Another Leafs Autopsy with Kris Versteeg | JD Bunkis Podcast

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I Know It's Just In the Heat of the Moment and they just lost and the game seven is so tight but man I got to tell you one of The Biggest Loser things that I think ever is when you hear guys say that stuff like you've won one playoff series in eight seasons and you're still saying we were right there or that you know you're proud of how you battle back it's just like G just yeah just don't for the love of God it's just painful hearing this stuff so I going to go through everything today I will listen to every single interview and I'm going to get all worked up again and I'm going come on here tomorrow I'm to discuss those things uh but first uh my friend Christopher Ste created the clever app which again you can download for free in the App Store and you know you want to help your team actually take a step forward uh you want to be able to use state- of the art technology without having to pay steady the art prices go and download the clever app uh two times sty Champion what's up brother how we doing I'm good it's good to be back yeah yes great great to be back yeah The Vibes in the city are phenomenal I'm sure they're great yeah it's gonna be awesome hey before I dive into this what is it like during locker room cleanout day for a player like it's horrible yeah it's it's actually horrible because you know especially on the teams where you've lost or you've underachieved the questions you know that are coming the critics you know that are coming coming and the hell basically you have to live through for the next week and then obviously leading into the next season the questions being recycled over and over again and this group's going to I mean they've had the same questions for five years six years now and it's not going to stop so um I've never been in a situation where it's year after year I've been very blessed to be on a lot of good teams sometimes they're underperforming but it's not good yeah or teams like when you're on Florida and then you go to locker room clean out day and you're like did they not tell the media and they're like oh they did yeah they told them they're just not here they're not here uh they're on a beach and you guys will be shortly too yeah I I don't know I feel like these guys have always been so wrapped up hey hey back back to the media that's why you play hockey what do you mean like I loved playing in big markets yeah and I know some players see it differently but you know when I was in Florida and like you said the media isn't at of all-time high you miss that type of microscope like Chicago especially in our Haiti I mean on a random Tuesday we have 30 cameras in the room you know and Toronto th that's why you play hockey to have the fans and the media and you know that that's for myself yeah you know what though I've talked about this before I think that one of the things that is lost on this group and by this group I mean over the last eight years right is and I I've mentioned this a bunch of times I think that they basically immediately did the vilify the media thing even though in actuality these guys were basically praised as saviors the second that they came to town that they were celebrated and that everyone they were so loved so loved so loved and then you know if we're looking at the the history of the Mitch Marner stuff when they went into those contract negotiations and they tried to squeeze every single penny and they decided that the bar was John tarz a guy who had already accomplished a ton in the league and a guy was coming there as an unrestricted free agent when those rfas looked at it and said well that's what we want and then they were surprised that people had a reaction to it of like what is happening here doesn't this feel special to you that all of a sudden there was a weird turning um against the media where the entire and L thing was always like don't say stuff to media and be cold to the media so some of it I think was his imprint on the relationship that they had with this city but you see you've seen it from the outset essentially is that these guys looked at all of this any kind of criticism any type of commentary as you're out of your mind and this is really toxic and this is the toxic part of being a leaf and I don't feel as though this group is connected to the Leafs in ways that um other iterations of the group has been connected to the fan base in the past and maybe that's because the tickets got so expensive and the the real fans weren't in the building maybe that's because social media is a kind of an awful reflection of humanity and if you're a player you're looking at that stuff at the end of certain games in a way that wasn't present in the past but either way it just I think one of the Hallmarks of this group is that they they were never connected to the market in the way that basically every other Leaf's team has been in the past um well I I kind of disagree with the connection to the market in the sense of you know what they give on the ice and what they're willing to do where where I feel the connection was lost is remember you guys were always um saying this is the next ation of the Hawks Marner is Kane and Matthews is Taz and this guy's Keith I remember thate in the early days and it was a it was a