API Documentation Workshop for Beginners

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and you tell the um seller the guy that the person that's standing at the cashier like the counter i told them that oh i want a buy rule and this person this cause this person i stand at the counter let's say this cashier or something goes to the store and gets you the barrel you can say that the store is like the database and the cashier is the api and you are like the client making requests to the cashier so basically it allows you to you don't need to know how they implemented the database you don't need to know what exactly is going on there if like the api allows you to communicate with the database and everything next up we want to understand why by documenting an api is very important so basically when creating a new product or new um services or anything excuse us we're not there these are foreign and you don't want like for you to start first of all new users will be more productive and less time consuming to work with this eliminates the need for people with limited expertise to explain how the api works and why it's important with a proper with a properly documented api you don't need to you don't need to start teaching new users you don't need to more users are more likely to use your product because they understand it they can see the use case they can say okay why i need this if you poorly documented api for example like stripe is a very properly documented is popularly known as a very well documented api so if you if i wanted to use stripe in my um project i used the other day and i'm confused or i don't know how or they don't have a document question they don't have oh this is how you use it nobody is going to want to use the api nobody is going to get out to even music even if they want to they have to be like okay let me find somebody that knows api or let me watch a youtube video or somebody has to teach me this which is very not efficient and it's not is very time consuming also your teams can keep up with product maintenance update more quickly it helps them to identify and respond to their strengths requests and responses an api documentation usually contains requests response and everything with a company that has different things or different people working on different areas of the code a properly documented api i keep saying properly documented if you guys wanted to write an api for writing fake it's another to like not write it properly so when you have uh when you have a log or a diary of your api of the use cases you request a response it makes your team know that okay it makes you keep up maintenance because you don't just hold once and forget it you have to be like oh we wrote this then we want to upgrade it once more people are doing this this is not what is a different um a different language or something you use you will check out your api documentation and be like okay oh i read this twice right but that's it next up makes a good documentation so basically the same properly documented apis properly documented apis what exactly makes a good documentation one it is concise you don't want when you are writing your documentation you don't want to keep going on um on and on and on and on you don't want to keep blabbing about something a lot of us here have tried to read apis or try to learn from apis and what we do are okay okay let me know go for as apis let me say like stuck overflow when you post questions or stuck over flying to get answers what most of us do we just skip through the unnecessary talk talk talk and just check out good samples you don't want to bore people off you don't want to you don't want it to be bulky and you want a very very few words that carry like a lot of explanation that carry the maximum impact so it is entry level easy to understand and digest that is self-explanatory but basically writing api documentation you are doing so to teach you're not you know achieving or well nobody wants to read stuff that is difficult to understand you don't want to drive people away from your product you don't want to you want you want to be like okay you want to try as much as possible to not confuse um users at all like for example now you want to say okay this because you want it to be entry level it's not only senior developers that come to your um documentation there's also people that use it your documentation for the first time i remember when i was trying to learn node.js and i watch youtube videos and i don't get you guys a point where youtube videos become tiring i started to read the docs so i didn't know exactly what i was getting into i didn't know anything in node.js so i started reading the documentation assuming the person that wrote that dot wanted to stomp on me i wanted to be like oh okay i'm a major in english i did this you write so you write this song you write this one i would have lost interest since i'll probably be i'll probably drop you i'll be like oh maybe i should stick to the front end or oh let me see where i can try go or something else or watch to be yourself so it has relatable and a lot of examples and use cases in api documentation yeah you have okay let me let me share my screen i want to go to my chrome sorry okay let's go to chrome let's check out stripe api i keep saying stripe stripe because so yes if you go to the 3d stripe api on this on the right hand side which can you all see my screen sorry hello yes i can see your stream i don't know okay okay okay anyway this right hand side you can see examples of requests you want to send that now i wrote in this place he has he has relatable examples and used cases you to show you examples of requests you can make to the apis examples of responses if i wanted to write api documentation and i'm going to go and write like um maybe like an example that nobody in real life would you know the kind of joke that darwin joke that people tell which um exams teach us an exam how they will teach you one small example maybe two plus two then in the exam you start seeing differentiation and integration if when this child does talk like that the students are more likely to feel so when you give examples that are not like that people are not more likely to use in real life but i'm not more likely to care about in real life people are going to feel when they use your use your api in their um in their projects it's not going to work they're going to frustrate the users you don't want people that are using or