Apple Vision Pro 2.0 LEAKED | Here's What's Coming

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are these already outdated we got the release timeline for the next version of Apple Vision [Music] Pro before we get into the hardware of Apple Vision 2 let's talk about a feature that apple is working on called shareplay Aaron ngg on Twitter said found Apple's plans for Vision Pro multiplayer full body spatial personas are mentioned in the docs and even includes an image of it side by side surround and conversational and it actually looks really fascinating and interesting definitely and obviously the Tech's kind of already in it like with the kind of FaceTime AI personas not AI you artificially made kind of you kind of not you personas right seems like it'd be pretty easy just to add a body to that and I think this is probably the kind of missing component that some people who are maybe leery of Apple Vision are thinking is that like oh it seems like such a solitary experience right now right and and this is kind of opening it up and if you look at the kind of leaked information here there's three versions of it you know where one where we can have it on watch something together one where we're talking and there's something on to the side or where we're all focused on a singular thing in front of us seems like every use case you could possibly want for using it with a group of people you've been using this thing do you feel alone when you're using it definitely yeah and even I've had friends try it and you know we'll be in the same room and you know it's very isolating they especially with the guest mode they don't have the eyes showing up on screen and they can be telling me what they're doing but as soon as they're doing something like dis Plus or whatever you actually can't AirPlay that so I can't see what they're doing so yeah it's very isolating and it makes me want things where we could play a tabletop board game or something like that at the same time so right now it looks like this shared activity is a part of face time but it's not actually activated yet fully and no other apps support it but Apple does have like the code and everything they're working on this for future apps right and it almost seems like a no-brainer to add this sort of thing in right because it's such an isolating experience like that would be probably one of the reasons you're leery of this especially if you live in a home where it's you and your wife you and the kids you and your husband whatever you're just sitting on your couch with the thinging on I could see like everyone hating you immediately right yeah definitely that feels like one of the version one type things that they're going to figure out because it's going to have to be something you can connect with other people but also right now it's you know it's $3,500 so for you and your wife to use this that's seven Grand yeah instead you could just watch TV yeah yeah I feel like a a $400 Costco TV has given you a similar experience or at least close enough for the difference in price right absolutely so what is the details for Apple Vision 2 though I'm curious cuz you know version one is here it's expensive people are returning it so what do we have for Apple Vision 2 yeah I think there's a few interesting things with this uh first the the leak kind of timeline is they're saying about 18 months for the for the next version makes a lot of sense that's kind of you know on par with some of Apple's early kind of new product categories it usually Maybe it's not an exact year before the next one comes out year and a half whatever I can also feel like they maybe uh don't want to cannibalize sales of this one by having something new too close to the release date so 18 months makes a lot of sense and I think probably more important for apple is that it gives them enough time to figure out what they need to put in the gen two of this thing and to the point you just mentioned supposedly super high return rate happening with this not that surprising new product category a lot of time people do the oh I want to buy it make my Youtube video and return it you know um but I think the other thing if you actually read into the article of what people at the retail level are saying they're saying the most common reason being return is Comfort reasons the phrase that some of the retail people are using is pukers they're like oh pukers are returning it because they get sick when they're using it I could see that being a huge red flag for Apple like oh this thing that we envision as the future of interacting with the you know cyber world is making people sick so you've been using a while how do you feel Comfort level wise I feel pretty good uh there's certain things like the other night I did uh there's this meditation app called trip that I used to use on Quest and now it's on the Apple vision and it's actually way higher quality and everything they actually made it up for the Apple Vision which is cool I used that for maybe 30 40 minutes and yeah I was starting to like feel like okay there's a thing pressing right here and I was just using the normal single Loop um band but yeah you definitely you feel and like oh wow my neck is really being pulled forward but then I'll use it laying down a lot to like watch movies and have it on the ceiling and that's kind of nice uh that doesn't really bother me cuz it's kind of just gravity is already there if gravity is working for you it's feeling good yeah but in the use cases they're showing you're standing you know right yeah like every apple video has like you know someone standing up