Anna Kendrick - Cups (Pitch Perfect’s “When I’m Gone”) [Official Video]
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Channel: AnnaKendrickVEVO
Views: 584,125,635
Rating: 4.8558917 out of 5
Keywords: Anna, Kendrick, Cups, (Pitch, Perfect's, When, I'm, Gone), (Director's, Cut), UME, Direct, Soundtrack, anna kendrick cups, pitch perfect cups
Id: cmSbXsFE3l8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 22sec (262 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2013
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Bartender totally fucked up there.
I hope her next video is all about how the biscuits turned out.
Isn't this not her song? I saw this played by lulu and the lampshades years ago.. Does it matter that she's putting her name on it?
So anyone think she should be in the new star wars movie? I literally can't see her as anybody but the spawn of Leia and Han Solo.
and on that day she was fired for burning all the cookies
What a terrible restaurant. How long have all those people been waiting to get some water?
every time i see her im blown away by her beauty. Such a knockout.
I just want a full version of that acapella Titanium
This was actually kinda cool. It would be pretty easy to hate on it, but I kinda liked it.