APRENDE INGLES MIENTRAS DUERMES La Verdadera Forma (Incluye Sonidos de Relax)

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[Music] Bienvenue psystar CCO especially English yeah vamos a scooter yeah bring their masks on Fred communis simplest pero también con frases your asanas mass complexes para que se costumbre no sólo al Sunni OE pronunciation del Inglis sino también Allah diferentes formas deconstructionist mu users lisa frases we explore Sione's puede relay her sister our los ojos si quieren y empezar a similar todo esto hasta donde puede es probable que su n consent a capped our alguna información sere que se quedan bore me dos más adelante y star m osika Chando la sesión consignee o de fondo relah han tase KO mismo tiempo aaron que unos SE costumbre entender Messam blaze inclusive convey doses Unidos de ambiente como se llama variable c capoeman sycamores e MP Simoes [Music] común Amundson ah ah Segovia's I ate an apple two days ago I ate an apple two days ago I ate an apple two days ago c'mon amongst Ana cada dia I eat an apple every day I eat an apple every day I eat an apple every day comida una Manzana mañana mañana I'll eat an apple tomorrow morning I'll eat an apple tomorrow morning [Music] I'll eat an apple tomorrow morning [Music] Stewie manejando ass es su casa cuando yes have you a pass here I was driving to her house when she went out for a walk I was driving to her house when she went out for a walk I was driving to her house when she went out for a walk I was driving to her house when she went out for a walk [Music] eastream Alejandra's es su casa in este momento I'm driving to her house right now I'm driving to her house right now I'm driving to her house right now [Music] extra manejando su casa 20s Salgado Sierra I'll be driving to her house when she goes out for a walk I'll be driving to her house when she goes out for a walk I'll be driving to her house when she goes out for a walk [Music] edia VLE Oh totally ruined l-train cuando llegue all estación she had read the whole book on the train by the time she arrived to the station she had read the whole book on the train by the time she arrived to the station she had read the whole book on the train by the time she arrived to the station [Music] she had read the whole book on the train by the time she arrived to the station a [Music] jolly Oh totally rule she has read the whole book she has read the whole book she has read the whole book yo le yo totally bro cuando de la Stazione she will have read the entire book by the time she arrives to the station she will have read the entire book by the time she arrives to the station she will have read the entire book she will have read the entire book by the time she arrives to the station by the time she arrives to the station she will have read the entire book by the time she arrives to the station es esta loco si Nando por una hora cuando él agarró nos invitados you had been cooking for an hour when the guests arrived you had been cooking for an hour when the guests arrived you had been cooking for an hour when the guests arrived you had been cooking for an hour you had been cooking for an hour when the guests arrived when the guests arrived s estado cosa Nando por una hora you have been cooking for an hour you have been cooking for an hour you have been cooking for an hour a grass estado cosas Nando por una hora cuando en los invitados you will have been cooking for an hour by the time the guests arrive you will have been cooking for an hour by the time the guests arrive you will have been cooking for an hour you will have been cooking for an hour by the time the guests arrive by the time the guests arrive yo sabía que su nueva release RC pero de una pequeña speranza I knew that this was not going to happen but I had a small hope I knew that this was not going to happen but I had a small hope I knew that this was not going to happen but I had a small hope I knew that this was not going to happen but I had a small hope a visa me cuando podemos reunir knows para discutir sobre city man que se hace tiempo Vitas let me know when we can meet to discuss that issue that you have been avoiding for a long time let me know when we can meet to discuss that issue that you have been avoiding for a long time let me know when we can meet to discuss that issue let me know when we can meet to discuss that issue that you have been avoiding for a long time that you have been avoiding for a long time let me know when we can meet to discuss that issue that you have been avoiding for a long time Havana bare pasado três anos in Severna Vinny amigo que siempre lava de reducir a su trabajo Illya her it'll be three years without hearing from my friend who always talked about quitting his job and traveling it'll be three years without hearing from my friend who always talked about quitting his job and travelling [Music] it'll be three years without hearing from my friend it'll be three years without hearing from my friend who always talked about quitting his job and travelling who always talked about quitting his job and travelling it'll be three years without hearing from my friend who always talked about quitting his job and travelling it'll be three years without hearing from my friend who always talked about quitting his job and travelling but it's a case to really be doing this solo que con diferentes personas yatra well it seems that I have lived this before only with different people and in another place it seems that I have lived this before only with different people and in another place it seems that I have lived this before it seems that I have lived this before only with different people and in another place only with different people and in another place it seems that I have lived this before only with different people and in another place [Music] parisa case to review on this so local communities personas in Ottawa it seems that I have lived this before only with different people and in another place Oh [Music] Travis a Ron de Moura los dientes KC Czaban antes pero esta vez con mucho mas worry dad the sunglasses that were in style before became fashionable once again but this time with a lot more variety the sunglasses that were in style before became fashionable once again but this time with a lot more variety [Music] the sunglasses that were in style before the sunglasses that were in style before became fashionable once again became fashionable once again but this time with a lot more variety but this time with a lot more variety otra vez a Ron de Moura los Lente's KC Czaban antes pero esta vez con mucho mas worry dad the sunglasses that were in style before became fashionable once again but this time with a lot more variety nice akhirin obvious aircar say a Bronto even a car a familiar friend Tammy que no para connoisseur in a dreamer Segundo I didn't see her approaching yet suddenly I saw a familiar face in front of me that for an instant I couldn't recognize I didn't see her approaching yet suddenly I saw a familiar face in front of me that for an instance I couldn't recognize I didn't see her approaching I didn't see her approaching yet suddenly I saw a familiar face in front of me yet suddenly I saw a familiar face in front of me that for an instant I couldn't recognize that for an instant I couldn't recognize me Kiran abuser car say it pronto be una cara familiar friend amy que no puede conocer in a dreamer Segundo I didn't see her approaching yet suddenly I saw a familiar face in front of me that for an instance I couldn't recognize [Music] tittle solola presentation the nuevo libro in his event oh how was the presentation of the new book at that event how was the presentation of the new book at that event how was the presentation of the new book at that event how was the presentation of the new book at that event [Music] yo no se que mas aggregor esta pintura al parecer no me stockade and o tambien I don't know what else to add to this painting which apparently is not coming out so well I don't know what else to add to this painting which apparently is not coming out so well I don't know what else to add to this painting I don't know what else to add to this painting which apparently is not coming out so well which apparently is not coming out so well oh yeah no Sevilla Chris early party no siga preguntan delay so rs2000 Pereira she didn't know what to tell him so that he would stop asking about her past relationship she didn't know what to tell him so that he would stop asking about her past relationship she didn't know what to tell him so that he would stop asking about her past relationship oh yeah no Sevilla Chris early party no sigue preguntan delay Soros 20 what - she didn't know what to tell him so that he would stop asking about her past relationship [Music] cada vez que vea que vive pedir misses a wall do trataba de cambiar el tema Omega pellagra mas every time I noticed that he was going to ask me for that favor I would redirect the conversation or try to change the subject [Music] every time I noticed that he was going to ask me for that favor I would redirect the conversation or try to change the subject every time I noticed that