Annoying Orange Plays - Disney Crossy Road!

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- [Annoying Orange] Hey, it's AO back again with another game video! We're gonna play some Disney Crossy Road. If you thought Crossy Road was good, well just wait 'til it gets taken over by Disney characters. Right now, I'm starting out with the standard Mickey. ♫ Oh Mickey, you're so fine. You're so fine, ♫ You blow my mind. Hey Mickey! Hey, hey Mickey! (laughs) Grabbing those c-coins. Gonna buy some stuff. So, I think in this game you can be all kinds of different Disney characters. You just gotta collect 'em all. They're like Pokémon. Gotta collect 'em all! Whoo, Mickey. He looks hopping mad. (laughs) Wow! Wow! Hold the log dog. Gotta watch out for those. Ye, yeah! How you guys doing today? Hopefully, you are doing super duper awesome! Gonna cross right... Oh, no! Ooh, free gift. I'll take it! You don't have to ask me twice. It's free. I love free. Free's great. Oh, yeah. You're just giving me 110 c coins. I'll take 'em. Alright. Let's get some of them Pokémon. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on. This Pokémon dispenser is taking forever. What'd I get? Whoa. Attila, from Tangled. That's pretty good. He's looks like a tough guy. Oh wow, it changes the level and everything too. Oh, that's awesome. Whoa, look out for the barrels. They'll really barrel you over, I guess. (laughs) Uh-oh, uh-oh. I thought the barrel was gonna hit me. But it didn't. It's good. It's all good. (laughs) Alright, okay. Whoa. I wonder how many other - (laughs) yeah. Aw, no! I 'splouted'. I jumped too early. I thought it was already passed, but then I jumped. Come on, Attila. You gotta show us how it's done. (laughs) Okay, I thought there was a snake on the ground. It kind of looked from the perspective that I was looking at like it was the horse's tongue. Like he was sticking his tongue out at me. (laughs) That barrel just hit you in the butt. He didn't seem to care. Whoo! Alright, beat my high score. (laughs) Ooh, I gotta jump on this one because it's got a c coin. Yeah! Getting the coinages. Alright. So, who's you're guys' favorite Disney character? Of all time? There's a lot of them. There is a lot of them. Ooh, ooh, yeah. Ride the boat. I'm on a boat. Yeah! I'm on a boat, well, I'm not, not anymore. I was on a boat. Whee! (laughs) Nice try, barrel. You and me are mortal enemies. You can't get me. (laughs) Oh man, I wish everybody on this road would stop horsing around. (laughs) Oh no, the lily pad's over there. Ooh come on. Gotta get over there. Oh, yeah. Just barely made it. Alright. Oh, yeah. Oh, you thought you could get me with that barrel, but you couldn't. You couldn't. There was no way. (laughs) Oh. (laughs) Jump right and smack dab into the back of a butt. A horse butt, that is. Oh man, we gotta wait a whole two minutes for another free gift? You mean you're not just giving out free gifts willy-nilly? All the time? 24/7? What kind of game is this? (laughs) Oh man, they have Haunted Mansion, Lion King, Tangled, Big Hero 6, Inside Out. They've got so many different levels. Wow! And so many different characters. It is crazy. Whoa. Zootopia, Mickey Mouse, Toy Story, jeez. Crossy Road just got an upgrade. Alright. I'm gonna go back and chill with my buddy, Mickey. We gonna get some high scores with Mickey (laughs) He doesn't even move his legs when he hops. He's just like, "yeah, look at me. Going strong." Just wait, gotta wait for the perfect moment. There we go. See? That's how you do it. Sometimes, the key is patience. And other times, the key is run as fast as you can. (laughs) Personally, I like that method a lot more. It's a lot more action-packed. But it's a lot more dangerous. Sometimes, you just gotta throw caution to the wind. Yeah! Whoo-who! You couldn't get me. (vocalizing) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, anyways, I was asking what was your guys' favorite Disney character of all time? Let me know in the comments below, okay? Ah, no. I had to jump because I was hitting the edge of the screen. I didn't mean.. well, I