Approaching the Scene 153: How to Easily Autofocus Action With Nikon’s Z Cameras

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despite what some others might be saying i'm having an absolute blast in sports action and wildlife with my nikon z mirrorless system so today i'm going to take you through my viewfinder through my settings and talk about how to easily get better results from this mirrorless autofocus system it's actually way simpler than you might think and then i'll walk you through a quick shoot i did at kiteboarding yesterday and show you what an insane keeper ratio i'm getting from these cameras well hey everyone it's hudson thanks so much for joining me uh i had this just really great experience yesterday was father's day photographing some of my friends kiteboarding particularly a a young young boy i guess teenager young teenager who's becoming really really incredible i'm sure he's going to be a pro kite writer one of these days before too long and his dad was out teaching him and i was just out photographing for about 15 minutes in between kiteboarding sessions and i had such a blast photographing with my z72 and good light with the 70 to 200 s lens i thought you know who says that this camera doesn't photograph action i i buzzed through the images i haven't even deleted any i saw maybe two or three that aren't razor sharp and critical focus and i thought i would share some of those with you talk about the settings that i use and and really debunk the idea that this camera isn't capable of shooting sports in action because it is actually just a joy to do that with and very very simple i might add so we'll jump in we'll do that i have a couple quick announcements um january or sorry july 6th so right after the fourth of july weekend we're gonna be doing an office hour session that's a free interactive uh group session for photographers and recovering photographers where some good friends of mine some other photographers we all get together and have a pow-wow about all things photographic and and this july 6th we're going to do a long over overdue kind of nikon specific session you know there's a lot of people who love to come to office hours that also shoot canon and sony and fuji and other brands and you know not to put them off but just take the long weekend you're probably not watching this video anyway because it's kind of a nikon specific video but this one's going to be for the nikon faithful you can join by signing up at office hours i'll get to the link for zoom you can leave me a question there we'll talk about it my good friend rick lepage is going to be in the studio with me helping to moderate and ask questions rick's just got a brand new sony a1 and i've spent some really fun time shooting with that shooting some action with that and i guess my biggest point of all this is that all of the latest cameras are just flat amazing it's a joy to shoot action with sony's autofocus system it's a joy to shoot action with fuji's canons killing it you know nikon made the mistake i think of launching the z6 and the z7 with their autofocus a little half-baked they're probably trying to meet a deadline and they've done so much through firmware to improve those cameras and now the dual processors and the z62 and the z72 and the much bigger buffer uh just really make them worthy action cameras that are a blast to shoot with so i'm gonna go through quick today i'm going to show you some settings oh one more quick announcement my friends at loom cube i'm actually using one of the lights right in front of me one of my key lights is a loom cube panel pro i love using these things bluetooth compatible i use them out in the landscape because they go so low they're wonderful to just really lightly light foreground subjects for the milky way and star shooting i use both loom cube 2s and panel pros a lot in the work that i do anyhow the big story is that they're having their annual summer sale everything's 21 off i'm putting a link my affiliate link with them i love working with those guys i'm putting that link in this video's description along with links to anything that i talk about and links to videos that i reference i'm going to reference some setup videos we're going to talk about how to customize your controls for the z6 z7 z62 z72 z5z50 whichever they're all really really similar when it comes to their autofocus systems so that link to loom keep 21 off that's in the video's full description uh just click show more or the videos title depending on your platform there's also a chaptered out table of contents with time codes you can click and watch or re-watch any section of the video that you want skip this whole intro if you want i hope you'll join up for office hours i hope you'll check out the links that i put there's always links to everything that i talk about all the gear that i use at ats links and those links help me out and i appreciate your using them and i appreciate everyone for growing the channel for sharing subscribing liking and just being part of the ats crew it's really your user input and your questions and comments and emails and interactions in the office hours that we hold that drives the content on this channel and i can't thank you all enough for being so awesome so all right let's talk about autofocus um father's day amazing day yesterday went out to the river to my favorite kiteboarding shop spot a lot of you people who know me personally know you know my family my kids my photography and my kite boarding you know also skiing and mountain biking but kiteboarding is really really big i seem to be a person who's just drawn to things that are incredibly gear intensive whether it's parenting or kite boarding or photography or skiing or mountain biking but kite boarding is a huge passion of mine and it's really fun to photograph and i haven't done a lot of it since