Apple WWDC ChatGPT and Elon Musk xAi Genius

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hi friends welcome back so we're talking about the stock market Ai and apple apple had their event today the WWDC the worldwide developers conference and announce all the new sloa products I want to share my thoughts on this what it means for the market and what it means for us culturally because honestly this all kind of intersects and we'll get into it as I what I mean by that um my first thought honestly when I saw the event today was I miss Steve Jobs then I I don't know if everyone feels that way for these events I don't know this one in particular I really really miss miss Steve Jobs um I I uh grew up with this stuff um I'm 49 so literally saw the whole development of the uh uh computer industry and the video game industry you know and all this stuff personal home Computing I remember all these things I remember when a lot of people had these at their home and for those of you who still have your old Macs please let me know I I I missed these things and um it was like really fun when you could figure out how to uh change the sounds on the computer for alert sounds or opening folders all kinds of stuff I remember that stuff um I remember when they came out with color full computers I think these were the IMX I don't remember what year this was but I remember these things um and in fact true story um there was a laundry M I used to go to where they had a bunch of these things cuz they were really cool and um that was in college like you you have these laundry mats where you go and you meet people and there like a singles laundry mat and then you have um you know C couple computers and I remember when I when I when the new Macbook um air came out and there was like Hey it can fits an envelope that was one of the best marketing ever I totally wanted that thing and I got it actually this thing was a great computer it has been um and I remember the iPhone um you know one of the things that that is is frustrating these days guys with the new Apple um stuff it it just feels so impersonal and it feels so fake and it feels so scripted um there's something there's something special about someone comes out on stage in a live audience and says hey I got some new products I'm going to try to sell it to you but but they I don't know how to say it they they they they have a bit of interaction and play right with the audience right like like it's if you ever watch these things it's you know people maybe cheer maybe people boo whatever right and and you can kind of you know see how it's going to go play the room and it comes from a different era of of heavy competition right and the era that we're in now when I mean by by scripted is and this is where I got total fatigued let me um pull up the uh it was like the the and if you don't know they're going to integrate chat GPT into their stuff um yeah it's like this thing it's it's we already our new cycle is so different than what it was before not that we didn't get leaks on Apple before we we totally did like I I remember when the iPad was announced we all knew it was coming like it was leaked earlier but I I think I remember also an era where things weren't leaked so heavily right this chat gbt deal with Apple I don't know we've known about for a couple months already um but moreover everything just feels so fake um this Craig guy I really get tired of seeing you and and if you guys okay so Apple's uh Steve Jobs come out on stage and he always say hey we got the best iPhone ever Etc right he's on stage but then then we moved into was it the was it the Ives guy if you guys remember was the Johnny Ives guy and he'd be like we've developed the best product of all time it's the be you know and uh they spin the camera around and it's it's kind of silly we used to make fun of it but it was still entertaining now with Craig and and it's not just Craig it's everyone over at Apple I'm just using Craig's Apple because I think he's kind of their their main person when in these presid not Tim Cook but but Craig um it's just like it's like the Graham Stefan kind of talk like overly hyped like this is the best emoji ever and then and then he was like and you can change the screen color from red to blue and it's like I mean if you're like excited about every feature like for an hour and a half it it's really fatiguing to be excited for like every minute it's just it it's and I don't know if you guys get this kind of stuff and it's also fake um I think the other problem is too is not only do you have fake people speaking fake scripts they're also selling you AI products that are designed to replace people and that's why I was kind of laughing was like oh my god do you guys see what's what's happening here um and what do I mean by that like um and yeah and if you want to know the stuff they they're they're announcing it's kind of what you expect they're going to integrate chat TBT with a lot of different apps and stuff like that maybe you're going to write your emails better maybe you're going to write your text better and and you just already kind of know what the stuff is right those text generators generator stuff uh it's going to make you better emojis um which you know it's it's cool technology um is it is it like the best thing ever I don't even use the emoji stuff they have now and I have Apple products and and what I mean by that is like I think right now if I want I can put a cat on my face and I can do a FaceTime with you as a cat and you can do yours as a as a turtle or giraffe or whatever and we can talk to each other as you know turtle and giraffe or or cat or whatever but I don't even use that stuff now I because like when I call you I want to talk to you as a human being and you probably want to see me a human being may maybe kids like that stuff and I don't know guys you guys can tell me if if I'm just from a generation where we like to call each other on the phone and and actually more star treky and and like actually see face to face on the phone I think is is really cool um and I I definitely