in some high-end office in San Francisco just with 40 screens around them and interacting it's like oh like you do that for maybe five minutes and you're like what am I doing this crazy and then you know there's other like Comfort things that people are having kind of issues with the timeline on getting the prescription inserts for it seems to be an issue and this is a a a weird weird one I was looking at is that the rise of people getting acne with it or just getting like pimples like around where it fits because it's making people sweat it's like it's like clogging people's pores or something so all you need is one kind of prime example to make it an internet story and turn off a thousand people from buying this thing so I'm sure Apple's pretty concerned with that yeah it said in this article that they are keenly interested in why people are returning the first gen as they go into making this second gen and that timeline is 18 months but they say about August of 2025 some people visualiz time differently so maybe that's helpful but previously other analysts said there wouldn't be a second gen until like 2027 and that apple is actually working on a more affordable version to come out sometime in 2025 and that version of the story comes from Bloomberg and the information so I'm very curious about that as well this could be the pro one that kind of like lives on and then they make a cheaper one next year and it is a couple years but I don't know I think it's more likely that they fix everything in gen one in 18 months and maybe drop things that they don't need that are making it more expensive right like you think like how like how can the quality of the panel on the inside be lower and no regular person's going to notice does it need this many sensors to actually operate effectively right like i' see them like really looking at that and go oh like we put all the bells and whistles in here maybe we don't need this maybe we don't need as much battery life maybe you know what whatever it is so you can almost argue maybe this version of it is like the everything in the kitchen sink version and they're like H we need to make this thing you know $9.99 for people to buy it how can we lose two grand a tech out of this yeah I think the front panel is something they're going to lose in the cheaper version for sure maybe even in the next version because I don't know it just glows most of the time you're not actually looking and being like wow those those are someone's eyes I feel connected to them it really just feels gimmicky in practice unless they improve it in software it it seems 100% giman practice and something I would almost want to turn off to save battery life right that's like oh like cool like you look like you're whatever da Punk cyber Punk dude or something like it's like not I don't think it's very practical I don't I think the eyes almost give it like an uncanny valley vibe because I don't think the eyes look exactly right I'd rather just a whatever a blank thing or it just literally has text whether you someone can see you or not you know just like this person can see you this person can't see you like whatever you know and so yeah back to the other question about the share play thing what are some apps that you think could be supported there any communal activity I'm thinking gaming right that that works really well I mean I think the obvious one is you know entertainment watching shows and things like that but I think there's probably much more interesting things people are going to come up with when Apple kind of opens up the AI and allows Vision Pros to talk to other Vision Pros right because then you can start getting really interesting things right like almost dystopian level stuff where you know you're at a meeting or something and it displays someone who they are and what their job is or something you know like all these kind of things that help you like just interact with people a little smoother kind of like we were talking about a a more interactive video call experience right like removing the screen element from it imagine you're actually seeing those people in the room with you a very you know hologram Star Trek level projection kind of thing but those are the kind of things I think would actually convince more people to buy this you know adding that interactive level to it yeah I think the share player where you're doing something together and there's actually a good example of this coming from tilt AR for Settlers of Katan and they actually call it Katon so leave a comment let me know is it Katan or Katon but um they have an AR like tabletop game that they're playing and everyone's wearing these same glasses and it's synced and it's actually a really cool use case I think obviously for that group of people to be playing this that's like 12 or 15 grand this the most expensive version of sellers of Katan ever made it's like a 20 grand setup to do it but but yeah in a future version where you already have this headset for other reasons and it's much cheaper um those are the kind of things that could be really cool and this kind of share play thing could enable again though I think you run like to to your point kind of right you run into this thing it's like oh that's neat but at this price point it's still very gimmicky you hear the the phrase Tech Bros thrown around when they talk about this kind of in the disparaging way in article they're like oh the tech Bros are returning their apple Vision right and the implication being there guys with the you know affluent jobs and money to burn or buying expensive toys right um and I think