we've had our kids because my wife and i both love to kite board we go out there we take turns kiting and watching the kids and it's tough to keep the kids safe around all the kites and lines and water and also be out photographing and paying attention to what i'm watching my wife you know it's like there's just too much going on and i tend to just go and enjoy myself and decompress but father's day my aunt my wife came out with me we spent the whole day at the river the wind was great and they took off with the kids early and left me for the evening and i was able to just kite myself silly and then get my camera out and do some photographing i have my z72 my 70-2028 s lens and my good friend cristiano's son alessandro is a young teenager and he's just starting to kill at kiteboarding he's actually the national champion for his age category for snowboarding now he's angling into that territory for kiteboarding and his dad used to be a pro rider and he was teaching him things close into shore and i just started photographing all these amazing moves that alessandro was doing and i was just blown away i could tell as i was shooting everything's in focus everything's locked everything's dialed and coming home you know i only shot for like 15 minutes like and i actually handed it off to a friend while i ran to help another person whose kite was down and just showed him what i'm about to show you and his hit ratio was amazing never having handled one of these cameras before he's more of a of an iphone shooter and you know he's an engineer at nike but amazing amazing quality uh the the images that that he brought programmer at nike but um so i'll show you all that stuff i'm gonna run through him fast in a big grip view and just randomly pick some images and you can see that the the hit ratio is insane i haven't deleted any or cropped any i'm going to talk really quickly through the settings that i use show you a couple of examples of how i use them and i want you to reference the setup video that i did for the z62 and z72 it doesn't matter if you're a z6 z7 user or z5 user or z50 user the autofocus settings are so darn similar i would suggest that you reference that video it's in video's description you can you can click show more click the title right along where i told you that all the links and time coded out chapter table of contents and everything are but that video will show you how to set up the controls the way that i'm talking about the biggest thing is remapping function two button that's down here on the front of the camera around the grip so that the right hand that's gripping the camera the ring finger of the right hand hits that function to button we remap that to subject tracking and and i'll show you why i also like to remap my movie mode to be uh to be autofocus mode selection and area selection and i move depth of field actually i used to do that i put that on function one now and i move depth of field preview to the movie button changes changes set slowly with me so the movie buttons depth of field preview shooting action and sports the the the uh the function one button is changing auto focus modes the function two button below it is subject tracking so you can see how to do that in the setup videos but essentially i'm just going to use my diopter adjusted viewing you can you can see i'm recording what i'm doing here so i'm looking through the viewfinder right now if i hit my eye button that's the the i menu that can pop up at any time i want to be in high speed continuous release mode i prefer high speed continuous i get a higher quality i can get a 14 bit raw instead of a 12 bit raw and it's fast enough for me if you really need speed you can go to continuous extended get a little smaller not quite as much bit depth in the files i like to use autofocus continuous mode i mean that's the one where it's going to track action that's been the same with dslrs and mirrorless for nikon speak for ages autofocus continuous then you're going to go up into the area mode it's a little bit different selection methodology but it's the same basic modes for the z6 and z7 you can go auto area and then in the menu settings turn on face and eye detect and whether it's animal eye detector human eye detect i like to just generally leave human eye detect on unless i'm photographing animals and in the auto area because i love to put people in my scenes and a lot of the sports and action that i'm doing have people and i'm often photographing people in in landscapes and everything so i often have auto area autofocus people what it does essentially is whenever a person's face pops up it's going to put a square around that face if multiple people pop up multiple squares you can flip that square from person to person just with a joystick bump with your finger if they're close enough the eyes are showing up it'll put a square around the eye and you can choose the left eye or right eye just by bumping the joystick or to the next person's eye or their left eye right eye next person's eye left eye right eye move around the frame choose which eye you want to be the center of attention and then when you hit auto focus this is going to lock that eye or that face it's really really cool but it's going to do that all automatically you don't have to select anything except choose which eye or which face with the joystick and then hold down the autofocus button it's also going to select what it thinks you are photographing when you're photographing sports in action it works so well it's looking for things that are moving things that are moving that you're moving with things that you're tracking and it's incredibly smart about how it does it the whole shoot that i did yesterday not once did i override the auto area by ins by by turning on subject tracking not once did i need to but i'm going to show you what i'm talking about