Approaching the Scene 138: My Nikon Z9 Wishlist & Thoughts On A Mirrorless Future

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today what i'd like to see from nikon's newly announced z9 body as well as other mirrorless bodies that they and other brands produce uh i'll talk with my good friends that are sony shooters and dslr shooters and just kind of provide a broad perspective on where mirrorless is headed why it's exciting and awesome and where we hope it all goes [Music] well hey everybody hudson here welcome to this week's approach in the scene we're going to talk about sort of the future of mirrorless technology both with relation to nikon's newly announced nikon z9 uh as well as all the other camera brands and where mirrorless is headed and just kind of a wish list for things to happen in the future i don't know exactly what the z9 is going to be like i'm not even going to hypothesize i'm just going to give you a wish list of mine as well as my good friend rick who's primarily a sony shooters kind of wish list for for camera development going forward as well as my good friend david archer who mainly still shoots dslrs but is enjoying his z62 he's largely a d5 shooter so we'll we'll talk about some different perspectives and i'm going to wrap it up with a video of rick and i in north central oregon in a really beautiful location having a discussion about all the different brands where they've gone with mirrorless what it means why it's such an interesting renaissance period for photo equipment and why all that really doesn't matter nearly as much as you're developing your art and your knowledge of the tools that you have so that's where this episode's going before we jump in i want to thank everyone who's been liking sharing subscribing and and directing the content on this approach in the chain channel again i do videos about what all of you are interested in and want to know so i pay really close attention to the comments that you leave here on youtube to the emails that you send me to the questions that you submit when you sign up for my free office hours we're going to be doing another free set of office hours on march 23rd tuesday march 23rd 10 a.m sign up for that you can participate on zoom we can see all your faces and interact you can also be on youtube live you can submit a question when you sign up we're going to talk about mastering contrast and tone and using your histogram both in the field and in your edit to make sure that you have the image captured and edited the way that you really realize that vision that you had out in the field so kind of a fun topic and discussion and i hope i'll see you there and i hope you'll submit questions so i'm going to run through i'm going to do a quick series of wishes of mine you know nikon has announced the z9 all i know is a little shadow outline of what it's going to look like it's going to be a bigger pro build style with dual grips which is which is not my favorite talk about that in a second kind of violates one of my wishes but we'll talk about that in a minute and i don't know you know i don't know what sensor is going to be in it except that it's stacked i imagine it's going to be pretty high megapixel it's going to kind of be a larger competitor to the to the sony a1 but let me talk about a wish list for things i want to see moving forward from all the brands but you know maybe nikon in particular at different points and just for all the brands of others so you know one thing nikon i feel needs to do is move the play button you know nikon's kept a wonderful ergonomic system from the days of film to today where nikon cameras just feel good in your hands and the controls are where you expect them if you've ever been a nikon shooter but they need to move the play button because in the days of the dslr you'd shoot shoot and when you wanted to review your images you look down at the lcd and you hit play your hand was back there already on the top left side it was a good sensible position now in the days of mirrorless you shoot shoot shoot and you want to keep looking through that viewfinder through your diopter adjusted magnificent high definition beautifully colored viewfinder to see what you've got and you know it should be a button that you can reach with your thumb without having to take your hand off of a heavy lens to come back and hit this awkward button that's by your nose on the top left so they really need to move that and everybody i've talked to says they need to move that you know sony sony's got theirs in the right spot take a look at that um simplifying the autofocus you know right now nikon i think they're they're berated overly for autofocus issues i think their autofocus is simply brilliant in afs mode the eye detect for autofocus continuous is amazing i can't get an image out of focus with my my kids or my cat and i find it works a lot with wildlife despite not being rated for it and i'm sure it will increase to add birds and wildlife very soon through firmware updates like they they are so good at doing but the one thing that i think could be simplified is selecting a subject to track when it's not obvious you know nikon does an amazing job in auto area autofocus selecting what subject it is that you actually think is important particularly if that subject is frame filling and you're tracking with it it does a magnificent job without you selecting any point at all and so do the other brands i think that some of the other brands have gotten a little bit more nuanced with their ability to flip into a mode where you select what the subject is and track that subject moving through the frame nikon's subject tracking is good out of the box you need to modify the camera to make it easy to use otherwise your thumb is dancing all over the back of the camera turning it on and turning it off i if you go through my z62z72 setup or my z6 z7 setup videos which i'll link