he was going to ask me for that favor every time I noticed that he was going to ask me for that favor I would redirect the conversation I would redirect the conversation or try to change the subject or try to change the subject cada vez que vea que vive pedir missus awal do trataba de cambiar el tema omega paula Gramma's every time I noticed that he was going to ask me for that favor I would redirect the conversation or try to change the subject [Music] louia que tipo personnel sólo por la forma Allah estos yelu en su personally I've officially explica I sensed what kind of person he was just by the way he spoke his gestures and something in his personality that was difficult to explain I sensed what kind of person he was just by the way he spoke his gestures and something in his personality that was difficult to explain I sensed what kind of person he was just by the way he spoke I sensed what kind of person he was just by the way he spoke his gestures and something in his personality that was difficult to explain his gestures and something in his personality that was difficult to explain you into eeeh que tipo personnel sólo por una forma lr estos yelu ensue personally ah difficile explicar I sensed what kind of person he was just by the way he spoke his gestures and something in his personality that was difficult to explain hey so yo lo se muy bien pero a result of official poner en práctica poor masculine didn't I know it very well but it's been difficult to put into practice no matter how hard I try I know it very well but it's been difficult to put into practice no matter how hard I try I know it very well but it's been difficult to put into practice no matter how hard I try a sólo hace muy bien pero me Rizzuto official pony real impractical for masculine tendon I know it very well but it's been difficult to put into practice no matter how hard I try very sick you see in the people I still preparing the same way being come Luis Technica's attack takus [Music] it seems that the next team has been preparing very well with new tactics and techniques it seems that the next team has been preparing very well with new tactics and techniques it seems that the next team has been preparing very well it seems that the next team has been preparing very well with new tactics and techniques with new tactics and techniques parisa cosy entity po Lyster prepare and hace muy bien con Luis Technica's attack takus it seems that the next team has been preparing very well with new tactics and techniques the printer personas solo cities in America participar en los huevos euros radios in a personas the events of a death of the 30 people only 7 felt motivated to participate in the games and two of them were elderly of the 30 people only 7 felt motivated to participate in the games and two of them were elderly of the 30 people only seven felt motivated to participate in the games only seven felt motivated to participate in the games and two of them were elderly the printer personas solo cities in America participate in love whales heroes ellos eran personas Devin survey that of the thirty people only seven felt motivated to participate in the games and two of them were elderly [Music] eso es lo que el estado creando todo este tiempo para 7r una gran sur la presa quarrels in Ravello verdad [Music] that's what he's been believing all this time but he's going to be very surprised when he finds out the truth that's what he's been believing all this time but he's going to be very surprised when he finds out the truth that's what he's been believing all this time that's what he's been believing all this time but he's going to be very surprised but he's going to be very surprised when he finds out the truth when he finds out the truth eso es lo que el estado creando todo este tiempo para Savannah una gran sorpresa cuando Synthia Varela verdad that's what he's been believing all this time but he's going to be very surprised when he finds out the truth so taro had los perros en el parque SE viendo que podría berry gente y ahora they let the dogs run free in the park knowing that there could still be people at that time they let the dogs run free in the park knowing that there could still be people at that time they let the dogs run free in the park they let the dogs run free in the park knowing that there could still be people at that time knowing that there could still be people at that time so taro ha los perros en el parque Segundo que podría very hindi aruna sora they let the dogs run free in the park knowing that there could still be people at that time [Music] see ya no puede control are a super important fuerte no deberías a Carlo on de gente Uno's a Carlo Alto [Music] if she can't control her dog because he's so strong she shouldn't take him where there are people or shouldn't take him out at all if she can't control her dog because he's so strong she shouldn't take him where there are people or shouldn't take him out at all if she can't control her dog because he's so strong if she can't control her dog because he's so strong she shouldn't take him where there are people or shouldn't take him out at all she shouldn't take him where there are people or shouldn't take him out at all [Music] see ya no puedo controller a super low 40s muy fuerte no DVDs a car low on the egg hunting uno Sekar lo alto if she can't control her dog because he's so strong she shouldn't take him where there are people or shouldn't take him out at all [Music] yo le dije que podrían Gemara Segura das Acadian total yo javi habla con ellos y : ministration Delaware I told them that they could call security if they wanted since I had already spoken with them and with the building administration I told them that they could call security if they wanted since I had already spoken with them and with the building administration I told them that they could call security if they wanted I told them that they could call security if they wanted since I had already spoken with them since I had already spoken with them and with the building administration and with the building administration yo le dije que podrían yeah Marisa gorilla Zakarian total yo javi habla con ellos y : - rational world I told them that they could call security if they wanted since I had already spoken with them and with the building administration [Music] de los tres libros que esto le Gendo no no esta empezando saraburi Oh Oh / a cierra que es un poco repetitive of the three books I'm reading one is starting to get boring or it seems a bit repetitive of the three books I'm reading one is starting to get boring or it seems a bit repetitive of the three books I'm reading of the three books I'm reading one is starting to get boring or it seems a bit repetitive one is starting to get boring or it seems a bit repetitive [Music] de los tres los que esto le Gendo no esta empezando saraburi o Aparecida que es un poco repetitive o of the three books I'm reading one is starting to get boring or it seems a bit repetitive no support London bizarre organ is artosis of planus protein walk in a circle novel and this KCI emoji I don't know where to begin to organize all these ideas but I have to start at some point before night time I don't know where to begin to organize all these ideas but I have to start at some point before nighttime I don't know where to begin to organize all these ideas I don't know where to begin to organize all these ideas but I have to start at some point before night time but I have to start at some point before night time immediately begin anew si la casa de gente la musica soon abomasum authority as the house filled with people the music sounded louder and louder as the house filled with people the music sounded louder and louder [Music] as the house filled with people as the house filled with people the music sounded louder and louder the music sounded louder and louder éstos Estados kept on doing miss Manos poco poco lo único que Makeda por hacer missing pasar this is zero I have been losing control of this little by little and the only thing I have left to do is start from scratch I have been losing control of this little by little and the only thing I have left to do is start from scratch I have been losing control of this little by little I have been losing control of this little by little and the only thing I have left to do is start from scratch [Music] and the only thing I have left to do is start from scratch yes a tomorrow el tiempo suficiente para pensar lo bien y decir se que NOS preguntamos see wanna sell oh no they already had enough time to think it over and make a decision so I won't question them about it they already had enough time to think it over and make a decision so I won't question them about it they already had enough time to think it over and make a decision they already had enough time to think it over and make a decision so I won't question them about it so I won't question them about it yes a tomar un el tiempo suficiente para pensar lo bien y decir hace que ya no es pregunta Ramos Savannah sur l'eau no [Music] they already had enough time to think it over and make a decision so I won't question them about it