patronizing your you know what people are using your api you don't want to frustrate them that's the last thing you want to do so just for example look at the examples here the end points the different empire you have to post requests you have get request with the id then i have an example of so you have the example there is call here and you have examples of a response that you can get when you make that kind of request like when you do this to charges you have this kind of example one of the main um advantage of using curl is that it's language agnostic like you don't have to write when you use call in your um api documentation you don't have to write for it because it's not everybody that this is your api that is going to write okay i have a chat here [Music] that is going to write um javascript or he's going to write go and he's going to write ruby so like people have different languages they're going to use and so you to start writing um how you would make requests in every single one of those languages you ever tried of skipping some maybe you see somebody using i don't know please start skipping some or start not and you don't want that what we call carl is just it's language agnostic this is what you do this is what you get and also it's also assumed that if you are coding with apis and stuff like that you know how to make requests in your language if you don't know how to do that you have to you can check tutorials and everything but it's always assumed that since you are here you probably know how to um make requests so that's like that's why people use curl good so i after doing that next stop on the agenda is the common section in rest api documentation so basically there are usually five common sections mr pis documentation we have the resource description the endpoint methods the parameters to request example response example and schema so um i don't know if i i'm over using stripe and i should check something else is very good let me check my chip how they are doing their mailchimp very good but very good products usually our companies they should be no forget that very good products are accompanied with very good apis that's it so basically let's see how they do this i guess i said cookies they shall send me these kids one day i don't have i don't want but let's check this api so now i said there are a comment sections in api resource description resource description this is um this is a brief action-oriented summary of your api that usually wises us to choose your api now you operate which type api here i keep going back to stripe apis you stripe apis you see the api reference here usually um different apis have um different topics different ways to classify these sections of their api documentation it doesn't always go like okay um resource description endpoint method parameters request example request response example schema using usually i mean you you would see when you read those parts of the apis that these are what they are talking about these are examples underneath these topics but it is always a different um header i mean this is not the si unit of sections of the api this is not what so basically you get that what was you read that like now for example you have api reference they did not go and write um reference description but you can't read that this is your description of the stripe api you can each subscribe api goes that descriptive page is organized around first apis uh api has predictable unrented urls accept some recorder requests for these and some blah blah blah blah blah blah it's basically why you should use it it's action oriented is what exactly is stripe apis i mean are you sure you might have had stripes before i'm like oh suppose somebody told you that oh you should use stripe or oh you should use uh this is not an advertisement for stories you should use um photography if you use anything but like what if you've not you what if you've not heard about that i just randomly stumbled upon stripe and everything you have to know what what you are doing there now you have to know what exactly this api is so basically that is why you have this reference description that's why you describe your api i feel like you should go without saying secondly we have the end points we have the endpoints and methods the endpoint is the address of the resource it indicates how you can access this resource the method the methods indicate how to interact with this resource so basically we have one called crowd api create retrieve update delete uh i should have written this somewhere but credit api crude card and basically you have the methods that are used to an api is that that's um resource that endpoint is the address of the api like now here this is the base um url that pays you the end points of the stripe api then from there you start going let let me show you an example of where they do like see endpoints here you have this v1 ballast transactions id v1 balance transaction you have the method get this is used to retrieve this you sit here retrieve a balance this is you to retrieve get a data from the database like where you send the cashier to bring a barrier for you what the cashier is doing kasha is getting the barrel for you it's cheap because it's using the get method to get that buyer for you and this one is the endpoint if you want balance transaction id you want this is an example of the endpoint we go down here we see posts post is useful maybe if you if the cashier comes actually comes with like i don't know smart or something and nobody ideally uses it like what is this please god you go back and she goes to put the um casual there that's what it's just to create a change okay i'm looking to send data to the database like when you are creating a new user instead of getting like user credentials or getting the user data from the user base or or it's getting it to do instant create it's list so that's what post is for yeah do you put put is for update but generally we don't put put here as you can see there there is no put in this documentation put is basically for updating may be very creative usable okay now you want to put uh gender the gender property even before you just put american at your students what gender is she and you have to update that data so that's what put is for they have deletes which i think is um self-explanatory delete is for deleting the data removing the data so basically yeah now let me show you um see there are some endpoints that allow certain some endpoints