Anti-Gravity Machine (Part One)

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the man who wanted to change the world when Sandy kid goes out to the walk-up garage behind his house in Dundee he is going into a world of his own this place has been his prison for the past four years here he has spent every minute building a machine a very special machine a machine which he says will open up the universe what I really wanted to do this suppose was to create the means of powering a flying saucer but somehow I could put a machine together using journals which all our energy can be properly harnessed which is a lifting force or thrust which would be capable of driving some sort of craft through space like most inventors sandy Kidd has paid a high price for his brainchild it has cost him over 20,000 pounds in lost wages alone he has turned down better jobs he has cut himself off from his family well I was so carried away with the thing that I just couldn't help myself looking back on her I don't know how I really was able to subject my family to such sacrifice and hardship when I was courting sandy and we used to go to the library and we were in tow my girlfriend and her boyfriend they always went to the dance saying the pictures but sandy always ended up in the library this is where the spent most of the time reading up books on science fiction he just wasn't like a normal person in other wars he has what it takes to make an inventor the French word argentiere from which the word engineer is derived means an ingenious one and sandy is ingenious the ingenuity referred to by Professor lathe Wade is built into this machine sandy kid claims it is unique because it can move on its own requiring no contact with air water or solid surfaces which brings us to flying saucers many people are convinced that flying saucers are real under used to transport the inhabitants of outer space between stars and planets if these magical machines are streaking across the heavens of the universe then one thing is certain their technology is far advanced on anything we are using at the moment my machine should be able to deliver thrust over long periods of thing years if necessary this would mean in space travel very very high speeds the acceleration of the device can also be adjusted to create an effect within the device they wouldn't simulate the conditions of gravity on Earth's surface and this would completely eliminate the problem or Willis's mind you the device has other uses than taking it to Mars and 34 hours as it says in the patent papers it is envisaged that the device has application on land n or underwater and in space which means it can be used to power submarines and ships where you have the flying motorcar his obsession with this dream sustained him through the years of hardship and sacrifice which it took to turn his idea into reality he became almost a stranger to his grandchildren but his wife Janet had learned early on she would have to live with someone who had an invent of mind he was always talking about two space things science books yes Einstein Ivanoff all this type of thing I wasn't really interested at that time I've had to live with it so long but just drooling on me sort of thing having married a man obsessed with travel and space Janet Kidd and her family found themselves seeing less and less of sandy as he fell under the spell of gyroscopes the thing was I still had to carry on my full-time job with an oil company in Aberdeen leaving home and Gundy before 6:00 in the morning I'm not getting home until 7:00 or 8:00 at night it was actually in the trailer the design of the machine finally came to me that was around 1982 by which time sandy had risen to a responsible job in the North Sea oil industry earning twenty five thousand pounds a year but when he arrived back in the evenings to his home in the suburbs of Dundee he had to start work all over again used to come home from Aberdeen at night half past seven each of his tea in the door five minutes out you went he was outside till 2:00 in the mornings I just used to go in my bed and leave on this went on for four years with no social life we'll give up all our friends there seven nights a week all these Saturday all these Sunday was spent in the garbage you didn't have time for anything else to me he was just obsessed by it Sandi's machine is all about gyros a gyro being anything that spins round on the end of a rod they behave dramatically when subjected to certain forces this gyre always fifty pounds and has been fired up to rotate at over 2,000 revs a minute so that professor lathe weight an expert on the subject can demonstrate the basic concept of Sandy's device very little effort required but much is lifting an umbrella and no centrifugal force now of course we have the problem of stopping professor Lee 3 studied Sandy's machine at the Imperial College of Science and Technology in London all fou known as an international authority on electrical engineering the professor's know-how in gyroscopes has always led him to believe in the concept of a machine like this a device based on gyroscopes which could produce a genuine lifting force when he saw Sandy's invention create such an effect congratulations we're an order the clock any doubt we there you go there's a whole object that goes up by whatever means he jung's up is he the first person to have done this no others have done it and inevitably have modified their machines to try and make them better stop them from working and they've never been able to recreate the original machine I've had several like this so how does sandy kids stand them well he didn't make the mistake of meddling with his first machine he kept it so that when he made a second machine that didn't work he said what's the difference between this and my first machine it's only the first machine made better and he realized he'd lost some of the flexibility through the rather loose engineering of the first machine and was able to see what it was that was making it go so