Anthony Edwards Tells Us How He Became An NBA All-Star

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Salt Lake City for All-Star Weekend of course you got the Through the Wire boys we got an honorary member Anthony Edwards is good man welcome to the show what's Happening appreciate you man first time on stop man yeah I would just say that first time All-Star experience has been for you it's going pretty good man uh I walked in the locker room and I was next to KD and uh Kyrie so it's pretty dope right are you around town like that do you feel like you belong yeah hell yeah no doubt yeah yeah sure I mean we did our show and we was like damn and it's like number one snub so to see you finally get it was dope the facts yeah for sure what's one of the uh was one of the biggest sacrifices you would say that you've made to become an All-Star level player a lot of people see a lot of the you know it was a lot of hype around her the Popeyes but they don't really see what you put in so what would you say is the biggest sacrifice you made to get to this level it worked uh stop going out I had to stop going out stuff like that just dedicate myself to the work I think that was the main thing like this summer like I was working out like four times a day throughout the whole summer so that's what I did this time I dedicated myself to the work oh no would you say that's some of the best advice that you can give to incoming rookies coming into the lead to make sure they stay focused and they take care of their body yeah keep the main thing the main thing that's the only thing I can tell them um it's basketball man they pay you to play basketball make sure you do your job I saw your clip for media day you were talking about the 82 Game season and how important it is for you to play every single game do you try to get it off to your other teammates and stuff yeah sure yeah all my teammates yeah we want to play every game for sure we don't want to miss the game why would you say the next part of your game you want to work on to just grow as a player still uh just being more efficient yeah being more efficient taking less shots and getting more points early for you when I saw you coming up to high school it was a lot of comparisons you had James Harden I've heard Michael Jordan Zach Levine who did you model your game after coming up uh nobody for real for real I just played I just had fun man you know fell in love with it and just kept playing another thing I always wanted to ask you was how how did you I know you're from Atlanta but what was your recruitment process because when I seen you choose Georgia that kind of threw me a curveball since they in a Powerhouse basketball school uh so at first I was I was don't go to Florida State but uh something happened and then I picked some other Kentucky Georgia cans I picked top five I went on a visit in Kentucky but two guys had committed there and then uh I wasn't gonna go to UNC because they had cold so I was like I might as well just go to Georgia okay I remember before your pre-draft stuff you sent an interview that like you messed up football a little bit more than basketball and that kind of turns some people off um how does what are those same people what they thinking now you think I don't know what they thinking um they probably want to apologize you still rocking with football though yeah I still love football yeah for sure you're a gamer too right yeah you still bring it on the road yeah you got it here so late yeah what you see what you've been playing Call of Duty Call of Duty this is the first thing acting like Kyle you better go you play Call of Duty yeah yeah I was telling them in the hotel like man I wish I brought my damn game you only play online games do you play offline too online yeah online we all online he said he the Madden gato I'm gonna play man I did I've seen but I'm not I don't play I don't play next gen I'm not I'm not a big fan of [ __ ] someone specifically mad though yeah okay current gym man no you gotta you gotta eventually move over though bro what's the reason behind that because it moves so slow like that's the best part you're gonna go back to the owner you go back to the old one you can be like bro these dudes is moving so fast I'm telling you they started moving real life hey thank you this dude they don't move like that in Europe I know when you're trying to use a little linebacker they be slowing stuff I'm telling you you know you're not gonna get lurk how you do and uh play it because it's no fun it's not fun that's how he like that you got to go you got to go into it stop offense on next gen bro you can't yeah that's what he like playing yeah who your team first and foremost uh on next gen in real life and on the game in real life the Falcon but when I do play on the next gen uh the books I mean because the game's so bad you play with Tom Brady he can draw it he needs the best yeah I could play with the the jet the [ __ ] anybody yeah so you would bust his ass yeah I beat him I beat him on next gen too oh yeah oh that sounds like something I mean I don't yeah that don't mean nothing what was it like in that Tom Brady interaction on Twitter recently when he said you was playing the wrong sport uh no it was funny it was cool though oh yeah and uh cool coming from a goat for sure oh for sure especially since you say that's one of your teams yeah for sure receiver okay yeah I don't know how much you'd be on Twitter but you did the GQ thing and they were Twitter went crazy about the 21 bag got hot fries and stuff like that oh my God I'm right with you okay okay sometimes I go days without even eating them okay so yeah you got it right here we got to put that out there Twitter and sometimes the media hyperbolic statements happen with exaggerations come out thank you like the most fun thing you just mess with people they're gonna take that face value