ANTIQUE/THRIFT & ETSY SHOP WITH ME & HAUL | Creating a unique home.

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hello everyone welcome back to my Channel today we're going antique shopping Thrift SL antique shopping I just I Haven an itch today I just want to go I want to see what they have and I have to say thrifting and antique shopping vintage shopping it's quite addictive I feel like I try to take time off because sometimes I go too much like they say go often sometimes I think I go too often because it'll be a minute before I start seeing new stuff let's just go see what's out there let's go check out the antique stores I will say I feel like lately I have been super in tune with my style and it has made shopping a lot easier I think I got a little confused there for a minute I just was absorbing so much content and seeing so many different styles that it really did derail me a little bit I think I feel reinpuck latest collages I feel like she's back she's finding stuff that she loves and it feels effortless so anyway going off on a rant as always we're going to go into call it new call it antique see what's new see if we can find anything to add into the space wish me luck we're going to go in here we're going to see what they have a couple of Crocs over here and I love this Silver Plate platter for $1,550 and then these Crocs I don't know if I should go with the tan or the gray if I get them or both but super pretty to put like your uh garlic in or you can even plant some stuff in here they just don't have a drainage hole maybe herbs would be cute in there I love them you guys know I have a few of these and I don't need any more but I don't think I have this size look at this pretty tea kettle $150 with the wood and the silver that's [Music] pretty I like that okay this little wood box right here is so cute $15.95 it's really pretty but look at this Silver Plate tray I love this but it's $27.95 it's quite small but look at the feet you guys know I love feet I really like that that's really beautiful this is so pretty too this antique handmade Splinter basket for $34 this would be so pretty on like a coffee table that's I can't believe this is handmade amazing that basket up there is only 23 such a good price for that actually I like it this massive painting is 120 that is such a great price for this and also this little guy is 650 I thought that was really cute too it's very like Italian but this this oil painting I believe it's oil I'm not sure is so good oh this is so good also another one this one's very like Autumn toned this one's also 120 oh my gosh these are great all right I think I'm going to start seeing these everywhere now this one's $133 I'm loving these horn chips they're just so sweet I actually love both of these tiny little mini pictures this one's $10 and then this one's $6 I really like this clear glass one it's hard to really show you that's really cute I love mixing materials so seeing the compter next to the glass I just love it I love the shape of these whiskey tasting glasses they're $7 each but I don't like the labeling I want them to be completely free of labeling but the shape is beautiful also these old jam jars or jelly jars how cute guess what I better start saving my jam jars could end up in an antique store I love the Old Wire basket for1 18.95 love that I like this brass pheasant $49 9 oh jeez I don't want to drop it but I love it it's very cute one project I need to finish is that blanket chest which I need knobs for it there's 16 brass poles right here brass knobs for $35 and they're actually really pretty I was going to order the same ones as the other dresser that I did off Etsy but I don't know I might just get these 160 for this chair I absolutely love this I think it'd be so pretty in like a room or really anywhere it's gorgeous I love this table it's 209 and this one too this one's $149 I'd probably strip them to raw wood but I love them okay this Pine chest little would be perfect for a side table for my friend's guest bedroom that I'm going to help her decorate I'd probably want to strip it back even more raw put a little basket in there a lamp so good for 95 $95 it's hard to see but this chest is beautiful it's 200 I love this oh I'm finding such good stuff this trip this would make the most perfect bar in a living room it's kind of tall but oh my gosh it's so good it's $800 though but the marble would be gorgeous okay I was thinking about that frame up there and this one hello this one as well to paint with but I found some other ones too this one's $8 I was thinking about that one there's lots of frames but not exactly the ones I'm looking for home from the antique store I got two things I really didn't find much this trip and I think it's because as I mentioned in the beginning of the video I feel like I feel revived but so much so that I feel I'm a bit more picky again so what I'm going to do I'm going to show you the couple things that I got and then tomorrow morning I'm going to do a little bit of like a sit down Etsy shop with me kind of like the other Home Decor shop with MES I do all the time here on the channel but I wanted to show you these frames real fast because they're really really good first I did get that little Italian print when I went to go when I went back to go look at it I realized this is like a little sticker so what I think I'm going to do is try to peel that off if I can maybe I can like use like a blow dryer and warm it up somehow oh no that's going to come right off okay so as you can see that's going to come right off and then what I'm going to do is gesso this and paint on this so I'm super excited about that because I have some ideas for this and then I also got this frame for a contemporary piece or like an abstract piece so this is an 8 by10 I'm just going to pop this linen mat out just because I don't think the mat will look that great with the more abstract piece maybe I'll save it in case it can go in another frame and do some sort of abstract with this wood frame it has like a little bit of a gold Hue to it I think it's going to look really good so I'll be sure to share that with you once once I get going on that which might be right now maybe but that's it that is all I got like I said I really didn't find a ton and I've been a little bit more into finding some newer items to bring in I think I go back and forth I'm like all about vintage and then I'm like hey too much vintage I need