meant to jump but, I had to. I had no options. It was either I was gonna get killed on the end of the screen or I had to jump in the water. Sometimes you feel like a dip. A dip in the pool. Yes! Free gift. Alright, what am I gonna get? Give me some stuff. I like stuff. Yeah! 100c coins. Then I can get some more characters. Oh, that's pretty good. Alright, give me that prize. Give me that prize. Come on, Pokéball. Come on, Pokéball. Man, that thing takes forever to dispense. Alright, who's that? Vlad. Alright, alright. Another Tangled character. Okay, we can do that. We can do that. We can play another game of Tangled. I'm kind of excited to try out Wreck-It Ralph or maybe you know, Toy Story or something like that. I'm kind of excited to see what those levels are like. I meant to hit the barrel. The barrel hit me in the breadbasket. Hey, what's Vlad's favorite type of music? Hip-hop. (laughs) Hoppin' Oh, yeah. You thought you had me but you didn't. Just, kind of skimming my way through there. Shimmy. Shimmy my way through there. Look out, barrel. I need a c coin. It's my birthday, I wanna eat it for breakfast. C coins for breakfast. Who wants some? I do. Oh, no. Get away from me, bro. He was trying to touch my butt! He distracted me by trying to touch my butt. Alright, we're back with Mickey once again. (laughs) He's my favorite. Aw, no. Now he's a Mickey pancake. Ooh. Those aren't tasty. (laughs) At least to me. I wouldn't eat a Mickey pancake. (laughs) You guys would? You're weird. (laughs) Come on, Mickey. Oh! That's not how you get in a car, Mickey. You use the door. You open the door. You don't smash yourself into the side of the car. Mickey doesn't know how cars work. (laughs) ♫ Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na ♫ Mickey man! He strikes fear into the hearts of cars. Actually, that's not really true. 'Cause the cars are kind of oblivious to him. They're just driving, minding their own business. Mickey's the one trying cross the road and get hit. (laughs) You know what I'm talking about? It's hard to laugh and talk at the same time. (laughs) You know what I'm talking about? Ooh, who's this guy? What'cha talking about? Hey bro. What's up, what's up? Are we singing over here? Okay. Guess you're just going to stay right there? Alright, you do your thing. I'm gonna grab these c coins. I gotta lotta things I need to buy. Mainly, I just need some bagpipes that only play the macarena. (laughs) It's a good tune. (laughs) (vocalizing) I didn't say anything there. That was gibberish. Everybody loves some gibberish. Right? Maybe you love some gibberish, write some gibberish in the comment area below. (laughs) And then everybody who comes to this video is gonna be like, "Um, what is wrong with everybody in the comments?" Because it won't... none of it'll make sense. Ooh, yeah. Aw, breaking the high Mickey score. Whoo-hoo. Alright. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, I almost jumped, I almost missed it. No, oh I should have jumped. I totally didn't realize I was on the edge of the river. It didn't help me one bit. Son of a ... whoo. Mickey found Mortimer. Oh, that's what was going on. Mortimer was just hanging out and I found him, and now I can use him? Can I use him? Yeah, let's play some sweet music, Mortimer. Play 'Party Rock'. No, that's not 'Party Rock'. Play 'Party Rock'. Why aren't you playing it? Mortimer, I don't like your taste in music. (laughs) C coins. Now, I gotta wait my turn. Uh-oh, uh-oh. Gotta hurry up. Gotta hurry up. It's the screen- Oh. Okay, now, Mortimer pancakes. We'll call 'em M-cakes, for short. Mortimer cakes. Mortimer cakes. Mortimer cakes. (laughs) Kind of hard to say. Mortimer cakes. How fast can you say it? Mortimer cakes. That's pretty fast. (laughs) You can't catch me. Oh, I'm getting up to my high score. Come back here chicken. Get away from me, chicken. You chicken chicken. Ooh, come on come on come on. Yeah. Get that high score. Yeah you better play that sweet music, Mortimer. Hey, Mortimer. Play that 'Free Bird'. Play 'Free Bird'. What should Mortimer play? Let me know in the