APTN National News June 9, 2021 – Making amends to survivors, Four Muslim family members killed

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what happened in at the residential schools was genocide full stop that is why the proposed settlement also includes 50 million dollar investment to create an indigenous led not-for-profit foundation tonight the scramble is on to make amends to survivors of canada's historic indigenous people's education programs every time we pacify them they'd always wave and they're always energetic the killing of four muslim family members in london ontario this week affects everyone there's also different types of these like there's different types of workers and then there's obviously the queen and this young lady is on a b line to a competition in russia good evening welcome to aptn national news i'm melissa ridden we're glad you could join us well many were hoping for an apology from the vatican they were disappointed on the weekend when the pope only said that he was quote pained by the discovery of 215 children found buried in kamloops bc but the archbishop of vancouver is going further than that and he sat down for a one-on-one with reporter tina house archbishop michael thank you very much for sitting down with us today you're very welcome it's a pleasure for me to be able to do so tina now with the discovery of these 215 children that were found buried in in kamloops what would you like to say about that i think what i'd like to certainly once again express my sorrow apology um commitment to do something about it but it was of course a very sad revelation for all of us the trc had indicated that there was something like this but there was so much information at the trc that it probably didn't get the particular attention it deserved it strikes the court i think and that's evident across the country how it's resonated with people you know it's it's tragic and it raises the whole question once again as probably should be raised once again of the whole indian residential school system that was i think a dark period of canadian history that we have to own we can't forget it and this was i think a pretty stark reminder of of that reality the pope just spoke this past sunday and said that he was very pained by the trauma that indigenous people are now going through because of the discovery but stopped short of actually issuing a real apology would you like to take this opportunity to send an apology to the survivors i would certainly love to send an apology to to survivors to their families and even you know perhaps even down through the generations families that have been affected by this even if even if it was the case of a child lost many years ago we don't forget those things those things remain engraved in a in a family's history and these are things that should not have happened and certainly i offer apology sincere apology everybody is asking the pope for this apology why do you think he's hesitant you know looking at it a few days later later it might have been a missed opportunity um but you know the actual reasons why he didn't use the word apologize he used sorrow and pain uh tina i really don't know that you know this past week we've been covering non-stop stories from survivors from leadership from people that are deeply affected by the horrific abuses done to these innocent children yes how can we move on from this how how can the church make make it right you know to admit a kind of not a kind of to admit guilt where it where where it's due for the things that we're done wrong that are indefensible the national indian residential school crisis line is available for survivors and others who might need support at this time that number is 1-866-925-4419 well today in ottawa the government announced a settlement for day scholars those are the students who went to residential schools during the day but slept at home at night but an opposition mp is calling for more for canada to admit to genocide jamie paschall-gomskum explains in a zoom interview this morning ndp mp lia gazon announced she will be asking the federal government to condemn the former residential school system by officially calling it an act of genocide what happened in at the residential schools was genocide full stop and clearly falls under article two of the un convention on genocide it's time that this government acknowledges the truth that canada and churches perpetrated genocide on indigenous peoples specifically children if we are going to move forward this truth needs to be told indigenous relations carolyn bennett announced that the government has settled with residential school survivors who are day scholars each survivor or their family will receive a common experience payment of ten thousand dollars we know that the impacts of residential schools have left scars not only on survivors but also their descendants that is why the proposed settlement also includes 50 million dollar investment to create an indigenous-led not-for-profit foundation the day scholar revitalization society will provide funding to survivors and descendants to support healing wellness education language culture heritage and commemoration in regards to tomorrow's motion calling the residential school system genocide bennett acknowledged the truth and reconciliation commission used the word to describe the residential school system but the feds will be looking at the wording of the motion the prime minister um did last week acknowledge um many of the policies of the government in from the national enquirer and missing and murdered indigenous peoples uh uh indigenous women and girls amounted to genocide so we will look at we will look carefully at the motion the new day scholars agreement is signed and awaiting court approval day scholar claimants have until august twenty first to review the settlement and provide comments to the court jamie paschagumskam apt national news ottawa we wanna hear what you think about that day school settlement and its timing here's how you can continue the conversation send your emails to news at aptn.ca you can leave a comment on aptnews.ca you can also find us on facebook twitter instagram youtube and now tick tock follow aptn news to join the conversation and see our latest stories that day scholar announcement comes as some relief to survivor joanne gotfordson she was sent to the kamloops residential school during the day and was abused she's fought to be recognized as a residential school survivor since 2012. joanne joins me from kamloops bc joanne thank you so much for joining us so what does this settlement mean to you as a day scholar as a day scholar um i think it's it's uh fine when i was at the table i expected and and i i lobbied for it to be ten plus three the same as the previous settlement and but the