Answering your questions about Tweens - Adobe Animate CC Tutorial

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today we're answering some questions about using tweens in Adobe animate to keep this video short I'm going to assume that you have a basic understanding of adobe animate if at any point during this video you feel like you need a refresher I'll leave links to any relevant videos in the description below or in the top right hand corner with that said the first question is is there any way to Tween gradients the answer is yes this can be done using shape tweens here on the stage we have a basic linear gradient I'm going to go down to the timeline and create a new keyframe and on this new keyframe we're going to make some changes to our gradient I'll start by changing its colors and I'll also use the gradient transform tool to resize rotate and reposition our gradient and now that we have two different gradients we can right click between the two keyframes and select create shape twin and as I mentioned at the beginning of the video if you want to learn more about shape tweens or gradients links will be in the description or top right corner the next question is can I add a tween to a blur or glow effect once again the answer is yes here's a drawing that we'll place inside a movie clip symbol with our movie clip symbol selected we can go to the properties panel and add a filter like a blur or glow I'll add a glow and you can set this up however you want I'm going to make this yellow and A Little Bit Stronger so that we can see it on the stage and then we can go back to the timeline and create a new keyframe on this new keyframe making sure that the movie clip symbol is selected we're going back to the properties panel down to filters and we will make some changes once you're happy with your changes we can go back to the timeline again right click somewhere in between these two keyframes and select create classic tween as you can see the size and color of the glow now animates between the two keyframes if you prefer using motion twins instead of classic tweens the process is almost the same make sure your drawing is inside a movie clip symbol and this time we will first go to the timeline to create a motion twing on the timeline we'll go to the first keyframe select the movie clip on the stage this time we'll add a blur and for motion Queens to create a new keyframe we have to go back to the timeline right click on the layer itself and select insert keyframe there's a handful of options but in this case we're picking between filter if you only want to Twin the filter or all if you also want to Tween all these other things like position scale skew rotation whatever in most cases we just want to click all on this new keyframe we can select the movie clip symbol and tweak our blur filter in the properties panel we'll make it super blurry if I press play now it should just work as expected okay and the third question we're looking at today is could you do a video on shape tweens and the differences between all tweens thank you for the nice comment Zach I actually have made a video about shape tweens it is in the description below as for the differences between all of the twins I might make a full video on that someday but here's a short version classic tweens and motion tweens are quite similar with motion tweens supposedly being the newer upgraded version both classic tweens and motion tweens are applied to symbols which means that they can be used for more Plex animation that involves multiple layers and even some filters and effects as we just saw shape twins on the other hand are applied directly to shapes or drawings and works best with very simple shapes involving very little animation on a single layer anything more and shape tweens become quite unpredictable and difficult to control next question is there a way to Tween the camera along a curved path like you can with symbols that's a good question as far as I know at the time of this video this is not possible for those of you who don't know motion or classic tweens can be used to animate objects along a curved path with motion tweens using the motion path and classic twins using the classic motion guide while you can apply motion or classic twins to the camera layer it seems like there's no way to access motion paths or classic motion guides which kinda sucks if you know how to get around this please let us know in the comments otherwise I think we just have to wait and hope that adobe is working on this and will implement this sometime in a few future that's going to be it for this video I know that there are a lot more questions that I haven't answered and I have been away for quite some time but I do plan on making more videos like this one and I want to take the time to answer each question properly if you have any questions about Adobe animate or animation in general leave them in the comments section below I'll do my best to answer them if I can as always thank you for watching and a special thank you to those of you who have stuck around and supported the channel even though I've been gone for such a long time thanks again and I will see you next time goodbye
Channel: Devon Kong
Views: 6,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: devon kong, adobe animate cc, question time, question and answer, comments section, how to use classic tweens, how to use motion tweens, how to use shape tweens, adobe animate tweening tutorial, adobe animate tween not working, adobe animate cc tutorial, adobe animate tweens, classic tween broken, adobe animate camera movement, adobe animate questions and answers, common adobe animate problems, issues with adobe animate cc, adobe animate help, adobe animate beginner guide
Id: ba4JnHdZ2xk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 34sec (274 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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