Annika Andersson og Johan Sandgren - Tokiga Kalles polka
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Channel: Torbjørn Anderson
Views: 47,357
Rating: 4.7677422 out of 5
Keywords: Bälgspelet, sverige, hembygdsgård, trekkspill, hagstrøm, hagstrøm accordion, accordion, dragspel, harmonika, bæljspell, pumpe, luftpumpe, klaraelven, trysilelva, Värmland, accordeon, acordeão Festival, Festivalul de acordeon, аккордеон фестиваль, 手风琴艺术节 Shǒufēngqín yìshù jié, акордеон фестивал, accordion tamasha, Harmonikkafestivaali, Akordeon festivali
Id: StndI298PF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 58sec (118 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2019
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