si que si como Delaware loser REO siliceous tobecome instead of lui sink a mere acquaintance I know that by organizing the place setting a schedule and putting my ideas in order everything will start to flow without me realizing it [Music] I know that by organizing the place setting a schedule and putting my ideas in order everything will start to flow without me realizing it I know that by organizing the place I know that by organizing the place setting a schedule and putting my ideas in order setting a schedule and putting my ideas in order everything will start to flow without me realizing it everything will start to flow without me realizing it [Music] see Casilla como de lugar no sir arias in a serious toga coming Seraph will sink a mere acquaintance I know that by organizing the place setting a schedule and putting my ideas in order everything will start to flow without me realizing it giggle momento que decir lo que es la mejor forma the Empire in the ocean the time has come for me to decide that this is the best way to expand the business [Music] the time has come for me to decide that this is the best way to expand the business the time has come for me to decide the time has come for me to decide that this is the best way to expand the business that this is the best way to expand the business a legal momento Nutella sido que es la mejor forma the ampere in the ocean the time has come for me to decide that this is the best way to expand the business to Asteras aqui para cuando el ecco is to go through you you will be here by the time the new building is finished you will be here by the time the new building is finished you will be here by the time the new building is finished you will be here by the time the new building is finished [Music] es que si no lo haces desde ahora no puedes ver ninguno de los resultados que estas esperan do if you don't start now you won't be able to see any of the results you're expecting if you don't start now you won't be able to see any of the results you're expecting if you don't start now if you don't start now you won't be able to see any of the results you are expecting you won't be able to see any of the results you are expecting [Music] mientras tu estas pensando que todo esta perdido y ellos estén trabajando una forma alternativa solution are you while you're thinking that everything is lost they're working on an alternative way of solving it while you're thinking that everything is lost they're working on an alternative way of solving it while you're thinking that everything is lost while you're thinking that everything is lost they're working on an alternative way of solving it they're working on an alternative way of solving it mientras tu estas pensando que todo esta per view y ellos estén trabajando en una forma alternative evolutionary while you're thinking that everything is lost they're working on an alternative way of solving it lo mas gracioso era ka pensaba que todos esteban Mirandola simpler [Music] the funny thing was that she thought everyone was staring at her the funny thing was that she thought everyone was staring at her the funny thing was that she thought the funny thing was that she thought everyone was staring at her everyone was staring at her [Music] Toto commence una noche Google solution decir nada Nadi yellows in pasar una Sartorius so redundant Eva [Music] there are theories about where he would go started the night he left without saying anything to anyone there theories about where he would go started the night he left without saying anything to anyone there theories about where he would go there theories about where he would go started the night he left started the night he left without saying anything to anyone without saying anything to anyone todo commence una noche donde salio sin discern a denali euros emps aruna Sartorius sobre donde Eva [Music] there are theories about where he would go started the night he left without saying anything to anyone [Music] invited aprendiendo todo relational Ally still a vida and next I'll never see that he'll be learning everything related to lifestyle in this new city [Music] he'll be learning everything related to lifestyle in this new city [Music] he'll be learning everything related to lifestyle in this new city he'll be learning everything related to lifestyle in this new city who know creaky Novick Austin Garcia ciertos cambios Puran verdad uno puede ver acostumbrado scenic acetal [Music] you believe that you are not going to get used to certain changes but in reality you can get used to almost anything you believe that you are not going to get used to certain changes but in reality you can get used to almost anything you believe that you are not going to get used to certain changes [Music] you believe that you are not going to get used to certain changes but in reality you can get used to almost anything but in reality you can get used to almost anything oh no creo que Nova costume gracias ciertos cambios to remember al mundo cuervo a costume Garcia Cassie told you believe that you are not going to get used to certain changes but in reality you can get used to almost anything [Music] quano tell focus in algo in concrete o el resto par a service connoisseur say oh no certain importante y muchas veces es lo que una necesita when you focus on something in particular the rest seems to fail or become unimportant and many times that is what you need when you focus on something in particular the rest seems to fade or become unimportant and many times that is what you need [Music] when you focus on something in particular when you focus on something in particular the rest seems to fail or become unimportant the rest seems to fail or become unimportant and many times that is what you need and many times that is what you need Connaughton focusing algo en concrete o el resto per se vase connoisseur say oh no certain importante y muchas veces es lo que una necesita [Music] when you focus on something in particular the rest seems to fade or become unimportant and many times that is what you need [Music] you Asuna lastima Caillou no tengo esta hablando Diane tamaño arruda porque el transporte público s mooska sake it's a bummer that you have to plan the route in advance since public transportation is so scarce here it's a bummer that you have to plan the route in advance since public transportation is so scarce here it's a bummer that you have to plan the route in advance it's a bummer that you have to plan the route in advance since public transportation is so scarce here since public transportation is so scarce here es una lastima que uno tango test our plan and Oh Diane tamaño de ruta porque el transporte público es musica sake [Music] it's a bummer that you have to plant the root in advance since public transportation is so scarce here [Music] como una Manzana a Segovia's I ate an apple two days ago I ate an apple two days ago I ate an apple two days ago como una Manzana kaleriya I eat an apple every day I eat an apple every day I eat an apple every day go marry una Manzana manana in the manana I'll eat an apple tomorrow morning I'll eat an apple tomorrow morning I'll eat an apple tomorrow morning s2v manejando s es su casa cuando 8 years have you a pass here I was driving to her house when she went out for a walk I was driving to her house when she went out for a walk I was driving to her house when she went out for a walk I was driving to her house when she went out for a walk extry manejando SI su casa en este momento I'm driving to her house right now I'm driving to her house right now I'm driving to her house right now extra manejando tsukasa cuando alias Salgado Sierra I'll be driving to her house when she goes out for a walk I'll be driving to her house when she goes out for a walk I'll be driving to her house when she goes out for a walk Agia VLE you totally ruined l-train quando you Wallace the CEO she had read the whole book on the train by the time she arrived to the station she had read the whole book on the train by the time she arrived to the station she had read the whole book on the train by the time she arrived to the station she had read the whole book on the train by the time she arrived to the station a jolly ego total evil she has read the whole book she has read the whole book she has read the whole book dear brother you totally broke cuando llegó la Stazione she will have read the entire book by the time she arrives to the station she will have read the entire book by the time she arrives to the station she will have read the entire book she will have read the entire book by the time she arrives to the station by the time she arrives to the station she will have read the entire book by the time she arrives to the station now yes estado cosas Nando por una hora cuando él agarró nos invitados you had been cooking for an hour when the guests arrived you had been cooking for an hour when the guests arrived you had been cooking for an hour when the guests arrived you had been cooking for an hour you had been cooking for an hour when the guests arrived when the guests arrived assess tobacco's anando por una hora you have been cooking for