Antique Mall shopping ~ Holmes County Ohio Antique Malls ~ Antique with me

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[Music] hi everyone welcome to my channel in today's video i will be taking you with me as i shop some antique malls here in holmes county ohio i want to show you guys a few spaces that i want to shop for today one of them is the entryway it's kind of hard for me for some reason to decorate the space it's just a narrow wall as you can see right now there's just a shelf there and then a few nails to hang my purse and i'm thinking i wonder how a small cabinet like an antique cabinet or something would look against this wall here maybe just providing some space you know to store some things in and then the living room here as you can see is still in the winter mode which here in ohio it's that way on the outside of course we have so i have lots of snow and it's been cold although today isn't as cold as the past weeks have been so i'm looking for something for the mantel i'm thinking maybe one of those old-fashioned iron gates i'm sure you guys guys have seen them i thought about doing maybe a gardening theme for the spring here for the mantel and i thought one of those gates would look really pretty sitting in on the center and then fix it up with some plants and pots but we'll see [Music] the other thing i want to look for is teacups i'm always on the lookout for them last year i had gotten amy a lady that pours my candles for me to pour some wax into cute little teacups and they were such a hit on my etsy shop i only had a dozen i wished i would have had more but i'm really gonna be on the lookout today for yeah cute teacups see what i can find but otherwise i'm not really looking for anything in particular unless something you know catches my eye [Music] so my first stop of the day is the walnut creek antique mall you guys have heard me talk about it before i have a booth in there so let's go in and see what they have [Music] the mall always has some things on the outside here under their porch and i thought what if i'd find that garden gate out here somewhere that would be awesome [Music] i always like a ladder for a plant stand see what the price is 16. it's actually not too bad i think i may end up getting this i think that's a really good price and it's a nice sturdy [Music] ladder [Music] thank you for all you have done [Music] there's a couple of reasons i enjoy browsing antique malls one of them being i'm a very nostalgic person so walking these aisles really triggers memories and i know a lot of people say with age you know you get more that way but honestly i've always kind of been that way um i always kind of cling to memories and if i could go back in time that's something i would love to do it's just so much fun walking through here i see things that we used to have you know growing up or something you know grandma or grandpa used to have and i feel like these items all have stories of their own if that were possible it's just interesting to me to think you know where did this come from and the other reason i enjoy this is of course just looking for things to decorate with it's amazing what you can find in antique malls it's one-of-a-kind items that you won't be able to find anywhere else even if you pay a little more it's just often worth it to me not that i just go invest in a lot of antiques i don't spend money on antiques really hardly at all but if i you know pick up small pieces to add here and there in our home i just love to do that here's my booth and i'm always saddened when i walk in here i seriously don't have time guys to fix this up like i'd want to it seems every time i put decorations in here they are soon you know gone it's something people can easily just grab and go versus a piece of furniture i really just started this booth to kind of get rid of my furniture and so far i've done really well with it but it just kind of looks blah to me i wish i had more time i would definitely come and pretty things up in here but for now this will have to do and right now i have a 20 off going on in this booth i want to get rid of some of these pieces because i have some spring pieces that i want to add [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so i didn't find a gate in this antique mall but i'm kind of eyeing this i think it would be a headboard in front of me i'll try to zoom in on it i almost feel like i can cut off the legs and almost display it as a gate of sorts if i don't find anything in the other antique malls i'm gonna keep this in mind i can always come back [Music] so we're having some miserable weather out here um it's raining presently 36 degrees and then there's this dirty snow melting snow and it just doesn't look very nice out here but that is typical here in ohio so i'm not too surprised uh we've actually been lucky this year to not have had too much of that so if you can't complain i am now on my way to the berlin i think i'll go to the trading post antique mall next and we'll see what they have [Music] [Music] i'm seeing a lot of pretty teacups but often you have to buy the whole set and i of course don't have use for all of the dishes i always like to check out their furniture room they have a separate room in the back with just furniture pieces [Music] [Music] [Music] i did kind of check out this i thought would make a good entryway piece but it's not quite the right color and i don't really want to paint it i thought i want to put something there that is a stained wood [Music] the price isn't bad the nice thing about living in an area with a lot of antique malls locally i can always store this in my mind and if i decide i want it later i can always come back and check to see if it's still here for some reason these little seasoning or spice containers caught my eye i'm kind of on the lookout for something like this to try to be more organized in my spice cabinet but i don't really like that they don't have a shaker option [Music] i keep seeing these metal pieces i wonder what they were used for it seems almost like a part of an oven or a stove like a burner part just by the way they look but not quite sure i don't know have i ever told you guys that i plan to build a dream dollhouse one day definitely on my bucket list this is so cute i didn't really find anything that i'm going to buy today here at the trading post antique mall but make sure if you're ever in the area to check out all of these malls i mean they're all good so now i'm on my way to meet a guy for lunch [Music] and there he is we met at ginger house right here in town one of our favorite coffee shops and they just recently gave this place a facelift it's so pretty [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this mall always has a lot of furniture and i thought for sure i would find something in here for my entryway [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] i debated this wash stand it's pretty but maybe not quite what i was looking for [Music] i could use this flat basket as a replacement for my gate i have seen these already on mantel shelves and they look pretty good but i'd rather have a gate but i'll keep it in mind [Music] i love these soup plates i have thought of replacing my melmac suit plates with glass ones eventually but i really don't want to pay 750 for one but they are pretty though [Music] do [Music] all right guys so i'm just a little bit disappointed i have not found any gate or a piece of furniture i did find some teacups i have one more antique mall to visit just a little bit out of town still considered to be in berlin and just hoping i can find that gate or maybe a little piece of furniture if not i may head out to the first antique mall in walnut creek and check out that headboard that was sitting on the outside [Music] so let's go see what they've got so [Music] do i love i love this bed frame and the price is so faded it is either i see a 65 on the tag but it almost looks like there's a one in front of it and i don't really want to pay 165 even 65 is a little steep i think although it does look like an actual antique that's probably why it is more expensive [Music] i did not have any luck finding my gate in here so i ended up going to the walnut creek antique mall again and snagging that headboard [Music] as you can see i didn't buy a lot of things although i would have wanted to i saw so many pretty items but today i was just kind of looking for these certain things and i did splurge a little on this ladder this wasn't necessarily something i was looking for but i thought for 16 dollars this would make a really nice plant stand it's a beautiful color it does need to be cleaned up a bit but it's nice and sturdy one of my favorite colors is this color green here of this bucket it just caught my eye i knew i needed to have it and then i have a box full of cups here that i want to unwrap and show you guys and then i have this headboard here i wonder what you guys think am i crazy should i just wait for the perfect iron gate or should i just try to make my own you guys know me i really like the challenge of trying to make my own things so i have a few ideas in mind of what i may do with this that will probably be in a video coming up four of the cups have this design and like i mentioned earlier i'm planning on pouring some wax in those cups and probably selling them on my etsy shop so if you're at all interested in them keep an eye on my shop i will probably go until maybe mid april or something like that by the time i have them ready but i always like to see a candle and a teacup and then after your wax is gone you have the cup to enjoy i found two of these just the cutest little birds on there i have a couple of these blue and white ones i really wish i would have found some more of this design i thought it's just so pretty and spring-like thanks so much for watching i had a lot of fun antique mall shopping it was fun taking you guys along i hope you enjoyed it as well hope you're all having a wonderful day and i look forward to seeing you in the next video bye
Channel: White Cottage Company
Views: 169,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: antique with me, antique mall haul, antique shopping, white cottage company, antique mall shopping, Holmes county antique malls, Berlin Antique mall
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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