here in case that's all foreign for you i'm going to open this thing up and point it a part of my studio and we'll just hit the the shutter button to get rid of the i menu and right now nothing's in focus i haven't hit the autofocus button i haven't hit af on now if i was really shooting a static subject like this i wouldn't be using autofocus continuous i would go into autofocus single single servo autofocus and i would choose to be in a pinpoint selection mode and then i would just put that pinpoint on the thing i want to focus i mean that's the way i would actually work with static subjects like this but we're going to fake it and we're going to pretend like these subjects are moving a little bit so i'm going to just just show you a few little tips here through this so all right so what i'm actually going to be photographing moving subjects whether it's sports action wildlife my kids running around or a portrait that's moving around you know i'm gonna grab a different mode than i would for stills for wildlife for that still life sort of thing where your subjects aren't moving that we're just talking about and you know i generally do that by just flipping into my user three main you can see up at the top left i'm in my user three mode which is set to shutter priority and it has a bunch of settings that just automatically will dial in but we were just changing things around so i'll show you the way to change them back you either hit that i the i menu button on on your screen or the i menu button on the back and then it's going to open up this touch screen control system you can use your joystick or d-pad or you can touch the screen and i'm just going to touch the screen here and i want to select autofocus continuous because i'm photographing moving subjects and then like i said before i like human or auto area autofocus people you know that when i'm shooting kite boarding or some action like that there are people's faces and eyes and sometimes i'm close enough to them to be locking them automatically and that's what i want to do but when i go to photograph you know all i have to do is just hit the i menu back and i'm set to start photographing action i'm not even going to select a focus point at all though you know really i'm just going to to if i've got frame filling action unless i have to i'm not going to select that subject tracking you can see that little okay for subject tracking that's kind of the base mode the way the camera is set up you would hit the ok button on the back with your thumb to activate subject tracking boom you get that box set up in the center and then you have to hit the the mag the reduce magnification button to exit subject tracking you know i just hate that i remap it to the function 2 button so let's talk about some live examples of shooting action you know let's say i've got these two subjects here it's looking for what's the closest thing and it's going to pick that doozy slider right there if i lift up it says well that's a more prominent subject it's going to pick the 400 meter 3.5 that's on my gimbal back there if i come down it's going to say oh is it the pelican case that he's after or is it that tripod you see how i moved it to the rule of third position and instantly it was like the rule of thirds is usually a place photographers want to subject so it's making decisions now it's not always going to get it right especially with a static subject like this nothing's moving there's no reason for it to decide to track that tripod head not a focus continuous so let's say let's say for example it is saying that's the closest subject that's what he wants focus but what if i want the pelican case well that's where i hit that function two button that i have programmed for subject tracking activate that box and i can either move it or i can leave it centered i'm using the joystick right now and tap when i move now it's going to stay with the pelican case if the pelican case is moving around the frame and i'm stationary it's going to stick with that as long as i hold down af on if i release af on it resets to the position i told it to go so i can move that around i can say oh i do want that tripod oh i do want that lens ooh i do want that doozy slider with the acrotech head on it oh i want the printer oh i want that light bulb oh you know what that light bulb in the back and as i move around the frame it's going to stick with what i chose nice and smooth that way when i don't want that to be up anymore all i got to do is hit that button with my ring finger again my ring finger activates it function two button turns it off turns it on turns it off turns it on now when i'm really shooting sports in action like i did yesterday with my kite boarding friends i very rarely trigger subject tracking what's subject tracking for an action photography well really it comes down to situations where the subject's really too far away from you you're not going to make a groundbreaking image because it's a little bird and a big scene way off just barely moving through the frame you're not perceptibly moving the camera to track it and maybe the camera thinks that the blowing tree closer in on the rule of thirds line is a better subject we'll hit activate subject tracking put it on the bird lock the birds that's coming towards you you know what i tend to do in those situations instead is just wait for the bird to get closer you know if the bird's gonna get close enough to make a great image of it i don't need subject tracking once i start moving with the burb because it's coming in or the kite border as they're getting closer and closer and i'm starting to track them the camera says oh that subject's moving the photographer is moving with the subject and it'll pick those just put those red rectangles around the subject you hit auto focus on and you're going to lock it you hold it down you