very big connection and you didn't have the depth players like the buffin the lad and all these other guys but you weren't able to retain them because on the second contracts you had to pay these guys so much where the Kane and Tay actually took less in order to keep guys around so like you said I think that's where the connection of the fan base got angry with the Stars Stars truly do have a connection to the fan base and love being here I'm I'll never say that these guys don't truly love being Toronto Maple Leafs I think Austin Matthews loves being a Toronto Maple Leaf Mitch Marner and all that comes with it but I think the connection between the two always comes down to well why didn't you take less in order to keep a better team around to try to win Stanley Cups well especially when you hadn't won yet right like that that was the big thing you hadn't accomplished anything yet and you set your team behind the eightball when it came to their ability to provide depth or your ability to actually Win Hockey games and and so dub best big time too yeah for sure it is I I totally agree like there's definitely a a very odd window that sliding doors that you can play out of if it's still L because it's not like Lamar has gone on to have just incredible success uh and maybe you do lose dubis and maybe if Lou is here and Landers tries to sit out that entire year you end up trading elander and he goes on to be this great player but maybe it sets a different culture maybe you win the other two contracts maybe you end up with a deeper team maybe you keep himman like it's it's kind of a you could you could do a million different wh ifs with this team like these guys have a million million million different wh ifs okay uh now let's get into the series number one I did want to ask you with your educated eye because everyone's seen the clip a billion times now the game-winning goal itself that Pastor Knack ends up scoring on there's like when you break down the the film it's the worst visual for William neander because he's like not even skating at all even though he's not really involved in the play Mitch Marner gets beat organ Riley gets beat uh samsonov gets beat what did you see like you're breaking down that film who how do you break up the blame pie so in the NHL it's the rule of two if you make one mistake you can't make a second so in the dzone if one guy gets beat off the wall the second guy has to help if there's a shot from the point you need a box out in front on that play it was the rule of four four guys were sleeping and lindol and pack were the only two aware on the ice of what was happening so if you look at lindol coming up the ice marner's on a change Marner needs to head check and take a one minute penalty just for those who don't know what one minute penalties are is it's a penalty that's not bad enough to be two so he's got to have a head check and get in the lane a pack to slow him down there needs to be communication back now marner's kind of messed up that situation with not um getting in the skating lane a pass neck or letting his defense know there's a guy coming uh Riley's way too far over to the the middle of the ice you have neander who is full sleeping um not ready there and samsonov already is way too deep in his net so you have four guys essentially sleeping in the biggest moment of the game not communicating so if if I look at the blame to be shared it's 25% to all four guys there's no communication guys are sleeping no one minute penalty or getting in a skating lane so like again is is it fully marner's mistake no he made the first mistake neander is not aware he makes the second mistake Riley's too far over he makes the third mistake and then you have samsonov who's sleeping in the net so that's the rule of four it's it's going in the back the net when four guys on the ice aren't aware of the situation at that magnitude of the game so they got back into the series right that's worth something or is it I I think it's worth something the way it was like we can always look back and say Yes neander was hurt what if um Matthews is hurt what if they definitely showed to to me a lot of character to come back in the series back to the Bruins they're not that good of a team like they're just not that good I don't think to be a Stanley Cup Contender can they win around maybe or two based on their defensive structure and and their coaching maybe yeah but they got back in the series against an average team and did not close it out back to the game a second was it kind of strange that Mar Matthew sets up neander and then he doesn't get another shift with him until the last two minutes like stuff like that let's go back to coaching but that's a whole other thing um for that though you know that's how I see it yeah you know that's that's a good thing to point out and I like to I'll tie these two things together one is people a lot of fans are saying I wish they just lost in five I wish they didn't put us through that uh that mix of emotions the burying them and then coming back and then only to be more heartbroken and man I'm telling you it was heartbreaking like I I I don't I don't root for the team the way that I did when I was a kid pretty obviously like this is my job now it's pretty rare where I feel like o like a real crushing defeat even the Florida Series last year wasn't this