Aoe2 HD: Tutorial: "Booming" and Economy Management for Newer Players

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here so today I'm going to be giving you guys my tutorial on how to boom booming is a strategy and Age of Empires 2 that revolves around building up an incredibly strong economy while defending yourself so the idea is that you build very little military units like the absolute minimum that you'd have to arm before you reach the imperial age and then once you reach the Imperial age you have basically all the villagers that you'll ever need to build for that game and you're ready to just focus entirely on military and it can be a very powerful strategy if executed right however you are vulnerable during the earlier stages of the game if done right by around you know somewhere between 30 to 40 minutes you should be in the Imperial age and ready to run people over with your economy being completely finished so like I said you're vulnerable in the earlier stages of the game which is an issue so you have to get good at defending yourself and this strategy does not really work if you're on the flanker basically edge of your team because it's a team game strategy really in a one-on-one it is very risky to execute of course basically you can only execute it when you believe you have a low risk of being attacked early on or if you do get attacked you believe that you can defend it easily so this is a common strategy on maps like Black Forest or custom maps like Michi so anyway I'm just doing a 2v2 computers aren't hard reveal maps explored as a standard population will usually be higher online but 200 is the max the computer players can support so just a disclaimer is that this tutorial is intended for newer players so I'm going to be showing people how to build an incredibly strong economy with basically the minimal amount of effort there are more efficient ways to do this of course for example I'm not going to be hunting anything for simplicity's sake in this video there will be no hunting whereas hunting can actually significantly improve the speed of your boom and there's going to be a couple other nuances in this video just to try and make things as straightforward as possible so that anyone can mimic this so there are more efficient ways to do this this is just the most basic sense so let's just dive straight in shall we I picked the Saracens because they don't have any significant economic bonuses so that they don't have you know not to change anything if here imitating this first things first is I immediately selected my town center right and I queued up for villagers and I did that with hotkeys but you know as long as this the first action you do should always be just queue up these buildings right off the bat and then queue up those three houses and grab your sheet move them under the town center and when the guys are done with the house like too hot keep my Scout to one which makes scouting easier I look for clumps of it looks to be two dots on the mini-map there we go so that I can figure out where the sheep are located and I'm gonna put the first seven villagers that I get on sheep so I've got six now there's only one more that's gonna pop out and then after that I'm gonna build one more closer but that's not gonna go on it's not good site next villager does not go on sheep first thing is seven villagers on sheep I haven't done anything else I've built houses shepherds and sheep and now I'm gonna build a lumber camp right here the closest pocket of trees that I can and I'm gonna put my lover camp right next to it and also put my house is a little further away from my town center just not to obstruct farmland anyway I'm gonna research loom while that's going on because well after you build the ornate villager right there any population you're not gonna have enough food to immediately produce another one we're trying to minimize our town center idle time so I just take loom right there easy sneezy and we're gonna keep building villagers to drastically improve your game you never want your Town Center to be idle say hey always got to watch that stuff the goal with a strong economy is you want to ensure that you have half the max population of whatever that matches is villagers so this 200 pop so I probably want 100 villagers it was 300 population I probably 150 so I'm just going to keep pumping out villagers on this I have my seven villagers on sheep which guarantees that I will always have enough food to constantly produce villagers my Town Center has not been a little yet very important and I'm just gonna keep sending villagers to would basically until the sheep run out this is pretty straightforward so seven villagers on sheep the next one builds a lumber camp and then you get loom while he's building the lumber camp and then you just keep sending villagers to that lumber camp until all of your sheep run out sheep should run out sort of soonish see might need to build another house what the next villagers I'm gonna do that stockpiling a lot of wood because since we are going to do the lazy man's boom we're not going to be hunting anything so we're going to need a lot of farms and we're gonna need food for that mill because when our sheep run out I take all