Another Testing As Seen On TV Products!!!!

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hey everybody welcome to another video where I do whatever I want and today I obviously am going to test more as seen on tv products because I'm obsessed I didn't even mean to buy these ones okay we just went to Fry's Electronics it happened to have an a/c on TV section that's chock-full of stuff it's like the biggest section ever seen I've been to an As Seen on TV store and the selection of Fry's is better I don't even know how it happens but anyway let's begin are you guys bored of these videos yet I'm not the first thing we have I didn't think would be a good video product but I just wanted it it's just like where you put your eyeglasses not even that good of a product it's a place to put your glasses and you know what I wear glasses they're not on my face right now because they give a bad glare with the ring light with any light really it's not actual sheep skin everyone calm down oh it's hard it is a safe place to put your glasses it's just wonderful I love it you have any pairs of glasses I've broken just like as I put them down in a random spot unprotected and then I break them that products great I honestly just did that one for me let's get to the real products first real one okay I'm too close to myself now too far my just up there it is this is the Taksim ten time soon high quality images clips on easily to most smartphones I've used things like this before and they have worked I'm going to go outside and see if this one works oh wait I already know I love it because it has the easy access thing right here where you don't have to get the scissors to cut the plastic all right it's easier said than that like thank you thank you tax oom I didn't care if your product sucks I am thankful for this flap let's go views it outside took my case off because I know that these work better with your case off and now I'm stressing them to drop my phone so just this is me stressed I'm gonna take picture normal okay we're gonna zoom in on the palm trees back there boom we're gonna zoom in on the flowers over there boom clouds look pretty don't mind the telephone wire so these are my photos now we're gonna put this on okay I can't see anything this is all a blurry mess are you kidding me on just this turn it off oh there it is you have to focus it they didn't tell me that instructions hold on okay I'm shaking too much you could really see this telephone wire you know what it definitely zooms more but the phone is so heavy that I can't not shake and it's really hard to focus this because it moves the whole thing when you try and focus it I mean this thing does actually kind of work just really annoying to use let me focus on my flowers again okay stop moving me and the thing all of us need to learn to work together I'm super zooming yeah this is hard to focus okay I'm super zoom I can't stop shaking I knew this needs to be on something hold on I'm using the camera okay where are my flowers zoom back out there okay zoom in hold on oh my god I'm dying you guys just having a close-up of my face I just kind of forgot all about you focusing on my flowers okay stop it stop it why are you weird color stop being a weird color cuz the thing mode okay this does actually kind of work it does zoom but can't keep the freaking camera straight or get this to move oh no I just did one of those rapid-fire things I hate those so much delete it these photos are wrapped this is it possible to you just so happy that you're home phone shakes it needs to be on a frickin span do I look like a tripod oh I have two legs two arms I don't know what that makes me but it's not a tripod this one was stupid this is stupid this is just stupid Thanks product the sink angel it's a mat you put over your seat so that you can do your makeup at the sink you don't want your sink to look like this you know that's the noise they'd use the infomercial so apparently you put this over your sink and then you can't use your sink anymore but you do your hair and makeup ladies let's go try it so this is my sink ah there's no room to do anything that smell it's actually quite a nice sink but let's see what happens this is yellow lighting I'm gonna have to color correct this when I add this what the crap it has suction cups but they're not deep at all they're very very thin they're like they're nothing they're nothing hold on I'm gonna try for you this out okay so watch suction cup they're no suck suck great perfect yes this is fantastic working so well it's working so well what in the world I want this to work I mean it doesn't work the suction cups are just flat they need a pocket to stick to this might be the worst invention I'm getting a phone call it's my sister you're right back this is stupid and pointless sorry boys sorry next product the pocket Mouse okay this is what I'm actually excited for I paid a pretty penny for this one this one is a wireless mouse you hold like a pen easy to use with any device it uses a wireless connection faster web browsing economic pin shape right click scroll and swipe Aditi's plug and play no software needed actually pretty excited for this one cuz I do a lot of stuff on Photoshop and I feel like it would be easier with a pen than with my mouse I use a trackpad I use like a mouse mouse because the trackpad I was because the trackpad and then I got a mouse I was like wait no using a mouse is way better but I want to see how a penny how pen works okay ah all right I want to cut out the background now let's do it with the pen okay okay if you know it's not that smooth it's pretty difficult it's actually very difficult to use but no that's that's tough how about is drawn myself this is very difficult to use I just want to draw a picture just gonna draw a little picture let's see how this goes all right no this is terrible this is actually terrible as opposed to the mouse maybe I need to write something hold on I'm gonna try and sign my name with the mouse and then we'll sign my name with the pen all right here we go okay yeah no no no boy yeah I cannot sign with that let's try with this Oh wrong side Oh God nah it's so off am I not supposed to touch the ground hold on ah let me erase everything I'm using the mouse because I'm very bad at all of this why is happening eraser why you know I find erase an orange I don't even care that much to even check perfect okay now what if I'm not looking at the computer and I'm just looking at the pen oh no I've just done so many different things I wanted this to work so bad but I have no idea how to use go back know how I'm getting very frustrated with it this is 10 this