don't want to see emoji on your side and I don't know if you want to see it on my side you guys let me know um but but I just feel like that's kind of where we're going we're going to replacing human interaction we're we don't even do a live event anymore and and and now we do this all and it's totally scripted if you guys watch this stuff everything's like the best thing they've ever done they talk like you know happy all and hyp hypy all the time and and and it sounds like really stupid when it's like a really small change and they act like it's the greatest thing ever but that but but it's it's for everything so anyway I I I I talked too much on that but that was the big problem that I had with it um I will say though and and you won't hear this out often on the channel um I completely completely 100% agree with Elon Musk if you're going to spend your time on something and you want to make a lot of money just go into AI I completely agree with that I I I don't think it's cars um it's not uh the the reason why I say that and this is where I think chat GPT and actually leave that up I think honestly they're they're the big winner as of now but for how long who knows because for my kind of understanding and this is sort of also ties to the market all these companies are forced now to integrate chat GPT like you know function into your into your software into your um phones into your computer so now when I talk to Siri hopefully hopefully it works a lot better because frankly Siri is not great it it's just not like if I say um you know Siri find me oh you know find me like great restaurants around me or I'm just for example or hey Siri you know um which movies were okay okay and I and I didn't want to say Hey Siri because I knew it was going to come on that's why that's why say that but if you heard my phone there he just started talking but but the point is though is is um often times they'll say hey this is what I found on the web like like Siri actually um Is Not Great it doesn't give you complete information and then the other problem is is that all this any like say if I ask it you know where to go or or you know where to eat or whatever then there's always the high chance that we're going to go that way to where people and businesses are going to be paying to move their results up front right so you guys would get the problem with this and we had the problem already on Google where now I search on Google and there's like three ads for what I'm searching for before I even get to the actual you know results but then even the results may be also bought and paid for it's the world that we live in right and and then the results that you find maybe written by some Ai and you don't know where stuff is coming from so that's why guys and I've been kind of thinking about more and more that you know I do videos on YouTube is to really emphasize the human element of it because I I think the push is going to be hey I miss a human I I'll give you simple example guys um do you know when you call a company and the first thing you're thinking to yourself is I want to talk to a person I think a lot of people feel that way where I got to go to that stupid automation system now to be fair to the companies automation I completely get it right uh if you can speed stuff up and and you don't have to pay a person you know fine um that I get that I I think in in in that regard like for example we're going to go on vacation soon and I'm looking forward to to sharing where we're going to we're going to be in Vietnam it's going to be really cool I'm excited that it's like two weeks from now but um I actually had to contact uh the hotel to see if they had a Airport pickup service right and so yes there's a phone number but like how how do I call Vietnam I'm in Korea it's not that convenient to just you know I don't I have a Korean phone and you know to call Vietnam my point international call um but uh you know I can just go on to the the the chat they have a little chat bubble there and then and then you push the chat bubble and it has like five options of like you know you know uh you want to make a reservation do you have a question for the hotel blah blah blah and you click on it again and then then there's like a transportation one and then and then basically has three other more options it was like parking airport shuttle Etc it's like all your frequently asked questions and I was able to get the information I need do you have a shuttle or not how to make a reservation Etc um in in you know just a few seconds so I so I think there are certain things like that where uh AI is completely going to replace humans and I hate to say it I don't miss humans in that regard I just I just don't um I I think uh for many people and I'm sure you guys understand this sometimes your particular situation unusual for whatever reason every we all have unusual circumstances for whatever reason you need to call you know your credit card company your insurance company whatever your you know Bank you have to call them and talk to an actual person sometimes you just really want that actual person um and if we completely replace that need of of of people uh I think I think we're really going to have a massive change in our society and it's already there you guys know this stuff um you know even my wife was making jokes and she knows this she's Korean but she knows this stuff right you call companies in Korea and or sorry call companies from the USA um and uh oftentimes you know you're getting someone in another country which is fine I'm not I'm not I don't want to you know say bad things about other country and anything like that but sometimes it's it's frustrating if um if there's a miscommunications and stuff like that but uh you know as many people complain that stuff I I I totally get that guys I completely get it um I think the other issue going back where I completely agree with Elon Musk is I think the com there are going to be certain companies that benefit from this AI craze and I call it craze because I don't think it's like general intelligence we're not