this one to have it before straight to the Bruins and to have it where the Leafs got a lead for a second they actually had a lead in TD Garden with only a few minute like a half a period to play in Boston you're starting to go oh my God this is just huge yeah who cares if they lose to Florida who cares who cares who cares um this might actually happen a positive moment for the fan base it was crushing for it to just be removed immediately like that but yeah uh I like the fact that they came back in the series just because I think it was a little bit of proof or validation of what you have in Brad tree living trying to make a gutsier group a tougher group uh one with yeah blue liners that took away the middle of the ice and that would wear you down physically over the course of a series and I thought yeah you know what this is encouraging for them and uh what their vision is going to be moving forward now the coaching stuff we did Leaf's talk right after right and I thought Bourne made a good point which is the Leafs were a structured team and so that's got to count for something when it comes to coaching okay okay hold on a second hold on yeah is is Bourne going off the fact did he just reset the clock with the like here's the thing if your coat if you lost in four games or five games Keith's gone yeah now all of a sudden they showed a little bit of heart a little bit of comeback and all is borney advocating no no no he thinks he should go he thinks that the time is up but it's just that coaching does it reset the clock no for everyone to be like oh keep Kei now and do this and do that that's okay I don't think that that's the C in fact he went a against it I just meant that when we're trying to evaluate what was poor about Kei from the series from my like non hockey mind it's you go look at the power play and you're like okay well that's Dreadful the Special Teams battle you got caved in but just that they were a team that didn't break down defensively a team that did come back in the series like how much credit are you given for that like what were the main gripes you had because you are someone that pays more attention to like the shifts and the running of the bench and so yeah I kind of want to know where you think the biggest ke downfalls are because I don't think he's coming back and I think that they're bringing in a new coach I think it comes into the D of the game situational awareness who's going with what guy how do you get your depth guys going why is the power play stagnant why isn't changing why isn't certain guys going into certain um roles at times what are the guys roles now defensively they were very structured they had to play that way especially with Matthews out especially with neander coming back that's just something that they had to do in order to get back into the series they bought into it it was great to see now who scored though who scored the power play didn't score your dep guys didn't score Boston gets a goal a big goal by Lindholm scored by their third line right where was the goals from the third fourth line how are they getting involved into the series how are they helping offensively where was some of your stars at times how were they getting involved to to score a game winner or to take the game over so looking at even into the final like you have Matthews who sets up neander and I know Matthews he cobbling right you could tell there was something there you could tell he didn't have that extra gear but he sets up a goal yeah with what was how many when did when was that goal set up with the 11 minutes left yeah like 10 minutes left yeah okay then they get scored against roughly a minute and a half later against that campline where they they looked like a debacle in the dzone that campline didn't like they were running all around all of a sudden the D was on the or their the Lea D was on their D and they didn't know where they were going and it was a complete dis three guys behind the net three guys be yeah and then you don't put Matthews back out with neander he goes back out with yarn Croc now the like it's just little things like that you guys just scored a goal two guys might feel good together you got to run with that now you got to get back the guys who are scoring together and I do understand trying to like like we've always said go to three lines sometimes um try to create mismatches because they definitely have more Talent throughout their lineup to score just another play right there where he doesn't get his next shift with neander to I don't even know when what I don't even think he had another shift with neander did he I don't know set up that goal I didn't see another one I didn't see another one with him and then you got him again with yarn Croc and uh and homberg so those are just little things for me when a guy sets up a goal these two guys are on the ice they clearly like playing together get them back out together that that's just comes back to coaching and the detail and who's going and who wants to play together at Big moments so yes they they were structured the last three games super structured I thought they were structured all series pretty well except in game one but just again you score how many goals you're never going to win a series scoring one goal 14 games in a row Chris where they've scored three or less only one of those games