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so if you follow me on instagram you know that i recently moved i meant to have this video up earlier but yeah here we are this is the process of me hunting for an apartment quickly let's just go over my requirements as you may or may not know in my last apartment my windows were e-spacing you get the most beautiful morning light you can wake up with the sun love it but what that really meant is that for the remainder of the day i had indirect light but on cloudy and rainy days made my apartment really dark and made me semi depressed because as we know seasonal depression is a thing so number one i really wanted south facing and number two since i was coming from a studio i would have liked to upgrade to one bedroom if the square footage was there honestly a studio would have been fine as well so baseline more space um and dare i say that's like pretty much it yeah just two just two because you can't be that picky because then you're just gonna be like limiting your options so let's just let's move on so number one listen you don't have to tell me i already know my cameraman skills are not up to par but if you just hang in there with me i promise it does get better and this pretty much hit most of those requirements i think it was still east facing but as you will soon learn in life you don't get everything you want however if you have what you need you're doing just fine also i forgot another requirement was the bathtub i really really really wanted a bathtub if i could find one great but if i couldn't i wasn't holding it against it you gotta go with what's available on the market so if the location is good and most of the boxes are checked you still win the floors were a little bit ashy i do prefer warm tones but you know again you take some and you lose them the next up was this unit and this was just a showroom so it was actually i believe smaller than the unit that they would have been showing me but um they didn't which is funny because i mean i selected very specific floor plans that i thought i would be viewing but uh i'm guessing they weren't vacant and perhaps they just had certain restrictions due to the panasonic so one of the first things that i noticed about this is that as you can see the bedroom not wouldn't really call it a bedroom because there's no door wait for nobody that is a partition wall okay i still consider that open floor plan so man this is a studio there was also linen closet in the bathroom but it was carpeted mind you there was no other carpet anywhere that's weird that's suspicious yeah it was giving me very much random and i'm not sure if you guys can tell in person but this was really small furniture was like doll size so even though the living room might look normal i promise you it actually felt super cluttered so when i investigated further i asked if i could see another unit at least for scale which she did oblige by showing me this felt much more open but the number one thing that will put me off is carpet as i'm sure you noticed i didn't have any rugs in my last apartment that was intentional and it's not that i don't like the way that they look i just hate the upkeep the whole thing just reads scam to me you know like why sell me a carpet carpet cleaner and then stain remover and then it's like if it's a hardwood floor i could just wipe it up overall it was a very nice unit just much more cool toned warm tones are just so cozy and cool tones look icy they literally look cold but in this next one we definitely have some warm tones maybe some like wet pine floors a rather large kitchen area seeing as it spans the entire wall even some exposed brick which for my last apartment i'm sure you know i love i think these were west facing windows if i'm not mistaken not like i would write any of this down as if it were important you know it checked most of the boxes didn't have a tub though however it did have an elevator which i'm again forgetting that that was also on the list because you really don't know how much you missed them after walking up four flights of steps for the seventh millionth time with two gallons of water a bag of groceries and a 20 pound watermelon actually i'm lying i didn't do any of that because my boyfriend used to take up like 99.9999 of everything i bought and on to number four which was a much different layout but i thought it was actually pretty interesting believe it or not i didn't mind this pillar like sitting directly right between the like kitchen dining and uh living room space the bedroom was also pretty spacious and it had not one but two closets one for each of my personalities because as you know i'm a gemini which means we co-own this body and another bonus a bathtub this one was very new and pristine and of course washer and dryer that is a must and number five is actually in the same building so you'll notice that really the design is quite similar if not exactly the same but this one was um well let's just say this one was was much much higher in the price given the size also huge deck space speaking of huge so was the bathroom which was a very long layout and even had what i can only describe as office space in the back of it seriously tell me that wouldn't make the perfect desk if not for the fact that it's in a very damp environment not entirely mad at it because you can see it had tons of light and back into the bedroom huge walk-in closet huge even had a half bath that i didn't show you because it was small so difficult to film in at number six again in the same building but this unit was actually a one bedroom one bath with a den so as soon as you