Aoraki Mount Cook: The climb to Mueller Hut - NZ Travel Vlog

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[Music] [Music] [Music] well today is M day M hot HK day we are going to go up as far as we can hopefully get to the Hut um depending on the weather behind me it looks pretty blue but front of us is a bit Shifty should be fine but see the big Glacier there how you feeling about the pike good I think we're just going to we're comfortable with the condition so we'll see how we go yeah it's just the wind at the moment but we checked in with the doc and it's not it's manageable wind so um yeah I think we're after checking with the DC we're comfortable with attempting it might get one more photo before we get right into it and um so this is kind of the train at the start that's the village down there hooker Valley hike is over there this is the way to Mu Hut usually you could see Mount Cook behind me but it's covered it'll be a big mountain we can um get a clear view but yeah it's pretty cool looking at the glacier from this distance it's quite a big Glacier too and um so there there has been a few spottings of avalanches here and there but not on the path we're taking we might see one off the path in the distance so yeah going to tackle this mu Hut it's 3 to 5 hours to get there depending on your level how fast you are um but yeah you have to book for the doc if you are going to attempt it you can just walk up there do a day trip but staying at the heart you have to pay you can also Camp as well yeah you can I was about to say that yeah you can camp as Shelby mentioned so yeah let's do it okay so this is the start of the climb stairs 2200 2200 stairs Shelby just said I'm not sure if the camera picked that up microphone um so yeah just keep in mind if you you hate stairs then you'll love this um just show you a picture the side [Music] view that's it there so apparently they get steeper than that too oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so at the halfway point of the stairs and I'll tell you what going up these stairs is a good fat burner if you want to do this as a Day hike holy smokes I'm we're relatively fit and I'm like I mean we are pretty peti from the other hikes but Mount Cook is slowly peeking out I was going to say yeah we're we're pretty hiking fit but we've we've also done more hiking in a week than we have like in 6 months so I I'm dead I'm like sweating for so much need we're going to need a holiday after this holiday yeah I know so this this it's pretty steep it's you can't really tell on the camera I don't know but like put in perspective I don't know if you can see those little gray path is where we are and you might see people walking there the D Day hike is going to that Lake Point just there Kia point the cars are just over there that's where we parked and we kind of like going up straight up when these stairs and um even if you get to this point you don't make it to M it's still a nice view because you see the two lakes and then you see Mount Cook there which is half covered by clouds yeah with the sely lake view point coming up yeah we still got more stairs to go but we thought we just stop and just check out Mount Cook while it's out of the clouds which [Applause] we're in avalanche path this is our terrain this is our no more stairs it's all Rocky terrain go all the way up to the top of that Hill there is people on that just on the top of it and after that it should come up to a section of snow so get all different levels of terrain this one you just got to be careful not to roll your ankles just watch your footing cuz is a loose Rock but it's more the the steepness of it which will be coming up shortly is where it gets hard cuz see has orange markers along the top rocky rocky terrain loose Rock terrain on an uphill is never fun is slip [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] finally got to the the top of the summit I mean it's not Summit to um so I got to catch my breath that was a that snow down that that was a steep bit can't see it but if we go forward over a tad you could see mu Hut this where she'll be standing there's Mount Cook there there's Shelby we can't there's a glacia people up there down the views this is amazing section now it's just a bit of a a cross action yeah we go across there and oh those clouds rolling in oh that view point there we should go where the guys are can check it out if you want yeah man there was a waterfall CL waterfall there so yeah some hydrate and then we'll keep going forward and I you get to see mu Hut so we just just stopped at a bit of a Viewpoint here see the glaciers oh wow so windy oh that Glacier there little cracks in it they could potentially be Avalanche especially those ones on that crevice there that might be the Sun L on it wow this is gorgeous this is something so M Hut it's just around there somewhere so we'll go there soon there's no rush getting there this you're so close to Glaciers or almost ey level with it you got Mount Cook in the background as well it's beautiful and we see is these a mountains when they got clouds you can like almost looks like it's like rolling towards you but it's kind of just shifting back in the same spot it's kind of weird how it works some of it comes down but the wind Alpine wind is Works different to obviously normal wind that we know of but see how it just creeps over the mountain looks really cool um yeah what's that ahead of us M hot that's M hot we just got great looking yeah nearly there it's easy bit of snow and rock train the color contrast here is nice your brain and body are confused I don't know what it wants to do it's like leave you jumper on but then the sweat says take it off but then the wind hits the sweat and you're like oh now I keep it on yeah had a warm day yeah that is a good shot Glacier behind you other than that orange pole but I mean that doesn't matter part of the hike but that is wind you know there that little red part you see is the ouse another one just heard another one no don't know where it came from trying to get an avalanche if be cool just to see one that's not my path obviously yeah that's where the toilet is washroom ous hello sorry Wen oh hi hello hello hello F how you going yes it's been a change of weather today for sure this morning was absolutely atrocious of this here everything you brought in make sure you all right let's get set up all right so now you have to BR your Crocs yeah this is shut this okay all right so these are the bunk rooms Shelby's choosing a spot so you put all your gear here you got these muts you you have to bring your own sleeping bags and stuff so obviously so yeah and then I'll show you the kitchen and do other shots soon all right so this is our corner all setup you excited CHS got to choose our bunk yeah got here a bit early nice and crazy and a tent got the cheese out spot and then that's our view well I mean I can't have to go closer but can't see cuz of the GoPro is very wide over there up but yeah very excited to be [Applause] okay for [Music] [Music] super windy get this h guys so you probably couldn't hear me before but um we made it to the top of Mount Olivier which is a around a 30 minute-ish hike from um I wouldn't even call it a I wouldn't call it a hike more than a boulder hop scramble yeah it was pretty it was challenging but um this is the top here which gives you the view of lake Pake which is just over over there and like the whole National Park kind of this Valley at least yeah you see the whole national park there um well you can see the whole hooka Valley too the whole hook Valley Track and then yeah there shall be on top of another Mountain touch the top St you touched the seconds you touch the top top one you know they let people know that you've touched the top they there you go all right now do it again with uh Mount Cook in the back you don't have to just joking it's just a rock it's just a rock you did it but yeah we did it this is cool got the sunshine glowing through so yeah so you can do it obviously on the day if you got energy if not you can tackle it in the morning or how long you're staying at um mu Hut but it is nice coming up to it's freezing too icy wind um to see the view um don't know about going any further but probably not do that this is the actual point I don't think they're they're probably separate tracks to maybe other mountains but this is the track where yeah this is the track so if you go further that's on you we're just doing by the what the hot Warden said so on to go off track um cuz as you can see you can easily slip and fall and obviously this could turn to an avalanche and you'll be buried but yeah if you late you can't really see it but it's um very light blue it's really it's a massive Lake and then yeah so it's very nice now it's time to go back and we'll go back yeah it's about to I was literally about to say that we head back and make some dinner so yeah it's the clouds are definitely moved in now um it's covering the mountain Mount Cook is still showing a little bit got the sun the Sun hitting on it so we might get a good Sunset see how this all this clouds go if they pass by so yeah we head back down to the hot make some dinner we just got to go through the ridges and back down so a [Music]
Channel: Elrassi Explore
Views: 885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: New Zealand, NZ, Muller Hut, Mount Cook, Overnight hike, Hike, snow, glacier, mount ollivier, red hut, views, 360 views, highest mountain in new zealand, sunrise mount cook, kea, kea bird, alpine parrout, nz birds, Aoraki
Id: 7dIsFh8Nk9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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