Apollo Comms Part 1: Opening the S-Band Transponder and Amplifier

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Not quite on topic, sorry, just too awesome to pass.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/oh5nxo 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2021 🗫︎ replies

Icom 7300 & MFJ PSU makes a quick cameo at the end of the video as part of the test equipment setup :)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/PKCore 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
Greeting earthlings. If you follow the channel,  you know that we love all things Apollo. And that   during our last visit to Steve Jurvetson’s amazing  space collection, we were given the opportunity to   take two holy boxes of Apollo electronics to  our lab for a deeper look. These are from the   command module. We believe these are the S-band  transponder and the power amplifier. Oh boy,   oh boy. These are the boxes that brought you  voice, data and live TV from the moon, and should   be early masterpieces of microwave electronics,  the blackest of black arts in analog electronics. Among the many technical advances which  are the legacy of the Apollo program,   three stand out that have  influenced technology until today. The first one is the most obvious:  the colossal space rocketry,   which considerably expanded the US space  industry and led to the Shuttle program. The second one is arguably the Apollo guidance  computer, which took the bold decision to use   the first integrated circuits, just a few  weeks after the first 30 pre-production   samples became available. This probably had the  largest economic impact, jump starting the US   microelectronics industry and the rise of Silicon  Valley, which legacy has carried on until today. But today we’ll take a look at a third and less  obvious one: microwave telecommunications. The   Apollo program stretched the limits  of what was then thought possible,   achieving live TV transmission at lunar distances,  in black and white at first, then even in color.   This was done over the Unified S-Band link, as it  was called. This single 2 GHz link carried voice   and an array data formats in both directions,  as well as live television, while at the   same time measuring position and speed of the  spacecraft to an astounding degree of precision. How was this possibly done with 1960’s technology?   Well, we are about to find out, as we  are planning on opening up these boxes   and have a looksy inside. And you know  us - power them up again if we can. Unfortunately, my modern camera electronics  do not have a space level of reliability,   and due to an unfortunate malfunction,  I lost all the sound from the footage I   took while Mike Stewart, Master Ken and I  we were opening them for the first time.   So you’ll have to endure my french accented  voiceover on a background of soothing game music. For fun, we put them on the  scale. The amplifier was 15 kg,   or about 33 pounds, and the transponder  did not fare much better at 14 kg,   or about 30 British Archaic Weight Units. And  that’s not because of the beefy shells, as they   were made surprisingly light and thin magnesium.  It’s just the weight of the electronics inside. But before we look at these  heavy boxes in more detail,   let me explain how the Unified  S-Band bidirectional link worked.   At its core, the USB link, as it was  called, is primarily a ranging system. NASA JPL had previously developed it for  its early solar system exploration probes:   the ranger probes in 1961, the Mariners  probes to Venus in 1962 and to Mars in 1964. Let’s say that we have a good  looking spacecraft really far away,   and we want to find out exactly how  far it is, and how fast it travels.   For that, we use a giant antenna, 26m in diameter,  which is 82 feet in archaic measurements units.   No matter what your favorite measurement  system is, it is a big antenna. They even had a 210 ft antenna at Goldstone in CA   and another one at Parkes in Australia (that’s a  whopping 64 m). Both were considered backup but   came in handy on the Apollo 11 landing  when communication difficulties arose. We first send a microwave carrier  at exactly 2.10640625 GHz,   as derived from an atomic clock. We’ll call this  reference frequency f0. This carrier signal is   phase modulated by a pseudo random code called the  ranging code, which we’ll have to explain later. This signal is received at the CSM by the  transponder box. Because the spaceship is   traveling at such high speed, and also because  the ground station is rotating on earth,   the frequency it sees is not f0. It has been  shifted a little bit by the doppler effect.   The shift is on the order of a few 10’s of kHz,   which is small compared to the 2GHz carrier  frequency, but still fairly easy to measure. In any case, our receiver locks on, and  tracks this received frequency very exactly   using a Phase Locked Loop, a clever circuit  which I have explained in another video. It then translates this frequency by the ratio  of 240 over 221, using frequency synthesis   techniques which I have also explained in the same  video. The new frequency, at around 2.2875 GHz,   give or take the doppler shift, is amplified  using our amplifier box, and sent back to earth. At the same time, the receiver demodulates the  ranging code from the incoming uplink, and the   transmitter remodulates it on the downlink.  