in the description to this video i'll show you how to set that up so that it's under your your infrequently used ring finger for your action mode and it's easy to turn on and turn off when you need it when you need to identify that thing that you're tracking but i think that moving forward all the camera brands should be looking to companies like skydio i have a drone from a company named skydio and i'll put a link to it in the video and if you watch this video you'll see what i mean the video on their website this drone is more of an autonomous drone it traps subjects it tracks subjects that you identify and when you're flying it with your controller with your phone any person or vehicle that shows up in the frame has a little plus over it and if you touch the plus the drone automatically starts auto focusing and tracking that subject and you can say what angle you want to be at what distance away you want it to be the fact that that's available with on sensor technology through the little drone sensor tells me that the camera companies can do that too with the processing power that they have i'd like to see every person animal or vehicle that the camera identifies have a different colored little marker over the top and if you're in a place where your voice doesn't matter you could just say red the camera has the microphone built in you could say red and it starts tracking the red subject you don't have to move your hand at all green blue if you're in a place where you're working and it has to be quiet you could use the joystick to select just like you can with eyes right now and the fact that you can move from animal eye to animal eye from human eye to human eye right now with the joystick and select which one you want the camera tracking tells me it can do it with subjects in general so that's a processing sort of algorithmic smart processing thing that's that could come and i'd love to see it with all the camera brands it's just going to make our life even that little bit simpler i'd like nikon in particular to fix the depth of field preview issue with the z cameras that i've been complaining about since the original z6 and z7 came out i'll link a video on that it has not been fixed when you're in stills mode you can't preview your final aperture at apertures smaller than f 5.6 at a hundred percent or at any view except fit view if you're in looking at the entire scene and you touch the depth of field preview button it'll stop down past five point six and let you see the image at final aperture but if you're zoomed in to check critical focus say out in the distance or in your closest subject and you press the depth of field preview button it goes back to a fit view and you don't get to see with fine detail whether that subject that's important to you is in focus or not and that is just a limitation that makes no sense to me it's not a limitation with my old dslrs like the d850 or the d500 and it's not a limitation in video mode on these same cameras so i'd love to see them do a firmware update and not have that limitation on future bodies i would like to see the clean view option on the on the display when you're shooting it has a lot of exposure data available and people complained there's no option for just a completely clear view and that's a valid complaint so for the z62 and z72 they added to the menu of options you can program buttons for a clear view and that means you have to burn one of your programmable buttons i use those buttons for really critical things and i don't want to burn one for the clear view there's a big display button it only has like five options i would be fine pushing it one more time and having one of those options be a completely clear display it just makes sense to me to put that as a display button option in the rotation so and i think that's the way sony does there so that would be fantastic um i would like uh well i'd like the grip to be optional i've never cared for vertical grips and i'm a guy who loves to take vertical images probably the larger the vast majority of my portfolio images that are single frame are vertical i shoot a lot of panoramas where i'm holding the camera vertical even if i'm doing handheld panoramas and i shoot vertical frames and i sort of see the world that way i have to force myself to turn back to landscape orientation so you know for me shooting like this is just natural and it's as easy as just rotating my wrist a little bit my controls don't change i don't have to realign when i watch people working with those big pro build cameras like the z9 is going to be i see them rotate and then move their hand around and get their fingers back on the controls you'll probably never see me do that i'll probably have those big old controls sitting off to the side not using them and it may be it also the one great thing i love with the z cameras is i put them in my camera bag they're about the same width as most of my lenses and i just dropped them into the same size slot that i would put say a 70 to 200 in you know if i've got my 50 millimeter or my 24 to 70 or my 20 millimeter on i just drop it into a slot it's even shorter than my 70-200 it's like a lens slot in my case instead of having to have it bow out and have a place for the body and i love that that's a huge great change from a space perspective for me the bodies being smaller doesn't save us all that much weight because we're still shooting full-frame cameras with big lenses but having it fit differently in my bag has been great and i don't relish the idea of a bigger body and we have external battery power so we don't you know that you can power the camera via usbc so i'm not too worried about having a whole bunch of extra battery power for night shoots or time lapse or things where i'm on a tripod and i can just hook a power delivery battery brick into the camera um so i just don't have a need for it and i wish that they would