ANTHURIUM, taglia un fiore e moltiplicalo all' infinito, ecco il trucco infallibile, anthurium care

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Hello everyone Today in this video I will show you how starting from a single enturium flower thanks to a technique that is truly incredible but I assure you super simple and tricks you can then obtain absolutely perfect seedlings that will be born They will grow that will make beautiful blooms I show you I advise you to follow the video and try to redo what I will show you because I assure you that when you get these results you will be really happy you did it the first thing you need to do is to get some seedlings that are really full of flowers because there will be more flowers and more chances Then to get the seedlings from them you will have Many people believe that the flower of this plant is this red part in reality no these are nothing but beautiful leaves of an absolutely gorgeous color but there are always only leaves in reality the real Flower is this has a conical shape and the color can usually be either yellow or red or orange and it is right here in these dots that if all goes well The seeds or even the seedlings found will form, the plant will have nothing left but to enjoy it at the height of flowering and when at the end of the same the flowers will pass from something like this therefore smooth it has something very similar to this with some swelling it means that the flower has been fertilized and that from there you will certainly get seeds or if you are really lucky even small seedlings that will sprout directly on the flower and here they are I will try to show you better and It is essential that the flowers that you will then use for the experiment have these swellings If they don't have them it means that the flower has not been fertilized that it has not formed the seeds and consequently the plants will not be born they are truly incredibly perfect And it is precisely from these points that if all goes well then either the seeds or the seedlings will develop once this result is achieved, there will be nothing left but wait re that all the leaf dries completely and if all goes well it will detach from the stem in a natural way it will fall on the root basket at which point you can use it If instead you dry it will not detach by itself then just cut the stem right at this point and then flower This is a flower that once dried It fell by itself It can be seen that there is a small growth And it is from there that hopefully the seedling will develop But if it goes well once placed inside the soil it it will form others that are not seen today but in theory could develop this is instead an example of a flower which, despite having matured and dried , has not produced anything, no swelling and therefore almost certainly nothing will be born from it This instead is the completely opposite example Look how many swellings are born on a single flower Consider that for each of them there is precisely the possibility that a small seedling will then develop it is rare that you understand you know that in a flower there are so many but it is an exceptional event that could happen AND really give you a lot of satisfaction and in order to carry out the experiment I will use this flower which is really an excellent starting point get a vase that has a diameter of at least 10 cm. If you have the possibility, do not use the plastic ones which will be fine in any case. But if you can, choose the terracotta ones because they will then help in the next phase to better regulate the humidity of the soil. Then take a little bit of clay and put about 2 cm on the bottom in this way, after this operation, fill everything almost to the brim with soft and draining soil and then do this operation, take the flower and go and place it in this way. Look, if you want, you can remove all the flower and leave only this, however no , however, I recommend doing this operation leaving this part which is not actually the flower but is a sheet a you can take more earth in this way and go and cover everything by crumbling the earth around so make sure that the whole leaf is then covered up to the point where you see the probable seedling appear at this point at the end of the operation this is what you should get therefore a vase in the center of which only the point will appear where it seems that from the pistil the small seedling will then be born right here Here it is this is the point where If everything goes as hopefully then the young seedling will be born so take a vaporizer and wet everything so that the ground is well soaked here it is wet don't worry make sure that at the end of the operation the excess water flows out of the hole in the bottom in order to speed up but above all favor the birth of this seedling there is a real trick that is to take a small plastic bag and insert the pot inside. After that, closing it in this way will create a real inside own microclimate with constant temperature but above all in this case humidity Then position everything in a point where it gets a lot of light but not the direct rays of the sun And if all goes well from here the seedlings results of the experiment will sprout and resume everything After about 50 days it seems that things are proceeding in the best way in fact a small sprout has sprouted out of the ground And here it is now it is really small make a proportion with the size of my finger to understand its jump about a centimeter and a half now this it should be the shoot from which If all goes as hopefully the first leaflet will develop and then always at the base all the others after 24 hours Look a bit at how the shoot has developed Now it is clearly seen that it is a leaflet formando Look at it here there is the stem and the leaflet is still closed which should open shortly And here it is after a very few hours starting to open Unfortunately these are plants that have really slow growth but in short the results are already starting to be seen after exactly two months the leaflet has completely developed it is now about 2 cm high and its width is more or less than a centimeter and half and after a month and a half Not only is the first leaflet still perfectly Vital But at the base another one has created here it is It has sprouted and is growing therefore This means that everything is really proceeding in the best way swim that still appears here let's dig the leaf that we inserted at the beginning of the experiment unfortunately it hasn't decomposed yet you don't have to remove it Look Leave it there nature will take its course and decompose it arrived at the fifth month like this to say that it developed in an absolutely perfect way the first leaves that were born now being to dry are really small Especially if the comparison is made with those that were born later Consider that as the new leaves are born they will become increasingly larger in size than the previous ones until they reach the maximum dimensions which will be equal to those of the mother plant from which you took the flower, at this point, there will really be nothing left but to wait for it to grow and bloom. The larger the size of the seedlings from which you take the flowers, the larger the seedlings you will get. And this is proof of that. She comes from a tall plant . about 50 cm and she was 30 cm tall the flowers were planted at least the same day in the ground and look at the difference it is really visible to the eye so in the hypothesis that then you get a result like that or with tiny leaves worry The important thing is that they are healthy this is absolutely a huge success Look Here you can still see the leaflet and the flower I would say it is a truly incredible result So all that remains is to wait in this case as well for the gigantic leaves and for the plant to start flowering And with this the video ends I hope you enjoyed it and it helped you to learn something new useful about funny if you liked it Please leave a comment put a like but above all subscribe to the channel And while you're at it I ask you a courtesy, share this video on social networks because by doing so you will help me grow the channel having said that so Thanking you in advance Greetings and look forward to the next video
Channel: L' Arca delle idee - Stefano Gullotta
Views: 648,617
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Id: 2IfaduMBCCQ
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Length: 8min 19sec (499 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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