my Shepherds and I'm gonna put them all on these berries it appears that my sheep are almost out the guy who built the house can also go chop wood I could use one I'll build another house right now really the rest of this you can sort of wing it's just seven on sheep and then you keep dumping guys on wood from your town center until and then when the Shepherd's are done you just build a mill right next these forward bushes and then once all the sheep run out all new villagers are on farming duty so that's what we're going to do just for kicks though while that meal is going up I'm going to take one of my Lumberjacks and I'm going to wall this section off so that it does get brushed would not want to get rushed the booming strategy does not work unless you wall up just waiting for my villagers now to go drop off their berries inevitable so now I'm floating a lot of woods so now I can start pulling these Lumberjacks off to start building farms so I can just systematically pull them off every now and then we'll start doing that because I'm only gonna focus on two resources in the dark gig just wooden food two minerals don't matter I've got that walled off right now a little other house I'm gonna build a few more farms should be pretty straightforward you can sort of just wing this as long as I've got wood left I'm just trying to make basically as many farms as I can to be pretty good we'll see how many Lumberjacks I know probably I probably have enough farms out now let me started probably of enough Lumberjacks now that I can just keep them there no don't want to leave this guy idle though you can build another farm as well notice I'm keeping my farms as close as I can to my town center or a mill so that my villagers don't have to walk so far to drop off things and we're about to reach we're slowly getting towards our goal of 500 food so we can advance and now I can go back to putting people on would basically know that I've run out of all I accessed access farms and basically once I get 500 food I'm just going to advance pretty straightforward looks like I am going to get really soon but I don't want to stop my village in production prematurely for this so yeah it looks like after the next villager I will be good to go at 30 population so this will be good fantastic I'm gonna put him on I'm gonna put the couple of people on what though just because the idea is that you want to invest most of your time in the dark age and as little time as possible if you delayed removing so what I'm going to do is the moment I hit the feudal age I'm not going to do I'm gonna build like two maybe three villagers whatever however many villagers it takes for my town center not to be idle in that time period and I'm going to immediately build a market in the blacksmith that's the purpose I'm just gonna build a market in blacksmith and I'm not gonna research anything else except just jump straight to the castle age because I don't want to stay in the feudal age I don't want to fight people in the fetal age if if I was going to get attacked I would just put stone walls right here as soon as they get a feel age these palisade walleston said it really early will prevent me from getting hit by Rush's however my li i know has not walled his side which is fine problem will probably wall up completely anyway so I'm gonna take off I'm gonna take up a bunch of my Lumberjacks and I'm gonna put them all just to build a market to put the blacksmith so doing that immediately my new villagers can also help them build you can pull off as many Lumberjacks as you want all the matters is this job just gets done so it looks like I'm only going to be able to finish building this one villager then I'm just gonna sell my stone actually right now cells don't twice and I'm gonna advance perfect right now I got all these idol all these idols suckers all these idol builders right here I'm gonna put all them back on would subscribe along my forward wishes ran out I'm gonna need some stones since I sold it all so I'm gonna put a few views limiters on stand before and double bit axe is the only other technology I'm going to be getting a feudal age we'd like to spend all that at my early start meantime I put a house there and focus a lot on wood if you notice now I'm focusing my economy on a lot of wood and stone because first thing we do we get to Castle II just we're gonna get some Town Center's out because I need to get to my goal right of having half my population be villagers so let's just do that I got double bit axe that the stone it comes really pouring in - idol guys over there didn't notice fix that guy's gonna be my wall builder as soon as stone drop awesome stuff fantastic so let's go stone let's go stone wall this is important that you do this while you're advancing so that you will not be able to send in anything to screw up your plans be a problem I'm gonna completely wall myself off as well because I don't trust my computer player Ally to do an ad do the job walling you see these forms and gonna go back to the whole village you're queuing thing usual ones are fantastic now I have enough stone that I'm going to immediately blow up at a town center right next to a close by forest I've got a ton of excess food if you