Another day scratching expensive $30 scratch-off tickets from Illinois- Cash is King and 200x games!

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well hello there and welcome back once again to the scratchers for the win Channel today I have $150 in Illinois $30 tickets just wanted to make a quick video today so I only have five $30 tickets two Cash's Kings and three 200x payouts let's get him loaded up here and get started there we go okay in the bonus box you need a coin that will say win on it and we did not get that so we will go check our numbers 26 50 5 18 52 42 53 34 24 eight and 25 okay put that back in the frame there okay let's get started two 45 9 48 4 41 39 14 32 and while I'm scratching I would just like to say thank you for all of your time watching and liking and subscribing and all the helpful comments that everyone has left me I really appreciate it you're really helping me grow my channel no matches so far 10 nothing 50 16 28 I really enjoy making these for you every day 44 56 and hopefully one day we'll scratch off a huge prize Together live on video 43 no winner on that ticket as always I like to say if you do see something I missed please leave a comment let me know I always read and respond to all the comments bonus win there's that coin we were hoping to see very good no just one bonus win okay now looking for matches or love to see that castle symbol 10 times win any special symbols are always fun to get on these they're so rare but they are fun get okay here we go 7 9 12 55 always keeping our fingers crossed for a big win special symbol there's a four there's a match very good 41 35 18 27 [Music] 34 37 59 24 6 36 42 40 lots of 40 numbers but nothing matching 53 no 13 no [Music] 28 [Music] 49 16 no three [Music] 39 [Music] 10 19 okay just two matches four and and a bonus win let's find out hoping for some big numbers uh $30 and $30 okay double our money on this $30 ticket nothing wrong with that put that into more tickets tomorrow as always okay now here we have a bonus box which I am not really familiar with this ticket let's see the bonus box reveal a money bag in the bonus box win that prize okay let's find out what's in our bonus box no money bag okay our numbers are 59 57 18 53 31 51 17 54 29 and 7 let's find out what our numbers are let's find some matches in here 30 49 6 24 no matches 44 56 nine 20 33 14 [Music] 39 38 46 41 47 43 36 three no matches 37 19 28 27 nothing so far last row 58 and 40 no matches on this ticket this is a multiplier box if you win anything you multiply by that amount unfortunately no wins there but that's okay we're going to keep our fingers crossed and continue on we have ticket 27 and 28 left to go and looking for that money bag another Peach that does us no good 40 28 16 53 8 13 19 36 11 11 and 18 26 no 38 9 7 [Music] 17 54 44 58 so far nothing 24 30 34 37 four halfway through nothing matching 21 oh a horseshoe it says win that seems like a good thing 47 51 43 three 27 [Music] 39 23 no 31 14 three 41 33 59 and 57 so I think it's just the Horseshoe win here let's see what it is $100 wow very nice and do we get to multiply it 1 x no sadly we don't get to multiply it but $100 is a fantastic win on a $30 ticket let's see what it brings us up to 160 out of 150 so we are having a profitable day fantastic looking for the money bag no let's get some more of those horseshoes those are pretty fun let's see 28 40 54 56 21 1 6 11 18 17 and 30 find the number in there 13 no 58 23 14 59 nothing 43 33 48 31 [Music] 37 3 51 26 nothing matching so [Music] far [Music] 47 46 498 20 and four no 36 [Music] 44 29 57 53 no last row 34 27 7 24 and nine no no winners there but we did still come out $10 ahead started with 150 ended up with 160 can't complain about that thanks for watching as always uh subscribe to my channel if you wouldn't mind really helps me grow and gets my video out in front of other people and we will be back tomorrow with another set of high dollar scratchers thanks for watching
Channel: Scratchers For The Win
Views: 283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JDiow_nmcE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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