Aplicación de fertilizante. Conozcamos un poco más el Urea y otras fuentes en el cultivo de maíz

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Hello, how are you welcome to a new video for the channel, today it will be an application of fertilizer to what is the cultivation of corn, we will also talk about the losses and consequences that it brings when applying certain products and the benefits that others have under what conditions are we going to be able to better choose a fertilizer remember that if you like these videos, support the channel by leaving your like and subscribing here below the video says subscribe and this supports a lot to continue growing when we do our fertilizations we must look for something to maximize the efficiency of these here I have several fertilizers which are going to have an interaction either with the environment the soil very different each one and right now we are going to talk a little about them when we make the decision to fertilize We must take one thing well into account to maximize its efficiency by taking three objectives or three things broadly that is economically profitable. ble socially well done and also be very environmentally here we have several fertilizers which we must choose well use them because because each of these will have a different interaction for the environment amounts of moisture there as There may be here already, as you can see, here it is humid, the bacteria that exist here, the organic matter, will also have an interaction with the soil and all this will affect in a certain way the yield of our fertilizer, here we have our nitrogen sources, but before that I do not want you to see what we are going to do here we have a band application that will be next to the plant it is not broadcast and it is not buried these two songs we will play them in another video different from this one the sources of sulfate and Urea here that we have have each one, as we already mentioned different interaction with the soil, what are the main differences that will exist in the sulf These four different sulfates that we have here compared what the envelope has been like and the perfect nitro is that when we use a sulfate it acidifies the soil or at the moment it is melting in the part where it fell it is going to be more acid, if not these products that are urea, it does increase what the pH is, it alkalizes at the moment and at that moment is where the loss due to volatilization begins and that is going to be what we are going to focus on right now we are going to list five variables that affect the efficiency of our fertilizer when applying it, number 1 will be the humidity that there is, number 2, temperature, number 3, properties of the soil and organic matter, number 4, specifically, the pH, and number 5, the wind. there may be inside our application and days after it is there and it does not have the best conditions for the humidity to begin to be used, it plays a very important role in our application of fertilizers since That if we make an application in a soil that is very dry or that we are not going to have an irrigation or that the rains are not very close, what will happen is that the hydrolysis will be very slow, it will not be incorporated into our soil quickly and the other reactions such as the physical properties that they will achieve together with the activities of the microorganisms will be greater than that hydrolysis so that will be where we begin to lose due to humidity so the best way is that it has the correct amount of humidity or that it will have it after our application but also that it is not flooded because in a flooded soil what will happen is that the hydrolysis is going to accelerate a lot and we will also have that loss there in the surface in a flooded soil our urea-type fertilizer will be affected because it will cause the water to increase its pH and, as we already mentioned, that ammonium carbonate will be produced and it will be lost very easy, on the other hand, a sulfate, not comparing it there in humid or flooded lands, sorry, we will have a greater efficiency of nitrogen from a sulfate than from an area but remember the cultivation also in flood conditions there we will have problems the temperature is another relative that goes to affect the use of our fertilizer since at a higher temperature these processes will be faster so when the temperature is increased we will have an increase in ammonia gas which will be lost faster that goes very hand in hand with that we already mentioned about humidity, in case we do not have enough humidity, this process will increase and that is where we will also start to have losses, it also goes very hand in hand with our next variant, which is the properties of the soil. and organic matter, if we have clays in our soil and greater amounts of cation exchange, these will be able to better retain the ammonium that will be used s for plants, on the other hand, in soils where they are more sandy than our cationic exchange is lower, we will have higher concentrations of gas at monique which will not be seized so fast and will be lost more easily in terms of In terms of organic matter, we will be able to observe that if there is a leaching of organic matter, these will make our urea accelerate due to the enzyme urea, which will be very present, so at those times we must also take into account that we can have more volatilization of our nitrogen in case our soil has not been sown in this way as you can see in the traditional way putting traces and others and that we leave to zero tillage we are going to have greater amounts of what is organic matter and we when applying Nitrogen is going to be lost more easily compared here, of course, organic matter is very good, but in terms of loss, it is included. It would rement more apart from the fact that it would not be 100% in contact with our soil or they will have realized the pH is a very important factor of ammonia, it will be converted to ammonia gas by it during that increase the pH the urea when it is deposited in the Soil will increase the pH no matter that it is below 4.55 it will increase in this microsite causing our ammonia gas to be lost variant number 5 is the wind speeds indirectly it can cause us that the greater amount of wind in our soil is It is going to get out faster and also the temperatures are going to increase for that matter, so as we have already seen these five factors will together do not work independently of each other this set will be if the conditions are good our use of urea or nitrogen will To be higher in case the conditions are affected little by little our efficiency will go down, so the urea will vary our efficiency depending on the e all the conditions that we already talked about and we can have losses of up to 40 percent only due to volatilization, so modifications are currently being made to our uric fertilizer, it can be in many ways, right now I am going to mention to you in terms of the pH issue, remember that the higher the pH Well, we are going to obtain more loss then strong acids are placed to try that in the microsite where it is placed the pH does not rise and we do not have that loss then it is already a modification of this other of the modifications that is made to urea that It is the most used currently is to add an ingredient that is useful phosphoric thiamine known in the market as agro time that we will have with this the best efficiency of our nitrogen and we will not have those volatilization losses or they will be seen highly reduced to these losses compared to the use of a normal urea, here we will create what is the backpack to make the application of what is the fertilizer In order to see how this backpack works, it is only one way out, in other videos we already looked for how it is two way out, but here, once loaded, the person will enter the groove and with his finger he will regulate this connection of the hose and the pvc tube with the finger here as you can see it is obstructing the passage of what is the fertilizer outlet and when you lift the finger we will have the outlet of our fertilizer when we want to stop that outlet we are only going to place the finger or we want to go lowering it here we are going to see that the jet is smaller and if we work out everything we will increase the output together with this output and the speed that the person arrives is how the amount of fertilizer that you want to throw per hectare is going to be calibrated here, what is already being loaded is It is the protected nitrogen here we have what is being applied here you can see it they are going to load there are four people who are doing the application of this perfect nitro more here br n not to mention Another way and they are going to start making the application, they are throwing approximately 350 kilograms up to 400 per hectare in this plot we have 95 thousand plants per hectare 7.15 more or less for each meter and that is how fertilizing is going to begin, not in this treaty i
Channel: Ingeniero Orozco
Views: 91,257
Rating: 4.9049559 out of 5
Keywords: fertilizante, agro, agricultura, juan gonzalo angel, fertilizante liquido, maiz, cultivo, agronomia, asgrow antilope, asgrow 7573, nitromag, yaramila star, fertilizantes, fertilizacion de maíz, monsanto, isaosa, urea, campesino, nitrógeno, amonio, nitrato, nitroperfecto, agrotain
Id: I08O0-Gf0yM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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