couldn't tell that we'll fix that it's important that I have all that to the dough then that I know I haven't built any new farm since the Dark Age and you're not going to throw really long time I'm just going to pour all of my new villagers on the building this town center I want to get out as fast as possible so I can spend all this excess food I'm still occasionally building houses I don't think Age of Empires 2 is a game that you can really hold yourself to strict build order because you have to really vary it based on the situation especially since many maps are randomly generated so you never know what you gonna hit this town center is almost up yes I got quite a good castle time despite not hunting anything not mining anything doing this as basic as I can and then now this town center is actually yeah this during your first town center that's extra should immediately get wheelbarrow he's not even apologies for that and I'm just gonna keep spawning villagers onto wood I'm not going to build any new farms I don't build any for instance say left the Dark Age I'm not gonna build any farm quite a while and I don't need to however I am going to start completely walling up because I don't trust my computer player friend accurately wall sort of wall this I'm gonna put a gate though in case I want to do some treatment yeah this town center is not idle this one's not idle either because he's researching something I'm gonna get the bow saw which you can get basically soon as you advance and lo and behold I have enough wood and stone to make another town center so I'm gonna pick another forest and it's a bonus if there's minerals nearby I'm also gonna wall this side to booming only works if you actually wall so make sure you do Scouty take him out both Town Center's still working and I'm still not building any new farms because I don't need them and these four people on stone are plenty for now I haven't mined any gold yet either you may have noticed I'm gonna pull off a couple Lumberjacks to go build that a little faster thank you preceding these farms and get some horse collar how's the wall enjoy boy fect he's done walling so I am I'm safe actually for now just the point of this once my next town center goes up these guys will I'm gonna have them all nine gold and I'm still you know really investing heavily in wood all right so you're done over here looking forward to my gold income going up fantastic yeah I like to build my second town center next to a gold deposit style area so now that my third town centers that we're gonna sort of shift gears a bit and just sort of work on balance in the eco so now I'm gonna start building more farms now that I have three Town Center's up I waited this long on purpose I'm just gonna pop out a bunch of forms these guys are all gonna mind bill by the way the all the new villagers spawn from downtown Center just on my gold for now because I'm gonna need that to advance right Oh button ups I have assuming you don't get housed like an idiot for me easy I'm gonna get cartography though just for kicks now that I have a golden gum so that's I can see what my Ally is up to he seems to be doing just fine give me a hand here now that I have 60 population head card is completely legit mobility University kiss is about 25 minutes and I'm mostly working off time right now mobility University I'm gonna build a seed workshop now if you get attacked in the early castle eat build a seat workshop immediately and have Megan ELLs lob shots over your walls to keep the enemy away from theirs I'll probably be using Rams take at your walls and you should have old reasonably really like I did oh good hey this actually will raise Wally I'm still making villagers at each of these town centers by the way I've got three right now and we're gonna build one last one and I'm gonna put a as usual next to like a golden forest I think some guys work on this still need more villagers take a bunch of these Lumberjacks off again need to sort of have to wing this I know I have a lot of wood right compared to my food so I know that I should make more farms and I could just take those Lumberjacks off there's no point and being concerned that my my villagers are already doing one particular task they can do whatever they want to and if you don't get house like me all the time that you might probably do this bit faster I'm going to ignore my ally because I am a terrible terrible teammates fantastic getting a heavy fly now that I have a lot of farms I see my Leon fellow has neglected his blacksmith upgrades always a problem and now we're getting sort of to that point where I almost have enough to advance to the Imperial age and what what timing right ideally you'd want to get the Imperial aged around before you know like between 3035 minutes in I got my fourth and final TC coming out it is a one side of the Imperial aged I will have already hit my 100 population and we are almost there so I'm going to click up to the Imperial age now that the clock is at 30 minutes and I basically basically just click up to the Imperial age as soon as you hit 1,000 food and 1000 goal but you will if you're following what I'm doing which is lots of 10 centers my town my town centers are always working yeah