an hour you have been cooking for an hour you have been cooking for an hour a grass estado cosas Nando por una hora cuando lleguemos invitados you will have been cooking for an hour by the time the guests arrived you will have and cooking for an hour by the time the guests arrive you will have been cooking for an hour you will have been cooking for an hour by the time the guests arrive by the time the guests arrive do severe case oh no Eva release RC pero de una pequeña speranza I knew that this was not going to happen but I had a small hope I knew that this was not going to happen but I had a small hope I knew that this was not going to happen but I had a small hope I knew that this was not going to happen but I had a small hope Alison a cuando podemos Ramiro's para rescueteers over a city my curiosity and Politis let me know when we can meet to discuss that issue that you have been avoiding for a long time let me know when we can meet to discuss that issue that you have been avoiding for a long time let me know when we can meet to discuss that issue let me know when we can meet to discuss that issue that you have been avoiding for a long time that you have been avoiding for a long time let me know when we can meet to discuss that issue that you have been avoiding for a long time Yelena ver pasado três anos in Severna mi amigo que siempre lava de reducir a su trabajo Elia ha it'll be three years without hearing from my friend who always talked about quitting his job and traveling it'll be three years without hearing from my friend who always talked about quitting his job and travelling it'll be three years without hearing from my friend it'll be three years without hearing from my friend who always talked about quitting his job and travelling who always talked about quitting his job and traveling it'll be three years without hearing from my friend who always talked about quitting his job and travelling it'll be three years without hearing from my friend who always talked about quitting his job and travelling that is a case to review on this so Loki committing these personas in Ottawa it seems that I have lived this before only with different people and in another place it seems that I have lived this before only with different people and in another place it seems that I have lived this before it seems that I have lived this before only with different people and in another place only with different people and in another place it seems that I have lived this before only with different people and in another place there is a case to deal with Atlantis so Loki committing these personas in Ottawa it seems that I have lived this before only with different people and in another place otra vez if you see Ron de mora los dientes case of Cervantes pero esta vez con mucho mas were either the sunglasses that were in style before became fashionable once again but this time with a lot more variety the sunglasses that were in style before became fashionable once again but this time with a lot more variety the sunglasses that were in style before the sunglasses that were in style before became fashionable once again became fashionable once again but this time with a lot more variety but this time with a lot more variety otra vez a Ron de Moura los dientes kc7 antes pero esta es como janmas worry dad the sunglasses that were in style before became fashionable once again but this time with a lot more variety miss akhirin Elias aircar say he brought up even a car a familiar friend Amy Cain Okura Conicelli in a dreamer c1 I didn't see her approaching yet suddenly I saw a familiar face in front of me that for an instant I couldn't recognize I didn't see her approaching yet suddenly I saw a familiar face in front of me that for an instance I couldn't recognize I didn't see her approaching I didn't see her approaching yet suddenly I saw a familiar face in front of me yet suddenly I saw a familiar face in front of me that for an instant I couldn't recognize that for an instant I couldn't recognize me sukira Navia Sircar say he pronto even a car a familiar friend Amy came opera connoisseur in a Tennessee woman I didn't see her approaching yet suddenly I saw a familiar face in front of me that for an instant I couldn't recognize little celebration person will never live alone in his living room how was the presentation of the new book at that event how was the presentation of the new book at that event how was the presentation of the new book at that event how was the presentation of the new book at that event yo no se que mas a very very stop Endora al parecer norm a stocky and oh damn you I don't know what else to add to this painting which apparently is not coming out so well I don't know what else to add to this painting which apparently is not coming out so well I don't know what else to add to this painting I don't know what else to add to this painting which apparently is not coming out so well which apparently is not coming out so well Eliana Sevilla creaturely party no siga preguntan doli Solis want evaporation she didn't know what to tell him so that he would stop asking about her past relationship she didn't know what to tell him so that he would stop asking about her past relationship she didn't know what to tell him so that he would stop asking about her past relationship y'know sevilla chris earley para que no siga preguntan bully so this went evaporation she didn't know what to tell him so that he would stop asking about her past relationship cada vez que de arriba dear mrs. award do trataba de cambiar el tema Omega Paulo runs every time I noticed that he was going to ask me for that favor I would redirect the conversation or tried to change the subject every time I noticed that he was going to ask me for that favor I would redirect the conversation or try to change the subject every time I noticed that he was going to ask me for that favor every time I noticed that he was going to ask me for that favor I would redirect the conversation I would redirect the conversation or try to change the subject or try to change the subject cada vez que ver que Viva de Vere misses of all yo trataba de cambiar el tema Omega upon the tremors every time I noticed that he was going to ask me for that favor I would redirect the conversation or try to change the subject yo in Klehr que tipo personnel sólo por una forma aller estos yelu en su personally difficile explica i sensed what kind of person he was just by the way he spoke his gestures and something in his personality that was difficult to explain I sensed what kind of person he was just by the way he spoke his gestures and something in his personality that was difficult to explain I sensed what kind of person he was just by the way he spoke I sensed what kind of person he was just by the way he spoke his gestures and something in his personality that was difficult to explain his gestures and something in his personality that was difficult to explain yo into er que tipo personnel solo por una forma a la casa dos yellow ensue personally I've officially returned I sensed what kind of person he was just by the way he spoke his gestures and something in his personality that was difficult to explain [Music] hey so Yolo say muy bien pero Mira Salta official poner en práctica por masculine identity I know it very well but it's been difficult to put into practice no matter how hard I try I know it very well but it's been difficult to put into practice no matter how hard I try I know it very well but it's been difficult to put into practice no matter how hard I try queso Yolo say muy bien de roba result of official panera impractical for masculine tango I know it very well but it's been difficult to put into practice no matter how hard I tried parece que siente keepo i stole preparados olivier combe Louis Technica's atactic --is it seems that the next team has been preparing very well with new tactics and techniques it seems that the next team has been preparing very well with new tactics and techniques it seems that the next team has been preparing very well it seems that the next team has been preparing very well with new tactics and techniques with new tactics and techniques Pera Sakal siente keepo i stopped Ricardo say muy bien con Luis Technica's atactic --is it seems that the next team has been preparing very well with new tactics and techniques the printer personas solo cities in America participate in the squeals hero de ellos eran personas Devon sorry dad of the 30 people only southern felt motivated to participate in the games and two of them were elderly of the thirty people only seven felt motivated to participate in the games and two of them were elderly of the 30 people only seven felt motivated to participate in the games only seven felt motivated to participate in the games and two of them were elderly the treinta personas solo cities in America participate in the schools Irenaeus era personas Devon Sevilla of the 30 people only southern felt motivated to participate in the games and two of them were elderly es lo que el estado creando todo este tiempo Parros avada la gran sorpresa Poirot Cinderella verdad that's what he's been believing