hold down the continuous burst mode when good things start to happen if for some reason you lose them you can back off grab them again but it's really rare and i'm going to show you i'm going to run through some images and show you this in action all right so most people who know me well uh know that that one of my passions you know aside from my family and photography is kiteboarding i seem to be drawn to the most gear intensive pursuits on the planet and since we've had the kids my wife and i we tend to trade off kite boarding and watching the kids and i haven't done a whole lot of photography over the last couple years but on father's day this last weekend my family gave me the gift of coming and having a big picnic at our kite beach and then stacy taking the kids home with my aunt a little bit early and letting me just hang out and kite and i photographed some of my friends and this is all you know the truth is i kited a lot and you can see the first image was shot at six o'clock p.m uh and the last of these nearly 300 images was shot at 6 17 44. so you're talking about less than 18 minutes here i actually handed the camera off to my good friend leor while a friend of mine was having a little uh kind of catastrophe with his kite and he did a magnificent job for really never shooting with anything but a phone all i did was showed him you know you put the person in the frame follow it hit the af on button and hold the shutter button down it's all you got to do it really is that simple as long as you don't need to engage subject tracking i mean the camera makes amazing decisions for you so i'm you know let's just run through let's let's look at these big and i'm going to go through these really fast we can hone in a few of them they're i haven't culled this shoot at all all i've done is run through and identified some good images to include with these videos and done some really quick lightroom edits on them so i'm going to run through this is my good friend jason he loves to jump huge i think i selected one of these images yeah that one i edited a little bit you can see how much shadow detail and color there is there but you know this is the first shots of the day for me um not really anything looking like it's missed i didn't select the focus point at all cameras making all the decisions here's uh my friend alessandro he is an amazing young kiter he's also the national champion in his age category for snowboarding and now that he's taken up kiting i hope someday i'm photographing him in the olympics but he's just he's awesome his dad cristiano is amazing uh and he's really developing as a young kiteboarder and you can see you know he he was coming in close his dad's teaching him new tricks he's working on this board off maneuver there you can see the raw file looks a little it's just the way it's being represented as i did the edit there's plenty of tonal information in there you know and really just about any one of these images i'm not seeing anything where it looks like it's soft or out of focus it's just tracking him and all i'm doing is he's coming in the frame i'm tracking him and i'm hitting the af on button in that auto area people mode maybe his face is soft right there i think it lost him i think it went to the water behind him all right so there's one you know um but the next one it reacquired him it's always looking for faces too with the face and eye um you know so you're gonna see a lot of him trying this board off maneuver i gotta go through 300 images so i'll go fast this one looks like it might be a little soft let's see as it resolves the one to one preview yep well no it's not done loading hang on these are big files these are 46. no that one's sharp too i'm telling you they're just this camera doesn't make too many mistakes again all these images shot in 18 minutes just laying down the trigger this is where i handed the camera to my good friend leor because i did not take this photo i remember taking this series then my friends kite went down in the water i was helping to learn to body drag he's learning the kite board and i ran to help him i handed the camera to ler i said take some shots hold down the auto focus button when you have something you want to shoot and hold down the shutter button and you'll fire the shots it's in continuous mode this is my good friend steve steve is like the yoda we call him yoda at the kai beach he's the most amazing kite flyer most amazing human being and just this awesome awesome guy he retired recently from oracle and he's out there a lot and i love spending time with him and having my kids spend time with him i did a little quick edit for the kind of intro section of this video we're back to alessandro leor's photographing alessandro here this is lior's photograph he doesn't really shoot you know with anything but a phone and all he was doing was holding down the f on button sometimes i think knowing less this system is so simple is that let's see this one might not be perfectly sharp yeah it got the board but there's not a lot of his face showing i mean i would still call it pretty good and by the time it does see his face it's gotten back sharp yeah these are all leor's photos i think the first photos i took were of my friend matt when i came back and grabbed the camera from leor even over in the corner it's having no trouble choosing what to focus on as long as you're tracking action that action's moving it's an afc it's an auto area it knows what to look for it's like he's clearly photographing that guy this image is actually that one i edited it but somehow i liked it better flipped you can see that the writing's backwards i just flipped it horizontally and did some basic raw processing and cropped it 16 by nine for the videos intro i love that shot leora i have to give him mad props and send him that he he rocked taking all these images