Answering Your Assumptions About Me

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hi I'm Kate Roy welcome back to my channel as you can see I am sitting on the floor in front of my office setup here it's where I have been spending a lot of time since I've started working from home and social distancing myself and I have a list of a few videos that I plan to film this weekend and just when I have time in the evenings now that I'm not going to be going out for a little bit I know that the assumptions tag is pretty old the trend has kind of come and gone but I still wanted to do it because I do have quite a lot of new subscribers and I don't have too many videos that are about me so hopefully this can help you get to know me a little bit better before we dive in if you want to see videos about consulting career and travel then hit the subscribe button as well as a notification belt so you know when I have any video coming out as usual I went to Instagram to get your submissions for your assumptions about me and I went ahead and copied them or typed them into a note on my phone and categorized some of them so there were two really big themes that came up one was around general motivation and discipline and another one was about school and academics and then there were some just other miscellaneous assumptions so the one that had kin the most assumptions around it was again around motivation and discipline so you've got your together you're diligent do you have your life together you're a self disciplined person you're efficient and productive they all kind of seem to fit in together I do feel like on the outside it appears that way because I also appear to be a pretty calm person on the outside and I'm sure I've talked about this in some videos in the past just like in passing but I come off as a pretty cool calm collected type of person but I'm actually the opposite like I'm very anxious and paranoid all the time and always overthinking things but I think I just do a good job at hiding it so I feel like with that it can appear like I have all of my ish together all the time but I definitely have days that I feel so unmotivated so lazy like even last night I was like you know what I'm gonna go to sleep early I'm gonna wake early go for a run I ended up watching YouTube videos until like 1:30 a.m. and I have not gone for a run today and it is like 6:00 p.m. right now and I'm filming this YouTube video when I had ambitions to film a couple today so I think on the whole yes I skew more towards being pretty disciplined and motivated but it doesn't mean that I don't have really really off days another assumption that's sort of related but there's kind of an additional assumption added on to it was you work hard but you also earn a lot with several OS there I mean I think on average like if you look at the average salary across America then sure I earn more than average but I don't think it's as much as some of you might think of course what a lot of money means or what a large salary means depends on so many different factors I work in the states where the standard of living and the pay just tends to be higher in general so there's that I also work in consulting where the salary tends to be higher than that of let's say teaching just as an example but compared to some of the people that I know I what I'm making might have been what some people started making when they graduated college so it is all relative I live comfortably and I'm able to you know get everything that I need so I'm not saying that I don't earn a lot in general or had all but I maybe it's not as high as what you're assuming so the other big bucket of assumptions had to do with school and academics so starting with I think that you were an A student in school I was before college in college I was not an A student I got I got better like as the semester went by but I remember getting like a c-minus on an English paper during my first year of college and that was a very humbling moment for me so I'm not like on here to brag about anything but yes I did try very hard at school and was able to get good grades you know throughout high school and all of that I don't really think I had too much of a social life like my social life was made up of my extracurricular activities like swimming and piano things like that when I got to college I didn't try as hard as I did in high school I still managed to get pretty decent grades just was not a straight-a student in college it was when I went to grad school that I really tried hard and that of course is when I really started my channel or started uploading frequently to my channel so I had a lot of vlogs where I would go and study or go write for my dissertation so I can definitely see where that assumption comes from this one I thought was funny I hope from the sound of your voice I thought you are 30 in a good way well I am 29 so I am close to 30 and I'm excited to be 30 so yeah I think I do take it in a good way very conservative I actually I struggle with this I think I am actually socially pretty liberal I grew up in Los Angeles which is very diverse and also the high school that I went to was pretty liberal and I was part of a humanities program where we studied philosophy art history and our 11th grade year we actually had like units about racism sexism classism etc so I feel like early on I was introduced to very liberal social perspectives and issues but I would say because of my Korean upbringing because of course I was raised both Korean and American I am still conservative about other things you're a picky eater I don't think I'm a picky eater at all like I will try anything once the thing that I am picky about is that I really don't like crustaceans so like shrimp crab etc I'm actually not 100% sure of shrimp as a crustacean but anyway basically things that look like bugs in the ocean now I don't mind having like a lobster mac and cheese or like crab cakes or like a crab hand roll like it's not the meat of the crustacean or shellfish that's what shrimp is shellfish so I know literally nobody cares about this but I had to get to the bottom of it so I looked up what is considered a crustacean and it seems like shrimp actually are considered crustaceans so then I was like why did I always think that shrimp were shellfish and then I saw that shellfish is actually an umbrella term for a crustacean or Crustacea and mollusks so again not that anybody cares but just thought that I would clear that up so I'm not spreading false information out there about shellfish and crustaceans because that's obviously very important it's not the meat of it that I don't like it's like I don't like it when I have to freaking use like pliers to open up my crab leg and get like a little sliver of meat and also with seafood and shellfish usually it's like the butter or like the lemon or the like Cajun seasoning that is actually the tasty part of it so I just don't really eat too much seafood I never crave it but it's not like I won't eat it it's just not gonna be my choice but other than that I don't think I'm picky at all I used to not like mushrooms now I love them used to hate olives love them so I think you know as I grew older I acquired more tastes and became less and less picky over time sort of on a like related note another one was health conscious and I in general yes I think I'm health conscious but I there was a period of my life where I was pretty strict about what I ate if you look back on my channel I have lots of vegan and plant-based recipe videos because for about two years maybe I was really really into eating plant-based and Whole Foods and all of that and that was a great time of my life I saved a lot of money when I was living in London and cooking only plant-based meals