Ansible Installation & Configuration on AWS | Install & Configure Ansible on EC2 | Intellipaat

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hey guys welcome to the session by intellipaat. In this session we'll be learning how to install ansible on top of AWS we will install ansible on master and configure SSH access to ansible host and before we move on with this session please subscribe to our channel so that you don't miss our upcoming videos now let us begin with this session so the first step that you have to do is you'll have to install ansible on the master right but you do not have to install ansible on the slave that's because ansible works in such a way that you know ansible installation is just required on the master on the sleeves it just requires python to be installed if python is installed it can directly connect to that particular ansible slave right so this is the first step first step is install ansible on master second step is to configure SSH from the master to the slave that is you should be able to do an SSH to the slaves from the master without any key and without any password so we'll see how we can configure this third step is that we'll have to setup ansible host and then we'll have to test the connection alright so we'll do this step by step guys so let's start with step 1 which is install ansible on the master now in order to do that you'll have to first launch two instances on AWS now let me just quickly jump on to my AWS console so guys this is my AWS console guys and the first thing that I have to do is I have to launch an instance and the OS that I want is Ubuntu the processor would be T 2 dot micro I click on next what are the number of instances that I want to launch I'm going to launch two instances I'll click on next move to the part where you'll have to select the security group now if you don't have a security group first create a security group and add a rule for all traffic and it should be basically from anywhere click on review and launch and this will be done if you already have a security group which has these kind of properties were can do is you can click here on select an existing security group and select the security group that has all the rules according to what software you're installing all right so once this is done guys click on review and launch and finally review all the settings area and click on launch okay select the key pair that you have on your system and click on launch instances and this will launch two instances on AWS for you next step would be guys to basically go to my management console and naming my instances so let's call my first instance is as ansible one and let's say my second instance is ansible two okay and simple one is going to be my master and ansible two is going to be my slave let's try connected to answer b1 first so I'll go to my putty tool and this already has my my PPK file selected which is HTM all right so this is already selected now I'll click on open so I'll click on yes and I have successfully connected to my master now awesome so I have connected to my master the next step would be to connect to my slave so for connecting to my slave again I'll go back to our management console select the second instance copy the IP address open a new pootie terminal put the IP address over here let us change the color so that we can differentiate which is one is my master and which one is my sleeve and yes now we are basically connecting to my slave let's enter the user name and you say successfully connected to my ansible slave as well so my green terminal is my ansible master this is ready now and this is my answer will slave now what are the next steps that I will do first I will have to update the master and the slave so on my master I will type in the command sudo apt-get update similarly on my sleeve as well I will type in the command sudo apt-get update all right so my machines are now getting updated once I have abated my master next step would be to install ansible and for that the commands are these right so once you've updated the machines you'll have to install a package called software properties common on my master usually when you are launching an instance on AWS this package is already the latest version so as you can see it says it's already the newest version which is awesome the next command that we have to run is you'll have to add the repository for ansible in your and master right so just type in this command hit enter and this will basically add the ansible repository to your master next step is to update the machine so let's update the machine with this command so it says sudo apt-get update machine is updated and now finally the command to install ansible hit enter and ansible will now be installed on this particular machine so while ansible is being installed on this machine guys what do you have to do on the host or on the slaves you'll have to update the machine which you have already done and just installed Python okay so this is my master ansible is successfully installed on a master on my slave I just have to install Python nothing else no other ansible software so python is being installed on this machine now and python is installed successfully okay so ansible is installed on my master Python is installed on my slave these both are ready right now let's see what is our next step so let me just go to my slides so the first step was to install ansible on the master I have done that next step is to configure SSH access to ansible host now what is this particular step mean this means if I go to my master right now and if I type in the command SSH ubuntu add the rate the IP address of the slave I will