AppSheet Development Process | Idea to Deployment

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what's up everyone welcome back austin here from aptchytraining where we teach you how to level up your skills to upgrade your career make sure to hit that like and subscribe button and ring the bell to get notified when new content is posted by the end of this video you will learn the seven essential steps of the app sheet development process throughout this series we will meet our expert app sheet developers giving you insider best practices on app sheet development in this video we'll take a look at the overall app sheet development process let's get started [Music] step one is to define your entities this is where you will define each entity and the relationships between them in your app build i like to use a use case doc to organize all of my ideas and then begin building my tables and my data source next for my use case i want to build a content planner app with google calendar integration let me show you a quick preview of how i mapped this out in my use case doc so here we have our summary and i just listed out a brief description of what my main goals are and why the app is being developed and then the user stories is where i list out my high level steps and activities for the app build and then i move down to the functional requirements and list out what functional requirements i want in my app build and then lastly i have my data relationship diagram here awesome now we have that mapped out and we're ready to go step two let's build our data tables now that we have our use case doc filled out we can start building our data tables for this use case i have two data sources google calendar and google sheets let's take a look at how i set up my data tables and google sheets here i've created three data tables i have a platform table a crew table and a content table the platform table has a platform id i highlighted it right here the next table is my crew table it has an email column and this is going to be my id column for the cree table so the platform table has a platform id but this table email is unique so i can use this as my key column for a crew table or for your use case it could be like an employee's table next our content table this is our child table of the two parent tables so it is a child table because the platform id is referenced here in the content table from the platform table so i have that highlighted here as platform id and then i'm also referencing the crew table with the assign to column which i have highlighted here all right so i've got my data tables mapped out and it's ready to go and connect with app sheet now that we have our data tables built out let's look at setting up our google calendar so you're going to want to navigate to google calendar and then i want to call my calendar the content planner calendar so how i made this new calendar is i went to other calendars i clicked the add button and then clicked create new calendar i wrote my calendar's name for my use case it's content planner and then i just clicked create calendar and that's all you have to do to set up your google calendar as a data source to connect with app sheet and our next step step 3 let's create the app and connect the data once we have all of our data tables set up the next step is to connect our data sources to app sheet for this use case we have two data sources google sheets and google calendar let's take a look at how to set this up now that we're in app sheet let's make sure app sheet has connected all of our data tables that we created in our google sheets so first i'm going to connect the crew table so there we go actually will load a little bit and our crew table will be connected to app sheet alright next we're going to also do the same thing we're going to add the table the content table next so that that also is connected inside of app sheet so load for a second again all right there we go so now we have our content platform and crew tables those are all of the tables that we had inside of google sheets but we're still missing something our google calendar let's go ahead and add that new table we're going to navigate to the google calendar one and there it is our content planner perfect all right and i'm going to go ahead and click add this table and just like that we've got our content planner app connected to all of our data sources and it's ready to go if you're still wondering how to map out these data relationships on your own we recommend signing up for app sheet proficiency boot camp you can find more information about this course in the description below let's keep going step 4 define the user experience now that we have our data connected to app sheet we can begin building out the optimal user experience for our app we will polish up form views and create a guided user experience for our users let's look at best practices for setting this up for our use case we're going to navigate to the ux tab and go to views and add a new view we're going to start with the primary view it's our content calendar and then our menu view is the crew view so you can find that by going to the menu tab and then selecting crew right there perfect all right let's look at the contents of the content calendar the view name is content calendar the data is the content table i selected a calendar view to display my data and it's going to be in the center right here here's the different view options that i selected and then i selected a calendar icon to show me what kind of view it is perfect that's all we need to do to set up a calendar view type inside of app sheet step 5 refine the app's behavior our next step is to refine our app's behavior and ensure that the proper actions and automations are set up for our use case we're going to navigate to the behavior tab actions add a new action our first action will be add to google calendar this action is taking records from the content table and adding them to the content planner our google calendar you can see that listed here perfect our appearance is going to be the icon plus and then our behavior is going to be this expression here to learn more about expressions we recommend signing up for our expression mastery course perfect now let's add this to our content form okay so i'm going to navigate to ux and then i'm going to open up my content planner form i'm sorry my content form and then here we can see the content form view so i clicked on that it opens up the content form ux view alright and so i'm going to scroll to the bottom and find behavior and then our event actions when the form is saved it's going to add it to the google calendar and that's all we have to do our google calendar action is set up and ready to go next let's look at automations inside of app sheet to set up an automation we're going to navigate to automation bots and add a new bot i have one automation running for this app initial email so once i created the new bot i titled it initial email when this event occurs it's going to send an email on a data change and it's going to be ads and updates the content and the condition will be status equals not started so what is it going to do it's going to send an email so it's going to run a task right here and then the task is to run the initial email and so the table name will be the content table and the channel will be system default and it's going to be to anybody who is assigned to create content for that event and i'm just going to use the default content for this and that's how to set up a simple automation inside of app sheet step 6 is to review app security our last step is to finalize security filters and make sure the table's add edit and delete features are configured correctly so the way we do this is we're going to navigate to security and then we're going to go to security filters i want to add a security filter to the content table so i'm going to go ahead and click on the content table and i've input this expression here and this what this expression allows me to do is to see only data that's associated to me or whoever the user is that is using the app i'm going to go ahead and change this user to justin and hit apply and now our app will filter the data according to what user is using the app perfect so now justin can see only his um content events and i can see only my content events and that's how you set up a simple security filter inside of app sheet our final step is to deploy our app this is the best part of the app development process we have checked all of our behaviors designs and security filters and we're ready to move the app to deployed state to do this simply click the deploy button in app sheet and that's it seven simple steps to help you develop your apps from idea to deployment now don't forget to sign up for a free tech talk with me by clicking the link in the description below and we can build out your app's design and get you started on the right learning path for leveling up your app sheet skills and upgrading your career [Music]
Channel: AppSheet Training
Views: 1,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AppSheet, Database, App Development, Google Sheets, Excel, SQL, Smartsheets, No Code, Google Forms, Graphs, Report, Mobile App
Id: 3CWbbMTnHYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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