Answering Google's TOP 25 Encanto Questions | Encanto Explained

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- This show is sponsored by BetterHelp Online Therapy. Being your best self feels good, for your loved ones and for you. Visit and get back to being you. Hey, brother! Guys, we've been covering Encanto like crazy on this channel and yet it just still seems like there's so many unanswered questions. So, today we thought we'd try and answer as many of them as possible by going to Google and figuring out what are the most commonly asked questions people have about the movie. So, today we're gonna answer Google's top 25 questions about Encanto. (dramatic music) - [Super Carlin Brothers In Unison] Hey, brother! - Guys, before we dive on into today's video, wanna give a huge thank you to today's sponsor, nobody. Well, us. Did you guys know that Super Carlin Brothers has its own merch that we sell over on DFTBA? Because we do an annual survey here and according to the math budget, 55% of you did not know this. I'm sorry. But, great news, you can find all of your favorite SCB merch over at And we've got lots of really things over there like our logo pin, or the foil animal shirts, which also was also come in a curved cut. And possibly my favorite, our SCB pride shirts, where 100% of the proceeds go to various LGBTQ+ charities. So, head on over to SuperCarlinBrothers.STORE and celebrate yourself and Super Carlin Brothers today. Link is in the description down below. All right, here we go. Question number one. How do you say in Encanto? Ho, ho, let me tell you, we got corrected on this so many times when we first started making videos about this movie. But the appropriate way to say it is uhn-kaan-tow, not in-can-toe, so, there you go. Impress your friends, let them know how superior you are because you can say it correctly. Don't do that. Number two, in Encanto, how old is Mirabel, and Camilo, and Dolores, and Antonio, and, oh well, yeah, just all the characters really? Honestly, we could have filled up like 1/2 the questions on this entire list with just how old is any given character, 'cause people really wanted to know. Fortunately, the information is very available. The director, Jared Bush, tweeted the ages of literally every single character. Mirabel is 15, Abuela is 75, the triplets, Pepa, Bruno and Julieta, and their spouses Felix and Augustine are all 50, which feels like it was more of a convenient director choice if you ask me. I mean, three of them are triplets, obviously they're the same age. But the other two, hm? Then you get Isabela and Dolores who are both 21, although Isabela is a little bit older. Luisa is 19, and Camilo is also 15 just like Mirabel, which is extra sad because you realize that just months before Mirabel didn't get her power, Camilo did get his, which must have been heartbreaking. And then you've got Antonio who is five and presumably it's actually his fifth birthday on the day we start seeing the family. Number three, do we talk about Bruno? Yes, despite the warnings in the song, we collectively as the viewing audience all talk about Bruno a lot. In fact, We Don't Talk About Bruno and Surface Pressure, the Luisa song, have both now been certified platinum. Number four, does Mirabel get a gift? Yes, I think for sure by the end of the movie she does end up with a gift, but it's not like a super visible gift the way the rest of the family's are. Really it's more like the torch has been passed from Abuela to Mirabel. And honestly, it's less of a gift and more of like an overall duty. But that duty is incredibly important, and I'm not sure if this is the official term but it's the the Keeper of the Magic. Basically, her role is to make sure that the different members of the family feel loved and seen for who they are beyond their gift, which is pretty much what Mirabela's doing throughout the entire movie and what Abuela is failing to do throughout the entire movie. Actually, I just noticed this the last time I watched the movie and it's my new like attention to detail moment in the movie. And it's right when Mirabel doesn't get her gift and the door starts disappearing, you can see the candle that Abuela is holding flicker. Because in your first pass, when you see the candle flicker you think something's wrong with the magic and like, that's why Mirabel didn't get the power. But what's really happening here is that the moment Mirabel doesn't get her power Abuela starts to value her less, and that is why the candle flickers. Number five, does Mirabel get a door? No, Mirabel does not get a door, at least as a child. But there is a blink and you miss it line where she tells Antonio that if he doesn't get a gift then he can come live with her in the nursery. - And stay here in the nursery with me. - Of course, you could also argue that by the end of the movie, yes, she does get a door. But rather than being to her own specific room it is the front door of the house which shows her as the new head of the family and the rest of everyone behind her. Number six, do the doors change? I assume this is asking like do the images on the doors change, and absolutely, yes they do. I mean, we see a very young Antonio on the door when he gets his power, but like all the other character's doors match the current age they are. So, presumably as they get older the image on the door changes to match their appearance. Like when Luisa as a five year old touched the door, it didn't suddenly show 19 year old Luisa on the door. Number seven, does Mirabel control the house? No, Mirabel does not control the house. Nobody controls the house, not even the miracle itself. Actually, our belief is that Casita is actually Abuela's lost husband Pedro. And his goal is basically just to help the family wherever and whenever he can. If you wanna see more about this particular theory we actually have an entire video about it. That said it does seem like Mirabel has the best relationship with the house other than Abuela herself, who Casita will listen to even if it's against what Mirabel wants to happen. - Casita. (Mirabel gasping) (chair sliding) - [J] Number eight, does Mirabel die in Encanto? No, unless, (foghorn blowing) no. Number nine, can Mirabel see the future? Okay, so I'm not sure if this is asking whether