APMAs 2015: All Time Low perform a medley of classics [FULL HD]
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Channel: Alternative Press
Views: 784,074
Rating: 4.9429669 out of 5
Keywords: altpress, alternative press, ap magazine, aptv, Alternative Press Music Awards, Post-hardcore (Musical Genre), All Time Low (Musical Group), Pop Punk (Musical Genre), Fall Out Boy (Musical Group), Blink-182 (Musical Album), The Clash (Musical Group), Green Day (Musical Group), Nirvana (Musical Group), Joan Jett (Musical Artist), Jimmy Eat World (Musical Group), the ramones
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 26 2015
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I always find medleys weird because the audience can't really sing along because you don't know what's coming next. This was specifically kind of low energy? Maybe because it was at an awards show and not a real concert. That being said, loved getting to see ATL do a little part of my favorite song (The Middle, duh!)