to go to CB2 and to a couple stores to help balance and then I go back to the Vintage and back to those stores so I feel like that's where I'm at however I do want to hop on Etsy and see what home decor or what vintage items I can find on Etsy to share with you now we're going to move on to Etsy I go to Etsy whenever I am looking for just a a specific piece that I want to find and I want to add to my home generally I will see these like in a Pinterest post or home decor magazine or even if I'm out shopping and I want to further look at the item and see if I can find like a better price maybe look for it in better condition that's when I'll go to Etsy but most of the time when I'm looking for a specific item that I want to put in my home recommend to a friend or client whatever the case and I find a lot of great things on Etsy for example when I was looking for the marble lamps that I actually ended up finding later on at an antique store but before I could find them at the antique stores I wanted one so bad and I just couldn't find one in my local area I ordered one on Etsy and then of course I found a ton locally but that is generally what I'll do if I see a specific item even sometimes in like like a home tour if there's something that I'm like oh my gosh I love that piece I want to add that to my home it would look perfect in this space then I'll go to Etsy to find that specific piece so we're going to pull up my Etsy account and I'm going to share some items with you that I currently have saved in my Etsy that I want to potentially add to our home so let me go ahead and pull that up let's see here so I have so much saved on my Etsy and the reason why I like to do this too is because then Etsy will start referring similar items to me and I find that having that like curated saved items really does help like what's being shown to you right now in my Etsy right off the bat I have a few intalio now I did hang the intalio that I had on my desk in my bathroom that I got from statuette but I found some other ones that I'm really really loving like the Coliseum on this um intalio right here I love that the intalio is thicker and the excuse me the frame is thicker and the intalio is smaller I just felt like that was like a little bit of a unique change and I thought wow I feel like I want another one to maybe I might do like a little Gallery situation right here and add that piece just for another shape I love in Talos to add another shape to a gallery wall and it's just unique and different so I have quite a few INT talios in here I really want a vintage intalio but they're quite or they can be quite spiny so I'm still holding off on that other items that I find on Etsy are things like these Stone bows I have quite a few of these I share them A ton and I always get questions about these so this is another example of these items that I'll kind of keep in my favorites so that I can share them but these little Stone bowls can be hard to find however on Etsy I can find them and share them what else I have another Stone Bowl this one's like an a little bit of a different shape I always try to see if I can find unique pieces like this Stone Bowl right here that's a little bit longer and dark and I try to find different textures and shapes to share and for myself just keep myself inspired okay I have quite a few of these vintage mortars some of them do have the pestal with them but I want one of these so bad I just I can't stomach the expense right now I just feel like once I renovate a kitchen you know kind of feel like I have a spot for it I will absolutely invest in one of these I just think that these add so much character and detail to a space that I feel like adds that collected charm I want one of these I want one of these so bad so I'm constantly looking for these and adding them to my Etsy cuz they do end up selling I just I want one really bad I should just get one and hold on to it but they are so expensive you can buy new ones on Amazon I've seen them on McGee and Co but I kind of want a vintage one what else do we have in here I have so many Stone bowls so many Stone bowls I also really love this large vintage glazed ceramic Bowl I really want one of these I don't know I feel like I am evolving I do love honed or matte pottery and marble but sometimes having that one glazed piece just really elevates and adds a different texture and add some interest I have a glazed pot on my coffee table that I really love the the texture of because everything else is very matte I have like some matte beads on the table my table is like very you know flat and matte so mixing in that different finish really helps elevate it and something about this vintage Bowl I think is just really beautiful you could put this outside and maybe do some planted herbs in here or you could fill it with decorative you know balls or Moss or all kinds of different things you could also put fresh Citrus or produce or apples whatever I think that this is such a pretty bowl and I'm finding that I've kind of talked about this in a past video I'm finding myself being a little bit more like I'm evolving and finding more traditional pieces really complimentary to my space and I don't know it's just meshing really well together oh this large vintage Stone Croc I really want to find one of these out you know locally because this one's a little bit pricey but I really love how tall and big this is and I love exactly how they're using it as how I would which is as a utensil holder I feel like this is just such a Charming utensil holder that just adds so much detail so much age and warmth to the kitchen I have like a a metal one right now but I love these Stone Crocs especially if you mix it correctly even in like a more modern or upto-date kitchen I love adding these patina pieces to a new kind of pristine space M so good also in here there is a set of two vintage African wood bowls and actually set of two this is a really good price for these I love the handle I love the shape I would use these as a fruit bowl as a centerpiece on a table as a just a piece on top of a tall bookshelf if you have or piece of furniture Hutch just adding that little touch at the top I think is really really beautiful and these are a good price I actually did not notice the price of these when I was saving I don't know I kind of like those those are really good I have been wanting to find more of these marble trays that have the single handle I absolutely