It does what is called a data turnaround.   The box that does this combination of receiving,  frequency shifting, and retransmitting the same   data it received, is called a transponder, hence  the name of our holy Apollo box. Think of it as   an assisted radar technique, where the target  helps in reflecting the interrogating signal. The ground now receives the  shifted signal, and locks onto it.   Note that once again, the signal has been  shifted by doppler. So the signal it gets   has what is called a two-way doppler shift,  which frequency is indicated in the formula. The earth station has now everything  it needs to track the spacecraft:  - it gets the distance by figuring out the  time delay in the pseudo random ranging code  - it gets the radial speed by  measuring the two-way doppler shift  - and it gets the position  by the antenna pointing. This ranging system is truly the backbone of the  whole thing. Once two-way locking is accomplished   (and you’ll hear it being called out on the voice  loops), voice and data is added on subcarriers   in both directions, also using complicated  methods that we’ll have to get into later. But that’s not all. A third signal is transmitted  down at yet another frequency, on 2.2725 GHz.   This carrier uses the more  traditional FM modulation technique,   and transmits the famous TV signal as well as  recorded data and voice from the Command Module   and also recorded data and voice  relayed from the LM. It is used   to retransmit the data that was gathered while  the spacecrafts were not in contact with earth,   when they were behind the moon for example, or  if the LM could not contact the earth directly. Now if this is not complicated enough, multiply  this by three, as there was another S-Band link   for the LM, and another for the rocket, operating  on their own set of frequencies. All three could   be operated at the same time. No wonder it  took a full control center to manage all that. If there is just one thing to remember  from this complicated explanation,   it’s that there are 3 frequencies involved,  and two carrier modulation techniques: A PM uplink at 2.1064 GHz  A PM downlink at 2.2875 GHz An FM downlink at 2.2725 GHz These will be coming up all the time when  we look at the detail of these boxes,   and God forbid, try to make them work again. But for now, let’s open up these bad boys. There  are many screws involved. The reason is that   the two boxes are hermetic. They were filled with  dry nitrogen gas, and each box hads a fill nipple. So here is the one for the transponder,   and here is another corresponding  one on the amplifier right here. And we were please to hear the hiss  of the nitrogen getting out when we   depressurized both of them - the protective  nitrogen had stayed in there to this day,   and the chances that the electronics will  be in pristine condition were very high. Both of our units were conspicuously  adorned with the NOT FOR FLIGHT stickers.   But these were definitely the  real NASA stuff used until 1976.   The amplifier had the early serial number  of 6, so these were likely early units used   for and qualification, and then kept on the  ground for further testing and experimentation. Master Ken, working on the amplifier was  the first one to cross the finish line,   as, believe it or not, he  had less screws than Mike. So here's the big reveal. Ooh,  voila! And here's the full amplifier,   big transformer, danger high voltage, don't stick  your fingers in there! A whole maze of coaxes   and the connectors to the  antenna and the transponder   and immediately you - oh there's one that's  connected to nothing, but actually that's normal. And first we suspected the traveling wave  tubes, which are the core amplifying element   in the amplifier, were hidden in this "danger high  voltage" thing and powered by the big transformer,   but as you'll see it turned  out to be quite different. It was then Mike’s turn for the  big transponder reveal. Ooh, aah,   serious microwave electronic goodness in there.  The many RF coax connections between the different   modules are immediately apparent. But you can  also spot immediately that the transponder is   redundant. There is two of most everything,  although not all. The amplifier is redundant too,   we’ll get to it, but it was less obvious  when looking at it for the first time. The complexity of the wiring is a  little bit overwhelming at first,   but we eventually figured out pretty  much what goes on every one of those   coax cables. But for now let's admire this.  This is made by Motorola, the transponder   that is. The other box, the amplifier, is  made by Collins of today Rockwell Collins. Before we dive into more explanations  about what we see, let’s give a break   to our neurons and just admire this hardware.  Here is the Collins amplifier. Collins was the   prime contractor for the Apollo communication  system. And here is the Motorola transponder. So unfortunately, I lost the sound of the  footage that we took when we actually opened   these boxes live. But what are those, Mike, what  are we looking at? [Mike] So first on the table   closest to me is the S-band transponder  from an Apollo Block 2 Command Module,   and then on the table right behind  that is the S-band power amplifier. [Marc] This is the main radio, right, that  did all the communications from the moon   back to earth. [Mike] Yep! [Marc] So this is  the transponder, means transmitter-receiver.   