Antonio Brown takes off pads and leaves in middle of the game, a breakdown

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what happened to antonio brown did he quit i've never seen a guy leave a field like that and is this the last strike for him he is no longer a book all right that's the end of the story let's talk about the guys that went out there and won the game but it's not the end of the story because the story is kind of confusing kind of interesting kind of wild you're probably sick of hearing about it because it's the most talked about story in sports right now but i got a lot of requests so i tried to piece together all the rumors and all the all the other stuff at the end but anyway if you have no idea what's going on after this handoff from brady the bucks are losing to the jets hand off the bell they gain a couple yards on the sideline antonio brown is upset about something and he's saying screw this i'm out of here he's taking the pads off evans is trying to talk him out of it being like no come on dude it's all good he's like nope taking my pads off i'm leaving but okay a little bit of difficulty yeah don't film me right now okay got him got him good here take those i'm out of here meanwhile brady and his teammates are running a play he looks at the field he's like i'll stay on the sidelines i guess they're gonna run their second and eight play i'm gonna show off my abs i don't want this shirt either someone probably wants it here you guys take it the glove i don't want that either meanwhile snap brady throws it over and they're gonna get stopped they lose yards and you can see he kind of looks over let's see right there he looks over he sees the plays winding down he's like all right i can go on the field now whistle's blown dead on the field no one really cared that he was throwing the shirt or anything and now he's on the end zone and the fans are kind of figuring it out and he's like yeah yeah it is me what up peace see you guys later thanks for coming out tonight love you broadcast picks it up they're like we're they were told that's antonio brown we don't really know what's going on meanwhile evans the dude that was trying to stop him now he's in the huddle for the next play i wonder if he was like you guys gotta believe me what just happened it was wild but he catches the pass he gets the first down they continue to drive a little creation of at a moment happening there cute moment between him and the defender and they just keep driving they're gonna hand it off psych fake out pass that's a catch and then the bucks are gonna keep going and brady's gonna do his thing and that's a touchdown bucks are coming back big old spike in the end zone jets coach is like what the hell was all of that about brown's a lefty which surprised a lot of us you don't really think about receivers and if they're lefties or righties and if that comes into play or not but yeah he's the lefty imagine if he's not a lefty he just throws shirts only lefty or something like that i don't know meanwhile antonio brown he's got you know kind of a long record of doing wild and interesting and bizarre stuff so it didn't come as a lot of surprise but then you'll find out that he had a lot of incentives eight more catches to unlock 333 grand 55 more receiving yards to unlock another one receiving touchdown to unlock another he's gonna get a million dollars if he just played the rest of this game and next week as well but he didn't so people are like is that why he was mad because they were intentionally not targeting him so to cost him money because they're mad at him for all the other nonsense he's done or what was it and then we get three different stories of why he left here's the first two from reporter ian rapport and coach bruce erians antonio brown did not believe that he was healthy he had been battling an ankle injury for the last several weeks but he wouldn't go in the game because he was injured and now he's no longer part of the team can you can you fire a player if he won't go because he's injured i don't know that he was did he did he say that he was or was there just being not there no what he told the staff from what i understand is that he was not going into the game because in his mind he did not feel he was healthy he just refused to go in or can you tell us more about it not really i mean it had what happened was pretty obvious what happened so uh you know he left the field and that was it the response then from the offensive coaches and from brucerians was if you are not going to go into the game when we tell you to go into the game then you cannot be here at that point they threw him off the sidelines and then cut him from the team the conversation you had with with antonio brown was was not one regarding his ankle injury no so two completely different stories saying the exact opposite thing one says it was because of injury the other is like i have no idea what you're talking about he was injured uh not at all and then the third story comes from brown himself who says i knew the game was still going i left because i'm super gremlin so that's what really happened i like the fact that he that he has to clarify i knew the game was still going because he thinks people he thinks that people think that he's that dumb that he didn't even know the game was going on he thinks that some people thinking maybe he thought the game was over he's just leaving so he had to clear that up like no i knew the game was still going on and then what's really interesting is ian rapport goes on pat mcafee's show later on and tries to tell him his story about the injury and pat kind of says yeah okay cool but no but he didn't feel like it was good and so they forced them to play what's that so they forced him to play i see i don't i don't think an nfl team forces anyone to yeah you can't it's what i'm trying to lead you to ian like that can't yeah i can't yeah i don't know how that would happen you know any any i mean as you know any return to play situation is basically an agreement between the players slash player agent the coach and the medical people it's all three of them so nobody forced him to do anything all right so let's go take a look naturally i think you're going to want to go see him play beforehand and run routes and see if he looked injured at all and wall put on our medical eyeballs and be like oh he looks healthy to me meanwhile we don't know anything but i don't know he was like you know running running routes and running so if i put on my ethical if i put on my medical eyeballs and i look at it i'm like i don't know it looks healthy to me but i don't know about diagnosing someone's ankles via game film first time i've ever been tasked to do it if we're being completely honest no he looks fine and then as the story goes he just left he got a ride and then he immediately released a rap song uh pit not the palace he was from the pit not the palace i believe is the song he says thanks for the opportunity to the bucks big mad but mad doesn't mean anger or anything it just means making a difference big making a difference and then he went to some basketball games in the city and hung out so uh we'll see what happens next if he gets picked up or anywhere but yeah that's kind of the whole breakdown of the situation and the stories that came out of it after the fact and no one really knows anything besides i don't need to switch to fly
Channel: Jomboy Media
Views: 1,486,563
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Keywords: a breakdown, mlb, jomboy videos, jomboy, jake sucks, talkin yanks, jomboy podcast, tv podcast, just talkin podcast, mlb breakdowns, Talkin yanks, jomboy jake radio
Id: fufuFn56mvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 05 2022
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