or not Mirabel has the same power as Bruno, or whether she can just see Bruno's power in action when he's doing it like later in Antonio's room for her. But either way the answers are no, she cannot see the future herself, and two, she can see what Bruno was showing her when he's doing his like vision circle thing. Number 10, can Mirabel slow down time? Ooh, this is a good question, and definitely one I also had after the first time I saw the movie. After Antonio's ceremony, Abuela calls for a group photo which inexplicably Mirabel is just left out of. But the moment the flash goes off time seems to slow down as Mirabel breaks into song. And while time is slow, she appears to walk around and just admire all the different members of her family. She also manages to leave the room and see all the cracks in the house start appearing, and cuts her hand, which later gets healed by her mom, proving that everything that happened during the song happened. But, while she definitely does cut her hand and see the cracks in the wall, the rest of it I think is more of like a metaphorical slowing down of time. The real point of the scene is that it's a photo, and photos by definition are a frozen moment in time. But photos can also be very misleading. They can be framed, edited, and most commonly, posed for. The photo looks great. Everyone's smiling and happy. But the truth is that under the surface everyone's dealing with a out of inner turmoil. What I love here is that they take another photo at the end and Casita squishes everyone together. It's sort of blurry, and out of focus, but the happiness is genuine and authentic, and it's just a lot more candid. Number 11, why was the house breaking? It's tricky, but it's helpful to remember that the miracle and Casita are separate entities. The miracle granted all the different gifts the members of the family have and Casita itself. So, as the miracle fades so do their powers, and so does the infrastructure of the house. Both of which are caused by Abuela's declining appreciation for her family outside of their gifts. Number 12, can Maribel still get a gift? I think so, yes, or else she like our already did. It's kind of like what we said before, when she touches the doorknob at the end of the movie the entire house comes to life. The door lights up, there's a bunch of images of the family on it. But again, it's more like a torch as being passed. She's inheriting the duties of being the Keeper of the Magic. Which is a big responsibility, and I think does count as a gift it's just not like a visible power she can do like Isabela or Luisa. Speaking of whom, number 13, does Isabela hate or like Mirabel? I just sort of crammed those two questions together 'cause they were both popping up but they sort of mean the same thing. Honestly, I think they mostly just have a pretty classic sibling relationship. Like they definitely have moments where they can't understand each other, but make no mistake, Mirabel is not understanding Isabela just as much as Isabela is not understanding Mirabel. That said, the absolute warp speed at which they reconcile and start having fun together, and the way in which Mirabel is exhibiting such joy seeing her sister live in the moment for the first time in her entire life, I think all really suggests that the annoyance they have with each other is pretty surface level and that they really do love each other quite a lot. Number 14, does Isabela marry Mariano? No, we actually sort of got stuck on this line ourselves for a while because of the line in We Don't Talk About Bruno where Dolores says.... ♪ Betrothed to another ♪ - We kept wondering does that mean they actually were married or was Bruno's vision actually wrong? Which then would've been pretty odd because all of the other ones lined up pretty exactly. But, no, to clear up any confusion they're never actually married. I'm not even sure they're ever officially engaged, but betrothed can mean like promised to be engaged as well as engaged, but it's not actually specifically a term for two people who have been wed. Number 15, does Isabela like Mariano? - I never wanted to marry him! I was doing it for the family! - It appears no. I mean, I'm sure she thinks he's a regular nice guy but like not actually attracted to him in any way. Number 16, why did Bruno leave? Uh, obviously to go to Italy so he could become the father of one Alberto Scorfano. - Silencio Bruno. - No, but actually the reason he leaves is because despite loving his family so much his gift is causing them so much stress that he just can't handle it anymore. That being said, he also doesn't actually even leave, so, which brings us to question number 17, where is Bruno hiding? Apparently inside of the walls of Casita for like literally 10 years. So, this is an other situation where I think Casita is actually looking out for the wellbeing of the entire family. And if Casita is in fact Pedro, then looking out for the wellbeing of his only son. Because, and this may become as a shock to you, the space between walls in actual homes and buildings, uh, not this big. Which means what I think we're seeing is that Casita obviously knows Bruno is living in the walls of itself and has expanded the space so he can stay there. Number 18, how tall is Bruno? Great question, and I can totally see where the confusion comes from on this one, because during We Don't Talk about Bruno, Camilo claims that he has a seven foot frame. And like not for nothing, but that just does not appear to be true. But also Camilo must have known Bruno before he left. So, you're like why would you lie about how tall he is? So, one of two things is happening here. Either he actually is seven foot tall, which means Luisa's pushing like maybe even nine feet. And that really the entire town is just sort of like giants. They're all really, if he's seven feet, they're all really tall. But really I think what's happening is that when Bruno left Camilo was only five so he probably just remembers him as being a lot taller. And since he's left, the story of Bruno has just sort of become larger than life. Ironically, he does have the rats thing right. Which is weird because it means that the rats were a thing before he went in the walls. - No, because she's a zombie she doesn't need ya. So she