make that an option and i hope that if this camera has mind bending capabilities that i really need they offer some of those same things in a smaller body replacement to the z7 before long i would like to have two button format back on the body where you know if i want to format my memory card i could be having a discussion with you and there's two buttons that i hold down that have dual tool function if i hold them for two seconds up flashes format memory card yes or no and i could switch with my dial which memory card i'm formatting and press it again and it formats that's just simple i don't have to dive into menus to format my memory card it feels like a thing that was taken away i love the backlit buttons on the d500 and the d850 i've already talked about how external power makes power consumption really not such a big deal when i use the evf priority the viewfinder priority i find the battery lasts just about as long as i was used to with my d850 and my d500 so you know i wouldn't mind it lasting a little bit less and if i pulled that power switch over and and wanted it i would have the back all the buttons light up just with a little soft glow that's nice for night shooting that was great on those cameras and i miss it i'd like it to bring it back i'd like a dedicated bracketing button instead of having to burn one of my custom buttons to get bracketing out of the menus you know again if you look at my setup videos i talk about where i think it's intelligent to put that bracketing button but it'd be nice to just give us one of those back particularly if they're going to have a bigger body like this i'd like to have dual compact flash express b card slots if they're going to have dual slots to me an sd slot i just i don't want to deal with sds anymore after working with xqd's and compact flash express type b cards they're so much more durable more robust faster the sd cards feel like a really fragile toy card after you've been using those other cards for a while so if you're gonna give us dual slots give us two good card slots is sort of how i would uh i would think about it and then from a video perspective i'd like better audio preamps um i think on all the cameras could use that aside from maybe panasonic which does really good audio preamps the there's a lot of background noise if you turn up the amplification of the audio coming into any of the current z cameras and up until i got these holy land wireless mics that have really low signal to noise ratio and a really loud signal directly out of them i used to run my audio through a field recorder to amplify it and then into the camera with no amplification maybe level one just to avoid that hiss that's inherent so let's get rid of that and with the fast processing and with the fast memory cards that these cameras have let's do 10-bit internal end log video recording for those that understand what that mean i won't dwell on it but to have to go out via hdmi to external recorder like the atomos ninja 5 just seems unnecessary i'm sure they could do the 10 bit log recording also be nice if it came straight from the factory ready for pro res raw when you're shooting out to these recorders instead of having to send them in and pay to have them modified for that um when i i talked to david archer who shoots a lot with the d5 the d500 the d850 but it's really enjoying his z62 he he still notices a little bit that there's a tiny bit of shutter lag he loves the amplified view he loves the viewfinder but when he's shooting action in burst mode he'd like there to be no lag and i think that that's probably coming in the next versions of the camera i think the z62 and the z72 have less lag than the z6 and the z7 and it was not a deal breaker for me on the originals and i've been using them enough i've just gotten used to it i can track action just fine with it but it's a complaint that he has he'd like to see slightly improved and he'd like that play button moved but his overall statement was he loves it so much he'll be leaving the d5 at home unless it's a serious uh wildlife oriented trip that he's going on he doesn't feel the need to be lugging the big old body around anymore and he loves the new glass too my friend rick lepage who shot nikon film cameras sony or canon dslrs then nikon for a little while when the d800 came out before switching to sony's for the mirrorless technology and he's still a sony shooter ordering the a1 here he he would like the play button to move he'd like a slightly simplified autofocus system like i'm talking about i just feel like you have to bump around in the in the tracking mode a little bit bouncing between subject tracking and auto area tracking takes work it works really well once you get the hang of it but it it takes work to do and i think they can improve on that and you know clearly he'd like the uh the play button to move to move to the right and he agrees he'd like to have that grip optional david archer loves having the vertical grip he's been shooting with the d5 forever and the d4 before that so you know different people have different desires for me i'd really like to have that be an option instead of mandatory uh so that's basically kind of my wish list i think what i want to do now is jump over to a discussion that rick and i had out in the field out near the john day river on a really beautiful but cold evening with some beautiful windmills spinning behind us so i'm out here north central oregon with rick and we've been shooting around a little bit for our long exposure project which we're we're running right now and we've both uh we both shot a lot of different camera brands i've obviously been nikon for a really long time rick was briefly nikon for a while you were canon sony or canon nikon sony i was nikon in film days yeah and then went to canon when they came out with the d30 back right in 2000 and i went whole hog into the canon ecosystem you