developing you know AI that can think for itself Etc it's just sort of running on algorithms like like a simple menu system or it's copying you know things from other sources there's going to be copyright issues with that so that's why a lot of these companies are are looking for um right word to say uh Partnerships and Licensing uh from say news agencies Etc um but the problem is you just don't know where this information is coming from and sometimes it's it's flat out wrong uh or it won't address you know sensitive topics like like just there's something about and I hope you guys understand or watch my channel for this reason there something important about hey um I just want to get a real person's opinion on something and I want to get information and also chat with real humans about what other humans think and and then you get to that other problem which I talk about a lot in this channel there's a lot of humans out there that are bought and paid for or or or they're just too stupid to even have an opinion right and so they disagree with ever Lord Elon or whoever says and that's long discussion also but but I I I I guess I'm I'm I'm I'm uh longing for that world and I hope you guys are if you're in this community just for honest and real communication among people so I I see where the industry is going in terms of everything right with this whole AI craze I see that there's money in Chach chbt I think they're the big winner I don't think Apple's necessarily going to charge you an extra fee Le at least that's my understanding of it I don't think they're going to charge you extra fee for all this integration um but I think what's going to happen is all the companies um FDA did something I think all the uh companies are going to be integrating these kind of products into their into their you know bundled software phon Etc so that's why I was saying Elon Musk is probably correct to where hey that's the next shiny object do that xai thing that's where the money is get the deals while they're there remember even Sam Alman is trying to go to um I can't remember which one it's probably SA it was like maybe Saudi or UA or something but he's trying to go the Middle East to raise like trillions of dollars like a lot of money um to you know build this big uh chip and AI you know thing um because uh yes I I I don't uh disagree I think chips will certainly be useful in the future um this is sort of where I guys try to talk with you just common sense or it's not common sense if not everyone thinks it um yes Nvidia is a leader now I completely get that um but I I don't think it's going to be like that forever the same way that Apple was a was it was it was totally the leader um but but not so much anymore now they're just they're actually kind of in catchup mode on this AI stuff that's how it felt to me um and it just felt like that They're copying a lot of things out of Android so a lot of the customization of the stuff on your on your screen I don't know if I can I can show you quickly but it's it's not bad I mean I'm not against this stuff I I think it's fine it just see you can see say talking about they can change the colors of your apps and I think it's cool you know it's I have nothing against this stuff it's just you know I'm not going to come out and say oh my God you can change the blue and like oh my God it's the you know greatest thing ever um trying to think anything else that I want to mention with this stuff um other than yes the big Winners will probably be the AI companies um and um you know right that's that's what the M mentioned um Apple said and they made it really clear that they're going to be building their Cloud servers and stuff like that from Apple silicon right and I'm bringing that up as important because at least from when I on the surface level they don't seem to be dependent on Nvidia to advance their Tech that's that's at least how they present it right um and and and it you know made me thinking about as well if if all these companies are going to jump into you know copying this try technology cloud services Etc you know why won't they just use other companies to the to the you know essentially cheapest bidder because the problem is is if you're not charging additional money for said services like like you're not you're partnering with chat TBT but you're not going to charge your customers 20 extra bucks a month or whatever you're going to have to bake that into your product right so that means your products going to have to go up in price but the consumer doesn't really want to pay for higher pric product like I mean I me there's a there's a limit or you're going to have to take a decrease on your margin because it's going to cost you more money in research and development to develop these new products you guys what I'm saying here so that would decrease uh decrease your profits um and then everyone's going to be doing that it's like a it's like a spending you know spending Warfare uh arms race spending arms race to get your AI all integrated the products and then all that money is going to get and I I would I would agree right now Nvidia is is the winner is I think going to be the the big winner in the future you know I I think not to the same scale that they are right now I just don't see that there's just too much competition out there um also to the um again people are really concerned about cost and I remember like those cost those Nvidia chips are like 40 Grand there's only so many customers for that right that's why I think like many companies are like okay we got we got to tighten the tighten the wall a bit here and stuff like that so um hope you guys understand my my thoughts on this stuff um I think that the the new changes to the the apple and and Mac stuff they're they're cool but you know for me um like like what would I really want to see in the future from Apple um I want my flippy phone I keep saying that I want the dang flippy phone but I have a feeling it may not even if it comes it may not necessarily be exactly what I want it to be because um someone mentioned before on the channel