then he's been able to make a better machine knowing what it is that makes it go it was while serving as an RAF technician on Vulcan bombers in the early 60s that sandy first became aware of the frightening energy a gyro can store up during rotation one day he had to remove a gyro from the navigation system of the aircraft I was walking back was done a ladder carrying it unknown to me was still running on this box and the thing not much bigger than this and I reached the board no rather and Tom groaned the gyro reacted really violently and threw me on my back I was really surprised that much energy contingent a think about the size I'll ever forget I experienced ten years later in 1974 when back in civvy Street as a development engineer he watched professor lathe Wade demonstrate the powers of gyroscopes during a television lecture what he saw that evening convinced him that somehow he could build a machine to harness a gyros energy and put it to good use in deciding on the basic design of the machine I knew I had to some homo to jails with no structure at a critical angle and by subjecting them to certain forces with rotational movement produce a lifting force through the action of the journals the whole machine is designed to spin round like a top when this happens the gyroscopes want to fly off the end of their axles because they are being subjected to what is called centrifugal force with the gyros themselves being driven at a very high speed in a certain direction they react to the centrifugal force by swiveling upwards and taking the machine with them because of its design it is only able to rise two inches off the bench but the machine is capable of climbing to any height you want the machine produces a thrust equal to ten or twelve ounces but the device itself weighs seven pounds to calculate this lift therefore sandy devised a counterweight system consisting of a piece of string attached to the top of the machine thread around to overhead truely's then tied to an old vise loaded with 4-inch nails when the Machine lifts sandy gradually removes nails until the device starts to drop the lift achieved is equal to the weight of the nails taken away now this may all seem a bit crude but such ingenuity is the stock and trade of the inventor one of the most important aspects of tackling such a complex project was making all the bits and pieces necessary and generally around until evolving like well being a tool maker I could make everything myself and that was a real bonus I could set my lump piece get things done my way bowling one machine after another getting a size of the gyros right mounting them at the right angles determining the rotational speed of both the device under gyros so the two interacted to create the effect I was after another off as many problems was deciding how he should drive his gyros finally he chose a six and a half CC water-cooled model aeroplane engine and linked it up to the bottom of his machine this engine can produce one and a quarter horsepower at 16,000 revs a minute transmitting that power to the gyros by a belt and pulley system the machine itself is rotated by being connected up to an electric drill during my experiments I borrow more electric motors and I can't remember about I was stealing motors of any gadget I could put my hands on washing machines lawn mowers and things like that and doing all this I was working with only a very basic grasp of mathematics and physics which of course are very much involved in this type of engineering and developing this machine I've been plagued with setbacks but having been a development engineer for years and you feel well you really get anything to what first time it was very often a question of two steps forward and three steps back either weekend assembly worked on the machine from morning till night does end I dreaded having to go to the garage they became some sort of hell by just get going I wasn't happy about it because at the beginning I didn't believe him but he persisted and carried on with it and it was a failure so many times and he promised to give her up you never touch you always give a couple of days and out you ain't again and this is going on but months and months and months you can go to invade at night you throw his books to bed he's papers to bed he sat and drew pictures to me and tried to meet me understand that I never was able to understand it I just had to live with it a lot of machine work for all the right reasons using all the factors I had built into it the forces within the device were operating in a different pattern for what I had imagined another ones I had created a machine which I did not fully understand at that point but which was producing the desired effect it was in trying to establish how these forces and other influences were actually behaving they're really created bigger problems that I was encountered before most of the people that know signed a believe in him the new that you'll do it he is a quite a clever person in my eyes well I see a lot of things are doing Mina do try and help as much as I can gardening decoration painting every job about the house after do unknown he just doesn't have day for any of that he's too engrossed and he's shared with his machine to do any four things around the house I've gone out and left him on his own I thought my box quite a few times than me gonna leave but always came back during the cold winter months of accumulate now all my family and social obligations went by the board but the loneliest are working on their own and salty confinement was the worst poverty after 18 months of building and rebuilding machines and you had come to the end of the road ever didn't what no I knew had nowhere else to done I'll never forget oh right
Channel: Rodric Selbie
Views: 651,830
Rating: 4.6424847 out of 5
Keywords: Albert Einstein, Anti Gravity, Giroscopic Propulsion, Invention
Id: Taj4VA1L_vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 03 2014
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