to allow um um listen some endpoints don't allow some methods sorry that's brilliant and check spotify spotify api so that we can see my god [Music] so like now we spotify you can't i don't you shouldn't be able to okay um sorry you can't delete this first if you can't okay so now spotify api the chart is endpoint chart you can post you can get charges or you can't delete your deb like debit charges or credit charges you can't say okay i remove that i don't want that it's not possible um especially with disputes too so some certain endpoints like disputes events events does not even allow posts to the selected endpoints allows certain methods another section of the of api documentation is parameters parameters are passed into our endpoints to influence the response of your request the parameter can be defined in various ways some of these include path query and header parameters good so um okay okay um yes parameters head of our results are i said they could pass query on head uppers heather parameters as intuitive as this might sound goes in the header there are parameters that you pass in the header for example um let's find one for you like when you're making requests sometimes it doesn't allow you to make those requests if you don't pass those parameters in the header they include like content types they include um okay so let me start and show you just spotify api now look the h tag in crow represents header authorization basic ycgs that is an example of a parliament that you can pass to the other side okay [Music] [Music] okay and sometimes and a lot of times you would not be allowed to um make some requests except some open-ended apis some apis don't allow you to make um [Music] requests without those header parameters next up we have um i just said ice cream so i'm just extracting api okay so it's just okay next up we have um paths api okay all right the path api are usually um they are not as important in some cases as the header apis and they are usually denoted in curly braces or with a semicolon these past apis they influence um [Music] the response you get back if all the parameters influence response to get back so basically yeah they can dynamically render different responses from different requests for example if you have um a base path of this every one dispute and 2 id of 3 you get id from here id of 3 or something this semicolon this this column that this column id is a with a path parameter some places indicate puff parameters with curly braces that want to is it's nice and it's very intuitive right she i'm like oh that's a um yes lastly we have query parameters square parameters are for example now look at this zoom mixing look at this zoom meeting um link this question mark here after everything after this question indicates the query parameter this mn equals to this and id is equals to 32 fn and id are query parameters square parameters are denoted after this question marks i'll show you more about this thing yeah christian yeah documenting our api and another section of of a properly documented api is a request example the request example shows a sub-request that shows some configuration options it should be as rich with parameters as possible code snippets that contain the same request in different languages apart from coral are sometimes included in the reference topic this is something i experienced something i talked about um earlier but i feel like some people are not around to hear that so i'm going to explain it again basically again sorry that i keep going to strive well yes basically look these are examples of um of sample requests just an example of some requests and it's written in curl you can also write sample requests in different um different languages like writing javascript you can write in gold you can write a ruby python correcting you can write in different languages so people with different so people that are trying to um make requests to your apis can just copy and paste those codes in their project you can't do that that's nice that's very thoughtful of you but how many languages are you going to really account for i don't know that's why we that's right stripe right now well you can see stripe allows you to choose different uh cinahl this is how you would make requests in python i have i don't know because i i'm not back from the group let's check with um node.js this is how you make requests in node.js or um javascript is not here or but so you have different it can show you like different ways or different how you would share i would inspire you to make requests in different languages and everything well usually it's always in default in curl reasons are it's language agnostic you know it's not it's yeah it's language diagnostic basically it's the same in um uh understand in different languages and examples also you should be rich with parameters as possible you would want to show as much parameters as you can pass in your um what is it called in your end point you want to show that you can pass this many parameters like maybe id probably this one only uses id you want to show that okay see now you have id the sources id verify you want it to be rich you want to show us as many use cases or as many uh examples that you can create like now for example if it's not just idlib maybe a parameter like city and um it was a weather api and what's your parameters like city and everything you're going to show that okay you can use cities you want to have plenty parameters so you can explain you don't use like a handful of them i just like forget the rest because chances are your users are not going to use those api those exact same id i mean there are like a lot of people in in the world there probably there are millions of developers we're not thinking the same then finally we have the response example the response example displays the sample response that contains all the possible elements of a request the response schema defines the elements of this response and their configuration is a collection of details that describe the response to a query and the response schema details the properties could be written good so this is this is the request an example of a request you could make in curl and when you make this request according to stripe this is the response you are going to get this exact same reports responsibly copy and paste this in your in your command line this is the response you are going to get you would want to show that to your um users that this is what um