API Management - Explained in 5 minutes! ⭐ What is API Management ⭐ Why API Management?

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What is API management? Why API Management? What are the benefits of using API management? Do I even need API management for my APIs? We answer these questions and more  on this episode of API Cookery. Stay tuned to find out more! Hi! Brenton House here with API Cookery  where we talk about everything API because   everything runs on APIs and we want you  to be properly equipped in this API world. If you're new here subscribe to this  channel and check out the show notes   in the description below so you can stay  up to date with new and informative videos   that will enable you to win  and help others as well. So let's jump into it. What is API management? As you start designing, creating, and  deploying your APIs you quickly realize   that you are not quite "done" yet. After your APIs have been published and more  and more API clients start consuming your APIs   you find yourself in the position of making a  lot of decisions about how (or if) you need: - to scale your APIs - to secure your APIs  - to analyze usage of your APIs - to configure your APIs  - to rate limit your APIs - and more!   Some of the APIs that you have been  creating might be internal APIs while others   are probably public APIs (or APIs that are  visible to everyone). APIs that are public   facing might have more requirements and scrutiny  because of the visibility that they will have. If you have just one or two APIs you might  not put a lot of thought into some of these   issues when you designed and built them  you may have embedded things like security,   logging, configuration, and other  features into the actual API code. But what happens when you start having  more and more requirements for APIs. Especially in this world of microservices  where API functionality could be broken   up into smaller APIs that might only  have one particular focus or purpose   or what happens when some of the APIs that  you need to use are legacy services that you   have neither the desire nor resources to modify in  order to make them fit your business requirements. This is where API management comes in. API management is the process of: - Building - Publishing  - Securing - Versioning  - Observing - Scaling  - Cataloging - and even Retiring your APIs You create an ecosystem that allows you  to manage the complete lifecycle of your   APIs so that your organization can focus  on adding value to your core business. A few key components of  API management systems are: 1. An API gateway that handles the  routing and management for all your APIs   through policies that can be applied  to an individual API or a set of APIs.   2. A developer portal which serves as a  self-service hub for developers to gain   access to API documentation sdks and other  resources needed for consuming your APIs.   3. An API dashboard where you can  observe API usage view key API metrics   and manage a variety of API analytics 4. A unified central API catalog   for organizing cataloging indexing and  presenting all the public and private   APIs that you use in your organization. By implementing API management, you have also   added flexibility and power to your APIs by going  from a situation where you are managing each API   independently, to a unified system where you are  orchestrating a complete set of APIs as a product. To better understand how API  management fits into your API journey   you can also take a look at  a couple of our other videos. One I would start off with  is the API first episode   where we discuss "What is API First" and  how to get started on the right foot. You can avoid a lot of issues and save  a lot of time money and other resources   if you begin your journey by  creating your API strategy   by looking at it through the lens of  your organization's goals and strategy.   Discover how you can create your APIs as products  to add business value to your organization. I also recommend watching the episode  on Full Lifecycle API Management process   as it will help you better understand all the  steps that are involved in managing your APIs. You can also find several videos on  API Management training where I've   compiled a mega list of API management  training videos and other content   that you can use to be better  equipped on your API journey. You can find all these API best practice  videos and more at apishorts.com I hope this has been beneficial in helping  you understand what API management is and   how it can help you add business value to your  organization, your products, and your customers! Feel free to add any comments  or questions that you might   have about API management in  the comments section below. I'm Brenton House and thank you  for watching API Cookery! Check   out the show notes below for links and  bonus content subscribe to this channel   to stay up to date with the ever-changing  world of APIs and digital transformation! What is an API? What is API Management? Why API Management?
Channel: Brenton House
Views: 67,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: api management, api management best practices, api management explained, api gateway, api microservices, what is api management, what is api gateway, what is api, api best practices, api manager, api management basics, api management and microservices, api management features, why api management, api management intro, api management overview, api management benefits, api management concepts, api management definition, api management explanation, api
Id: IY32f-Wb-As
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 40sec (340 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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