can't remember that she's his aunt. - [J] Number 19, why did they flee the village? Okay, so they in this question is Abuela and Pedro. And while it has not been officially confirmed, it is likely that the real world historical event that drove those two from their village was an event called the Thousand Days War. This was a civil war in Columbia that took place for 1000 days between the years of 1899 and 1902. And we're basing that mostly on the fact that the technology you see in town matches sort of that of the 1950s, and that 50 years before that when Pedro died all the soldiers are on horseback and carrying swords. Number 20, why did Pedro die? Was it because of the swords? No, but in the flashbacks we see Pedro and Alma are actually the ones leading all the people from their town away from the village. And as the leader, he selflessly decides to stay behind and try and stall them so that everyone else from the village can get away. Like, personally I don't know what he thought he was gonna do in this situation, but also he must have known something that we didn't because the end result is the Encanto itself, and Casita, and all the magical power. So, he made the right call. Number 21, what does Encanto mean? Well, the literal translation into English can mean charm, glamour, spell, delight, or joy. And all those do seem pretty fitting. But specifically in the movie, the Encanto refers to the actual spell that created the house, raised the mountain, and protects the entire town and gives the family their powers. Number 22, why does Dolores squeak? (Delores squeaking) This is actually something super cool I learned just while researching for this video. But this, like so many other things in the movie, are a nod to Columbian heritage and culture. But apparently when colonizer started to arrive in Columbia, the people there were too afraid to speak in front of them so they started developing all of these different nonverbal cues to communicate with each other. The squeak you hear from Dolores throughout the movie is one of these cues, so basically it just means that she heard something she wasn't supposed to. (Delores squeaking repeatedly) Another great example of this is using your lips to point to something, something you can see Mirabel do right here when she gives Antonio his gift. Number 23, why did Mirabel not get a gift? Well, I mean, it was Antonio's birthday, so.... No, but I think this is an interesting question because I do think she does eventually get one as we sort of mentioned already, but the question is then why couldn't she have just gotten that when she was a kid? And the gift we think she gets is being the Keeper of the Magic. So, with that in mind, how much cooler is it that on Antonio's birthday she also gives him a gift, which almost perfectly foreshadows exactly what his magical gift is. But, honestly, I think the reason she didn't get the gift as a kid is because the family just doesn't fully understand how the Encanto works yet. Like, this is the first time it's happened. But my guess is that for future generations, the door disappearing is going to be considered a tremendous honor. Like, oh my God, you're the one who's going to be the next Keeper of the Magic. Number 24, what else can I do? Ha, I see how this one worked its way in because it's it's one of the songs. That said, what else can Isabela do is a question I have been pondering on quite a lot. Because while flowers are cool, and cacti are cool, to me it seems that Isabela's power in particular has gone vastly under-utilized. Crops. You guys, crops. I mean, you combine Isabela's gift to grow as many crops as she wants with her mom's gift to turn those crops into magic cure-alls and like the whole, the whole town never has to be hungry, or feels sick literally ever again. Honestly, we can go further. Like Pepa could literally control the weather to make sure that the crops are always in good health. And like Luisa, I bet could plow a field by herself in like 20 minutes if she wanted to. You know, no pressure. But like this family alone could be ending world hunger. Right? Like, right? Great power means great responsibility, guys. New head cannon, guys, Mirabel is Spiderman. She even has like a missing uncle. And number 25, do the husbands have powers? And the answer is no. Pepa's husband Felix nor Julieta's husband Augustine have powers at all. And actually Augustine tries to comfort Mirabel with this fact that he married into the family and it was easy to feel unexceptional when he was surrounded by such magical people. But this kind of falls flat, because he didn't exactly grow up thinking he was gonna get powers, whereas Mirabel absolutely did. Actually one final fun fact about her dad I learned while we were researching this video is that they mentioned very briefly that he's accident prone. That is why he ended up with Julieta, because he had to keep going to her over and over for new cures from the food. And that's how they get to know each other. Anyway, though, that is Google's top 25 questions about Encanto. If you have any other that you would like us to take a look at, make sure you leave them in the towel section down below. But, guys, thanks as always for watching today's video. Don't forget to leave a like on if you haven't already and subscribe so you don't miss any future Disney action from us. If you wanna see a full video breaking down why Mirabel didn't get her power and how she's become the new Keeper of the Magic, you can check out this video right here. But otherwise, until next time. Ben, I will see you in another life, brother.
Channel: SuperCarlinBrothers
Views: 136,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SuperCarlinBrothers, jonathan carlin, ben carlin, j carlin, encanto, encanto theory, does mirabel get a gift, how old is mirabel, we dont talk about bruno, how do you say encanto, can mirabel see the future, why was the encanto house breaking, encanto burning questions, does isabel marry mariano, how tall is bruno, do we talk about bruno, why does dolores squeak, encanto inspiration, what else can i do, surface pressure, surface pressure explained, encanto explained
Id: cfzZ6tHzsHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 22 2022
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