APPLE Inc. SWOT & Pestle Analysis -

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hi I'm Alex dawn a management expert from my assignment help calm today we will be doing SWAT and pestles analysis of Apple dot Incorporated so starting off want to SWOT analysis mean a SWOT analysis is an incredibly simple yet powerful tool to help a business develop a fruitful strategy no matter what size or scale it is SWOT stands for strengths weaknesses opportunities and these are the internal positive attributes of a business such as business processes that are successful advantages physical assets and assets within the company weaknesses these are the shortcomings that a business needs to overcome to beat its competition for instance we poor poor business processes loopholes in the team tangible assets like money or equipment opportunities the external factors in a business environment that may prove to be beneficial like upcoming changes to regulation that can be leveraged to boost sales market trends that can be exploited to entice the target audience threats these include external factors that can prove to be detrimental to a business's growth threats may include future developments in technology that are unfavorable changing consumer behavior that may affect the business negatively the best way of business conducts this analysis is by selecting people from different departments of the company like sales and customer service to marketing and product development once that's done a brainstorming session takes place where every person with a different perspective has his voice after all of the ideas are organized these ideas are then organized in each of the four quadrants of SWOT analysis we conducted a SWOT analysis for Apple dot Incorporated and here's what we found strengths Apple dot Incorporated has been one of the leading innovators among electronics brands with a brand value of one hundred forty three point six billion Apple has managed to rank second on Forbes most valuable brands and continues to gain terrific sales growth with each passing year hi brand recognition consumers have immense trust in this brand name effective marketing team Apple involves simplicity and marketing its products and that's what appeals to its customers high demand of products customers stand in the freezing night just to be among the fortunate ones to get a new version of their phones high quality customer experience Apple always follows a magic formula that is building up customer relations in order to sell more products weaknesses they're highly loved Apple has long been criticized for its highly priced products compatibility of different OS consumers accustomed to other OS systems do not get a handy experience when they choose to use iOS or OSX over-dependence on ipad and iphone the revenues of Apple incorporated are intensely dependent on the sales of iPad and iPhone this means a decline in the popularity of these products may harm Apple's business defect in new products in a statement given to New York Times Apple admitted to manufacturing defects in its newly launched devices like iPhone 5s and 6s opportunities a vast unexplored market in Commonwealth countries Apple is yet to leverage the opportunity of earning revenues from the middle-class segments of the Commonwealth nations increased cloud-based services it is believed that the upcoming a cloud innovation will bring future revenues to the company threats the evolving environment of electronic communication the complex structure of electronic environment communication devices is constantly innovating thus forcing Apple dot Incorporated to constantly design and modify its products reputation damage due to tax scandal Apple was involved in a tax scandal that went viral where the tech giant managed to keep forty four billion dollars of its revenues from going into the hands of the taxman infringement of intellectual property rights if any company breaches the Apple patent rights Apple takes time to acquire the information and not as soon as the theft takes place Android OS growth there are a lot of reasons from compatible OS to low-priced devices that may drive customers away from iOS so these were the findings of our in-depth SWOT analysis about Apple dot incorporated now moving on to PESTEL analysis let me first define this phenomenon a pestle analysis is an acronym for thule used to identify the macro forces facing an organization the letters stand for political economic social logical mental and legal where political factors determine the extent to which an organization may be impacted by government and government policies like fiscal and taxation policies economic factors include interest rates employment or unemployment rates raw material costs and foreign exchange rates that impact on the economy and its performance and eventually on the organization and its profitability factors identify emerging trends in the social environment elements covered may include family demographics education levels cultural trends and so on technological factors consider the rate of technological innovation and development that could affect a market or industry for instance changes in technology automation research and development environmental factors explain how the surrounding environment and ecological aspects affect a business these factors include climate carbon footprint recycling procedures waste disposal and sustainability legal factors