I mentioned to you is the if you make the flippy phone where it's like all screen there's a high chance that things going to you know damage really really easily but that's what they want Apple meaning they want your phone to die every two years so you buy a new one um other things that Apple could do uh if you can make your goggles your VR goggles like um much much smaller and lighter then theoretic and cheaper of course then theoretically you can bring them out to the masses um does Apple need to get into the car business there's been rumors that they're looking at maybe a partnership maybe um you know uh why not uh is it going to be a game changer for Apple are they going to sell bazillion cars it would probably be a premium product so I don't think necessarily um what else could Apple do um I wish they would focus on on their computers more um it's just not a big moneymaker for them I give you example um I uh here in Korea we have you know a lot of mobile apps and all the kids are on their phones all the time and um I was you know looking at apps on my phone and sometimes I I'd rather just use a computer and my wife says like you're just old who uses a computer anymore right all the kids just want to do everything on on their phone and like you know I and it funny when she said that because I can I can then understand why phones keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and for me I just want a tiny little phone to function as a phone right I don't want to carry around a pocket computer basically that's too big for my pocket and that's sort of where we are now I I I guess the products that I want maybe aren't so popular anymore and you know I'm I'm just too old I guess everyone just wants to have computers right their AI you know their email for them and replace their job and everything and uh I want to say one more one more point about this whole AI movement stuff and it's not going to sound very nice but it's it's a truth um I think there's a lot of like I said it's not going to sound nice but it's the truth I think there's a lot of sort of like um low skilled uh workers or low skilled people out there that think that this AI is going to you know be the pathway to riches for them and there's a lot of YouTube Out YouTube videos out there saying hey guys you know low you know you low skill people you're going to be awesome because of AI Etc what I think is really going to happen is if you're a certain kind of skill set um you're going to be easily replaced and I think I think you're you're in trouble now to be fair because I completely understand guys there's going to be a different and it's it's we're talking about office worker compared to construction worker or to um Farm worker Etc just uh physical work um so low-skilled office work I think are the biggest uh ones in the in the biggest um uh in trouble uh if you're if you're like a a skilled laborer be it like a plumber um electrician right car repair person solar P installer these kind of things I think actually your job is going to be really really good they a lot of people think hey I'm going to go work in the office and make tons and tons of money but I think AI is going to replace a lot of workers in that space if you're a low skilled office worker I I had to clarify that because I want to make this really clear um because like for example you know something like a nurse they're not going to replace by AI or robots anytime soon right you still need people to to do said jobs there's going be a lot of jobs you still need people to to do um and like I said I think there it's going to be a lot of these we'll call the trade jobs I think the trade jobs are still going to be um pretty good and and there's going to be shortage people because there's always a group of people who uh are laborers but they're unskilled laborers right um and and those kind of people you can find frankly pretty easily but the the sort of Labor people that are that have to train a certain kind of craft to do a skill SK um I give you a simple example guys I was just thinking about this so we went to a cafe here in C the other day and they make like handmade leather goods um and you know for those of you who are into that kind of stuff and there's all kinds of leather goods out there um there's something special and good good is a Goods um about a about a handcrafted you know product like like a leather good um you know more time and Care the stitching is a little bit better and something that it's very very difficult for an unskilled worker or or machine to to replicate and you'll you'll know it in the in the craftsmanship and you'll also see it in the the quality of the letter that they choose it's just you know and that's always the the the question I guess for for many products and things like there is are you willing to pay a premium for that kind of stuff or do you want just sort of the the cheap copy kind of thing and that's a different discussion it's talking about goods and stuff like that um but yeah anyways I know I talk a lot of this stuff I talk all kinds of things on this channel um but but I think it's important though when when you're talking about you know um where to invest your money and and how to think about your future Etc is to understand what's happening in the world and where the opportunities are uh and so again I agree with El musk I completely agree um it's not in cars you're better off going into some sort of AI thing while it's hot and sell that technology and license it to as many companies as you possibly can and guys I hate to break it to you it's not going to be robot driver stuff it's it's just not like a pressing need unlike this other stuff that that's really really hot I meaning which is the whole chat gbt stuff so anyway um that's my thoughts on these things I'd like to hear your thoughts and all this stuff and I'll catch you on the next video
Channel: Chris Norlund
Views: 4,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: P4t55fSb4IY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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