Anna Hall DEFENDS U.S. Heptathlon Title

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here's my question I'm going to direct this to people who have never seen have to happen okay so we are with Ann Hall and she just won the usatf championship she's going to Budapest yes pretty cool congratulations thank you and uh how would you explain so you guys sports fans we're trying to get all kinds of sports fans to watch dragon videos You know what would you tell sports fans about what's cool about the heptathlon um I would say the heptathlon would be like if somebody in football could play every single position pretty well you know they might not be the best like wide receiver the best writing back but they can play all of them at an elite level um that's the goal of the heptathlon and that's why it's so challenging and I think um so fun and so impressive at its highest level so yeah that's why I describe it and you scored 69.98 69.88 got the big 12 points so you're very close to the 7 000 level is that an important goal for you yeah um 7 000 points I think is every heptathlete's dream you know and um honestly I didn't think I would be approaching it so soon in my career but I am super thankful for the trajectory that we're on and you know just going to keep focusing on the same things which is just progress and just continued Improvement pring as much as I can learning the techniques knowing that I'm young and I have a while until my Peak hopefully um so yeah not something that I'm kind of like must get right now but I think it's gonna just come naturally on its own which I think will be really special in the Battle Royale in Budapest is going to be you and Nafi TM I mean it's going to be event by event um what is your favorite event to do oh I think my favorite while I'm competing in it is the high jump and then my favorite overall is 800th yeah what is the most challenging for you the most challenging event for me is Javelin um yeah I started it the latest so I think that's the one where my training age and technique age is the youngest but we're working hard to learn that and master that as well and yesterday you had a Chipotle burrito one of the things that I live on too um really important for you to watch your nutrition and manage it during the competition yes um I think that's something that we're queuing in on more this year you know now that I'm at a little bit of a higher level those marginal gains are important and um the in God season in USA indoors I was cramping by shot put and so my coaches were like okay something needs to change and um so we just decided to try some new things find ways to get more calories and get more fluids in and you know sipping instead of chugging once I'm thirsty and I think there's a few hour Windows where we forget to eat you know between breakfast and hurdles like that's like a big four hours of warming up and treatment and stuff so I'm just really locking that stuff in so hopefully things go smoothly and no cramps and Budapest so I can give it my best and you had some smoking 400 hurdles this summer and Adam Baldwin said if you get hurdles nine and ten down you're gonna go under 54 seconds is that a big deal for you yeah um the 400 hurdles it's like one of my baby events like I love it so much um and you know taking a little bit of a break from her right now um to focus on this war we have coming in Budapest but you know I love running them and um yeah it's a little bit frustrating sometimes because we don't practice it because folks some have tough one so you know I go out there and I feel a little bit raggedy and sometimes the hurdles don't come up exactly how I want them to but I do think when I iron things out that I can run really fast with them so I'm just kind of waiting patiently for whenever that clicks on its own I'm not going to focus on it because you know we have big things to chase that tough one and thanks for hearing reviews too thank you just curious does this feel any different compared to last year of course you were coming out of Florida last year how does this kind of feel now um it does feel a lot different you know all of today my coaches just kept telling me like look at how far ahead we are from last year you know last year USA's I was praying to hit the standard and I had to run for my life in the 800 and then now you know we're just kind of having social events training through and we're over four thousand points on day one and I was like dang like we have just improved so much so um yeah that part is really really different I'm still adjusting I think to the mindset of being a favorite and not like having this big Underdog chip on my shoulder um so that's been a little bit tough but yeah learning along the way and you said of course you know you're working on the javelin it's maybe one of the events that you really want to work on but in the throws in general you got that you know PB in the shot put right does that kind of give you motivation in the throws aspect of like okay maybe the javelin will start to come along a little bit yeah yeah yeah um for sure I think both throws they're coming guys I promise like I have really good sessions and I'm starting to grasp techniques and you know track nothing comes easy it just takes time and you know today in the javelin I had I was a warm-up hero and I had a farther thrown warm-ups and is that super annoying yes but do we know that we have farther throws in us also yes so I'm excited about that but you know just kind of kicking myself a little bit that we didn't get it in in one of the three but um yeah both of them I just know that there's more there this year and there's a lot more there over the course of my career and then last question for me just what's your plans between now and Budapest with like a month or so to go yeah um my coaches said we're kind of gonna have a regroup on a day we didn't stay in the states um there was maybe one or two Diamond leaves on the table but I think that we just need a really big trading block and um you know maybe hit a couple events that if they decide oh we need to do we want you to run hurdles we want you to long jump here maybe hit some domestic meets but mostly just train really hard and then have a big taper it's a great job out there thank you
Channel: FloTrack
Views: 2,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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