they scored three the rest are two or one their last four eliminations in game sevens they've scored one goal like this is win yeah yeah that's what I mean it's like over it's it's the the same thing over and over and over again yeah it's that's what that's what I'm saying with it so yes they came back yes they they show character and heart because there is a lot of guys with High character in that room and a lot of heart and they buckled down to try to get their their Superstar back in the lineup which they did granted he came back played his hardest with whatever he's ailing with he set up a goal in a big moment and they did show heart but as for the coach as for Keef this has not changed he still rode certain guys in certain moments he didn't change things he didn't get guys together um and for myself watching it time and time again I don't think it changes with if he keeps coaching this iteration of the team nothing's going to change it's like he's hang tough by putting certain guys out there not using other guys to what their abilities are not getting his secondary guys in the game more and that's where I think that this team continuously falters time and time again yeah um it is funny looking back because there was a quote after the game Montgomery gave he's like I consulted Babcock on what to do as a steam I was like man this is unnecessary pylon that was harder for me to swallow than even seeing Matthew kachuck take to the podium and go hey this is that but if you do remember back to the Babcock era one of the things he was most famously crushed for by media and fans alike was moving guys around and making them earn minutes back like he'd be harsh on Marner in some moments or harsh on neander in some moments right like burying them with ice time people wondered about the ice time of an Austin Matthews is he getting too much is he getting too little uh and he would always constantly prioritize Heyman because he was like the consistency dog who would work his ass off every single shift and yeah other guys did you know some guys had too much too much ice time too high of a rle but it is funny to see that one come back and bite them in the ass in particular and I think it's a balance in between the two coaches for sure I think there's always a balance somewhere in the middle yes you got to get like when I would look at some of Babcock stuff in a game seven I think Matthews only played 17 Crazy had one yeah the one year where he just like would not put him over the boards and you're like what are you doing man this is even in the final minute and a half you didn't have him out there that's just stupidity yeah and he like openly questioning his conditioning and it was getting out there that they were basically trying to make him go into the offseason and be more like Patrick Marlo where he never left the bike yeah that's that's pure stupidity by bcot now of course you got to earn minutes you have to have ability and I understand the playing of Heyman because he's going all the time some coaches love players that struggle because those players that struggle are the ones that compete the hardest and they believe that that could Drive the teams work at the cup so I understand that ideology of what he wanted but the way Babcock went about it a lot of time was pure stupidity and the way Kee has gone about it is the no accountability almost so you need some balance of the middle ground you need a guy that'll hold accountability yet still keep your horses running consistently and keep them happy while getting your secondary guys involved yeah that's why I think that the next coach has to come with crazy bonafides and and I think that ultimately they should hire a guy like Ruby who actually played because I think that's going to be an important component for some of these guys too is like let them run the YouTube highlights You Know of the scraps let them let them be able to look at this and have the the coach enter the room and say this is what it actually takes because I've actually been there I'm going to hold you super accountable because that clearly needs to change but I'm not just coming from a barking orders like a tor right I'm coming from a place of experience that I need this to happen and I I I don't know that's my best guess or my best hope for the next head coach but yeah o it's going to be I I think that that's going to be a certainty the other one is uh Marner his future right uh it's very much in flux if you had to pick the like most likely moves of the Leafs off season number one would be firing the head coach and I think number two would be a Marner trade um I just want to know what you saw from him over the course of this series and whether the criticisms were overblown well so two three four or five years ago I've always advocated for Marner to stay I I've always said Marner needs to stay um the way I look at Marner is much like a Phil Castle and Phil is one of my close friends in the game and I love him but Phil couldn't be the number one guy the number two he had to sit below Crosby even though in some of the series and in some of those instan with Pittsburgh he could take over and and because he could play on that third line or second line and create mismatches for the Pittsburgh Penguins that's similar to the way I see Marner unless Marner takes maybe either a less money