this is what you're going to get you don't just want to paste requests i'm like oh there you go that's it not sure the response example that now you don't just post questions and don't just give the answers no that's not very right then after posting the response you write a description a short description and what those what those properties in this response mean it's not this one is not as um comprehensive because there are a lot of responses but you it's explaining right now this object sit here a string describing the object type return no not the list response format okay object data has more boolean url url for accepting the list that is basically what it is right now so now as you can see as what i said earlier it doesn't show it doesn't show that um this is the name the name is reference description the name is parameter the name is request example no well as i'm walking through it you can see that okay so this is the past or this uh what this is what's this pieces of this type api this is what they are talking about right now this part is really small here so yeah so that's what that's it on early explaining what stripe api what makes a good api i can see somebody's chats okay no problem so now we are going to use a weather what i'm going to use is an open weather api app sorry apparently people please um if you can i'll post this link here or i'm just post this link [Music] um he told me that you guys are going to download um postman so basically we're going to create a new collection we'll name this one i'm just going to write that letter api right box with the api sorry that it's done so here what we're going to do what i'm going to create uh with other requests so uh if you haven't you should if you try to check with this operator api you're going to have to sign in on how you get access to your api keys i'm not supposed to exactly show you my pages but i don't really get access to api key you go here api keys here so now let's carry on we're going to use the current weather focus this is free and you can it allows you to copy this we come to our postman and paste this the city name i'm currently in blurry on my api key [Music] i'm trying to be fast i'm sorry i hope let me just [Music] okay so also this is standard postman is so great because um you can easily create um your documentation with this where i work with we don't where i work we don't actually um create our documentation with postman send your request api anyways i've written one api apigee okay um i don't know why shane invited it guys but i don't know it's expired so i i did this one this morning with the same api key so basically and you send your request [Music] what's this [Music] i'm using postman i'm using postman anybody that's confused him just create [Music] foreign is anyone else having the api key issue i think mine has expired because i've been using this yesterday oh let me create let's see if i can use another one yeah another listen i wish listen yourself okay so [Music] valid apigee oh there's a key activity [Music] okay so um when you send your request are we getting a response on the we are getting a pretty response here [Music] in this body so basically i don't know why mine is not going through right now and create a new top all right [Music] [Music] i don't know if i should just carry on on explaining how it works results i think you can do that since it's giving you issues just trying to explain how it works yeah good so it's um with postman go about your right you see this icon that says documentation click on it [Music] this one it says make documents easier also save your response i don't want to say this numbers just say go here there's a separate response you save it as an example then you come here review complete um documentation let me go back again so what i did you go here down below you see view complete collection documentation you click on it carry on that's it now here with first one you can edit basically you can edit because you see this um this pencil icon you click on it postman use this markdown if you have issues with markdown i could i have a markdown cheat sheet that i could send to you to you guys right now that i have bookmarked like this sorry [Music] so basically i'm going to send that to everybody here right now want to chat just because i'm not very familiar with smackdown then here is what you write we are going to start with the api reference here is what you write what exactly this api is like the one i showed you with stripe you have this you can come up with anything that you you think that what the api got so the weather api i'm assuming that since this is the first time for fetching this api it might be working on your side so you see this is this weather api um gets the weather forecast of a location period you save it obviously can make it more um robust and more action-oriented then you have sample requests we come also you click here to publish your api this is where you click to publish your api you have current environment you can't choose your styling but you don't have time for that publish collection is for when you want to put it out there when it's not very advisable for you to publish your collection explanation information on like your api keys or your information like that so if you want to see how your documentation looks like you go to here races preview collection then you click there it loads you see it tells you that please review the highlighted sections or and remove any sensitive information before publishing that is talking about our api keys hey guys okay are you guys seeing your documentation um nobody's there i'm here yeah you're seeing your previous documentation yeah yes okay so basically you want to maybe edit more explain more on what this uh what these values are you said click here to make to make things easier for you to understand this request this gets the um the forecast over of our city you also want to make your distribu um grammatical grammatically correct currently to grammarly also markdowns you can also create a table i will see we'll show you in this markdown to create a table with markdown in to explain also with the distance you can go back to your code i write descriptions of your query parameters you can come here and clean your api key and replace it with api key the word api key so people can so nobody can see what exactly the api key is you come here and give description the query this this represents i have for example i'll talk about