know and they just weren't catching up and when the d800 came out you yeah i was like you know what i'm gonna jump and so i jumped i kept on kept a lot of the cannon gear just in case um and i love nikon i actually had a lot of fun shooting with that d800 that's a great camera yeah i became really close to jumping nikon ship and and going over to canon in the days before the d800 release because all they had was 12 megapixel cameras and all the canons were 24 and i needed more resolution but you know now we've got the mirrorless game and it's clear that all the r d is headed into mirrorless and dslr's days are you know i'm not going to say they're gone forever but they're they're going on the back burner at least of everyone's product development chart they'll be retro in about 10 years they'll be retro in about 10 years you know absolutely and you've been shooting a fair bit with with the z6 as well as your a7r iii a7r iii right well you've had a lot of different a7 cameras yeah and so you know what we thought is i've been shooting with the ace or the the i've been shooting with the z72 the z62 having shot the entire life of the z6 and the z7 and i thought i'd talk about some of the things that i absolutely love about the system as well as some things i'd like to see them address uh moving forward with their newer camera designs um and and have rick chime in too because he's coming from a more sony and canon perspective than i am you know i i truly am just kind of looking this as a nikon shooter saying you know here are some things i'd like to see changed for me uh the the biggest benefits to these cameras are the low light focusing the especially with the z62 and the z72 the ability to focus on a star at night with the z6 and z7 i could focus on planets but i can use the pinpoint low light autofocus and nail focus on a star i was doing that last night on a moonless night without even any bright milky way in the sky and it was nailing it every time or just a very faintly lit grasses in the foreground just nailing autofocus and not having to worry about it that combined with the quality of the lenses that they've been building for this big newer wider mount i think that's one thing nikon did really really well was making that making a bigger amount with a shorter flange distance between the back glass and the sensor has just opened the world up for their engineers to build lenses that are doing things i wouldn't have thought possible um i i thought i loved my old top nikon f glass but the s glass just uniformly is blowing every one of those lenses out of the water and i find myself selling lots and lots of f glass right now and holding tighter and tighter to the new s-glass now ricky your experience with the 24-70 f4 right i was going to say so first of all i'm borrowing hudson's old z6 not switching to sony or switching from sony at this point right but we teach workshops together it's there there are a lot of nikon shooters who come to these things it's good to have familiarity with others as well as people we get sony shooters and camera shooters in there yeah yeah olympus shooters all the time too but i will say that that as a long time sony shooter when you first got the z6 and the z7 and we went out did a couple of workshops and i put it in my hands and did a little bit of shooting with it you know we were in death valley i i i instantly fell in love with the camera i mean one of the things that i loved about the d800 back in the day was after years of canon which had an okay interface um it it it just felt more like me it felt more like a photographer's interface the where the way the buttons were laid out the way the menus were laid out that sort of thing bigger grip with more room for your hand and and you know playing with the z6 in the last couple of weeks you know one of the things that that you know we in the past used to get uh you know hung up about was you know an f4 zoom right you don't buy those you know you really want the two eight zooms yeah and i have to say that this 24 to 70 f4 s lens is one of the nicest lenses i've used in a long time yeah i've never bought the 2.8 because i think the f4 is so sweet so small fits in the bag so nicely balances right and it f4 it's sharp corner to corner yeah yeah and you know so i've also been you know i've got a a mount that that let an adapter that lets me mount my sony lenses onto the onto the z and that's been kind of fun yeah and actually it was really fun because i put the nikon to fe mount and then my canon ef 2 fe mount so the so the nikon to sony and then the sony the canon stacked right on the camera with my 16 to 35 f28l lens from way back when which i just adore um and and that's another thing about this whole group of cameras right is that you can do that sort of stuff you can trade stuff around yeah um you know the the the sony's come quite a ways since the first days of the the the a7 and the a7r they have um and the newer cameras the new one that a1 the a7s3 you know and we whatever will be the successor to the a7r iv you know sony's been working on their menu system their ergonomics weather sealing yeah yeah and so you know they'll get there um i don't think that you know if you had me pick one today i'd probably stay with the sony just because i'm familiar with it sure and i've got all of these lenses that work with it despite the fact that i could mount them you know back and forth but they're going to work better in the native system yeah yeah they are you know i i the handling is is wonderful i love i i just it just feels so good in your hands yeah you know but of course the one thing that just drives me crazy is the play button up up up top on the left side well that's that's something that david archer's talked to me a lot about too and it's funny because in the days of dslr you're shooting shooting shooting shooting shooting you want to look at images you drop