have got to deal with elements from employment legislation to trade regulation and restrictions that a business needs to follow while trading in a particular nation now coming back to our example let us have a glance at all the factors that have affected the growth of Apple dot Incorporated over all these years political factors the top three political factors as per our analysis are as follows suicide cases against Apple's biggest Taiwanese supplier in May 2010 suicide cases were filed against Foxconn holding it responsible for forcing the employees to work for long hours two of the workers committed suicide in another incident sixteen others were injured in an explosion in one of Apple's supplier facilities of a terrorist attack despite the fact that the United Kingdom boasts a stable government there is always a risk of terrorist attacks ban on Tim Cook in Russia a lawmaker in Russia who is noted for his harsh approach towards gay propaganda suggested to ban Apple CEO Tim Cook from visiting Russia due to his public acknowledgment of his homosexuality major economic hurdles faced moving on to the economic factors here's a list of top three hurdles that Apple dot Incorporated has faced global recession Tom of the global recession 2013 Apple had witnessed slow economic growth in 2013 and 2014 increased rate of inflation in the u.s. at the time of increased rate of inflation in the US the company got affected as it reserved a large amount of cash the rising value of the u.s. dollar the difference between the US dollar and other currencies like the euro and yuan makes it more expensive for Apple to do business in key markets such as Europe and China factors as far as the social factors are concerned Apple products are accessories of high status lifestyle it is a brand that people around the world want to carry Apple can see growth and consumer spending in the coming decades in third-world countries like Africa where people are not aware of Apple products increased use of mobile devices and social media the entire world is turning mobile the trend of the increasing popularity of mobile access is an opportunity for Apple to continue providing easy-to-use mobile devices technological factors after the social factors come the technological factor here are the top three as per our research the advantage of 760 million China mobile subscriber in 2013 Apple unveiled a deal with China Mobile to bring iPhone to customers in a market dominated by low-cost Android smartphones giving the brand a bigger entry to China Mobile 760 million subscribers assessing the consumers minds in 2015 Apple reportedly spent 8.0 seven billion dollars for R&D that accounted for about three percent of the company's net sales just to assess customer mindset considering the short product life cycle of the industry limited market for new products the number of consumer products Apple can launch is limited moreover these consumer products like Apple TV has a very restricted customer base legal factors next let's talk about the legal factors offering financial services by Apple pay Apple has introduced financial services through Apple pay the company could face an increased level of litigation for offering financial services breach of IP laws software produced by Apple consumes a big part of its income that makes the company vulnerable to both piracy and litigation entering the automobile industry a lawsuit filed against this company says Apple has started the campaign of hiring best minds for battery making despite a company who is starting from scratch needs more than 10 years to launch its products Apple is planning it to launch it as soon as 2020 environmental factors affecting apples growth lastly let's have a look at the environmental factors impacting Apple dot Incorporated's growth disposal of used or non-working electronic devices Apple is countering a massive problem of discarding the electronic junk that is used or is in non-working position pollution concern in China the manufacturing facilities in China are a growing concern for the company because of the pollution and environmental side-effects recovering which means more expenditure for Apple dot Incorporated global warming due to the increasing rate of global warming Apple could face the problem of transoceanic shipping that is the core part of Apple chain supply as per our SWAT and pestle analysis Apple has more strengths and opportunities than threats however it still needs to devise more effective strategies to overcome its weaknesses and eradicate the threats that it's facing as a marketer it was quite a complex task for my team and me to conduct this SWOT and pestle analysis and reach this conclusion it required a lot of research and hard work as a marketing student you are bound to face double problems when asked to conduct a similar analysis as a part of your module what would you do when you are stuck amid all this research in chaos well you do not have to think twice there's no need to panic all you have to do is connect with my assignment felt calm
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Views: 49,670
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Keywords: Apple Inc, SWOT, PESTLE, case study, swot and pestle analysis, myassignmenthelp, apple swot analysis 2019, apple analysis, apple swot analysis
Id: VF6mFGlcXk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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