queries after this um question mark this queue this app id these units are all queries this represents the name of the city stop app id this is your app id this is your app id do you needs uh is it in standard is it in kelvin i'm guessing this is kelvin this is i don't know right this is kelvin this is this indicates the unit of temperature measurement you see then check out using your documentation [Music] so now you can see [Music] your app id does not have your key up key again your api key again because it's sensitive information this explains what exactly this is what we just used this is the description of these parameters you can come here this is not what you're supposed to be getting in the body when i did this previously you'll be you should be getting a an object that is very similar to this except not over so we can't come here come to our postman [Music] see how very easy it is to create with postman very very very easy it's it allows you to give a lot of things let's edit our body shall we i didn't save this one apparently so let's go to our markdown um listen i'll copy out the markdown for tables to explain what those parameters we're not going to explain everything but to explain what exactly we are getting back in the response so that um people are using it will know whether okay is this what i want also so sorry um okay good so people know exactly uh let's you can say um this this one is the parameters the um the properties you see the description so if you are getting properties please always make sure it's correct response correctly can say you get a longitude and latitude you say latitude lots too description this designs um vertical or horizontal i guess a lot of titties arizona this defines the horizontal placements of the city so you might want to clean this part out this because you don't need also you can also put the pot out i usually show the default values of um we didn't act exactly beauty api i don't know exactly what i said longitude because i'm guessing that's what you can see there longitude blah blah blah blah defines this the vertical also you want to um place you want to write the unit here you want to show what you need this is obvious you don't need a lot to get a degree you might want to tell them that okay this temperature where we start there okay i have a response from yesterday you want to tell them that what that exactly this temperature is when we are writing down them feels like temp mean temp marks you tell them is it in degree kelvin decreases your degree fahrenheit you tell them what exactly this humidity what degree it is in the time zone so okay all about the degree that destination vertically open up this weather apis anyway so yeah we are done editing that we're gonna editing that i mean did we let her edit it all right okay just copy this [Music] right okay so we would write to be this other side of the column of the editing tap tab the spot again um to signify the other color correct units it's in degree this is this goes without saying it's the temperature the humidity the temperature you go it says um what's the property the property stamp so say temp we don't write temperature that can confuse the user if you write temp then temperature of city kelvin because i didn't have values in the other one table was messing up a bit so with that we should have our mock api documentation let's preview our documentation you can see you have the properties you also want to put a um a header here that says that okay these are the properties or decided this did everybody get up to that point okay to chat some outfit chats yeah i thought about i think there's a question somewhere okay okay no problem okay sorry i'm not juggling back on this question now but i'm asking for some other questions that might be joining me now if you start now if you're not using push mark to document your api after tightening your needs right here just like yeah can you get to me yeah i can get you a sorry okay i will say if you're starting out using postmark customer to document your api after giving it a name start giving it the name do you authenticate it or you just use no authentication after is it okay is it where you are starting to send requests with apis is it here i don't know if it's okay but what i'm asking is the pictures i wanna be sent over brother is saying what i did before i just published you can publish your collection i publish this sona is available online well then okay have you said why would you have you sent it hello okay to get api key you need to get your api key for this open weather it is to get your api key for open weather up this is where you do where is my open weather yeah yeah go to here i actually before here i signed up already but to log out so that i could show you but i can't even remember my password but when you sign up i sign in you go to this place here amara which show it goes here my api is from oh normally i remember when i first signed up for this api it's um so it gives your api keys in your email so just go here your api keys and you find them find your keys or you go um yeah that's where you find your api keys tell me dial we're almost done i don't know but i i think somebody has been recording so and i can make my slides available i are you did you get that yeah did you get that you yeah yes when you run your listing you use your api keys here yes i got what you say now i'm on it okay okay okay no problem sorry it's fine if you got it yes before we use that you see how and what we did now for example now like i i published it but let me unpublish it sorry so i can see what i meant what i did here so when we are done we've seen our um api like we we've gone here we've been here we've gone here we published it you know normally we go here to preview our documentation you can take a few steps further let me close on parts so that you can see it you've gone there then you're sure that you don't you've not put any sensitive information where you're trying to make your request your api keys you change it to api key or anything i don't know whether this particular one i did that but it's an operator api so i'm not worried so now you published it it goes uh published collection right it talks api environment you now come here you see your url for published documentation you click this you open the new tables and close it then this is it this is your um this is your documentation kind of looks you need to be like striped if i'm not i'm not carrying