walk into the apartment on the left-hand side you get a generous amount of space for like an office or a guest bedroom this is also where the washer and dryer was and you get a considerable amount of storage space it does have a bathtub and a second entryway which leads to the bedroom so i thought that was kind of cool and again you get a very generous amount of walk-in closet space number seven is the exact same apartment but this time instead of having floor to ceiling windows it just had a standard size window this she was just showing to me as another option because those windows are so scary in person like honestly i can't get too close to them so i don't know like how i would clean it i just feel like i'd have a heart attack and then the last unit that i saw with this particular realtor was a completely different feel despite being in the same building this one was a one bedroom one bath it had a decent amount of storage different but interesting layout in the kitchen yes that cabinet is just missing a door and a very beautiful bathroom minus the crab it was actually really pretty love the towel in the shower and of course thumbs up to a washer and dryer in unit so moving on to number nine had a good deal of space a decent kitchen but a very different bathroom which i wasn't sure quite fit the vibe of the main area again jumping from those warm tones to cool tones can be quite shocking for me then we got to the bedroom which had the oddest carpet i've ever seen in fact i don't think it was particularly clean and if you're wondering why i'm even looking at carpeted units that's because you couldn't see pictures of all of these so a lot of times they just had floor plans and then they would actually showed you what it looked like when you got there or they would just have a like general gallery to give you an idea of what their units could look like but that might not be the one you get number 10 was again in the same building however a different layout and a different square footage this one had a very good amount of light it had a very large kitchen which you know i spend most of my time in the bedroom of course carpeted also had a good amount of light and what i liked is that this one had a walk-through closet which leads you to the bathroom however as you can see the tub was disgusting and i feel like the camera is actually doing it even worse justice than it looked like in person it was still white you can see that the bathtub basically just needed to be re-glazed and they just didn't put any effort into the shower head whatsoever but hey love that kitchen space bride and washer and dryer which brings me to number 11 which again had a beautiful kitchen i know what you're thinking floor-to-ceiling windows but as you can see there's more of a footing than there was in the previous apartment so this actually wasn't scary to me and these let in a ton of light also a good amount of closet space that doesn't just include hanging racks so you get a little bit more variety you can actually fold things we love attention to details like that and speaking of love the bathroom and despite the gray they bring in those warm tones with the wood and some gold fixtures so you have some juxtaposition back to the kitchen just so we can see more detail i noticed that this had a gas range which i was actually really excited about because that's what i grew up on i actually wasn't a fan of having electric for the time that i did and also wasn't mad at the white appliances because i felt like in this space it worked so moving on to number 11 as soon as i opened the door i was already very impressed with the size of this one and of course i absolutely love the kitchen again it's the details for me so having that little waste basket underneath the sink definitely a bonus having soft clothes on your drawers and cabinets always a plus and y'all when i tell you i was drooling over this refrigerator because in my previous apartment it was miniature size so i was a little limited on how much food i could keep on hand i also really love when the freezer is on the bottom it just makes sense to the bedroom this was also decently sized despite it looking a little bit narrow on camera i don't know why and from these huge doors and as you can see also a decent amount of closet space and these had um you know those customizable ones where you can just put them in any configuration that you want and since i love the idea of having a dedicated office this one also had a den and lastly the bathroom which was equally as gorgeous a generous amount of storage space and this little sliding door providing even more separation between the main area and the living space number 12 was almost the same apartment the main difference is that the kitchen was a much different layout so just everything justified on one wall but this time a one bedroom one bath no den so layout was a bit different but still same overall feel and i'm curious as to which apartment you guys think that i went with so let me know in the comments and the final review will be in the first moving vlog so if you guys aren't already subscribed make sure you do and turn on post notifications because i'm anticipating that that will be in a week but it could be less so turn on your notifications so that you know when it goes live and i'll see you in the next one you
Channel: abetweene
Views: 20,079
Rating: 4.9876313 out of 5
Keywords: abetweene, apartment hunting, apartment hunting in nyc, apartment hunting vlog, apartment hunting tips
Id: xGdJ0yy9m4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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