Answers To 10 Baffling Questions You’ve Always Asked

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there are plenty of questions we need answers to what's the meaning of life are we alone in the universe why didn't and all Finn the hobbits just fly the Eagles to Mount Doom while we can't answer the first two and don't have time to debate the last one we found the answers to some of life's other burning questions number 10 why do comics use zze to represent sleep we don't say we're catching some a's when we're awake so why on earth do we refer to sleeping as catching some Z's you have Sunday comics to thank for that our research indicates that the association between snoozing and the last letter of the alphabet started in the early 20th century the first documented case was founding Casa hammer kids in August of 1903 artists at the time were struggling to separate sleeping comic characters from still or dead ones so they came up with their own autumn Autopia for snoring and the triple Z was born because it best represents the sound over time it's become less associated with sleep trumpeting and more synonymous with sleeping in general though the Z Z Z is popular in other countries it's not the only method used to show somebody's catching some shut-eye Japanese manga for example often has s as its snoozing characters with bubbles coming out of their noses the French meanwhile use the words bronze fee number nine can you outwit a lie detector contrary to what Law & Order and more II would have you believe lie detectors also known as polygraphs are far from infallible in fact their inaccuracy rate is so high that the results are inadmissible as evidence in most criminal trials though their name indicates otherwise polygraphs aren't made to detect falsehoods they're actually designed to detect the physiological responses commonly associated with dishonesty such as increased blood pressure and elevated heart rate beating the lie detector is as easy as meditating your body's natural responses simple actions like daydreaming tongue biting meditating or deep breathing can be enough to throw off the test results but police officers know that too structure the test accordingly number eight why is Venus blood blue it's not blood is always red regardless of where it is in the body though as I'll discuss later it's not all the same kind of red veins look blue for the same reason that the grass looks green and the sky blue it comes down to wavelengths of light light must penetrate our skin in order to illuminate our veins since blue and red operate a different wavelength of light they get reflected back and absorbed at varying degrees of success in the end the red is absorbed and only the blue light makes it back to our eyes so we perceive our veins as blue but if you cut yourself the iron in blood gets oxygenated and becomes red because of how the chemical bonds between the iron and the oxygen reflect light all the wavelengths of visible light are absorbed except the red part which is reflected hence we see blood as red colour but you're not wrong about one thing Venus blood is darker the reason why has to do with how blood circulates through the body first it's pumped from the heart to your lungs to pick up oxygen the additional oxygen turns to blood bright red and it remains so until it reaches your capillaries after passing that good old o2 to your tissues the darkened blood uses your veins to return to your heart number seven why do our eyes turn red in photographs we've all had a perfect picture ruined by the red eye effect suddenly we look a lot less like two awkward kids going to prom and a lot more like two fashion-challenged vampires this devilish transformation is the result of the camera's flash reflecting off the blood vessels in the back of your eye this only happens when the eyes are sufficiently dilated to allow light to bounce off the retina because our eyes constrict in light heavy environments the red eye effect is much more common at night it's also much more prevalent in people with blue eyes and those diagnosed with albinism now come to the important question how the heck do you get rid of it your cell phone's camera probably comes with an automatic red eye mover if not you can diminish the effect by removing flash taking a practice photograph improving area lighting or bouncing the flash off a nearby pale surface if it's too late for that just scrounge the internet for a Photoshop guru they'll take care of it for you number six why can we sometimes see the moon during the day so we all know that the moon orbits earth in about a month while Earth spins on its axis in a day this means that at certain points the moon will be on the same side of Earth that it's daylight when this happens sunlight is reflected off the moon and is visible on earth there are two characteristics of the moon that sometimes let you see it during daylight hours first there's the moon's perceived luminosity as you're aware the moon is Earth's closest celestial neighbor this makes it appear brighter in the night sky than more distant objects when lit from behind by the Sun this brightness increases exponentially secondly the moon's orbit is a synchronous this means it's distance between it and the Sun varies when the moon's orbital cycle brings it closest to the Sun it becomes bright enough to be seen in the daytime hours pretty enlightening huh number 5 why don't birds fall off branches when they sleep most people can't sleep standing up and an even smaller number could doze off balanced on a dry rodded branch yet time and again we see birds doing just that and deep down we're just a little jealous so why are feathery friends some of the world's steadiest narcoleptics it's all due to their musculature there's a special tendon in a bird's leg that gets pulled back any time they try to perch as their knees slide backwards this tendon locks their toes tightly around whatever they're currently sitting on until the bird makes a conscious decision to lift their knees their