it down and you touch that top button with your thumb i mean it makes sense right you're already looking down at the screen anyway nowadays when we're shooting shooting shooting i want to just be able to tap with that finger without taking my hand off the lens and view the image in the viewfinder and so yeah which is exactly and sony's got their their play button is right on the bottom right um and that's you know another thing smart you know when we talk about z versus a7s versus the the new canon r5 and r6 you know the reality is is as we've been saying for a long time all the cameras are amazing we are in a renaissance yeah of mirrorless cameras i mean yes dslr sales are dying there's no sort of middle ground between the smartphone and the mirrorless systems but it's it's hard to go wrong today you know it really is any of the surviving systems yeah the other thing i adore that you know all these top mirrorless systems have is the eye detect autofocus whether you're shooting people or pets or some animals i know nikons isn't isn't up to where it talks about wildlife yet but yet i've had it registering eyes with birds and with mammals besides cats and dogs but with people it's crazy like i just never get a shot that's out of focus of my little preschool kids bouncing around at full speed if my shutter speed's up and i have that mode on and they come in to where they're any kind of frame filling the eye just locks it's it's amazing and i think the whole auto area autofocus system in nikon and sony has a similar thing where it's it's really sort of like matrix metering or evaluative metering where it is looking at a whole library of possible scenes and determining what it thinks you're trying to capture what's the tone balance that would be appropriate for your image those have gotten so good well the autofocus is doing the same thing now reading the sensor and it's saying what subject on this scene that the computer is seeing is what should be in focus and locking it without you even choosing a point it's choosing the points for you yeah and i mean and then there's an override where you can say no i want it to be this and you can hit a you know hit a button i like that to be a front function button and just say that's what i want locked and lock it in as long as i'm holding but it's i mean it's a whole game changer it really does make it easier to focus in on what's my background what's my shutter speed it's locking focus for me in a whole new way and and you know this is one of the things that that i think this discussion leads to which is you got to know your gear whatever it is you know so many times you you know we're out in the field and you see someone who's you know looks at your z7 or you know my a7 and they're like oh i want one of those and it's like you know you know my camera doesn't do this and it's like well you know most cameras today do do this yeah what you really need to do is is focus in on how to get the camera to act the way you want yeah understand the the the strengths and the weaknesses of the lenses that you have you know understand your sensor where's your you know where are your limits for noise that you have to be careful about you know so you set your auto iso properly right i mean you know practice practice yes it is it's practice you know you go out and you practice with your camera so that when you get into these great situations you know these beautiful areas with light that that you're you're already you're already ahead because you've gone and you've done that practice you've played with your lens you know which lens you want to use there you know what your filters do yep you know and you've got your camera set up so that you've got it the way you need it to work in the field yeah and that's something that it it what you don't get that and just hold on to it forever you have to keep practicing it's just like an athlete it's just like a musician any artist if you sit on your laurels and are just hanging out with the family like i've been doing a fair bit lately and get out here in the field it doesn't necessarily mean that you remember exactly how it was zipping for you the last time you were out shooting for three weeks straight and had everything dialed you know things get rusty you need to get out and work and so that's why practice is so important we talk a lot about that even if you're at home and you're not in some kind of a great inspiring place take your gear and go practice with it even if you don't get anything that's a keeper image that you want to print large in your home you're practicing you're ready then when you get into the spectacular scenery where you want that image you're ready to get it yeah the only other thing i would say about nikon that i really would like to see them change in their future cameras i would like uh them to move the the no information on the display there's a button on the z6 and z72 you can program any of the buttons to touch it and it takes all the information off the display you just have a clean view of what the sensor sees and that's a really nice feature but i'm using all my custom buttons and i think it would be nice if they just put that in the rotation from the display button where that's one of the choices i would be fine with hitting the button one more time to cycle through the optional displays to have the clean display be keyed into that button all right i've got that online yeah yeah exactly exactly i do burn it on a button for video work because i really need to see the frame for video work but i don't for still photography the other thing is they still have a limitation where you can't zoom in to a hundred percent and view your image at final aperture at anything narrower than f 5.6 if you go to f 11 and you zoom into 100 you can but it's still only going to show you f 5.6 unless you hit the depth of field preview level and when you do that it zooms back