thank you they don't understand yeah we come from certain places where this is how we talk the worst [ __ ] in the world yeah yeah ain't no way it's man I all start eating a [ __ ] hey they see if they don't have a story these days they'll make one right make it on their own yeah what's been the uh what's been the motivation behind you defensively this year I've seen you you turned it up a lot this Notch uh uh you and you and McDaniels Jay Norway's from from in the rookie year when he started playing he always been that guy that guarded uh but me I just I just knew I had it in me and I was just like I mean I'm not gonna wait to show it I'm gonna show it now yeah I'm saying so they said uh they ain't seen nobody guard Kyrie like you did since Kobe I think Kyrie also agree with that too like yeah like and that's my favorite player before I got to NBA him and Kate he was my favorite okay last week y'all put the clamps on the last thing yeah so possession you know I love to play against a man because he got every move in the world so what was it like as an NBA player experienced in that crazy ass trade deadline we just had man that [ __ ] was crazy especially since you in the west a lot of people came out west yeah I know but that's fun that's me that's what makes it fun like competing competing against those boys but it was Craig trade deadline was crazy man like 30 minutes before our game we traded Dilo yep we got Mike Conley and nikhil Alexander yeah um bees Vando went to the lake like that it was crazy man it was crazy how much what would you say you're gonna miss most about having Dilo in the locker room just him being there man he looks great super cool that's my dog hey I'm a Laker play Call of Duty together all the time for real um you like this new Call of Duty I like not Reserves were you playing are you playing games bring that back yeah what's the what's the mindset or how how quick do you have to adjust after a trade deadline when you bring in you you go from having Delo for a couple years y'all at the playoffs and everything and now all of a sudden you got a whole new guy Mike Conley a new vet how how fast you gotta what's that like adjusting like that I mean [ __ ] at the end of the day you just got to go out there and play basketball make it happen that's what they pay you to do man so whatever they do in the office we can't control that right right we get we get paid to do one thing go out there and perform at the highest level so I mean when it comes to me I'm I'm locked in I ain't even worried about nothing you seem like water the best people to have as a teammate anyway like if I was somebody that was on a move getting traded I hope to be in the library what's going on with cat man it's been since November 26 or something like that he's just been I know you can rehabbing and getting better but yeah yeah he came back he came back right um yeah hopefully he'll be back soon I can't wait to get him back right do y'all also be gaming together yeah cat yeah me cat and d low TP hey cat is a Twist streamer too they sleeping can't be getting it in yeah yeah it can't be twitching for sure yeah you got the personality for it I mean I probably I'll probably start doing it uh I might start doing it after All-Star break because that it do it looked fun yeah you got that you got you got the personality for sure how big would you say was adding um damn what is his name I don't know what just slipped my mind oh Kyle Anderson kind of should be really big I've seen somebody else but slow-mo's being really big how much do you think he's been just an impact for y'all too man huge huge impact uh the things that he brings on the court just the little things man like the back door Cuts tell he helps me read the game more like so he's he's a big part of us uh winning this year yeah he's so good his shot it's just so slow I'm like it's like a catapult yeah but it's but we're getting people though that pump fake is crazy I think one of the most unique players we've seen in a long time because he's so slow but he knows yeah incredible passes I want to take it away from uh from the NBA for a second yeah let's do it you as a villain and hustle was too damn real like what was it like getting into acting for the first time that definitely wasn't your first time acting by the way there's no way it definitely was but no way you're telling the guy it was dope uh just to be around Adam Sandler that entire time you know like he's actually just like that like I hate how you y'all see him on Instagram and social media he's just like always cracking a joke big clothes it seems like they told you just be yourself pretty much man like the strip they would they would write the right the strip had the strip already wrote and I'll be like nah I'm not saying that oh yeah yeah a lot of people don't know that though but yeah I I would I would twist a lot of the words that much trash in real life yeah yeah I saw you in that Grizzly series and you were just you were just hoping you really want you weren't chattering with them and they was talking yeah you just giving their ass to work what's your favorite poster so far my favorite one though maybe not you but yeah okay you're the one was crazy for sure what's the expectation for the second half of the season man um I mean we want to come out and and go for it all I mean [ __ ] I know we tired of losing you know what I'm saying like every time we got a chance to get in that fourth or fifth spot we always drop that game so I think we pretty mad from losing to the wizard so I think we're gonna come out and do the right thing what was the uh the change because you got to start off slow obviously a big adjustment adding Rudy to the team and stuff but since the calendar year y'all been one of the best teams of basketball what what clicked for y'all to really get it going um you know I think I always give my