Apple iPad發布會定檔、新品陣容預習!實試Galaxy AI更新廣東話語音功能| 華為 Pura 70 AI修圖變「一鍵脫衣」?!#PriceWeekly 216
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Channel: 香港格價網
Views: 60,614
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Keywords: Price格價網,, 廣東話, 產品評測, 香港格價網, pricehk, price karen, price pinky, price kiki, price歌儀, 2023, 科技, 香港, 資訊, 實測, 比較, price weekly, price wiki, wiki, apple, samsung, sony, 發佈會, 懶人包, 手機, 耳機, 頭戴式, headphone, earbuds, 家電, 電器, 電腦, 電競, game, 遊戲, 電子, gadget, Price網購, 網購, 教學, 軟件, 優惠, 情報, 突發, soundbar, TV, 電視, monitor, 喇叭, speaker, logitech, dyson, playstation, PS5, xbox, switch, steam, live, 直播, mac, pro, 智能家居, 相機, 熒幕, wifi, router, 3C, 實試, 開箱, 獨家, 折扣, asus, window, iOS, android, macOS
Id: aG4bAtohgXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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