all this time but he's going to be very surprised when he finds out the truth that's what he's been believing all this time but he's going to be very surprised when he finds out the truth that's what he's been believing all this time that's what he's been believing all this time but he's going to be very surprised but he's going to be very surprised when he finds out the truth when he finds out the truth es lo que el estado que en todo este tiempo para Savannah una gran sorpresa cuantos interior la verdad that's what he's been believing all this time but he's going to be very surprised when he finds out the truth so taro ha los perros en el parque Segundo que podría very gente es our they let the dogs run free in the park knowing that there could still be people at that time they let the dogs run free in the park knowing that there could still be people at that time they let the dogs run free in the park they let the dogs run free in the park knowing that there could still be people at that time knowing that there could still be people at that time so taro ha los perros en el parque Sorento people really hindi aruna Sol they let the dogs run free in the park knowing that there could still be people at that time see ya no puede control are a super Oh porque es muy fuerte no debería say Carlo on the int vamos a Carlo Alto if she can't control her dog because he's so strong she shouldn't take him where there are people or shouldn't take him out at all if she can't control her dog because he's so strong she shouldn't take him where there are people or shouldn't take him out at all if she can't control her dog because he's so strong if she can't control her dog because he's so strong she should take him where there are people or shouldn't take him out at all she shouldn't take him where there are people or shouldn't take him out at all see ya no puede controller esto pero por kiss muy fuerte no the various Accardo on the icmp vamos a car Lowenthal if she can't control her dog because he's so strong she should take him where there are people or shouldn't take him out at all yo les dije que podrían Gemara seguridad sick area total yo javi hablar con ellos y : - receive the lure I told them that they could call security if they wanted since I had already spoken with them and with the building administration I told them that they could call security if they wanted since I had already spoken with them and with the building administration I told them that they could call security if they wanted I told them that they could call security if they wanted since I had already spoken with them since I had already spoken with them and with the building administration and with the building administration yo les dije que podrían yeah Marisa Lagasse Korean total yavi hablar con ellos y : minister seattle world I told them that they could call security if they wanted since I had already spoken with them and with the building administration de los tres menos que esto le Yendo munis empezando ah saraburi Oh potpourri sierra que es un poco repetitive of the three books I'm reading one is starting to get boring or it seems a bit repetitive of the three books I'm reading one is starting to get boring or it seems a bit repetitive of the three books I'm reading of the three books I'm reading one is starting to get boring or it seems a bit repetitive one is starting to get boring or it seems a bit repetitive de los tres libros que esto le Gendo lost empezando saraburi oh no per se at Khe Sanh poco repetitive of the three books I'm reading one is starting to get boring or it seems a bit repetitive nasi padang besar organizer ptosis of planets without evoking bits are compatible and this KCAL oh gee I don't know where to begin to organize all these ideas but I have to start at some point before nighttime I don't know where to begin to organize all these ideas but I have to start at some point before nighttime I don't know where to begin to organize all these ideas I don't know where to begin to organize all these ideas but I have to start at some point before night time but I have to start at some point before night time amory de ti balay Nando's en la casa de gente la musica son Abba Massimo's worthy as the house filled with people the music sounded louder and louder as the house filled with people the music sounded louder and louder as the house filled with people as the house filled with people the music sounded louder and louder the music sounded louder and louder estos Estados cap Ando a mis Manos poka poka único que Makeda porous air missing bazar de sel I have been losing control of this little by little and the only thing I have left to do is start from scratch I have been losing control of this little by little and the only thing I have left to do is start from scratch I have been losing control of this little by little I have been losing control of this little by little and the only thing I have left to do is start from scratch and the only thing I have left to do is start from scratch yes a tomar una tiempo suficiente para pensar en el se hace que ya no es pregunta Ramos savanna sir no no they already had enough time to think it over and make a decision so I won't question them about it they already had enough time to think it over and make a decision so I won't question them about it they already had enough time to think it over and make a decision they already had enough time to think it over and make a decision so I won't question them about it so I won't question them about it yes a tomorrow nel tiempo suficiente para pensar que viene de ce ce que NOS preguntamos savannah sur l'eau no they already had enough time to think it over and make a decision so I won't question them about it see Casilla como Delaware no sir REO siliceous toga commander of will sink a mere acquaintance I know that by organizing the place setting a schedule and putting my ideas in order everything will start to flow without me realizing it I know that by organizing the place setting a schedule and putting my ideas in order everything will start to flow without me realizing it I know that by organizing the place I know that by organizing the place setting a schedule and putting my ideas in order setting a schedule and putting my ideas in order everything will start to flow without me realizing it everything will start to flow without me realizing it Sika Sika model where new scenario Silla serious Tolga common set of will sink in acquainted I know that by organizing the place setting a schedule and putting my ideas in order everything will start to flow without me realizing it and here every moment an imperious little crystals and a Performa they appear in the ocean the time has come for me to decide that this is the best way to expand the business the time has come for me to decide that this is the best way to expand the business the time has come for me to decide the time has come for me to decide that this is the best way to expand the business that this is the best way to expand the business annual American in cadiz hero case there's an accord forma they are clearly awesome the time has come for me to decide that this is the best way to expand the business - estas aqui para quando nobody feel a sting comes to you you will be here by the time the new building is finished you will be here by the time the new building is finished you will be here by the time the new building is finished you will be here by the time the new building is finished as casino Louis is livia Oren no puedes ver ninguno de los resultados Christus apparently if you don't start now you won't be able to see any of the results you are expecting if you don't start now you won't be able to see any of the results You're Expecting if you don't start now if you don't start now you won't be able to see any of the results you're expecting you won't be able to see any of the results you are expecting my interest expense and okay tourists aperio au system trabajando en una forma alternativa a solution are you while you're thinking that everything is lost they're working on an alternative way of solving it while you're thinking that everything is lost they're working on an alternative way of solving it while you're thinking that everything is lost while you're thinking that everything is lost they're working on an alternative way of solving it they're working on an alternative way of solving it mientras tu estas pensando que todo esta Carrillo ellos estén trabajando en una forma alternative evolutionary while you're thinking that everything is lost they're working on an alternative way of solving it Lomas gracioso Eric Leah pensaba que todos esteban de gondolas simple the funny thing was that she thought everyone was staring at her the funny thing was that she thought everyone was staring at her the funny thing was that she thought the funny thing was that she thought everyone was staring at her everyone was staring at her todo es una noche del Sol using the Sierra Denali using visceral masseur curious so it on the even their theories about where he would go started the night he left without saying anything to anyone their theories about where he