teammates the credit but I think I I became more consistent in my play I think that was the the main thing like uh and me and finchy would always talk about that like I got to find ways to be more consistent and I think I did that and I think that helped us because my teammates new Every now okay this one I'm getting from Aunt I'm saying so I think that was the main thing we're trying to be more consistent how long did it take the game to start to slow down for you and for you to like really grow into like being like NBA established um my second year after the All-Star break I was just like you know what like I'm here now like you're here you know what I'm saying so I start getting super comfortable then I'm uh I'm a big NBA dude been watching NBA all my life I thought I was going to the NBA so I'll be I'll be very curious to know like what's the day of Anthony Edwards on Game Day walk me through the day from when you wake up to by the time you get ready for the walk out uh all right uh I get up in the morning uh get in the shower brush my teeth wash my face Chef bring me my breakfast um that's that first round pick money then uh feed my dogs and Junior shout out to Andrew go to shoot around come back by like 12. I may play a game of spades with my brother my best friend okay um and my chef and then take a nap wake up at like 4 30. eat some pasta then get dressed leave to the game positive like pasta all the time all the time I'm a big nap guy too so now I gotta take a nap guy that became something NBA always how do y'all be taking I can't take it you took a nap right before this I took a 30 minute nap before we came I gotta find a way to take a nap I'll be trying and I just I just can't maybe it's this it's got to close the eyes down take a nap that you disconnect from social media and stuff okay what how important is it that you sometimes take a break from social media like disconnect from it I actually don't I'm always on Instagram but I don't have Twitter like I have a Twitter but I don't have it on my phone okay so and my Instagram I don't really follow too too many NBA pages I follow the NBA page that's about it so yeah you follow up House of highlights uh no I don't follow how to Highlights so I don't see too much basketball I'm saying so I stay away from it when you're not playing basketball you like to disconnect and do other things I like to play Spades he he had big Spades dude crack jokes rap do anything I wish we could have put up a space table right here man what was really with it [Laughter] speaking of rap who you listening to who you rocking with besides the the Nicki Minaj yeah my brother for sure be different man yeah different Apple music yeah the Nicki Minaj stuff too Nicki Minaj that was one cap the 21 bags I have fries top three Nikki songs man uh Anaconda okay that's a good one I was not expecting it's not expect the Anaconda on top of the list whatever yeah this man his song right here okay I'm gonna have to put that on my playlist you can't okay I'm gonna check this out be different I'm gonna check you out bro I'm gonna ride home yeah get on that he hard would you say you're more of a writer you're more of a freestyle I freestyle yeah I'm all up the head so you're like Wheezy yeah so we're gonna get Ann on the song [ __ ] for real let's do it yeah so you got I'll be doing nothing basketball football game and rap what is one thing that ant can't do dude uh hey I can't beat the Wizards hey Feliciano they beat me I've been in the lead for three years I'm playing them two times a year I'm owing six I did not know that if there's a one I can't promise you a lot but if there's one thing I can promise you you're going to be there you're gonna beat the wizard you're gonna beat the Wizards shout out to the Wizards man for sure pregame what's your pregame work I got a little brother he a basketball player one of the top basketball players in Illinois Chicago right now so I try to ask as many questions as I can NBA players to give them a little bit when I get back home what's your pregame workout before a game to get you locked in uh so uh I hit the weight room at like 5 33. okay get some weights uh some squats band work get my get my joints activated uh go to the court 543 10 minutes in the weight room go to the court 15 minutes damn 5 43 540 5 33 I'm in the weight room 543 I'm on the court uh 558 I'm off the court I got to be off the court to get my treatment um get my treatment on my back uh my hips my knees shoulders and [ __ ] and then it's time to go so all my youth that's watching that's how I like that that's what's going on yeah 5 43 to 5 58 is that locked in damn I love that [ __ ] how would you describe your first ever experience playing in Madison Square Garden it seems like it's an iconic Arena and everybody want to go in there and put up crazy numbers what was it like for you I mean my first time going I didn't I don't think I was starting yet so I didn't get to like put on the show for real I still haven't been able to put on the show in Madison Square Garden that's my team and it's coming so don't chill we haven't played them yet in Madison Square Garden this year so hopefully when we play second half maybe but it's a bucket list you want to go crazy in the garden I mean it's not a bucket list I want to go crazy everywhere good point yeah please don't go crazy please when you it's about that time though are you an All-Star I I think you're the face of the franchise for the Timberwolves um top five shooting guard hey we appreciate you taking the time of course shout out to Adidas again for setting this up we appreciate you and uh appreciate y'all man I appreciate y'all boys on my Instagram
Channel: Through The Wire
Views: 146,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7tkiCED4mjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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