out i have a whole video about that i'll link it in this video's description you can see what i'm talking about i've talked to nikon they say the engineerings are looking at it i'm just hoping that the next cameras or firmware for the current cameras address that because it's really a nice thing doing landscape photography to be able to look front to back yeah other than that i'm pretty pleased you should be yeah this is i mean so what this is last generation at this point right right and it's i mean it it's that's a wonderful camera it is yeah and you know the i think of the z62 and the z72 is kind of it's 1.5 it's not 2.0 it just addresses some of the features it adds that second slot which i use for video i'm not backing up all my images while shooting the field it's great to have a second slot with a big sd card for video and it has a little bit better autofocus and faster responsiveness at all the autofocus work that it does mainly because of dual processing just everything runs a little faster and it has a much bigger buffer so if you do shoot sports in action you're not going to run out of buffer like you did with the originals so the other thing for me is there's just a few little things you know it has a mode now where you can go past 30 seconds for shutter speed and it's a little bit unique i think in that you can go to two and a half hours and it continues to meter it's a moog you can turn on and all of a sudden bulb is past two and a half hours still moves in thirds of a stop it's pretty great i was using that last night for the milky way with exposure delay mode and i didn't need any external trigger whatsoever or or even an external remote because i just pushed the shutter make it wait a second and do a two and a half minute exposure um and it also has an ability to remember exactly where your last focus was even if you've taken the lens off and spun that focus by wire ring on an s lens put it back on when you turn the camera back on it focuses right where it was before that's really sweet for night work i have to say that that when i saw the z7 and the going past bulb mode last last night i was like why is it taking so long with these cameras to get to this place i know the r5 can do it too so i have a workshop frequent workshop flyer who just got the r5 was asking about it and i looked into the manuals but they do it in a kind of funny way where there's a there's a bulb timer setting in the menu where you can go turn it on and then how long do you want bulb to be but it doesn't meter and just extend the shutter speed times like the z cameras that's a pretty cool feature yeah so it's a funny thing it is a funny thing anyhow so i think that uh by and large the biggest takeaway is that all the cameras out there are great um the z cameras there's a there's a lot of things they're just kicking butt in there's a few little things that they could fix but remember we're on we're on version 1.5 there's there's a lot of room to run we got a whole runway ahead so and every camera yeah has their set of little things that drive you crazy exactly all right everybody thanks rick yep we'll uh we're gonna get out and shoot before the light gets any better yeah all right good times with rick in a beautiful beautiful place i can't wait to get out with all the workshop participants and my friends collaborating and doing creative adventures taking pictures in beautiful places again it's going to be happening really really soon you know my first workshop is going to be kicking off you know post pandemic workshop is going to be kicking off at the end of august starts august 31st through september 3rd in brookings oregon spectacular reach of the southern oregon coast i'll be launching that really soon a number of people asked for reserve spots already hit me up and we'll be doing yellowstone tetons and moab rick and i and david archer will be coming along on that in the fall in october looking forward to those cuba is in november there's not very many places left in cuba i haven't launched the the big parks workshops yet but a lot of people have asked for spots in that i'll have all that out as soon as i can get them up on the web and you know as far as the z9 goes obviously we filmed that before the xenon was announced it's an interesting camera from my perspective i'll be very curious to see what improvements it brings to the z system um you've got my list of hopes obviously the the form of it is larger than i would have wished for it'll be interesting to see if it's so good i have to keep it i'll get one of the earliest ones i'll shoot the heck out of it and review it whether i keep it or not that's another question i really do love the z62 and the z72 and they're the right size for me and there's not much that i really want to improve just a few little things so we'll wait we'll see again i hope you'll think of joining up on the office hours on the 23rd 10 a.m pacific give me a question when you sign up at hudson officehours gear links that are my affiliate links for those of you who want to help support what i do are at ats links again there's all the stuff that we talked about in videos or linked in the video's description just run in there and have a look at it thanks everybody for supporting this channel for sticking through to the end of this video is a good long one and i hope you're all staying safe staying creative and we'll see you next week
Channel: Hudson Henry Photography
Views: 10,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nikon, Z7, Z6, mirrorless, lesson, education, training, how to, gear, photography class, digital photography, depth of field, f5.6, aperture, Approaching The Scene, Hudson Henry, Z7ii, Z6ii, Z9, stacked sensor, autofocus
Id: zggjpdL6088
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 30sec (2070 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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