not be able to connect to my slave right now with this command let's see let's verify this so I'll go to my AWS management control and this is the IP address for my sleeve let's try to copy that over here let me also explain you what is basically happening in this command so I am doing an SSH on this machine with the username ubantu okay so that's why Ubantu at the rate this IP address now if I hit enter if I just type yes this is basically asking should it add this IP address in the list of known IP addresses I click on I just select yes and this IP address will now be added I hit enter and now as you can see it says permission denied so you're not able to do an SSH to this instance with this particular IP address now we have to solve this this should basically be a success this should be able to connect to these slave through this particular command right now why are you getting permission denied that's because the only way to connect to that instance is using the PPK or the PEM file right we don't have the PEM file in this instance so we'll have to enable my slave to be able to accept connections from this particular machine so that it does not require any key like a PEM file or a PPK file or any kind of password now this is a necessity when you are trying to install ansible now let's see how we can do this how you can be enabled keyless access into my slave now for doing that guys the first thing that you will do is you'll have to go inside the directory dot SSH once you go inside that let me first show you the structure right now if I do an LS you can see there are two files one is called authorized keys and there is called no notes what is no notes when we were executing this particular command SSH open to either a IP address it asked us whether this IP address should be added to the list of known hosts right so inside this known was file if I do a cat unknown host you can see that this is basically the code or this is basically the encrypted form of this IP address that is that on the slave and which tells it that okay so this is a notes that I'm connecting on okay if you don't understand this guys don't worry this is not a part of you getting to know ansible well I'm just telling you this for your knowledge alright so this is encoded form of the IP address that you'll be connecting to all right what else is there in this directory you have something called as authorized keys authorized keys is a file wherein you will be entering all the machines which can connect to this particular system right if I do a cat on this file right now you would be able to see that this is the SSH or this is the key code that of this particular file what is this file this is the the PEM file that that got downloaded on my system when I created a key pair right so when I connect it to this instance I connected using this particular file so this is there in the authorized keys file which means that if a machine is connecting to this particular instance and has this particular file as as an argument in that case that allows that machine to connect right so if I remove this nobody will be able to connect to this instance even if they have this particular file okay now what I want to do is on my slave if I go to this particular directory dot SSH and if I do an LS over here this file that is the authorized keys I want to add one more key in this which will basically allow my master to connect to my slave now which key I have to add I'll tell you now now in order for you to generate a key for your system all you have to do is type in SSH - keygen this will basically create a key for this particular machine it is going to be unique for this particular machine all right so SSH - keygen if I hit enter it will ask you to enter the file in which to save the key do not enter anything just hit enter repeatedly right and then once you get this kind of a message that means your file has now been successfully created and where is it created it is always created inside dotted SSH directory okay now if I do an LS over here I can see there's a file called ID underscore RSA dot pub okay now the which is there inside this particular file I'll have to put it inside the authorized keys of my slave okay so let's try to do a cat on ID underscore RS a dot well this is the code ID underscore RSA sorry for my mistake this is the code which we have to enter on my slave now okay so let's copy this code and on my slave let me do a nano on authorized keys and now let's just paste the code over here okay we have pasted the code let's save the file and now if I try to do an SSH again from my master I should be able to do it successfully so I will just again go to that particular command this is it right let me copy this command and let me clear the screen lines so I'll clear the screen so that it's visible clearly now I'll do an SSH on this particular IP address and now you can see I didn't get an error I basically got logged into my slave and how do you know that this is the username at the rate I pee 172 3145 176 this is what you're getting on this terminal and if I see over here I have the same number over here as well once I ready to 3145 176 so I am connected from this machine on to this machine through SSH now if you want to exit the SSH all you have to do is type in exit it says connection to this IP address has been closed and you can see it has reverted back to the same name that was of the master which is IP 170 231 4488 earlier it was 172 31 45 176 which was off my sleep okay so I have done my second step successfully which was basically to configure s assess access to my ansible slave without any password and without any key right you just enter