doesn't work our next product measure King okay this one is too good to be true you know me and I like measuring things and working with tools so I couldn't pass this one up apparently it measures virtually anything such as curves irregular objects and more extremely accurate durable professional grades so it tells you digitally the measurements so you can measure a curve and they'll tell you like what it is and it has a laser mode so it measures large distances in across rooms I don't believe this is real there's no way that this works I know it doesn't work because it doesn't have a easy slap open I'm doing this and I'm not opening anything I think it's just a string that comes out and you don't read them tape measure I don't know why I'm saying maybe why don't I just open it and use it you really hope this works it doesn't say anywhere anything about batteries so I don't know we're gonna test it power power look okay so I think I think you were needing some batteries because that's not doing anything okay I do know that I was right it's just a string where would batteries go blaze if you were a battery where would you be put along this was not part of the deal not part of the instruct because there were none I need some triple-a batteries alright ladies and gentlemen the moment of truth Oh sour clear moe all right on it's upside down six inches full three inches one foot one inch one foot are you can save there's a safe they do tonight at 16 three six teams oh god this is hard to measure Oh No oh there's the laser oh that's the measure button hold on to the camera I lost it one feet five inches from the camera oh my god we're gonna play with this all over the place this are so from here to here it ain't inches I have so many things to measure my sister's lipstick three inches is sound thing to me hold on we're gonna test the laser all right so from here to here four feet three inches now mode laser measure it says one feet one inch where were you my measuring backwards measure 8 feet 10 inches okay redo measure 8 feet 4 inches let's try this again hold on wait now it's saying 2 feet 9 inches 2 feet 9 inches what was it before I don't remember 2 feet 6 I think we need to get another tape measure and you know see if is evacuee all right let's try this again so from my bellybutton to this thing it is 2 feet 5 inches and 3/8 we're not moving all right on okay close it says 1 inch so we're already failing it's it's closed and it says 1 1 inch there all right choose feet 7 inches 11 and 16 yeah guys I'm getting the feeling this isn't very accurate let's try it with the laser again yeah the laser still thinks that's 8 feet away so as much as I wanted this to work going to say this is a giant fail and we're back to zero again on this right hold on measure again two feet three inches 5/16 two feet three inches and 1/8 so the string can be correct but the string can also be terribly wrong I'm really sad I wanted this laser to work I mean didn't you would you rather work with lasers 2 feet 9 inches less than a foot oh it's sad I really want a laser measure I will just make my life so much easier wouldn't have to walk around as much I don't point the thing and go why didn't that work and lastly but not leastly the tech bat this is the same as the one called the paxil I just made by the same people are you tacking things I'm supposed to already use this one here's a quick tip with youtubers sometimes we sit in the same seat and protect everything and then later go film everything else I think you didn't see this so this lady's is something I'm very excited about so excited I'm leaning back out of excitement this is a flashlight with a strobe on it to surprise and disorient the intruders but it also turns into of that so you can beat those intruders carry strap there's a carry strap it's water-resistant has a non-slip handle and expense to 12 inches oh isn't this Artie what is this 10 inches it extends to extra inches it is 12 inches my foot is like 10 and a half with a shoe on it extends like two inches guys they're acting like and it sends all of these great measures and it extends an inch and a half to two maybe let's go play with this how does this work please tell me this is the two inches that it extends to oh dear goodness tell me this is the two inches stop stop stop I mean it is a heavy but if this is the two inches they're trying I'm dying how do I turn it on am I supposed to put batteries in it oh okay wait should we play with this at night maybe so you can be like I'm blind everybody or just you we're gonna play with this at night and we're gonna know that is a SOS kind of strobe is it we should read the instructions yeah it's a service I'm so sorry okay it's night time and this thing is actually amazing let me turn off the light in the room okay so we're in darkness boom lit look how lit look it and then when you zoom it hold on like this being lit it's actually amazing in blazes quite obsessed with it he doesn't know what to do with it but I'm actually obsessed with this this gets an A+ for me except for the fact that they try and like say it extends to 12 inches when this is an extension like John okay but that's it for today I hope you guys enjoyed them I did I had a lot of fun even though some of them sucks but this one this one will never fail me I got you and you got me wherever and always fake sheepskin guys I don't think we'll ever get bored of these videos I mean some of you might have but you probably don't watch them at this point but I think you like these videos always connect our souls together because this is just what everyone wants to do with their life play with these stupid things I love you guys so much thank you so much for watching subscribe to see videos every Tuesday and Thursday on this channel like this video if you liked it shoutout for today let me get that from the person who retweeted my pissed off video with Joe Joe that's right I brought back what this is me off and it was great and a lot of you agreed with me I will go JC JC thank you so much for retweeting that I love you guys so much and remember above all else stay awesome possums [Music] [Music]
Channel: Rachel Ballinger
Views: 1,672,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rachel, Ballinger, Novaqua, MissRBaller, video, fun, funny, testing, trying, as, seen, on, tv, products, test, try, taczoom, camera, zoom, lens, attachable, measure king, tape, measurer, measure, sink angel, stupid, comedy, humor, pocket, mouse, computer, pen, another, part, sequel, series
Id: ULwWBOwaLz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 11 2018
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