comments below. I couldn't jump because there were cars in the way. Who let that car in the way? Come on, Pokémon. Give me something good. Whoo. Vanellope, from Wreck-It Ralph. Alright. Alright, we're gonna go to the Wreck-It Ralph. Whoa, holy coolness. Everything looks so delicious. (laughs) Alright, come on, Vanellope. Oh man, candy car racers. (laughs) I love those. I gotta say this place is pretty sweet. (laughs) Oh, I glitched. I glitchy-ed. Whoo-hoo. Whoa. I got 50 points for that? What was it? Holy moly. It's giving me so many points. Oh, yeah. Look at that, I already beat my high score by a lot. Wow, I am destroying my high score. What the heck? Okay, who needs c coins when I got... Are those candy corns? They look like candy corns. Mmm. I love some candy corns. Here's some candy canes. Aw, yeah. Aw, yeah. This is my favorite level. You can rack up them points. Yeah. (laughs) Ooh, get away. Oh, no. That was close, that was close. I got you, I got you. Look at that! I'm already up to almost 800. Boink, I am at 800. Ha! Candy cornin' it. I just candy corned your face. (laughs) How many time you think you've heard that in your life? I just candy corned your face. (laughs) I should've got that candy cane. Too late now. I gots to go. Gotta keep moving forward. Sometimes, you just can't stop and smell the roses. You can't turn around. You just gotta go forward. Oh, shoot. I thought the thing was moving. Aw, no I'm gonna... I gotta take a dip. (laughs) Yeah. 946, now that's a high score. That is a high score. Let's go for one more round. What do you think, guys? What do you think? Gotta do some candy corning. And I'm assuming those are some secret snickers. He he he he. Secret snickers. Shots! For everybody. I don't think that happened in a Disney movie. Nevermind. That didn't happen. Not in Disney movies. At least not one that I'm aware of. Ooh, yeah, candy corning. Look at that. 3x. Come on, come on. I gotta get through these candy cane cars, racing. Ooh, gimme gimme gimme. Yeah. Look at that, I extended that 3x for a little bit longer. Chicken, get outta here. This is my level. You can't be, you can't be out here. I don't think candy is good for chickens. You know how you're not supposed to give chocolate to dogs? I don't think you're supposed to give candy to chickens. It's a rule. I read it somewhere. It makes them mutate into bigger chickens. Until- Well, then you have chickens the size of, you know, a mini-van. And you don't need that in your life. You really don't. It's like the gremlins. Attack of the 50-foot chicken. (laughs) (vocalizing) Eating candy. (vocalizing) Ooh what's this over here? That looks like it's delicious. Yeah, whoa. Wow. I exploded it. I exploded it and it gave me lots of points, and I agree with everything that just happened. Thank you very much. I love you. The only thing better that could've happened is if I would have exploded it with a box of TNT. Wait, this game needs more TNT. I think everything need more TNT. Don't you think? I do. TNT is guaranteed to make everything better. Alright, gotta get across that road. Oh, there's another one there. Oh, I'm gonna get that bomb. Gonna boom, oh yeah. Explody, explody 600 points up in here. I love exploding points. Yeah. Alright, aw, look at that high score. Okay. Oh wait, wait. Oh, no. Aw, 4443 points. What's your guys' high score? Let me know in the comments below. Oh, I flipped it. Flip it to whip it. Make sure to hit the like and subscribe button. Do everything you can to make this the most popular video on the internet. 'Cause it totally deserves it, 'cause it's so good. Alright, thank you guys so much for watching. Until next time, later hot potaters. (electronic music)
Channel: Annoying Orange
Views: 3,549,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: annoying orange, funny, fruit, talking, animation, daneboe, The Annoying Orange, Disney Crossy Road, Road, Crossy Road, Walt Disney, Crossy, Disney Video games, Let's Play Disney
Id: HnKdJo2ZGxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 11 2016
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