would go started the night he left without saying anything to anyone there are theories about where he would go there are theories about where he would go started the night he left started the night he left without saying anything to anyone without saying anything to anyone Toto coming soon anoche noodles have using decir la donna e you using the seroma 3000 years so it only even their theories about where he would go started the night he left without saying anything to anyone Elva star aprendiendo todo relational Alex tilde Vida in Easton nervous you got he'll be learning everything related to lifestyle in this new city he'll be learning everything related to lifestyle in this new city he'll be learning everything related to lifestyle in this new city he'll be learning everything related to lifestyle in this new city ooh no Creek a Novak Austin brassia ciertos cambios Turin Bernard you know Kweli very possible RC a casita you believe that you are not going to get used to certain changes but in reality you can get used to almost anything you believe that you are not going to get used to certain changes but in reality you can get used to almost anything you believe that you are not going to get used to certain changes you believe that you are not going to get used to certain changes but in reality you can get used to almost anything but in reality you can get used to almost anything uno Creek a nova cost Ingrassia ciertos candido's - rain barrel no no puede ver a possible RC and casita you believe that you are not going to get used to certain changes but in reality you can get used to almost anything mondo tell focusing I'll work on crypto in rest of our series Vanessa see oh no certain importantly in muchas veces a suit local you know necesita when you focus on something in particular the rest seems to fail or become unimportant and many times that is what you need when you focus on something in particular the rest seems to fade or become unimportant and many times that is what you need when you focus on something in particular when you focus on something in particular the rest seems to fade or become unimportant the rest seems to fade or become unimportant and many times that is what you need and many times that is what you need hotel focus in our welcome create au resto para series when SLC on a certain important in muchas veces es lo que una necesita when you focus on something in particular the rest seems to fade or become unimportant and many times that is what you need es una lastima que uno tangata star plan yendo en te manawa ruta porque el transporte público es musica sake it's a bummer that you have to plan the route in advance since public transportation is so scarce here it's a bummer that you have to plan the route in advance since public transportation is so scarce here it's a bummer that you have to plan the route in advance it's a bummer that you have to plan the route in advance since public transportation is so scarce here since public transportation is so scarce here es una lastima keynoting gotta start Lonnie Ando the ante Manola rootin for Jill transporte público es musica sake it's a bummer that you have to plan the route in advance since public transportation is so scarce here kameena Manzana a sale of beers I ate an apple two days ago I ate an app days ago I ate an apple two days ago go modem and sauna kaleriya I eat an apple every day I eat Apple every day I eat an apple every day go marry una Manzana manana I'll eat an apple tomorrow morning I'll eat an apple tomorrow morning I'll eat an apple tomorrow morning it's two women have do I see a su casa one to eight years have you a pass here I was driving to her house when she went out for a walk I was driving to her house when she went out for a walk I was driving to her house when she went out for a walk I was driving to her house when she went out for a walk mystery Manish Chandra sir su casa in experimental I'm driving to her house right now I'm driving to her house right now I'm driving to her house right now extreme anaconda Tsukasa on Vidya Salgado's yet I'll be driving to her house when she goes out for a walk I'll be driving to her house when she goes out for a walk I'll be driving to her house when she goes out for a walk India via the you of Toledo and and trained quantity what is the skill she had read the whole book on the train by the time she arrived to the station she had read the whole book on the train by the time she arrived to the station [Music] she had read the whole book on the train by the time she arrived to the station she had read the whole book on the train by the time she arrived to the station rally-ho totally she has read the whole book she has read the whole book she has read the whole book via Brasil totally broken realistic she will have read the entire book by the time she arrives to the station she will have read the entire book by the time she arrives to the station she will have read the entire book she will have read the entire book by the time she arrives to the station by the time she arrives to the station she will have read the entire book by the time she arrives to the station es esta cosa Nando por una hora con deliver ojos invitados you had been cooking for an hour when the guests arrived you had been cooking for an hour when the guests arrived you had been cooking for an hour when the guests arrived you had been cooking for an hour you had been cooking for an hour when the guests arrived when the guests arrived assistive Oh Kofi Nando you have been cooking for an hour you have been cooking for an hour you have been cooking for an hour a grass esta loco si Nando por una hora cuando llegó syllables you will have been cooking for an hour by the time the guests arrive you will have been cooking for an hour by the time the guests arrive you will have been cooking for an hour you will have been cooking for an hour by the time the guests arrive by the time the guests arrive do severe case we were release RC en una pequeña spiralizer I knew that this was not going to happen but I had a small hope I knew that this was not going to happen but I had a small hope I knew that this was not going to happen but I had a small hope I knew that this was not going to happen but I had a small hope Arisa cuando cuando ellos para scutosaurus opinion you can be a CPA with us let me know when we can meet to discuss that issue that you have been avoiding for a long time let me know when we can meet to discuss that issue that you have been avoiding for a long time let me know when we can meet to discuss that issue let me know when we can meet to discuss that issue that you have been avoiding for a long time that you have been avoiding for a long time let me know when we can meet to discuss that issue that you have been avoiding for a long time Yoga NAVAIR pasado três anos in salina in amigo TC from lava direct answer a su trabajo de ha it'll be three years without hearing from my friend who always talked about quitting his job and traveling it'll be three years without hearing from my friend who always talked about quitting his job and traveling it'll be three years without hearing from my friend it'll be three years without hearing from my friend who always talked about quitting his job and travelling who always talked about quitting his job and travelling it'll be three years without hearing from my friend who always talked about quitting his job and traveling it'll be three years without hearing from my friend who always talked about quitting his job and traveling parisa case - generally we want this so low-key commission victor soliz leo it seems that I have lived this before only with different people and in another place it seems that I have lived this before only with different people and in another place it seems that I have lived this before it seems that I have lived this before only with different people and in another place only with different people and in another place it seems that I have lived this before only with different people and in another place I raised a case to reveal on this so logically filling these personas in Ottawa it seems that I have lived this before only with different people and in another place [Music] otra vez a Ron de Moura nozzle antes que suba suba Nantes pero esta vez con mucho mas the sunglasses that were in style before became fashionable once again but this time with a lot more variety the sunglasses that were in style before became fashionable once again but this time with a lot more variety the sunglasses that were in style before the sunglasses that were in style before became fashionable once again became fashionable once again but this time with a lot more variety but this time with a lot more variety otra vez a Ronde more costly in this case of salmon and with the u.s. today's contention was very rare the sunglasses that were in style before became fashionable once again but this time with a lot more variety miss Akira nevere Sircar say you Nakara familiar friend Kakui reckon say in a beaver saloon I didn't see her approaching yet suddenly I saw a familiar face in front of me that for an instant I couldn't recognize I didn't