or the understanding that if they bring in other guys that he's going to sit within the lineup a little bit lower I think he has to be the guy that you move out now you have to bring in other guys that will surround the lineup with more stability and more I guess I mean we look at marner's numbers in the playoffs they're not that bad I would like to understand the numbers a little deeper on how many of those are cookie numbers and how many of those yeah and how many of those points are actually in games that mattered or in situations that mattered you want to know the numbers in Games 1 through four are like he's normal Mitch Marner games 5 through seven he completely disappears and does nothing so that that again for me is I see marer as a guy that is in the secondary he's he can go on to a top line but if he's taking up 11 then he wants 12 13 million of your cap that means he's your top guy who has to be the top guy time and time again I see it much more like a Phil kessle where yeah he's not going to dve like he could go on another team and be that more second he could play with top guys but be that more secondary guy much like a Phil kessle and help a team win a Stanley Cup but if he's going to be veg guy the most highest paid guy or second on the team I think that's where you're going to find problems again with the bottom end of the lineup if he's not the guy so if I'm looking at Mitch and how he played in the series again you're you're talking about board battles you're talking about um what else you're doing on the ice and the details like I said the one minute penalty on the play or going in and getting the puck and overtime he turned up with the puck too and just turned it over uh right to the middle of the ice even at the last I think it was two minutes of the game he entered the Zone he button hooked he tried to make a back pass and then he created a rush the other way those are things that those are plays that need to be executed or live to fight another day not turning it over there time and time again so I looked at the entirety of the series yeah he had some moments and flashes when he got to the middle of the ice but the board battles the play below the uh the net those are things that we talked about last year and the year before is in the playoffs those are areas you got to go to get the puck you got to keep pucks alive you got to get to puck first you got to take a hit and he just didn't do it time and time again you look at mcgaven look at all these guys they're going in hard for Puck first they're they're willing to Pock out a piles and yeah you could blame marner's size and stature but man I wasn't a big guy or Patrick Kane's not a big guy and I'm not comparing myself to Marner I'm comparing it more in size you have to be willing to get those pucks and that's where I just didn't see it time and time again not saying he never did it but you have to be willing to do it in the playoffs shift in shift out details and all that so if you're looking at a guy you have to move I would look at Marner at the moment You' have to get the right return with also understanding what money he wants back if he wants the 11 12 13 14 million of course you're going to have to move him out if he's willing to take less to sit back in the lineup then then that's a that's another situation that can arise but what does he want what does the team need and if you're willing or you have to to move out a piece at the moment he's the guy you can't move taras you can't move neander and you can't move Matthews yeah um here's the thing uh we know now that that's not going to happen period he's not going to be the guy that wears the most in the media and then says I'm going to be the one who takes less and in fact even if he took the exact same number he's making now which I think is 10 n uh fans be 109 or 115 yeah it's no it's I think it's 109 I don't I think it's 115 if but even if he took even if he took that number I think people would go that's too much that that's too much for what you're getting and by the way I have those numbers um just quickly here um Marner in game sevens has now and he's played in five of them he's got zero goals two points he's a-h five um and in the career playoff games one through four he's got 41 points in 36 games and in 5 through seven he's got nine points in 21 games like it just he has he has had a disappearing act and when you talk about like guys with go look through the playoff scoring leaders right look at the series oh you don't even to look outside of the series Brad Maran is older and he's smaller like he's not as tall and he's got three goals and what five assists I think he had eight points in the series like Wyatt Johnson is out there for Dallas a younger guy he's not a giant he's like the same size as Mitch Marner and yes better shot different kind of player he's ripping four goals in a series he's coming up massive for them like go around hocke Mitch Marner is not the only UND sized player in the postseason uh so the size thing to me is yeah the size is irrelevant I think because I heard kio's talking about it and I was like all right Nick like let's not give him a a pass on him being 165 pounds yeah like you know what I mean because Nick was trying to say ah he's 165 he just no no no I I wasn't a big guy Kane wasn't a big guy you just have to be a dog you