myself away but like yeah you get me this is it this is this is it um with curl yes this is your body this is not the correct this is not where you're supposed to be getting they want me to pay and number and you see we remove the api key from our requests so it's not it's not showing that long if that api key should not be in your documentation please it should not be your documentation that is sensitive information so don't bite in then you see you write this you write better api this this better documentation better summary that is more eye-catching this explains latitude longer to stamp the temperature of the city these are the parameters the ap id that's the api this is your app id the api key that he just asked about you need to imperial this indicates likes this is the unit of measurement so basically yeah also which um which i think is really really cool you can show how you make your request in javascript have you seen that just go to this stop but yeah this place here you can see different languages which is even less of a lot more than stripe so you can see python um powershell swift php node.js javascript xhr call which yes so just choose that then let's say she go then this is how you would make the request and go there's somebody that's a developer i can just come here and copy it it's copy now and go to his uh project he's listening and make that request did we get like also change it's from double a column to single column column is pretty cool cause um you can see you can see side by side the properties um the properties definition and the properties you are getting so please just change it back to double colon sorry this stuff is everywhere so yeah that's basically it you make it is there any question is there any question please hello i'm chuckling you got any question i hope you i hope we did help we got to this point and we understood how to do it and we have a working documentation on our website now yes that's nice that's nice let's change it back to curl so yeah yeah that's basically it's basically yeah purple smile is a lot easier so no question i guess then we are done here is it possible to is it possible to write i mean documentation in github or api is it possible to write your documentation in github yes yes you would do that it's very possible to do that like for example uh i don't know what to say because yes like you just use markdown markdown is universal magdalen is not just for um what's it called you can use like gatsby to create your blog um that is a very popular network popular um sorry thank you for that that's pgs i could show you the link and post it in the chat just in case you would want sorry let me just find that yeah you can switch here can you start seeing you can use my you use markdowns to write your um your documentation you mark that i posted a markdown sheet then you upload it to just host it like a normal website because that with postman it's a lot easier you get so that's why i'm using it but you can yes you can you can push it to normal github [Music] yeah i can't i can't hear you i think uh somebody was asking if you can write an api documentation on gito oh okay get up the platform itself oh i'm not sure you can i don't know about that you can write it you can you can no you can't yeah i don't think you can because you can write it on your laptop and push it to github yes it does you should not go to github itself the platform itself and start writing it and even if it was possible which it's not possible it should be very very inconvenient because well how are you going to like um run it on your laptop or run it on localhost to see how it looks so before pushing it i don't think you can um said it you shouldn't do that do you understand me you can't do that but you can write on your you can write locally and push it to the top and post it there but you can't open github itself and that's no sir okay all right all right okay we have another question okay please i'm thinking that okay if i'm to use gas this gas is stopping cycling away though can you hear me yeah yeah i can since gaz is a static site generator then i won't use that which will document i mean yeah i'm still going to use cool smart right you use post one yeah you use postman to test your apis now all right thank you yeah no problem postman is just like that your your that your your friend your g that's coming through for you so that's it it's really nice there are other um i want you about postman i just found out i actually didn't know this um before is that you can't even create mock apis i actually created one but it wasn't it wasn't us um it was just complex and it's like this weather api is not that complicated but because you have parameters this was just really easy that's simple so you can create more like now i created this api yesterday when i was tweaking with it i got this um this this response exactly but like there was no parameters no nothing it will be a very good something to use so far is really nice the other um the other people there are companies that have been creating like mock apis to our next top level stop is a lot complex it's actually a lot more complex than this post one so yeah you can just find out apis on the web create um get them their response come here and tweak up the documentation get published you can send it to your friends and everything postman is really cool also not another purpose one but yeah basically yeah so i guess it's four [Music] i hope i hope you all learned something from this basically and yes remember concise it should be accurate you don't want to be creating something that is not correct after taking all the other boxes your documentation is not correct that's that's just sad basically so yeah that's it that's all i don't know if i can share this slides i don't know if anybody would need you both let me share it i'm too to anybody that would want to use it so yeah just a few things just understand the different parts of your api and everything so the video can edge right now right so basically that's all thank you thank you very much for having me thank you i actually learned a lot in this session today you
Channel: Write The Docs Podcast & Meetups
Views: 164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wtd, podcasts, documentarian, tech writing, technical writer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 10sec (4810 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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