but you can see i mean it's nailing it this is leora's family he took a few photographs of them i got to send them along and then you know this is when i grabbed the camera back matt was out he saw me with the camera he started doing some back rolls he's teaching his son wyatt to kite too which is fun maybe this first shot you know was a little far out that's weird why did lightroom grab the wrong part of the image there this no you know what it recognizes he's a subject it's got jason sharp i'm shocked there's a little bit of haze playing back there he's a long ways across the river alessandro jason here's one of the sequences you can tell jason's wetsuit is coming uh pretty seriously unzipped let's see if this one's nice and sharp uh that one's a little out of focus so we've got one that isn't critically sharp how about this one the one next to it that's pretty sharp you know this is one of those ones where if your subject's that small and far away maybe you need to grab the subject tracking mode it's still not doing bad but when your subject's close the camera knows what you're after you know plus i'm tracking him this is a fun series where he did the kind of inverted this is the same shot cropped a little bit to straighten the horizon just tone and color corrected god he is getting so good i don't even think alessandro is a teenager yet um and it's just fun to watch him develop oh yeah he he was proud of that one and you could kind of see it in his face as he came in and i saw the camera light up eye detect as he came rolling in and smiled at me and that was fun so it went not only face detect but eye detect on that series as he came rolling in and all you got to do is hold down the f on it's going to lock that eye you could switch eyes if you wanted with the joystick really quick you know it looks it's it's even nailing him through the crash there there's jason a little ways away this is a surfer i don't even i'm not this is not one of my close friends i don't even know his name but it's fun there's so many disciplines of kiting hydrofoiling surfboard writing twin tip writing like alessandro is doing there's one that i edited a little bit this one to that um my friend kristen launching her kite it's kind of fun for people to see how that works you know and i again i didn't even choose subject tracking here it just knew that you know kristen's moving around she's close in the frame this is one i edited for the intro knows that that's what i want it lost it a little bit there it looks like it looks like it's a little soft focus it's kind of choosing her harness instead of her head you know never in my life have i gotten every frame sharp but i'm telling you the keeper ratio and it cut it back by the next frame to keep your ratio from this camera is truly ridiculous you know here's a situation where someone's so far away this is what i'm talking about with like wildlife and action work you're really not feeling the frame and you know this is the situation where maybe you need to grab subject tracking because they're too far out also it's really hazy there's a lot of haze in the atmosphere here i'm shooting this at iso 80 so that's not noise that's just atmospheric haze playing through it actually looks like it's locking on him to me he looks sharp it's just a lot of haze i'm shooting through clear to the other side of the river but you know these are these are the shots where i'm i'm probably gonna wait for him to get closer anyway i'm pretty shocked that it that it captured that as small as he is in the frame here's kristen ready to go out she's learning to hydrofoil hydrofoiling is really my passion i i love riding a hydrofoil it's like a hoverboard for skiers it's like being in powder every time here's one of those shots where it didn't quite get him you know if if i zoom in i actually took this on purpose thinking oh and you know need to showcase that it doesn't always nail focus you know i i shot it didn't grab him it grabbed the trees in the background he's small in the frame i waited a second until he was closer and i could get him you know or i could activate the subject tracking and put that box on him and just track him as he moves to the frame although i find it works better to just use auto area when they're close and frame filling instead i just switched over to kristen because she was getting ready to take off on her foil she's learning the hydrofoil and doing really well then he came back in close no subject tracking like i said i didn't activate subject tracking on a single one of these frames i like this shot a lot too so i i edited that one a little bit um nice late light we're getting down to the end of this we're at 6 15 so there's only an another 90 seconds of shooting maybe oh wait there might have been one out of focus there did i see something that looked a little soft maybe that one let's have a look trying to find the ones that aren't sharp still loading the frame some of this is just lightroom rendering 46 megapixel files too nope it's sharp that's the thing you're gonna have a hard time finding them darn here comes my friend matt doing a uh a rail grab back roll pretty styling man he's got some water in his wetsuit he must had a crash that put water up his leg here's leor who was taking the photos playing a little paddleboard and i swear he's more familiar with that uh paddleball paddle than the camera despite his look right there liar is an amazing fun fun guy i love going on trips to baja with him kiting and his family and kristen is his fiance so more of alessandro ripping it up i think you're starting to get the picture there just aren't very many out of focus images it and i'm not selecting a focus point i'm telling you simple is how they're designing the system and i imagine as they perfect it it's going to be just crazy you know i think that one of the things