have to get the puck you have to battle yeah you're going to lose some battles due to size but I'm telling you if you have the tenacity and you have the dog you're gonna go get the puck you're gonna go make plays happen no matter what and like you said you see it in how point he's he might only be 170 pounds Bren points what 510 generously he's smaller than me shorter than me for sure so there you go 59 but that's but again 59 smoke starts still dog yeah yeah on pucks but that that's where I said like I hear analysts talk about the size I'm like shut up that's not it you know it's it comes down to it just comes down to being a dog man you in these games you have to be dialed in you have to be willing to get hurt you have to be like you literally deep down inside have to be willing to block a shot with your face in order to win a Stanley Cup and it doesn't matter your size I've I've played with plenty many of guys that are small that are willing to literally die on the ice to win a hockey game yeah okay so you saw kach Chuck's comments right yeah yeah he said you you told me about him and then I quickly yeah okay yeah yeah right so yeah for those that are living under a rock he said that the the Panthers expected the Bruins to come through he said the one way or the other they were going to come through um I'm curious about the the rep at this point because I've always said the thing that worries me about run it back run it back run it back is not that it's talented guys like obviously you want talented players it's that when you get into these difficult moments what do you expect to change the result is going to end up being the same and the guys in that room probably feel the same like I always hear you talk about Kane right and the confidence is inspired within you guys because you knew you had the most clutch guy right God what a psychological advantage to have the guy you think is clutch for them it's got to be the complete opposite now right where they go hey guys you always lose all the game sevens and you never score any goals and your power play sucks in the most important time and then everybody clowns on you and then you guys are on the golf course or you're in Cabo or Matthew's back at the compound whatever but get ready get used to that I'm curious what if it matters that the way that other teams see these guys like if it actually inspires confidence in them when playing them like how hard it's going to be if they do decide to quote unquote run this back or something close to it that that reputation is just so difficult to overcome and what kind of a barrier represents around the league well God bless Matthew kachuck um I'm sure he was just like I know Chucky well I'm sure he's just throwing shade at the the fan base of Toronto a little bit with that of course knowing yeah and and I like it too um but you know when you're when I'm sure with Chuck he was playing against the Leafs he would love the the Limelight and playing against the team and being a little rat out there similar to Marshon and and all that but I'm sure that was more just as a bit of a shade throw at the fan base rather than actually believing it was just going to be the Boston Bruins um now looking around the league and how they probably view Toronto I I think they view Toronto as a dangerous team they have weapons they have guys that can go off at any time obviously it's been tough and big moments for them to do it uh and if you're talking about running it back there definitely has to be a shift in who comes in and who who comes in if you're trading Mar like who would come in for him right what type of players are coming in so um I think that piece of the culture needs to shift they definitely need to move one guy out they have to change the coach and they have to get everyone dialed in to what their roles are so that can change look at the Washington Capitals they had to change some guys in and out they had to put guys in places that were more bought into the roles not just always the best players putting the best players there and they go out and win a Stanley Cup in oetkin 13th year so I think the Toronto Maple Leafs can do it at some point they will have to surround the team with guys bought sold and hookline and sinker essentially into whatever their roles are and they are very good at it while letting their star players flourish being coached into details and understanding that you got to get everyone into game and that can change over time for this club but pieces will have to change for it in order to do that it's funny that they've gone from being compared to your Blackhawks teams to the Penguins because that was the other one because it was like oh they don't have a blue line but they've got the studs up front and to now everyone always references them with the capitals it's like hey just get one cheeky one just get one wherever things break your way the year and maybe you'll look at the look at the Hawks and the penguins like our third Lon lad and buffin and bowan and then you know and that's the depth of the team that was able to stay due to due to the cap at the time and then obviously we got crushed out of the cap later but the star players still took a little bit less in order to keep the majority of the hostes and those other guys still around and still well paid so um that piece is the piece