Annie's 2.0

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[Music] hey guys I'm Jason Shriner we're at BJ's performance this is after hours [Music] welcome back so clearly Annie Castle she's got her first 2.0 Annie contacted me last season um right around World Finals time she had a big gash right here in her top deck and Cliff her husband you know kind of asked me like hey how much you think it would cost to repair it this and that I'm like well you know in all reality to patch it it's it's affordable but trying to get it color matched with Factory Coy white I was like hey you know white gel coat or white paint nothing is going to you know camouflage in it's a white paint That's now 30 years old so it's kind of like it just is what it is like let's patch it spray it seal it and then let's just put a graphic kit back on it and I think that was the plan one random like 4 5:00 I get a a DM it's from Annie and I've known her for years uh she's ritten for me for probably four years now uh she just randomly said hey can we just do a 2.0 top deck and I was like well at the time you know we were just releasing these things and they weren't even you know race legal yet uh hadn't hadn't at the time gotten approved from the igba which uh she wasn't really concerned about because she doesn't race the igba series she races the NorCal series which There are rules are a little bit different than ours um and she's just like hey just like would you would you want to do it and I was like absolutely like have a you know another female writing a 2.0 yeah let's do it with that being said Annie doesn't know about the rest of this at all like she literally until she watches this video she doesn't know what she's getting uh she literally just thinks that Cliff brought me the bottom deck to glue her top deck on she doesn't know that her husband for Christmas got her a handle pull literally it's here it's never been at her house so Annie thank your husband you got your uh DDP Nolan Glock from the uh the Delta crew he hooked uh Cliff up with a handle pull for Annie's new ride um Annie hasn't even seen her jet trim her Graphics yet so went ahead called jet trim got her you know some black carbon with some pink piping uh with her logo and her name in it blogan I got an email from one of the workers at blogan saying hey we're coming out with a 550 pull bracket um what do you think and I was like dude for uh a threepiece uh Billet pole bracket that doesn't cost an arm and a leg I think it looks pretty good um it is a little new school a little old school at the same time you know they kept the Vintage grooves they obviously had to widen it for the the RRP style or the blogan pull style uh handle pull but um I think it suits the boat pretty well um good geometry lines uh GPO Jimmy uh he took care of Annie on all the GP parts from bumper to hood Corners um couple other odds and ends uh here this is actually Annie's uh old hood um I think we did this for her either last season or even the season before that um but very price practical you know um for an entrylevel uh person off the street if you already have an aftermarket hood not even my hood we can use a lot of your old components um to make this you know one new boat again uh Annie does have a sponsorship with uh Pro watercraft so we have their front sponsons and rear sponson and even their new version the XL ho end caps um I actually have this on my daughter's ski these things are amazing if you want the boat to just lay down and carve uh recreational I would probably go with the shorter versions just so the bow kind of gets a little a little bit of nose lift if you still want to go jump some boat waves we have a soulless drop nozzle system on there so Annie has a little bit of down pressure uh for the starts but other than that Annie I know you've already said Thank you to me but make sure after you watch this video make sure you go tell your husband uh thank you for the handle pull I know you've been wanting one for a little bit over a season now uh she was a little stressed uh that we were going with this style of build with a stock handlepole and Annie your husband was never going to let that happen other than that uh jet trim also did do a chin Pad cover uh with Annie's logo on it [Music]
Channel: Bjs performance
Views: 2,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PTOqUzc4FY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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