that's what Apple needs to break away from to make this thing popular right and make it more of a egalitarian accessory than uh you know an expensive toy yeah I went to uh Las Vegas for a gig last week and I just brought my 13inch MacBook Pro and then the Apple vision and it was actually pretty great I was in my hotel room just with a giant SC scen working but the one thing I did notice is I exported a video and Final Cut and then it was super laggy I don't know if that's Apple Vision processing I don't know if that is my computer's processing who knows right it's got to be the on the the computer side like all of a sudden it's like it's pulling Too Much from the uh the GPU side of the chip right and so it's like can't send stuff to Apple so now I need to get a an updated Mac that's the L you need to travel with like a a full Mac Studio right just plug that in did you use it on the airplane uh I did not were you scared and also it was like a 45 minute flight okay so it was like you'd be super lame if you pull it out on a 45 minute flight yeah I'll do it on a flight to like Europe or something for sure yeah like it just 10- hour flight it actually probably makes a lot of sense actually like yeah yeah that' be cool another thing I think could be 3D design because for one person to do that it's cool but if multiple people could be looking at the same thing and walking around an object yes that would be super cool it's good for uh kind of brainstorming iterations right like oh let me show you what I mean by this and you can like interact with it yeah that'd be super awesome so all of that could come to Apple Vision version one in software I'm sure there's a lot that could come in software but hardware-wise what is something you want to see in version two well this is in rocket science right smaller size less weight integrated battery you know like I mean those are I think that's the go-to thing the real thing for Hardware I think it needs is cheaper Hardware so they can make this thing $1,000 less at least right like that that that $3,500 price tag is out of the range of most people that would want to even try this right like even you know I I'm pretty well off make a good living I didn't buy one I was like $3,500 that's that's crazy man like like I buy like you know I can spend that money elsewhere and it makes a lot more sense to me so those those are my biggest wish lists right there yeah I think same and price especially because even the quest like it's plastic a lot more plastic it doesn't feel like an Apple product of course it doesn't have that same feel but I've worn the Apple vision for like 45 minutes and then I switch and put on the quest and it's like wow this thing is light and the batter's in it yeah make this thing plastic apple right like like like like the the lighter weight I think makes it feel better than the premium feel on your hand right i' rather feel good on my face like than in my hand right and yeah the like you're saying the quest is fairly comfortable to wear like I mean for pretty long sessions right I mean people play you know couple hours of a game and and walk away fine right yeah but ultimately we've talked about how this is probably leading to some sort of Apple glasses my current theory is it's going to be called Apple Sapphire once they get there but there's a company making similar AR glasses called Noah AI glasses have you seen these yes I've seen the little demo and similar stuff out there there there's a few competing kind of things well in the demo videos they all look amazing right it's all like I can make anything look good in the demo because I can fake it all right this is obviously where Apple wants to go right this is where every everyone sees this is where this is going right like I don't think you need to be some kind of nomus to predict the future here in 10 years we all have glasses with displays in them right like that's that's happening when is that Tipping Point that Hardware going to be to make it good you look at something like these AR glasses other things that have out there uh meta had a collaboration with Rayban to make some kind of AR kind of system even going back to uh Google Glass you know which is at this point five six years ago maybe longer ago than that which was you know you just had that little screen in the corner I think the bigger kind of hurdle these all these things are going to have to get over is kind of the a social thing right because if you remember back when Google Glass kind of became pop snap glasses another example of of this people are like dude are you filming me right now right that was like constantly people were like hey wait is are you filming me right now right like and so is are people going to be comfortable with people walking around with computers on their faces that are constantly scanning the environment right because otherwise they're kind of useless right like it needs to be scanning what's in front of it that I think is going to be the biggest challenge these companies are going to face is the kind of the social FAA of it all and is it going to be acceptable for people to walk around with glasses on their face I think eventually um just like once it was considered very rude to out your phone and now people do that constantly right so I think it's going to happen the question is how fast so August of 2025 Apple Vision version two let's do it pre-order now
Channel: All Future
Views: 36,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: h2eT8A84d4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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