that hurts it and now they're with the cap going up and if you move a guy out yeah now you can start to move more guys in hopefully that fill in the the bottom half of the lineup but you also need a coaching staff that is willing to play certain guys that they bring in yeah no I I think that's that Point's really well made and the other thing is that I think this is what people have come around on in this market when it comes to the core 4 and why doesn't work it's like it could work if all your stars are clicking at a highend level and if they dominate games and people would probably even hear the excuses in this series and go okay if they had done it in the past but yeah to have 14 playoff games again in a row where you you don't don't have this right 13 of them where he two or less uh people go all right well where where is the taking over because they understand not having depth as long as those guys dominate if they were going out there and having you know McDavid es and dryades and uh McKinnon and Ma right like there's m kachuck in his series like go look through the guys right McKinnon McKinnon ranin and leinen and like all these guys they dominated Mar was a amazing watching I was like is this a different sport that this guy is playing like what how did he get so good when you're having that feeling watching your players like you did with Matthews in game two actually which before he got hurt I'm saying wow damn this guy may have unlocked that kind of level of it if you were seeing that with some of the other guys people would be more forgiving of it you'd be going okay try to find the pieces around the core but it's just been it's been enough and so I guess last one for you is do you remove more than one piece like if it's Marner uh I don't think tovarus can go anywhere like it's just not going to happen um neander and Matthews are here to stay I guess this question is basically would you explore a Riley trade as well like are you trying to make this more drastic than just the coaching one guy are you trying to are you trying to cut the knife deeper no no no no I don't I don't think you can move Riley I I still think Riley is too valuable to the team as a as a leader I think he's a great I think he's a great voice in the room he's been around the longest he understands what being a leaf is is I truly believe a guy like Riley loves being a leaf I think he loves being here he you watch his interviews he's honest he he he talks from the heart I don't I don't even look at Riley at all you do need to insulate him with another Puck mover a couple guys that can get back there they can do multiple things whether it's defend and create offense I know they tried to bring kingberg in obviously it didn't work out but you do need to insulate him with some more guys to help him where he doesn't have to be the guy to run the first Power Play you know where he and that's like Riley can run it but he that's not I wouldn't say that that's his specialty no you know and could he run the second power play yeah maybe it takes a little more pressure off him and makes him feel better yeah but then when you get back to the second power play you need a coaching staff that breaks up the power play and puts two on right so both power plays are playing not just one force fed and then you have man I was watching the in that Boston game again game seven like for like a minute and 15 seconds into the power play they're still on in the neutral zone trying to regroup to go again you know like they should be off the ice and the second unit needs to be on at some point and the second unit actually had some jump and they had some jump and they had some chances yarn Croc had a chance and they were actually getting pucks to the net and battling and they'd only get 30 seconds to do it 20 seconds to do it off Zone entries off of a power play Breakout so looking I know I'm getting off the beaten path with but it's just I would not I would not look at him at all he's a guy that I believe loves being a leaf and I know the the media can be hard on him at times because he is he is the highest paid defenseman but he needs to be insulated with more guys on the back end that do something similar or better than him offensively and that can help that first Power Play unit again uh if you want top tier technology but at uh not those prices is uh you can go and you can download the clever app uh at the Apple Store wherever you get your apps again it's something that Chris uh is the co-creator of uh two times sty come Champion thanks as always for your perspective buddy we'll talk to you soon take care see you man
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Keywords: Sportsnet, Sports, Canada, nhl, nhl hockey, maple leafs, toronto maple leafs, leafs, toronto, auston matthews, oilers, edmonton oilers, quinn hughes, connor mcdavid, cale makar, hockey, boston bruins, bruins maple leafs, lightning, nylander, william nylander, brad treliving, winnipeg jets, jets, winnipeg, goalies, canucks, vancouver canucks, morgan rielly, leafs bruins, maple leafs bruins, leafs bruins playoffs, stanley cup playoffs, stanley cup, leafs bruins preview, nhl playoffs
Id: CmJhwQbZor8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 41sec (2141 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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