love these I have two of them one of mine is a bit more like sharp in shape and then one is like a lot smoother like it's been around for a long long time but I love these for coffee table if you had like a really big coffee table entryway table fruit even though they're flat they're like have a little bit of a divot so you can put some fruit in there I've used these as Sherie boards I love these I think that they add just a feeling of like the old world and so much detail in depth and I just I want to pull mine out again but I have the these in here because I always try to find so if I'm sharing items in my home that are vintage and I get questions I always try to find something to link you to that's why I have a lot of this in here we're going to keep on moving on I have another one in here they are an investment but oh you will have it forever they are just the most beautiful piece to add to so many different spaces of a home I I love them I really love this antique oil portrait it's a Splurge but I just think that this it just I don't know there's so much feeling in this piece of art I just I absolutely love this I've always loved faces for the home like I have this with the face on it I've shared those espresso cups that have the little face on it I think it really elevates a space and now I don't want you know too many or even like pictures we filmed a video uh antique shopping and I asked if you guys like like old pictures in your home a lot of you were like no creepy don't like that but paintings I think are different I feel like they add a separation like I feel like a picture feels so real and so like too close to home if that makes sense but a portrait I feel like or a painting I feel it kind of separates the weirdness in a way I don't know maybe that's just in my head but having even like a sketch I have a sketch of this woman back here that really reminds me of my aunt it almost separates like like a picture is like an actual you're like you're capturing that person even though you also are with the painting it like separates it in a way and to me it doesn't feel so weird having it in my home maybe that's just me trying to make it okay in my mind but I don't know I really like this I think it'd be super cool and like a very you know Moody room or very masculine room I feel like it's just such a cool oil painting or oil portrait oh I found some of the best light fixtures okay I have been super into well I love vintage lighting for sure but lately I've been trying to add more temporary pieces or even if it's vintage if it has a little bit more of like that modern shape to a little more like mid-century kind of different and it adds a little bit more sharpness to a space I've been loving that like I love this jug lamp I have back here but it's almost too much of the same if that makes sense like I have this patina table and this jug patina lamp and like everything's patina so I was thinking I really need to start adding in a little bit more modern a little bit more sharpness like a little bit more Ju position to what I have cuz right now there's not a ton it's kind of all of the same stuff so and I feel like that's just how it is when you're evolving in your home decor style you'll start noticing like okay I think I've completed this collection it's time to kind of push the envelope a little bit like try to play a little bit more and have fun with the decor so that's where I'm at with like my lighting I was thinking there's two ways I want to bring in a little bit more of that modern contemporary twist to my space and that's artwork so I've been painting abstract and more modern or at least more sharp lighting and what I mean by that is kind of just lighting that has a little bit more interest and a little bit more conversation to the piece other than just something like I feel like this lamp here it almost Falls a little flat in the space where I want the lighting to stand out a little bit more so I found tons and tons of lighting like this goose neck task light that would add so much more and it still feels so simple but I've really been into uh Banker's lights I think they're so cool and so pretty I just I love them so I have quite a few of them in here and I'll put some on on the screen but also I'll make sure I link all of it down below oh this double Art Deco Chrome light super cool I think this just adds a level of Decor that feels so much more thought out it feels so much more designed and purposeful so I've really been into some of these Banker lights and wanting to add this to my space this one's so beautiful this vintage Art Deco Banker style I don't know if this is actually vintage it's stunning I love the kind of like milk glass Dome top and then just the sweet silhouette of the bottom M beautiful I really love that one I also really love love patina terracotta these French terracotta pots I think these are kind of smaller little pots I just want these to just have a stack of them but I think it'd be really pretty to put like little flowers in here I've Loved These for so long I just haven't purchase them yet I love them I think that they add so much charm especially to your outside spaces I just I think that they're beautiful I'm always trying to find some beautiful vintage artwork on Etsy I share them from time to time but I do notice like you can kind of spend a lots on some of the artwork but this beautiful antique painting of like this old Chateau with the fountain in the front this is stunning I love that it's not is this vintage it doesn't it says it's vintage but I love that it has a little bit more of that like neutral coloring to it so that or tones cuz I feel like you could put this in any space of a home and add color you know with your pillows or your throw blankets but keeping I like to keep my art a little more subtle personally that's just my style and I just I thought that this was stunning I do also have these antique French binoculars I just love these I have been looking at these locally and on Etsy I just think that these pieces again add so much charm to a space you can put them on a stack of books you can put them on a bookshelf but it feels much more collected rather than going to your local Big Box store and just getting you know what they have really fine-tuning pieces like this could be really cool and you can get really specific with different things that you like to do and hobbies that you like to do in your life and really