other thing is it's giving and providing some closure for some of the day scholars unfortunately it doesn't meet the needs of those that have passed during this whole process yeah absolutely of course your sister violet godfordson is one of the main complainants and she's also passed what did she tell you before she went on well why the last day i spent with my sister um i was holding her and she fell asleep and i slipped into a chair where i was praying and i was really thinking and she says joe and i said yes i thought she was in pain or something she says don't look so serious she says i want you to continue to fight for our people um when we filed the statement of claim we purposely left out the churches because we wanted canada to be accountable but now the echoes of our nations is that the churches also have to be accountable and there's gonna be no apology that's gonna pacify or satisfy the broken hearts and the broken spirits that our people have endured yeah yeah you know up until last year you were the co-lead negotiator what was it like dealing with uh government lawyers and minister carolyn bennett through this well you know uh chief gary fescheck and i took the opportunity to meet with her prior before she was elected to educate her on what a day scholar is what the damages that they had had to live with through the negotiation process um [Music] we requested a special representative that had the authority to negotiate with us we negotiated endlessly um you know they they couldn't separate the three classifications you know the descendants the survivors in the band class because we were certified under that process and then we started to negotiate okay let's separate let's deal with the survivors because they are passing away when i did the research in my community we had 138 day schools today we're lucky to have 50. and you know a lot of them passed away i mean just two three weeks ago another one of our day scholars passed away he'll never see justice right so you know there's no amount of money that's ever gonna um heal the wounds but it it something that you know some of the people that live in poverty that can have the the opportunity to learn our language and our culture at least that's there for them yeah well thank you joanne and i hope your sister is looking down and thankful for the efforts that you put into this oh i'm sure she is she was such a beautiful woman strong well canada will have a new stat holiday this year in light of the children's graves discovered at bc's residential school in kamloops a swift passing of bill c5 means september 30th will now be known as the national day for truth and reconciliation the bill was pushed forward after the remains of 215 children were found in kamloops the holiday will start september of this year well the murder of four members of a muslim family in london ontario has canada paying more attention to hate our kent driscoll brings us you brings us the story of a young nook man living in london who could have told you about racism there long before this attack happened on june 6th in london ontario a man driving a truck struck and killed two women aged 74 and 44 a 46 year old man and a 15 year old girl a nine-year-old remains in serious condition in hospital london police say that the driver targeted them because they are muslim and is facing murder charges sebastian kanayok is a nunavut student living and studying in london he would see the murdered family often during walks near his apartment there's a nice backyard where kids hang out after school every day after school so when you just pass by them you'll always notice the family playing um outside according to kenneth they were great neighbors everything a newcomer to the south like him could want well every time he passed by them they'd always wave and they're always energetic and you just kind of catch that feeling that you want to play with them too but um it was always lovely seeing them like many nunavut students sebastian moves south from his home of pond inlet nunavut to continuous education full disclosure i've known him since he was a small boy he's my brother-in-law and our whole family is very proud of him for getting his education a part of that education for him was seeing the racism in london up close it started before he even got off the plane before we were about to land to london we've been told that we are let's say quote-unquote one of the good ones in terms of we are inuit and so we were one of the quote-unquote the good ones or the better ones and not sticking to the stereotypical alcoholic or person who suffers from substance abuse and we tend to abstain from that and but it was on our first day we experienced that local officials have promised more police and security for that part of london for keno york that's a bit of a mixed blessing i am not really a fan of police around because i i'm a person of color and we tend to be um directly towards more um to be arrested and i tend to kind of feel ironically feel a bit not safe um but i am happy that security are being focused on in our area having your sweet friendly happy neighbors murdered for their race and religion would be hard for most it's even harder if you aren't white and have to worry that the next truck could be looking for you can help going to finish his degree in london and his family just wants to see him make it home safe with his education ken driscoll apt national news kalaweed we need to take a break but when we come back clashes south of the border over the enbridge pipeline we'll tell you all about that welcome back water protectors and police clashed this week in minnesota over the line three tar sands pipeline construction at the mississippi river crossing since monday thousands have come together to protest and stop the construction and more than 200 people were arrested yesterday after blocking a pump station and setting up camp enbridge the company behind the pipeline says crews were back on site on wednesday and to date say protests have had little impact on the construction schedule but activist winona leduc says that's not the case enbridge continues to try to blast ahead but they've grossly exaggerated their level of progress i heard that they were claiming that they were over fifty percent done maybe sixty percent done as someone who lives right next to the enbridge line right next to the image line i will tell you that they are nowhere near that done leaders of three first nations who are partners in a controversial logging operation on vancouver island want to now defer logging of old growth trees for two years meanwhile protests and arrests in the ferry creek area are still ongoing epitan's lee wilson explains pachidat diddy dat and hoya leaders say they signed a declaration to take back power over their traditional