see her approaching yet suddenly I saw a familiar face in front of me that for instance I couldn't recognize [Music] I didn't see her approaching I didn't see her protein yet suddenly I saw a familiar face in front of me yet suddenly I saw a familiar face in front of me that for an instance I couldn't recognize that for an instance I couldn't recognize a sukira novice aircar say here pronto beam dakara familiar Dino I reckon oh sorry invincible I didn't see her approaching yet suddenly I saw a familiar face in front of me that for an instance I couldn't recognize [Music] little celebration the co2 level alone in this event how was the presentation of the new book at that event how was the presentation of the new book at that event [Music] how was the presentation of the new book at that event how was the presentation of the new book at that event yeah no sé que pasa grégoire esta builder ah al parecer domestic a de puta beer I don't know what else to add to this painting which apparently is not coming out so well I don't know what else to add to this painting which apparently is not coming out so well I don't know what else to add to this painting I don't know what else to add to this painting which apparently is not coming out so well which apparently is not coming out so well Elya no sabía que sirve para que hace la pregunta duvets new operator she didn't know what to tell him so that he would stop asking about her past relationship she didn't know what to tell him so that he would stop asking about her past relationship she didn't know what to tell him so that he would stop asking about her past relationship y'know severe crazy lives directly nación Rotonda Vesuvius was a were career she didn't know what to tell him so that he would stop asking about her past relationship miss capability mrs. award do trataba de cambiar el tema of Eva Poland rounds every time I noticed that he was going to ask me for that favor I would redirect the conversation or tried to change the subject every time I noticed that he was going to ask me for that favor I would redirect the conversation or try to change the subject every time I noticed that he was going to ask me for that favor every time I noticed that he was going to ask me for that favor I would redirect the conversation I would read directs the conversation or try to change the subject or try to change the subject Camus can be a career of the real mrs. award do trataba de cambiar el tema Olivia Pocahontas every time I noticed that he was going to ask me for that favor I would redirect the conversation or try to change the subject Demetria kppa personnel so aporia for my allah bestows yellow ensue personally our official agreement I sensed what kind of person he was just by the way he spoke his gestures and something in his personality that was difficult to explain I sensed what kind of person he was just by the way he spoke his gestures and something in his personality that was difficult to explain I sensed what kind of person he was just by the way he spoke I sensed what kind of person he was just by the way he spoke his gestures and something in his personality that was difficult to explain his gestures and something in his personality that was difficult to explain you eat we are a people person solo performer I guess those yellow is personally difficile experiment I sensed what kind of person he was just by the way he spoke his gestures and something in his personality that was difficult to explain XO y hace muy bien pero present of ecco nebula practical pour mask I know it very well but it's been difficult to put into practice no matter how hard I try I know it very well but it's been difficult to put into practice no matter how hard I try I know it very well but it's been difficult into practice no matter how hard I try Sol hace muy bien Gero very soon Ecco near the traffic was committed I know it very well but it's been difficult to put into practice no matter how hard I try [Music] parisa can see in the people I stopped a para nós Olivia don't know as Technica's attacked ACCA's it seems that the next team has been preparing very well with new tactics and techniques it seems that the next team has been preparing very well with tactics and techniques [Music] it seems that the next team has been preparing very well it seems that the next team has been preparing very well new tactics and techniques [Music] with new tactics and techniques [Music] parisa can see in the people I stop we're gonna go see a movie technically practicas it seems that the next team has been preparing very well with new tactics and techniques the printer personas solo cities in America participant English works you know they use in a person as women Sarah of the 30 people only seven felt motivated to participate in the games and two of them were elderly of the 30 people only seven felt motivated to participate in the games and two of them were elderly of the 30 people only southern felt motivated to participate in the games only southern felt motivated to participate in the games and two of them were elderly the personas solo cities in America participer in the squirrels euro radio spirit personas the events aware of the 30 people only seven felt motivated to participate in the games and two of them were elderly es lo que el estado en todo este día pero Sawada una gran suppressor 1 superior that's what he's been believing all this time but he's going to be very surprised when he finds out the truth that's what he's been believing all this time but he's going to be very surprised when he finds out the that's what he's been believing all this time that's what he's been believing all this time but he's going to be very surprised but he's going to be very surprised when he finds out the truth when he finds out the truth this was located I star again todo esta bien little civil interference anticipated another day that's what he's been believing all this time but he's going to be very surprised when he finds out the truth so taro Gaga sparrows in uppercase' you know people really heavily oh my soul they let the dogs run free in the park knowing that there could still be people at that time they left the dogs run free in the park knowing that there could still be people at that time they let the dogs run free in the park they let the dogs run free in the park knowing that there could still be people at that time knowing that there could still be people at that time so tyrone ago sparrows in el parque salient oh people really hate the always our they let the dogs run free in the park knowing that there could still be people at that time see ya no puede controller espero it is my birthday Northerly here's a car loan the aent vamos a Carlo Alto if she can't control her dog because he's so strong she should take him where there are people or shouldn't take him out at all if she can't control her dog because he's so strong she shouldn't take him where there are people or shouldn't take him out at all if she can't control her dog because he's so strong if she can't control her dog because he's so strong she should take him where there are people or shouldn't take him out at all she shouldn't take him where there are people or shouldn't take him out at all see ya no puedo controller espero disbelief worth it not only has a Carlo gently vamos a car Louis Cole if she can't control her dog because he's so strong she shouldn't take him where there are people or shouldn't take him out at all yo le dije que podrían Damaris Omayra see Korea total urea via blog videos equal administration I told them that they could call security if they wanted since I had already spoken with them and with the building administration I told them that they could call security if they wanted since I had already spoken with them and with the building administration I told them that they could call security if they wanted I told them that they could call security if they wanted since I had already spoken with them since I had already spoken with them and with the building administration and with the building administration julie zwickie Budhia a very singular see career well you have here low caminos equal administration every word I told them that they could call security if they wanted since I had already spoken with them and with the building administration they were strictly newscast own agenda simply Santos Arab reveal for par a serious case of Boca repetitive of the three books I'm reading one is starting to get boring or it seems a bit repetitive of the three books I'm reading one is starting to get boring or it seems a bit repetitive of the three books I'm reading of the three books I'm reading one is starting to get boring or it seems a bit repetitive one is starting to get boring or it seems a bit repetitive they go straightly nose-kiss to Magento Cassandra Sara Maria Aparecida case of awkward repetitive of the three books I'm reading one is starting to get boring or it seems a bit repetitive nasi padang besar already served all system planet in a circle I saw at this KCAL og I don't know where to begin to organize all these ideas but I have to start at some point before nighttime