decorate that way for example I have some vintage paint brushes over here that are mixed in with the paint brushes I use so finding those pieces that add your personality to your home but in a vintage way I think is so fun and I do that with multiple things like I have vintage glasswear I do use those but in our bar and I found a vintage like cocktail set that has like the and the stir spoon and all of that and I feel like it really does help your space feel just designed and like it has like purposeful and different than what you're going to see everywhere else I love this vintage desk lamp I think that this is so cute I just love the shape of it it's actually really not a bad price on let's check the shipping because that like I said that's sometimes what we get you $9 not bad for shipping but I just thought that this was so beautiful you could put this on a kitchen counter see this is what happens is I will save a bunch of stuff on Etsy and then I kind of forget about it and I will go back to it whether I'm filming or whether I'm making a collage and then I want the pieces so I just thought that this lamp was so unique and different and I thought I think it would be stunning on a kitchen counter top even an office a bar super cool also this um French Colonial with the the two this is really cool too the struggle I find with a lamp in my kitchen is we have a lot of counter space but we don't so I put one in there and then I take it out because it ends up taking up too much space but if you have a lot of space definitely put a lamp in your kitchen I also have a ton of marble lamps on my Etsy account as you know I was looking for these I found them I did also buy one from Etsy but I feel like I I don't know it's kind of like when you find I do this with M like multiple different pieces in my home clay pots it's kind of like I can't stop it just one I want more and they're just different they have different veining and different detail and different shapes to them so I love these and I have quite a few of them saved on my Etsy account also I have these knife rest I have so many different ones saved here on my Etsy because there's just so many good ones but I think that these are such a cute little piece to add to it tablescape my friend Diana actually puts these on her tablescape and I think that's so cute but the two that really caught my attention of course are the Lions because I love Lions and the swans there's also quite a few other ones that I have here on my Etsy account but the swans oh and the hound dogs or the weenie dogs those are cute too there's so many good ones but I just feel like these would add another little quirky element to your tablescape that just make it feel a little bit more fun and thought out out and just really I don't know I I'm super into lately trying to find unique pieces to add to my home because I feel like we get to a point where we have you know all the main pieces the furniture the lighting the this and that and I think that's where you can kind of get fun and add a few little pieces now I don't love too many like cutesy or trinkets however lately I've been finding myself looking at a a few more trinkets so I'm like okay what is happening but sometimes it's fun to have fun with your home decor and your tablescapes and you know the designs that you're doing also here on Etsy I have some beautiful handmade Pottery I always like to look on Etsy because I feel like you can find exactly what you're looking for when it comes to especially Pottery so I have quite a few things saved for hopefully future projects lots of clay pots lots of vases lot lots of stuff going on okay I also real quick want to talk about this art piece again art can be such a Splurge but boy does it adds so much charm to your home this is such a beautiful it says it's small but it's a beautiful landscape with ducks in the water and the trees it's just absolutely stunning with a thick gold ornate frame M so good two last pieces that I'm going to mention in today's video one is this black soap stone bowl that comes to a point I wanted to mention this one because I feel like the black is much different than what I normally see normally you see like the gray or the brown but I thought the black was super cool I personally love to add black to my home feel like it adds this like depth to a space that just really helps ground the space whatever you're working on and black looks amazing on wood had to mention these and actually they're quite an affordable price for what they are let's see about the shipping $9 for shipping not bad they're on sale right now for $36.80 so I love these I haven't purchase one yet but I probably should before I share this video or I'm not going to get one and then the last item are these iron taper candle holders now I don't know if these are vintage I love the shape of these they feel just different they feel like they have some shape to them they feel like they were made by an artist and that's what I really loved about these they would add so much interest to a space and something that's visually just something that's beautiful to look at and and you know I feel like a lot of the times maybe it's just me but when you see unique items like this it almost stops you in your tracks because I feel like often times at least for me specifically if I go to a home that I've seen over and over again because it's you know stuff that I have seen out at my big box stores you almost just walk right past it but pieces like this will literally stop me in my tracks because there unique they're different I want to know where they got them I want to know what they are so I love trying to find pieces like this even if it's as simple as a taper candle holder all right I think I'm going to stop there because these videos can get quite long however let me know how you liked this you know vintage SL SL Etsy shop with me and I'll be sure to do more in the future let me know which item was your favorite thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you guys in a couple days with another bye were good [Music] together I will say we have fun
Channel: Brandy Jackson
Views: 12,017
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thrift home decor shop with me, vintage home decor, vintage shop with me, thrift with me, home decor haul, etsy, elevated home decor
Id: xZ-3c8Us0Z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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