Apple ProRAW - Let’s See What It Can Do!

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what's up friends i got a brand new video for you today and when apple announced the 12 lineup of iphones this year they also announced something new called apple pro raw and basically what it is is it's their version of a raw file but with all the computational photography stuff that's coming with the iphone 12 and ios 14. now it's only available on ios 14.3 beta so you can't technically get it yet unless you download the beta but since i got the iphone 12 pro max i actually put 14.3 on it and i've been shooting with this whole week so that i could capture a bunch of raw files while i'm doing a lot of other tests with this phone if you're new to photography and don't know what a raw file is basically it's just the image straight off the sensor of the camera without any processing going on so that you get like all the data all the information from that sensor so you have way more room to play with it in post that said with apple prora you're not getting the image straight off the sensor you're getting apple's computational stuff so you're getting smart hdr you're getting night mode you're getting deep fusion and it's all bundling these things together to give you this dng file which is apple's raw file that they're spitting out of the phone which is pretty nice because most editing apps can edit dngs now you've always been able to shoot raw on most of these iphones using third-party apps like the moment app so i'm going to show you guys what it's like using apple's prora versus something like moments raw file which is actually just the information coming straight off the sensor now this is only available to the pro model phones so the 12 pro max and the 12 pro so i just want to jump into a few images here i want to start out with a portrait because you can't do portrait mode with apple pro raw it just doesn't do it but i'm going to show you guys like a portrait that i took in apple pro raw while i was out shooting my iphone versus camera video if you haven't watched that make sure to check it out but these images are from that i shot them as a raw file and i kind of want to show you what you can do with the raw files and editing and then how to actually turn it into a portrait mode image so i saw a lot of comments on the last video saying if i had only used apple pro raw how much better these images would look versus the camera and i don't think people truly grasp what apple pro raw is and i hope that this video kind of shows you what it actually is so it's not portrait mode it's an image format that's like a raw file so i'm going to open up lightroom here on a portrait that i did take during that video that we were shooting and as you can see it doesn't blur the background it's just the straight up image it's balanced really nicely because it was probably using smart hdr but this is a raw dng file so we can go in here to the light and we can you know obviously play with the exposure and play with the contrast and play with the highlights and i can bring the highlights down a little bit and break the shadows up or take them down i'm going to lower the shadows a bit to be honest i think it looks more natural i like the dynamic of shadows and i'm going to warm it up just a little bit and that looks pretty good so if you did want to make this into a portrait image i'm going to save this out export the camera roll and we're going to open this up in focus it automatically finds a face and blurs the background for you so you can play around with it this looks pretty natural here it's doing a good job of cutting the hair out in some cases it actually does a better job than apple does i'm not gonna do a lot more to this because i want this video to keep moving quickly but i'm gonna export this back into lightroom because i just realized i could use my presets on this stuff so we're gonna save this as a portrait so it saves all that portrait info if you want to change it later and the cool thing is i have my presets in here so i can load in my presets shout out to my presets if you want to get these presets so yeah that's looking pretty cool looking cool oh i like that so we're going to use the classic cn1 but i kind of want to warm this up a bit so we're going to hit check mark and we're going to go over to color and we're just going to warm this up a little bit that's looking awesome that's that nice fall vibe we're going to go through some more images here on the computer because i feel like it's easier to see bigger than on my phone and we'll go through dynamic range and low light performance and stuff like that so let's check that out okay so jumping into lightroom i took so many images it's kind of hard for me to choose what i wanted to use for this video but i definitely want to show you guys low light performance so this was a low light apple pro raw image and as you can see there's pretty much no noise at all the computational stuff's doing a good job with noise reduction it's nice and sharp and that looks awesome now i also took a regular raw image and this was from the moment app and you can see how much more noise there is there's tons of noise but it kind of makes the image look a little bit more natural a little bit more realistic but from this image you can't really do a lot so if we go in here and we try and lift the shadows you're just kind of lifting color noise you're just seeing tons of noise in here and we can put those shadows back down you can even bring the exposure back down a little bit apple did a better job at exposing this image but that's kind of what a typical raw image would look like from a cell phone in low light now if we look at the apple pro raw image look how clean that is that's insane and all the computational stuff to get the sharpness on the water drops and stuff like that and if we go and lift the shadows in this we don't get any weird color noise look down here in the deep shadows you do see some of this noise reduction going on a little bit of weird color shift but it's not anywhere near what it was like