and you're not getting house like a right yeah in case I was getting attacked I would just build a mega Nell there but I don't have too surprised actually haven't been attacked before here's the Reds doing all the work and now I have enough to build a castle so I'm just gonna do that this is basically the end of the tutorial there's a couple few things here I'm just this match amid a lot of extra markets as part of this booming thing can still make sure that my ten centers aren't idle because I have not hit that beautiful beautiful 100 mark and you'll notice I I again like in the feudal age I spend as little time in the fetal age as possible I didn't research anything until the fetal age except double bed acts for them I was already advancing it and now that I've clicked up I can start focusing on my military let's get that wagon appraiser if we couldn't get some mining upgrades and street shots trying to sort of redistribute my lumberjack school broader might need to but you might need to rebuild new lumber camps there close to the trees to minimize the amount of time your villagers have and yeah as an advanced interior age I'm gonna flop out my barracks the only thing you really need to defend yourself or maybe like a watchtower or something or maybe hang on to my fantastic I got trade caravan at my markets now the last part of my economy which you do in the Imperial age lots of trade cards there's why I like to go plenty of markets I treat them like a town centre and get them out my trade carts out four times as fast with four markets might as well right and now it is time for military action I do a conscription very important use the market to adjust my economy a little bit yeah you can see have a very strong economy I hit the hundred villagers by the standard amount basically the poor man's boom which is what I've been doing moving for people who are not confident in their micro among other things is basically as strong as someone who it's it's still it's still very strong like you get maybe an 18 19 minute castle age with the huge economy like I have you're basically beat it'll be a little slower but you'll become completely uniike including just great I'm gonna start getting my blacksmith upgrades out one thing I like to do especially if you're less experienced is I like to have my army composed almost entirely of trash units or units that don't Gus gold so these would be the spearmen skirmishers and Scout cavalry line and then that is back to the siege my research in chemistry alright so I'm gonna do your chemistry now because I'm gonna want siege weapons of course to back up my trash units I army Oh does a reasonable time would be a bit faster of course I'll put out a few staples for part of this booming strategy is you need to have a lot of military buildings plus that's being idle yep so I'm just trying to be a little conservative my go-to like you never know if I need that at this point basically you can do whatever you want research whatever you want this matter I invest in military technologies moment was booming because but now I would because I've got almost all of my economic technologies research so we go to engineers and I get ballistics next they're all important of course but mark hands are going to be the bulk of my siege I'm feeling it thrown in here too now I can start pumping up Michael you tracking them I don't have a lot to bring in to build but it's okay now I'm gonna start getting my course upgrades your stone miners are idols so you guys go you girls can move my nuts I usually want to prioritize the defensive upgrades maybe I guess over the offensive ones unless it's the range upgrade Fletcher so I'm gonna hotkey love my military buildings two control groups by pressing control number at the same time so compare accessor Wan our ranges are two stables are three siege workshop will be four is just going to be pumping up with our cannons and this is when the real carnage begins and I'm still not gonna be neglecting my blacksmith upgrades of course right that would be scandalous I guess I'm gonna go up to how Cyrus and is this guy's done so really there's a lot of flexibility in this you want to adjust your eco to your needs I really like to build my classes in defensive locations to protect my markets and farmers so if I have to ring the town Bell I'll be fine in case the enemies love to have capital to run past your stuff economy but the castles are guarding them I will be fine I got this ballistics of radiance as you can tell my computer is not at all prepared for this then guess he's not watching his guys I guess he's gonna do that thing or he's gonna try and rate my eco but guy got nervous I don't know if I did probably should've anyways entire Army's gonna die whose wife with that gastly you want to put your castles in a location in which they're not really able to be true hit the Trevi Shaye's all at the same time enemy units to try to read your economy will be forced to run by that and yeah you can see that my town centers and castles may be basically immune to reading I don't want to build a too far forward like I said if it's in trebuchet range trebuchet range that's really bad so I'm gonna be really careful don't forget receipt engineers of three