I felt great you know all of that but it got to be a little bit difficult to maintain which you know you could say it's just lack of motivation or something but I still do you know try to be try to eat less me to try to eat less dairy and all of that I just don't restrict myself anymore it's also harder you know when I travel for work to be so you know strict with my with my eating because you don't always have too many options but I do my best I am health-conscious I do try to exercise regularly since I grew up being a swimmer and late so I I do my best but it's it's not like I don't have any like really strict regiment regimen regimen around my diet or my exercise that you didn't go to church so that's actually kind of true so I grew up when I was younger I went to this church my family went to this church and it was actually like almost an hour away from our house because we went there because it was like my cousin's family's Church or not their church but they attended that church so I grew up going there from like when I was like in first grade to like fifth grade so let's just say through elementary school then I started to take too much of a toll on our family to be going that far every single week every single Sunday so we stopped and then sort of like hopped around at a few churches near where we lived but I pretty much stopped going to church like through middle school from middle school through high school part of that was it's just hard to like find a community to fit in with I was really busy with a lot of other things you know like extracurriculars like I mentioned and when I was in high school I just was against going to church however when I went to college I decided to join a fellowship a church fellowship I went with some of my friends from high school who were in college with me who are at Berkeley with me we decided to join a fellowship together that's when I started going to church again regularly when I was in London I attended reality Church London for my year there yeah I go to church today I sometimes skip some weeks when I'm traveling and it's kind of hard to make it to service and now that we're in this social distancing phase I'm watching sermons via the web so doing that on Sunday mornings as my church you are a big Harry Potter fan back in the day yes I was a big Harry Potter fan back in the day and I am also a big Harry Potter fan now when I first read Harry Potter books 1 2 & 3 had already come out so I actually read the third book first and then I read the first book and then I read the second book and like the third book again and then from like 4 through 7 that's when I distinctly remember like getting the book after the date it was released or the day after it was released staying up all night to read it and then also going to watch the movies of course and I didn't go to midnight screenings for all of them but I definitely did for the very last movie so Deathly Hallows part-2 that was when it was my senior year of college I think and I went to a thrift store he had got some ties for myself and for my friends so he dressed up as Hogwarts students for the last premiere you seem to be very good at saving money yes so from the first job that I had in high school I learned to just save a portion of my paycheck as soon as I got it before I spent it on anything else so I still have that habit to this day and I have a video on how I saved fifty thousand dollars to go to grad school in London so I will link that in the description box if you want to see that you have a jet-set style of life but you find time for friends I think this can be true because when I have like a business trip in a certain city and I know that I have friends who live there then I will try to meet up with them so if I have a meeting in Philly then I'll meet up with my friend who is in school there I do try to fit friends in with business trips specifically if I can usually most of the time I don't have time for that or there isn't anybody there in that city that I would see so it doesn't always apply it on the whole I think I'm kind of bad at regularly keeping up with people I just tend to be pretty independent and I don't mind if a friend and I haven't spoken for a long time but then we meet up and we're able to catch up so I'm totally fine with that but I know some people like more regular contact and check-ins I lean more towards the you know catching up with like more time in-between but with my close friends yes I you know keep up with them a lot more frequently but it's just a very small circle you don't get homesick very often I think that's pretty true I get homesick from time to time but not very often at all when I was in London there were times I think right at the beginning that I was a bit homesick because I missed Korean food and Mexican food but again I'm a pretty like independent type of person so even though I love my family and love when I do go home to see them I don't get too homesick often and now because I do so much travel you know with my job obviously not right at this moment but in general I get to visit home a lot so so that helps so yeah this is another interesting one you have anger issues or at least used to I don't know about anger issues but I definitely get irritated pretty easily and I get really upset with like inconsiderate people with like people are like slowing other people down like when people are being indecisive or not like not trying to provide a solution themselves but just are pointing out like things that are negative like I just I don't really like when people are being too negative at the same time I can be really negative when I'm in a bad mood so I'm being a hypocrite for sure so I wouldn't say anger issues maybe being irritated and I do think it's gotten better over time so the at least used to portion of the Assumption makes sense and the last one here is you're a genuine person and thank you first of all I thought it's very kind and a really nice compliment I do try my best to be as authentic and genuine as possible sometimes I'm a little too blunt maybe so it can it can go to a negative side sometimes this brings this one time to mind when I was studying abroad during college and I had my kind of group of study abroad friends and we were talking about what we kind of assumed about each other when we first met each other so like what were our first impressions and then like what we thought about each other now basically like what was different about our first impressions of each other and you know now that we had gotten to know each other you know what had changed and one of my friends had told me that nothing really had changed for me that I was just kind of the same as when they first met me so I hope that that's how I am for the most part and I try to be that way and I think most people do try to be genuine and Suntech so I don't think I'm anything special for trying to do that my foot has completely fallen asleep now I can like not even feel the floor like I can barely feel the floor when I'm touching it with my foot so I think that it is time now for me to end this video I hope this helped you get to know me a little bit better as always leave comments for other things you'd like to see on this channel because it really does help me come up with different ideas and I really appreciate you supporting my channel and watching this video so with that I will see you in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: kchoi
Views: 25,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: assumptions tag, kristina choi, kchoi, consultant, consultant vlog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 26sec (986 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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