Apple Cider Vinegar: Science-Backed Benefits

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apple cider vinegar has been touted as a natural remedy for everything from better health to weight loss and there is scientific evidence to support many of these claims in this video I share what the research has to say about apple cider vinegars ability to control blood sugar improve insulin sensitivity reduce belly fat and lower cluster apple cider vinegar is made through a fermentation process that results in acetic acid which is the active component that gives apple cider vinegar its unique taste and smell higher-quality apple cider vinegars contain what is called the mother which is the substance that forms during fermentation that gives apple cider vinegar it's cloudy appearance it's not certain if the mother is responsible in any way for the health benefits of apple cider vinegar but it could be so I buy brands that contain the mother such as this one which is Bragg's brand now there is a lot of support in the scientific literature for apple cider vinegars ability to lower blood sugar making it a valuable supplement to consider for those with insulin resistance or diabetes one research study showed that diabetic patients who consumed two tablespoons or about thirty milliliters of apple cider vinegar with one ounce of cheese at bedtime had a reduction in their fasting blood glucose reading of 4% the next morning the cheese was included to make the vinegar more palatable and at the end of this video I will discuss ways to consume apple cider vinegar as well as whether the pill form of vinegar is worthwhile but to stay on track here if you experience something called the dawn phenomenon or dawn effect which is a condition in which you see unusually high blood glucose readings first thing in the morning then apple cider vinegar before bed might be something for you to consider in fact the study that I just mentioned addressed the dawn phenomenon specifically stating that the acetic acid in the vinegar might alter the glucose producing pathways the liver resulting in lower morning glucose readings and there is good supporting evidence that taking apple cider vinegar can improve insulin sensitivity which is something that can be lost due to a poor diet that is high in refined carbs like breads cereals and the three C's cookies cakes and candies when we lose insulin sensitivity we tend to gain weight because blood glucose and insulin levels stay high which can block fat-burning when you're not insulin sensitive you are insulin resistant which is a pre-diabetic State that makes it hard for your cells to take in the glucose they need for energy this study measured the uptake of glucose by the muscle cells of people with type 2 diabetes and found that drinking 30 milliliters of vinegar diluted with 20 milliliters of water five minutes before they ate a meal significantly increased their glucose uptake in other words apple cider vinegar appears to help insulin do its job now if your body is getting better at controlling blood sugar and insulin it's likely that you are finding it easier to lose weight and we do see quite a few research studies that focus on apple cider vinegars ability to aid weight loss and in particular the reduction of belly fat this 12-week study found that drinking a beverage that contained either 15 or 30 milliliters of vinegar resulted in a significant reduction in visceral or belly fat and waist circumference an additional study not only confirmed that daily apple cider vinegar consumption can help you lose weight it also showed a reduction in visceral adiposity index which can be thought of as a measurement that links belly fat and cardiovascular risk factors and this leads us to the last benefit that we'll discuss which is apple cider vinegars effect on lowering cholesterol there are several studies that show that the consumption of apple cider vinegar can positively impact your cholesterol profile for example this study took participants through an eight-week trial that had them consume 30 milliliters of apple cider vinegar twice a day at the end of the trial the results showed a significant reduction in total cholesterol triglycerides and LDL cholesterol and this review study looked at research about apple cider vinegars effect on high blood lipids which are things like cholesterol and triglycerides in their review they profiled many animal and human studies that support the claim that apple cider vinegar has lipid lowering properties so the research supports the benefits of taking apple cider vinegar and while simply taking it will never be enough to overcome a poor diet it may give you a weight loss or health edge when used in combination with a high quality diet most of the research utilized a thirty milliliter dose once or twice a day if you've ever tried apple cider vinegar you know that the taste is quite strong so it is okay to dilute the dose with water or other things I did some testing with my husband of different apple cider vinegar concoctions and I will point to that video if that is something that you would like to look into more and it can also be used in an oil and vinegar salad dressing which might make it a little bit more palatable for you and I do want to add that when I've discussed apple cider vinegar in the past I've received questions wondering if the commercial vinegar pills provide the same benefits as the liquid apple cider vinegar I wasn't able to find a lot of research on this specific topic but this study compared the two and found that the pills did not measure up so at this point you are better off taking the apple cider vinegar in the liquid form if you are just getting started on your healthy eating plan and you would like the first four steps to get started then I invite you to download my zero one two three strategy which I will link to in the video and down below in the description area thanks so much for watching please subscribe and I will see you back here at the next video thanks
Channel: Dr. Becky Gillaspy
Views: 585,624
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Keywords: apple cider vinegar benefits, apple cider vinegar health benefits, apple cider vinegar, does apple cider vinegar help lose weight, weight loss, blood sugar, apple cider vinegar supplement, supplement, capsule, pill, apple cider vinegar pill, lose weight, lower cholesterol, cholesterol, LDL, belly fat, abdominal fat, Dr. Becky, Dr. Becky Fitness, dose, healthy, safe, is it ok to dilute, vinegar, mother, acetic acid, benefits of apple cider vinegar, acv, apple cider vinegar weight loss
Id: iCluX0EpIII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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