say I just build all I just build a lot of trash units especially if you don't know what to build trashing it's the siege weapons is great and then you can change that later based on your needs going to get the attack upgrades though just because I'm meeting the resistance but like I said ideally you want to focus on the defense points say I've got a great economy going out for some reason no one's building that anymore and that irritates me these guys are all jumped up on the clump them so I'm going to split them and yeah it's a you have to keep watching your middle course make sure that you keep rebuilding here thank you free building your lover camps so that you guys don't have to walk so far and now we're just gonna keep pushing let's go miss with us always there's my blacksmith idle it is blast-furnace time see I've just got a good I've got a good economy everything's the wrong and the victory screen will see that I clearly have a better school economy than every other player in this game and that's because I have been using my ten Center students I never never idle their idle now because I've got as many villagers as I could possibly need get outside I have a lot of excess food compared to everything else my economy is pretty well rounded because I'm continuously producing troops at a ton of military buildings as you can tell but I'm not running out resources which means that my economy is good if you're running out of resources while producing your military that meeting yeah like I said I have a lot of wood and I'm a little low on fluid which means I could probably pull off some lumber chance to go make farms I'm not gonna go too crazy on that but yeah you're sort of a you just sort of adjusted based on I'm getting all these technologies I'm just pushing forward I could just patrol into his base actually just not watch anything on I can't patrol with those bombard cannons let's keep moving forward with everything I'm constantly moving I gather points forward so that I can keep double-checking that the ego is just fine well I watch my guys door I don't since I'm running a little long for you have you all loaded this still yeah so now the discrepancy my economy has become a little more apparent so some of my Lumberjacks are now going to be farmers other castles protect my gun basically want to insure that and so like yeah if they wanted to kill my farmers or if they want to kill my markets they're gonna have to run through a lot of troubles that's the right seed onager now too so I got a couple autograph is I have a wide variety of seed units combined with a wide variety of trash units it doesn't matter if I lose the trash all the point of them is that they just protect my more expensive nicer units this means I get to conserve my gold as well women rights on amis a little bit better ballast I think I can use another firm constantly checking my mill and my lumber camps don't really need watch my guys that not just education like a live off and just their gather points and that's easy because I have everything about peak right sweet sweet victory look at my teammates base you can see that he's you know he's got a good economy as well it took him a lot longer because I have more ten centers and I don't Luke Spencer and I still have a lot of food so I could still move more lumber Jackson I mean in one game I only had nine Lumberjacks by the very end so you just sort of have to played by ear till a build another castle just for kicks I can't forget her all right awesome so that is how you Boone see as you can see you know I've got eight years here and that's basically what won the game my economy is much stronger than theirs and that's the point of this boom you got to remember the wall of course make sure your Town Center's never idle after population should be villagers the basics as you can see once at the castle age I just start to accumulate a huge advantage and basically take over the map so yeah thank you so much for watching guys if you have any comments or questions post them don't forget to thumbs up this video check out my channel for more videos of course I have a live stream my twitch TV account is resonance 22 and I stream pretty frequently and I have a youtube account resonance 22 channel which you are probably watching this on so there's plenty more videos where this came from and again there's more efficient ways to do this but if even you know if you are not confident in your ability to micro or hunt it is you are still perfectly capable of booming and doing a great job at it so yeah thank you so much for watching guys see you next time
Channel: Resonance22Channel
Views: 475,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Age of Empires 2: HD Edition, Age of Empires II, The Conquerors, Gameplay, Match, Commentary, Narrated, Resonance22, Resonance, Ilumiknight, Random Map, Computer Player, Hard Difficulty, Tutorial, Boom, Booming, Economy, Management, Noobs, Dummies, Newbs, Newer Players, Expert, Pro, No Rush, Black Forest, Michi, No Micro, Basics, Intro, Introduction
Id: tXu2uQU7k2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 0sec (1860 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2013
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