting role was in 1975 and he is still busy today with recent credits on shows such as dead man resident alien and reservation dogs Gary uh Gary farmer he's so he's like really a Trailblazer he's a legend he's from my Reserve which was kind of nice had not known nothing in the decision-making swaying or anything but yeah it's uh he's a very talented actor and it's just a matter of time so it's Gary's turn this year with the demand and more acceptance of indigenous produced shows farmer had this to say to young people entering the business and keeping their language alive oh you know the world's full of media now it's a totally different environment what I was born into and uh you know as long as we can maintain our culture and languages I think will be okay that should be the priority for any young person coming into the business the night ended with a song from farmer along with Derek Miller Steve monjo aptn national news Toronto it's big it's hairy and no it's not your uncle if you're lucky enough you might just spot one in the Yukon while no one has ever proven the existence of the mysterious creature a Sasquatch investigator in Whitehorse has compiled the new book of sightings and encounters our reporter Sarah Connors has that story hey we are hope he enjoys it uh he has been intrigued with us yeah just since a little boy so thank you and The elusive Sasquatch has intrigued red crossinger for over 20 years so much so that he's compiled a book about it the retired Canadian Army officer's interest was sparked after spotting a tall two-legged creature while fishing on the takini river in 1997. it looks strange to me so I mentioned that to one of my friend from the teslan-clage nation and the lady mentioned quite clearly well that's a sasquatchie a wild man and this one depicts the Sasquatch setting on the magandi river since then Grossinger has investigated numerous Sasquatch sightings in the Yukon and northern BC many of those reports have been compiled into his new book on nagani the Danae word for Sasquatch crossinger says one of the most puzzling encounters took place in a White Horse neighborhood he became somewhat translucent and gradually became transparent he said at one time he could see the outline because he went through see the bush behind that still gives me uh Goosebumps and I think about this dog hurry comes from Grant Paul's the taltan Nation member claims he saw two Sasquatch near this area outside of Ross River Yukon what uh kind of shook me as a sheer size of the width of the shoulders probably talking like four to five feet wide and uh I didn't want to stick around and find out anymore so I jumped my truck and raced off Paul says he's sharing his story so people are aware I don't know if they would harm you or not um but it is a very disturbing so I thought that was important to just share and this one here for example that's the one as I mentioned downstairs at Harker in the old Crestview but unlike Paul's Grossinger says most First Nations people in the territory have been reluctant to speak on the matter but they know a lot more than we do as for proving sasquatch's existence Grossinger says bones or a body could help solve the mystery until then he'll leave it to his readers to decide if they believe in the legend of nagani or not not trying to convince anybody at all I'm presenting what it is and that's it you won't believe it okay if not too bad Sarah Connors aptn national news white horse all right that's all we have for you on this edition of a BTN national news weekend for news anytime visit our website eptnnews.ca I'm Daryl stranger thank you for joining us me glitch and have a great weekend foreign
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Keywords: aptn, national, news
Id: efj2cJFMZnY
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Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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