on the regular raw shot when we lifted those shadows so there's a huge benefit to shooting apple pro raw in low light this was again apple pearl raw versus moments app taking the image and obviously the exposure is a little bit hot there so we can bring that down a bit you still don't eliminate that noise there's still tons of noise because it's a low light shot so what i've basically done here is i've brought this down to what apple pro raw actually exposed the image at already and from here i can also lift the shadows even more and you can see there's no weird color noise in the sky there's literally nothing going on and you can see this done a ton of noise reduction in that there isn't a ton of grain but there's still quite a bit of detail and i think that's just the computational stuff deep fusion and if you bring this back down to where it was it'll be pretty similar to the non-apple prora raw image so this is the raw image taken with the moment app as you can see like it's noisy but there's still a ton of detail and if we look at the info here it was actually iso 800 f 1.6 so that was on the main camera and 1 30th of a second if we look at the apple prora image it's crazy there's like no noise it looks so clean and it's also iso 800 the exact same setting so the moment app took the exact same exposure and that image just looks so clean so as i mentioned before prora works on all the lenses so this is the ultra wide lens this is the crazy ultra wide lens and look what you can do with the shadows all that detail in the back of the car you can pull out the highlights you can drop in the sky lift the exposure up and that looks crazy like that's the type of dynamic range i'm going to call it enormous a dynamic range for a cell phone and that's just crazy i'm going to go out there and just say this is an enormous amount of dynamic range for a tiny little cell phone camera just because of the way that it's doing the computational stuff because this is as good as like a pro mirrorless camera pulling the sky back like that and the shadows you can pull out of the black on the car there not that i would want it to look like that but that's a pretty cool shot right that's that's the ultra wide lens and it's nice and sharp lots of detail and because it was a daytime shot you're not going to see a lot of weird noise reduction this was purposely underexposed so i took the shot by pulling down the exposure slider when i took the image again this was in raw and let's take a look at what it actually exposed at so it exposed at iso 32 and 1 3 20 of a second so when i pulled that slider down it probably just lifted the shutter speed and it was probably just because i wanted to expose for the sky but look what happens this is the crazy thing when i lift these highlights we'll lower the highlights that sky comes back which is crazy but what's even crazier is when i lift these shadows that it can pull all those shadows back out of this building in the alley and not go crazy with noise and weird color fringing and color issues this it's a little blue a little purple in the darker areas but this is like mirrorless camera dynamic range like this is an enormous amount of dynamic range for a little tiny sensor i know it's not real raw and it's not really the camera sensor pulling this type of detail but the fact that you have this kind of control from a cell phone is crazy so adjust the color temperature here we can lift our exposure even more and i'll bring those shadows back because i don't think it needs to look like this but something like that's really cool this would also look really cool in black and white lift the contrast a bit like come on that's that's a really cool image for a cell phone there's tons of detail like the sky's not even really that blown out and you've got all this detail in the shadows but that's just that's it that's all i really want to show you guys so that's pretty cool right at first i thought this was kind of a gimmick but the more i look at it it's actually really cool what they're able to do but it's less of what i would call raw and more of what i would call something like an hdr image that you can actually play around with in post and that said apple's done a really good job of balancing their images in smart hdr that you almost don't even need raw but i guess if you think that the smart hdr looks kind of fake it kind of makes sense to actually edit the raw files if you want them to look a little bit more natural so the biggest issue i have with apple prora right now is probably the noise reduction it's doing so much noise reduction that's making the images look kind of fake and you know it's giving you that like painting waxy look because it's removing so much noise it's also removing a lot of the detail and trying to make up for it in computational stuff and it kind of starts to make the image look a little fake and i'd almost rather see a bit of noise a bit of grain to bring some of that real detail back so that the image looks a little bit more realistic anyway let me know what you think let me know if you think this is pretty cool or not i'm going to put a ton of image samples in the description you guys can download and play around with you can open them up in lightroom photoshop or even on your phone and i'm going to put a bunch of stuff because i took a lot of images that i didn't show in this video because it would have been just way too long but yeah that's it if you like this video give it a thumbs up if you dislike this video give a thumbs down twice don't forget to hit that notification bell and i'll see you guys in the next [Music] one [Music] you
Channel: Lee Zavitz
Views: 274,961
Rating: 4.8980141 out of 5
Keywords: iPhone 12, iPhone 12 pro max review, iPhone 12 pro max lowlight, deep fusion, apple ProRaw, iPhone 12 pro apple ProRaw, apple proraw vs smart HDR, iPhone 12 smart HDR, iPhone 12 pro max portrait mode, portrait night mode, iPhone 12 pro max Raw, Lee Zavitz, Lee Zavitz iPhone
Id: y9RA6R-2zZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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