territories this past weekend as part of that declaration the three nations gave the province notice that they wanted to defer overgrowth logging for two years in the area of fairy creek and central wall brand they've also asked activists who have set up blockades and are protesting the area to allow workers from teal jones to continue their work in other permitted regions that are not old growth teal jones said they plan to harvest 20 hectares protests and blockades to protect all growth trees have been active since august of last year earlier this week bc premiere john hogan put out a statement they will honor the declaration and address it quickly we further recognize the three nations will continue to exercise their constitutionally protected indigenous interests over the protected areas we understand that requests must be addressed expeditiously and we will ensure a prompt response in april thiel jones received a bc supreme court injunction to operate in the ferry creek area in an email statement they told aptn they would abide by the declaration we will abide by the declaration issue today and look forward to engaging with patridat and hoyat first nations as they develop integrated resource force stewardship plans but cheetah elder william jones a leader of the group behind the protest to protect old growth says they plan to address the situation after reviewing the information a recent statement from the rcmp said 194 arrests have been made in the continued blockades and camps near port renfrew lee wilson apn national news kita matt and this afternoon bc premier john horgan signed off on that deferring of the old growth logging for at least two years saying that he's honoring the wishes of first nations in the fairy creek region well it's time for us to take another break we've got lots of news still ahead including an anishinaabe beekeeper who's heading to russia we'll tell you why after the break welcome back it's time now for our photo of the day our viewer mary shared this view from her balcony beautiful view of the sunset over the city of toronto gorgeous colors there keep those pictures coming you can email them to share at aptn.ca and then tune in to see if your photo is our next photo of the day let's take a look at tomorrow's weather forecast to the east coast we've got cloud and 11 for st john's sunshine and 18 for halifax the grand river sunny and 13 degrees coursework eight in sunshine lots of sun in southern quebec 18 for shibu 24 in montreal 27 in peterborough 26 with some showers in sault ste marie 21 in rain for thunder bands to look at 16 and rain for big trout lake 19 and sunshine for thompson pucketswagon 18 and sunny mix ascending cloud and 23 for brandon mix the sun and cloud and 22 for barrens river saskatoon showers and 23 degrees same with swift current uh buffalo narrows 17 showers expected 17 and mostly sunny for uranium city mostly sunny and 20 degrees for grand prairie for chip rain and 16 degrees expected 15 showers for edmonton medicine hat 19 and cloudy sunshine for victoria 19 degrees 19 in kamloops but some showers expected there d slate cloud 14 fort nelson chance of rain 16 degrees 24 in cloud for dawson city 22 and sunshine for old crow norman wells sunshine 26 degrees yellowknife cloud and 20. in uvic sunshine in 24 sacks harbor mostly cloudy eight degrees as expected there three for baker lake and sunshine new york mix of sun and cloud and four the glue look one and mostly cloudy pegger tongue sunshine and three same with clyde river a young missionary from hiawatha first nation in ontario is taking on a new hobby beekeeping she's making a big buzz out of these bees and as annette francis explains the sweetest part is that all her hard work will lead to a trip to russia so what do you see on your side honey lots of honey yeah surrounded by thousands of bees thirteen-year-old olivia wilson is not afraid to get personal and learn more about these amazing creatures there's also different types of bees like there's different types of workers and then there's obviously the queen and then the drones for the workers there's like the cleaners i like to call them the another one the babysitters because they take care of all the larvae and eggs and then there's the voyagers it's a fascination that began three years ago when she became involved in the kawartha junior beekeepers look at that queen john mcfarland is a founding member of the hands-on program for local youth he's been beekeeping for the past 10 years it's an opportunity to share his knowledge and passion of bees and it's spread like honey with olivia oh it's been fantastic olivia is one of the ones who showed a real interest um who didn't just want to come because it was a club but was it was doing the work they haven't done because it's a combination of theory and a practical hands-on in the bee yard and it was really exciting to see her develop from a really really shy she wouldn't say two words to start with to the point where she was playing with bees joking she really has come a long a long ways and she's still interested it wasn't just a one-year program for hers olivia's been asked to be a part of the international meeting of young beekeepers competition in russia her proud mother says it's amazing for the experience and to have first nation representation we are stewards of the land we are the caretakers of the land and and knowing that without bees we wouldn't have it we wouldn't have plants we wouldn't have food we wouldn't have all those things and and having people really understand and respect to be and the various kinds of bees and that they aren't there to hurt you they aren't there to cause harm and so being able to nurture that relationship between us and them and creation is really important and i think that's a really good learning opportunity that she'll be able to bring not only to her peers but to our community as a whole it's something olivia looks forward to doing you go there and you have these competitions about bees so like you get to tell the differences there's honey testing where you taste the different types of honey from different plants you also get to see like like where they're like say their antennas are or different parts of their body is it's just a lot of stuff like that olivia has one year to prepare for the competition he's running away yeah and at francis aptn national news cavan ontario what a beautiful story that is a wrap on your midweek news we are always glad to have you join us i'm melissa ridgeon have a great night messages
Channel: APTN News
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Keywords: aptn, national, news
Id: gm2cHFAt9jo
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Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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