I don't know where to begin to organize all these ideas but I have to start at some point before nighttime I don't know where to begin to organize all these ideas I don't know where to begin to organize all these ideas but I have to start at some point before nighttime [Music] but I have to start at some point before nighttime immediately begin a new syllabus on him the music's on our mercy as the house filled with people the music sounded louder and louder as the house filled with people the music sounded louder and louder as the house filled with people as the house filled with people the music sounded louder and louder the music sounded louder and louder ace to say stavos Kathmandu a mis Manos popopo balloonicle to make a de Porres l he simply service listen I have been losing control of this little by little and the only thing I have left to do is start from scratch I have been losing control of this little by little and the only thing I have left to do is start from scratch I have been losing control of this little by little I have been losing control of this little by little and the only thing I have left to do is start from scratch and the only thing I have left to do is start from scratch yes sir tomorrow multi-episode ECL sleeper again sorry we only see very masculine a cell or they already had enough time to think it over and make a decision so I won't question them about it they already had enough time to think it over and make a decision so I won't question them about it they already had enough time to think it over and make a decision they already had enough time to think it over and make a decision so I won't question them about it so I won't question them about it yes sir tomorrow el tiempo suficiente para pensar en el ec CPA Gianaris promotoras Sylvanas alone they already had enough time to think it over and make a decision so I won't question them about it Sika Sika model where sir arias in a few years Torah common set of we seek a miracle I know that by organizing the place setting a schedule and putting my ideas in order everything will start to flow without me realizing it I know that by organizing the place setting a schedule and putting my ideas in order everything will start to flow without me realizing it I know that by organizing the place I know that by organizing the place setting a schedule and putting my ideas in order setting a schedule and putting my ideas in order everything will start to flow without me realizing it everything will start to flow without me realizing it Sika see a component where two scenarios in a serious tone welcome instead of we when I know that by organizing the place setting a schedule and putting my ideas in order everything will start to flow without me realizing it and you've a little mental until this evil place that the time has come for me to decide that this is the best way to expand the business the time has come for me to decide that this is the best way to expand the business the time has come for me to decide the time has come for me to decide that this is the best way to expand the business that this is the best way to expand the business [Music] and you know maybe creates a static world for man yeah the time has come for me to decide that this is the best way to expand the business [Music] - Esther as a keeper a quadrille if you see a stick on Stewie you will be here by the time the new building is finished you will be here by the time the new building is finished you will be here by the time the new building is finished you will be here by the time the new building is finished universes with the Overland Nepal raspberry in uno de los últimos kissteria if you don't start now you won't be able to see any of the results you are expecting if you don't start now you won't be able to see any of the results you're expecting if you don't start now if you don't start now you won't be able to see any of the results you are expecting you won't be able to see any of the results you are expecting in the stew the spirits and of the tourists after you au systems ever had with a foreman at the be willing to learn while you're thinking that everything is lost they're working on an alternative way of solving it while you're thinking that everything is lost they're working on alternative way of solving it while you're thinking that everything is lost [Music] while you're thinking that everything is lost they're working on an alternative way of solving it they're working on an alternative way of solving it interest expense and okay touristic review a new system ever having a formal alternative solution while you're thinking that everything is lost they're working on an alternative way of solving it Lomas gracioso Eric Levin saw a cryptosystem million dollars in Perl the funny thing was that she thought everyone was staring at her the funny thing was that she thought everyone was staring at her the funny thing was that she thought the funny thing was that she thought everyone was staring at her everyone was staring at her todo commence una noche no bills are using this is not an alley he used to service a few years so along the even there are theories about where he would go started the night he left without saying anything to anyone there theories about where he would go started the night he left without saying anything to anyone there are theories about where he would go there are theories about where he would go started the night he left started the night he left without saying anything to anyone without saying anything to anyone [Music] Toto commence una noche will be reducing this year memory you simply serve a 3000 years so we're on the even there are theories about where he would go started the night he left without saying anything to anyone my star aprendiendo Olivia next time I mess it up he'll be learning everything related to lifestyle in this new city he'll be learning everything related to lifestyle and this new city he'll be learning everything related to lifestyle in this new city he'll be learning everything related to lifestyle in this new city ooh no cree que no la costa brava ciertos canvas pure burner kweli very possible see casita you believe that you are not going to get used to certain changes but in reality you can get used to almost anything you believe that you are not going to get used to certain changes but in reality you can get used to almost anything you believe that you are not going to get used to certain changes you believe that you are not going to get used to certain changes but in reality you can get used to almost anything but in reality you can get used to almost anything no no cree que no la costa brava ciertos canvas to Roberto no puede llegar a possible see casita you believe that you are not going to get used to certain changes but in reality you can get used to almost anything Hotel focusing I will concrete to Universal policy reason SSE although certain important you chose versus a suit looking on when you focus on something in particular the rest seems to pay or become unimportant and many times that is what you need when you focus on something in particular the rest seems to fade or become unimportant and many times that is what you need when you focus on something in particular [Music] when you focus on something in particular the rest seems to fade or become unimportant the rest seems to fade or become unimportant and many times that is what you need and many times that is what you need although they're focusing I will compare to the rest of our series when SLC on a certain important inches versus a suit local knowledge when you focus on something in particular the rest seems to fade or become unimportant and many times that is what you need it was not rusty but you working porque transporte público XPS kisaki it's a bummer that you have to plan the route in advance since public transportation is so scarce here it's a bummer that you have to plan the route in advance since public transportation is so scarce here it's a bummer that you have to plan the route in advance [Music] it's a bummer that you have to plan the route in advance since public transportation is so scarce here since public transportation is so scarce here Asuna last HemoCue not egotistical and OH the monomer holder exqueeze Kazuki it's a bummer that you have to plant the root in advance since public transportation is so scarce here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
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Keywords: aprende ingles mientras duermes, aprende ingles durmiendo, ingles para dormir, ingles, aprender ingles, aprende ingles con sonidos relajantes, aprende ingles con musica relajante, frases comunes en ingles, palabras muy usadas en ingles, aprende ingles basico, ingles avanzado, frases en ingles, oraciones en ingles, como entender ingles, como hablar ingles, aprende ingles mientras conduces, aprende ingles mientras duermes avanzado, aprende ingles mientras haces otras actividades
Id: aWBOgotqJ6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 51sec (11451 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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