SSH ubantu at the rate IP address of my slave and you'll be able to connect to it successfully now what is my third step my third step is setting up ansible host and testing the connection so I have SSH enabled on my master it can easily connect to my slave now without any password and without any key but how will ansible will connect will have to configure that now right now in order to add or in order for ansible to know that it has to connect to a particular machine it has to have its IP address right now where can you add that IP address that IP address is basically added in this particular location / etc' slash ansible / hosts alright hit enter and this is the file that will come up right so these are all the commented lines are all the templates that you can use to basically add hosts but I'm going to tell you a new template in any case so the first the way you add hosts is you start by square braces okay and inside square braces you give a name let's say the name is production what does this name symbolize this name means that whatever is below these square braces is basically inside the group production so this is the group name okay and now what I can do is I can add n number of IP addresses over here and although the IP address is basically will be inside the production group okay you can name your group anything guys it it's basically random you can name it anything but whatever IP addresses you will specify after that we'll get inside that particular group okay now I have created a group now I want to add a host inside this group so I can give my host a name as well or I can give my slave a name as well so let's call my slave as slave 1 right then it will give a space and then you will type in ansible underscore ssh underscore host is equal to and then the IP address of your slave so in my case the IP address of my slave is this particular IP address let's try to copy it and let's enter it over here okay so you enter the group name then you enter the host name of the slave name paste ansible ssh underscore host equals to the IP address of my slave so whenever I ask ansible to ping any of my slaves now it will read this particular file to get know which IP address it has to ping on ok now let's save this file so my file is now saved and now let's try to enter the command ansible - M so now what I what we are trying to do is we are trying to see whether ansible can communicate with my slave ok now in order to do that I will type in ansible - M ping ping means ping that particular all the slaves which are basically connected to this ansible master how how we selecting all the slaves will type in the command all so ansible - M ping ping on what all the machines that are connected to the sensible master I hit enter so it will go through that file which we created slash HTC slash and simple slash hosts it will see all the hosts which are added in that particular file and then it'll ping those machines right so as you can see it on slave one slave one was the name that I gave to my host on slave 1 it was successfully able to send ping and what it receive was pong which means that it was successfully be able to communicate with the ansible slave alright I can also type in ansible - M ping and I can specify the group name so the group name was production let's say right I hit enter as you can see it automatically got to know ok so if I'm pinging production these are the hosts which are inside it and this is the message that you are getting which is success if I type try to type in the host name as well so I can also do that I'll type in ansible - M ping slave 1 which is the host name hit enter it will again be able to ping the slave machine but let's say I enter a name which is not there in the host file what will happen in that case it will not be able to match it to any of the name presently the host file and it hence you will get an error no host match nothing to do ok so guys this is how you can setup ansible master slave on AWS using using the ansible software which basically does not require you to install the ansible software on the slave just install ansible master on the master sorry the ansible software on the master installed Python on the slave add the IP address of the slave in the hosts file and configure keyless SSH access from the master on the slave and you're ready to go all right so guys with this we conclude our session so let me just come back to my slide so let us summarize what we did we installed ansible on the master and we installed Python on the slave then we configured keyless SSH access from the master to the slave and the third step was we added the hosts IP address that on my ansible master in the file / etc' slash ansible slash hosts right once I did that I was able to communicate with my slave okay guys we've come to the end of this session I hope this session was informative and helpful if you have any queries regarding this session please feel free to come into it below and we love to help you out thank you
Channel: Intellipaat
Views: 28,856
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Keywords: ansible installation and configuration on aws, install ansible, how to install ansible, ansible on aws, ansible setup, ansible installation on aws ec2, ansible aws, how to install ansible in ubuntu, ansible installation on ubuntu, how to install ansible on aws ec2 instance, intellipaat ansible, ansible installation, ansible installation on aws, how to install and configure ansible on aws, intellipaat devops, Intellipaat, install and configure ansible on ec2
Id: Km3BCQnV6sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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