Anodize Your Own Parts any Color with Household Products

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crappy clappy just waiting for something to happen everything I touch doesn't work as soon as the camera is turned on yep I'd say we give up in today's video we're gonna talk about anodized so I'm a machinist and I work with Metals every single day [Music] and there's a ton of different Coatings out there that you can coat Metals with but today we're going to talk about one in specific anodizing So today we're going to take a piece of titanium and we're going to anodize it using nothing but what you see here on this table distilled water copper wire baking soda and nine volt batteries and the cool thing about the batteries is by using different numbers of batteries you can achieve different colors in your anodizing process all right so the first thing I'm going to do is take some distilled water and we're going to fill up our anodization Bowl now you may notice we already have a bowl right next to it that has distilled water in it but that's all it has that's just for rinsing the part after the Anodizing after the anodization Ah that's a weird word the next thing we're going to do is we're going to take some baking soda and add it to the distilled water to create an electrolyte solution now we're going to stir that up all right now that we have our solution mixed up we're going to need some batteries now the next thing we're going to need is a part and if you were at imts you may watch me Machining these over in the DN Solutions booth all right now the next thing we're going to need is some alligator clips so we're going to hook our red cable to our positive terminal of the battery and our black cable to the negative terminal now if I were to take both of these leads right now and stick them in this water this one would turn brown almost immediately from oxidization so it'll get covered in Rust and we don't want that so we're going to use a nice little piece of copper wire all right so we're going to wrap our copper wire around our alligator clip here we're going to now put this into our part and make sure that we got good contact between the wire and our part so now we can put this down in our electrolyte solution and the next thing we need is a piece of metal for our negative cathode so we're going to use one of Trevor's Nifty little bike levers all right so this is all that we needed now as soon as I put this into the electrolyte solution it's going to start right away anodizing our part we're going to take this piece of titanium put it down in our solution and clamp it in our Bowl all right now you may notice a bunch of bubbles coming off of our negative cathode here and what we're doing is we're creating hydrolysis so what's happening is the water molecules are separating right now into oxygen and hydrogen why isn't it coloring the whole part hurry up suck if this part doesn't anodize right here everything I touch doesn't work as soon as the camera is turning on they've been working fellas this is not the results we were looking for yep I say we give up [Music] oh check that out it's just beautiful perfect shade of blue all the way around what bro what are you talking about man yeah no this is garbage so what happened the problem here was copper when we introduce copper to our solution what happened was the copper started to oxidize and this left particulates a copper floating around in our solution those particulates then plated themselves to our part preventing our part from getting a good consistent color and we ended up with this tie-dyed monstrosity so what we're gonna have to do is we're going to take our water we're gonna go dump it out we're gonna rinse out our Bowl put new distilled water new baking soda and then we're gonna try this again except we're going to use a piece of titanium as our anode all right so you guys may have seen this video Titan did a while back where they made like some brake pedals or I don't know bike pedal whatever this thing is put our cathode back on here all right now we can put our brake pedal in our solution and we're going to use another little brake lever as our anode this time all right you guys ready to make some magic happen I'm Blue the album beat album down all right let's see what it looks like nice consistent color so we'll rinse it off and voila anodized titanium now something that I want to mention is that this is Type 3 anodizing so it only gives us color it's not adding any kind of wear resistance or corrosion resistance but a lot of companies use this type of anodizing to color code titanium objects now here's a super interesting fact when you look at this part you might think that we just changed it to Blue well that's not what actually happened what you're perceiving is color is actually an interference phenomenon that's caused by the so what you're seeing here and what you're perceiving is color is actually an interference phenomenon that's caused by light coming in and bouncing off of the oxide layer and light coming in and bouncing off of the titanium underneath that oxide layer when those two light beams interfere with each other what you get is the illusion of color Now by licking a different amount of batteries together you can actually achieve different colors here so you're not just stuck with the blue like we did on our bike pedal now I love how simple this process is so if you make some cool little part or a cool little knick-knack or desk ornament in your own shop you can take just the supplies we have here anodize your own part and then post it on the CNC expert so we can all be blown away by how beautiful it is now if you don't know what CNC expert is it's our online platform for Machinist by machinists you can go on there you can show off your work you can go get certified you can find vendors find employees find jobs so if you haven't been there yet go check it out and I'll see you guys there now if you guys really enjoy what we're doing you can become a member by hitting the join button down below and this is is going to give you access to exclusive content like this this is me before I eat the one chip challenge don't touch your face oh that was the girl you're right ah yeah sorry yeah is this how you pick up chicks you'll get cool badges by your name and you'll be able to join our Discord server where you can chat with me and the guys but if you guys like this content please let us know in the comments down below please like And subscribe and I'll see you guys again next time hey somebody come clean all this up a little bit for you you a little bit for me whatever oh spicy
Views: 2,704,653
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cnc machine, manufacturing, machining, cad, cam, cnc, engineer, engineering, machinist, Machine, Machine Shop, Metalworking, Computer Numerical Control, cnc milling machine, cnc machinist, edm, additive, additive manufacturing, mill, milling, lathe, mill turn, 5 axis, drilling, drill, cnc machining, operator, cnc operator, cnc lathe, cnc mill, metal, steel, 5th axis, axis, machine operator, fabrication
Id: gIwvLuNzliI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 35sec (395 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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