they have yet to do is is dial it in as well for wildlife as it is for people and i'm sure that well that one looks like it might be soft let's check it we're still loading let's check this one see if we found a soft one it's like my goal now yep that one's a little bit soft but the next one isn't you know just there you go that one i think it's focused on the spray instead of him but he's turned his head away too so how could it not focus on that spray alessandro we're in the last seconds this has to be the last set because it's 6 17 p.m up there in the top left corner wow and that's it those are the last shots i needed to go kiting myself alright so i have one more little set of things i want to show you guys uh that i have just to say it's not all about using a z native lens either so i'm going to jump in here to this other little collection i have set i'm just gonna go full frame these are some of my favorite shots from the uh the day out at savvy you saw some of these but you know here's here's more like if you went through a selection of my favorite shots from the day instead of going through all of the images that whether they're sharp or not which most of them are these are sort of sort of my picks this is stuff that i shot with my z7 before the z72 or z62 came out with firmware 3.0 and the 500 pf on the ftz adapter and there's a whole video about this i'll put the link in this video's description if you click on the title or show more about shooting with the 500 pf versus the 70 to 200 s lens versus the 24 to 200 s lens and the fact that for this kind of action and stuff the the 500 pf just rules it's so much fun especially you know here this is the pistol river down on the oregon california border where it comes out and meets the pacific it's one of my favorite places on earth the kiteboard and i think you see i'm having no problem with the 500 pf on the ftc adapter shooting these these types of action sequences either um so you know i think i think that the proof is sort of there in the uh the results so anybody who says you can't autofocus action i just don't quite get it so i i think the point of all this isn't you know nikon amazing sony bad canon epic nikon terrible the fact of the matter is that all of these latest pro build mirrorless cameras are doing amazing jobs at capturing sports in action and with the z62 and the z72 i'm getting hit ratios like i really never have before um and and i find it's just dead simple the way nikon is engineering their system at this point it makes the decisions for you and if you're really getting a worthy image where your subject's frame filling and you're tracking it it just doesn't miss it anything that you're tracking along with that's in the right position that a photographer will be photographing it's locking it knows what you're after you know if there's a situation that fools that system just like evaluative metering you can override it you can go spot metering well in this case you go subject tracking and if you program that to a finger that's not doing anything else like your right finger on function two button dead simple again links to how to set that up for the setup video are in the video's description just click show more of the video's title depending on your platform i've got affiliate links to everything that i've talked about oh one announcement i don't remember whether i said it or not loom cube is having a big summer sale 21 off everything in their store i have an affiliate link in there in the video description along with the other links they're awesome you know i use their panel pro and their loom cube twos constantly out in the field i even have a loom cube panel pro lighting me right now as kind of a key light in here to just throw a little fill on me from that side they're bluetooth controllable i can turn it down so low i often use it in the landscape to just throw a little light on the foreground for milky way scenes without even having to turn them off and turn them on you just they they're wonderful lights great people love working with them so their sale goes through june 28th day after my birthday there's a little easter egg and i'm going to be in new york next week for that so all right you have questions you have comments anything to put out i'm easy to get a hold of email me put a comment on the youtube video sign up for the office hours uh july 6th they're going to be nikon specific or for the nikon curious or anything nikon whether you're an f-mount person a z-mount person a curious person not sure which way to go a lot of people have given me questions over the last bunch of office hours we're going to hit some of those old questions we'll take new questions leave a question when you sign up at officehours and hey everyone i hope you're enjoying the season i hope you're enjoying things loosening up a little bit getting together with dear friends and family the world is finally starting to kind of get a little bit back to normal for those of you that are still in places that are having a tough time condolences and you know stay strong stay safe stay careful for those where the storm is passing a bit and things are opening up i hope you can get out and i hope that everyone can stay creative stay safe and have fun all right everybody see you next week
Channel: Hudson Henry Photography
Views: 10,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nikon, Z7, Z6, mirrorless, lesson, education, training, how to, gear, photography class, digital photography, depth of field, f5.6, aperture, live view, Approaching The Scene, Hudson Henry, Z6ii, Z7ii, autofocus, auto area, eye detect, action, AF-C, kiteboarding, kitesurfing, motion, lume cube
Id: liA9hY3AhlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 24sec (2004 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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