Because it's a weird animal: in order to gain  propagation distance when they do ranging,   they send the signal, it gets received, it gets  shifted in frequency, and gets retransmitted.   [Mike] Right. [Marc] And you gain an enormous  amount of dB when you do that rather than   simple reflection. And the box behind it is just  a power amplifier, so it just works in transmit. And raises power to the incredible  level of 2.8 Watts in low power mode,   and we said 11 point something... [Mike]  Yeah 11.6 Watts minimum. [Marc] 11.6 Watts   at full power. So they just used 11.6 Watts to  retransmit TV from the moon - which blows my mind.   And of course the reason they do that - well,  first is that the amplifier back there, is a tube   based animal. [Mike] Right [Marc] And there was no  solid state device that could amplify microwave -   this is in the microwave band at 2 gigahertz -  and there was just nothing available but tubes.   And then it gets heavy I think. And they just  stopped when it was too heavy. [Mike] Right, yeah,   both of these boxes are right around 32  pounds, I think. [Marc] Yeah, we weighed   them right? Actually when you weigh them you  don't expect them to be that heavy. [Mike] Right,   yeah. [Marc] They feel super heavy. So,  they beat it by putting an absolutely giant   antenna on the ground and also  blasting it with power going up. So those two are linked by this cable. There  [are] three cables and I can't remember, there's a   one that's the TV and the two other must be the   phase modulation or whatever? I have to look it  up, actually it's over here. They have... Oh no!   One is PM at this frequency, 2.28  gigahertz, one is FM, that's only the TV. So   the main mode is phase modulated with all the  data and voice, and the TV is just - it's,   I would say, it's not an afterthought, but it's  not redundant as the main mode. So we have the PM:   that's J3. So that's the main output of the  radio and towards the amplifier. Then J2,   that's when they do the TV in FM, goes over here,  transmitted on a different frequency. [Mike]   And J4 is here. [Marc] That's the receive. Okay,  so that goes [to the] receive over here. Because   although the receive frequency is  not amplified at all by this box,   it goes through the triplexer. So there's  an output for the antenna, that must be J5,.   And the antenna goes in the triplexer, which  is this big box. It says "danger high voltage",   and that threw us off, because we thought it was  high voltage in the box. [Mike] Right. [Marc] But   there is not! [Mike] Right! [Marc] This is just  a frequency filter. And just based on frequency,   it kicks off the the received  signal straight to the receiver.   And it gets powered by the output of the  traveling wave tubes, which are the amplifiers,   and [it] goes back to the antenna in the other  direction. So if you see it in the diagram,   here are the antennas in the aircraft.   It comes here, so this is the directional. The  triplexer will kick the receive frequency this   way, and it will ingest the FM and the PM  frequency that way. And it's all combined   because they are all at different frequencies. So  the receive is not done at the same frequency as   the transmit, right? [Mike] Right. [Marc]  So they don't interfere with each other. On the receiver, same thing, you  have a combination of redundant   mains, and you have a single FM. And this has  actually the transmitter and the receiver. So the   receives comes - this is receive, starts here. I  disconnected it because I wanted to find out what   kind of connector this was. Fortunately this is  an SMA so we're going to be able to work with it.   Then it goes into two identical receivers.   And then on the transmitter, you have a  redundant PM section. So this [two are] the   same. I think the transmitter is just this and  this. And then you have a single FM section,   which is the FM exciter and the FM power  amplifier, which only puts out 100 milliwatts. So if something goes wrong in the FM that's it,  you can't reuse it. If something goes wrong with   the PM you can switch to the other bank. And  then if all else fails there's a morse key,   it goes tut tut tutut tut tut on the front panel. No, that's not on the front panel! That's on them,   it's on the push to talk. They can transmit morse. Alright, I think this is heavy enough for a first  episode. The Apollo communications system is such   a complicated thing, it’s going to take us a while  to explain all of that. We’ll go into the details   of each of these boxes, explain the rats nest of  coax cables in the amplifier, reverse engineer the   transponder, and try to make everything work  again over the next episodes. See you then!
Channel: CuriousMarc
Views: 85,202
Rating: 4.9557815 out of 5
Keywords: CuriousMarc, Vintage Tech, Retro Computing, Restoration, Electronic Repairs, Apollo, NASA, Unified S-Band, Microwave, Telecom, Radio, Space, Transponder
Id: v49ucdZcx9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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