talons will remain frozen in that position number 4 why don't animals turn white when they get order there are plenty physical signs that you're getting older your wrinkles deepen your hair turns gray you start telling kids to get off your lawn but when it comes to animals it's not so easy though your dog's muzzle might gray and your cat's fur lighten that 11 year old marmoset is still the exact same shade of tangerine so why is it that some species get skunk streaks and others rock perfect hair until their golden years the answer is simple melanin melanin is a dark brown or black pigment present in hair skin and the iris of people and animals it's responsible for our hair and skin color as we age the pigment producing cells in our hair begin to die off this results in graying hair many animals meanwhile don't have that problem and produce melanin consistently throughout their lives scientists however believe that gran mammals tend to be those with unnaturally elongated lifespans this is likely why domesticated cats and dogs gray like we do number three what happens when an astronaut farts in their spacesuit dutch ovens are bad enough all that stench lays trapped beneath a thick layer of down cotton and your partners and richer snickering now imagine that you die the second you stuck your head out from beneath the covers that's kind of the problem that astronauts face so how does farting work in spacesuits where does it go and how long does it stink up the place could that silent but deadly actually kill one of our planet's finest Derrick Pitts of the Franklin Institute once said if you fart in zero gravity the gas stays right there it doesn't go anywhere and your average toot is filled with toxic and flammable gases like methane and co2 luckily for the astronauts and the space station rocket scientists spent a surprising amount of time thinking about bodily functions all space suits come equipped with a lithium hydroxide filter to remove toxins from the air and the stench from your flatulence also before you ask no you can't turn your space farts into a you'll just have to float around the old-fashioned way number two what happens when you flush the toilet on an airplane before airline toilets were a thing people used to do their business in a bucket near the rear of the plane or in the case of world war ii pilots whatever they were drinking out of at the time it took a few years before somebody decided that the bucket needed a lid and that peeing at a pop bottle was just plain gross then came the years of liquid laden toilets and all those legends about falling poop from the sky sometimes frozen within deadly blue ice the first modern airline lavatory was not installed until 1982 getting to the restroom on an airplane is an experience in and of itself it typically involves elbowing half a dozen strangers tripping over some punks errant carrion and racing back to your seat every time you hit a patch of turbulence by the time you reach the toilet your bladders bursting but how does a toilet even word thousands of feet in the air since conventional toilets resulted in nothing but wet floors and blue ice just made the plane heavier engineers got to work developing a different way this led to the invention of the vacuum toilet in 1975 when you flush the toilet on an airplane a valve opens at the bottom of the teflon-coated Bowl this activates a pneumatic vacuum that pulls your waste into the Jets 200-gallon holding tank once the plane touches down the ground crew vacuums out whatever waste is left inside number one why do healthy foods taste bad be honest if you had to choose between a freshly baked brownie or a salad you'd go for the former even though you know it's bad for you so that begs the question why did we evolve to hate the stuff that's good for us shouldn't our taste buds do backflips when we stuff our mouth with leafy greens and not when we cram it full of donuts and Szechuan sauce it's all thanks to our evolution sugar and fat are both good sources of calories and evolutionarily speaking it was advantageous to consume them in relatively high quantities whenever they were available essentially our ancestors who enjoyed eating them a lot also enjoy better health prospects and higher chances of successful breeding over time which sadly means that baby carrots can never tickle our serotonin as easily as that Frankensteinian bag of potato chips add to this the fact that we're conditioned by the food industry to prefer extremely high levels of salt and sugar and we start to love junk food instead of healthy stuff bread isn't particularly flavorful but we still managed to get a craving for it because the dopamine rush we get from eating it is confused with it tasting good the problem is there's a financial incentive for companies which produce food products to engineer foods which tastes as good as possible and are easy to eat in large amounts if you're not convinced then ask people from other countries and they'll tell you they often find American foods too sweet it's because they're not conditioned to prefer the same amount of high levels of added sugar and sweetness but you can turn the food industry's own tricks against them add a bit of cheese or salt to your next salad and rejoice as your brain lights up like a pinball machine or maybe just try pretending your mouths in a landing strip it works with babies do you have any more burning questions you want answered let me know in the comments down below I might just make a video on it thanks for watching [Music]
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Views: 210,590
Rating: 4.8482423 out of 5
Keywords: beamazed, questions, answers, Lie, Detector, best, popular, happens, earth, health, polygraphs, Astronaut, Farts, Sunday, comics, people, moon, sleep, life, lifes, science, interesting, facts, red-eye, astronomy, blood, blue, astronaut, farts, red, eyes, zzz
Id: EhWWdsuIOtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Invalid Date
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