Antarctica | Destination World
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Channel: NatGeoKidsContentManager
Views: 464,496
Rating: 4.7597523 out of 5
Keywords: national geographic kids, nat geo kids, kids, kid, for kids, national geographic, nat geo, animals, making stuff, educational, Antarctica, Ice, Tourism, Experience the coldest continent, coldest continent, blistering cold, most adventurous explorers, explorers, scientists, most adventurous, few surprises, still hide, above and below the ice, the ice, ice in Antarctica, PLQlnTldJs0ZR56MScVzlbeucr3brcHb-e, PLQlnTldJs0ZTpajSmiZIgrXCy9lgTOlnO
Id: X3uT89xoKuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 58sec (178 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 26 2018
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