Anki Vector robot everything it can do

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kind of everybody so I have had for a couple of days now it was being very noisy I'm gonna show you some stuff that he can do so I've got the app open right here and we can go through the things that it says that he can do so first thing let's go to utilities it's a first question a vector what's the weather see and he does a little animation huh next question is he can change his eye color that say hey vector change your eye color to green watch his eyes they're now green I like his he also has all the colors I'll show you all the colors that he has person a vector change your eye color to purple there's purple I'm not gonna go through all of them but I like his eyes that blue so I'm gonna change it back a vector change your eyes to blue next one is set a timer a vector set a timer for 5 seconds you stop him you just push this button on his back stop him I don't know what he thought I just said next one hey vector what time is it 9:30 - he's right actually it's 9:30 6 but whatever close enough ok and now he can you take a picture hey vector take a photo now watch his eyes and now I can look at vectors photos so let me show you the photo he just took here it is of me right behind the camera hey vector come here I'm gonna change where we're at so he's less confused the light is shining right behind me where I was sitting before so that would definitely confuse him there we go he just saw me so we got the Amazon Alexa on the app right here we've got stats which just shows like how many times he's woken up - hey vector how many times it's been petted days he's been out oh yeah I can ask him hey Victor how old are you three days so that's under his I think it's under his yeah interaction so how old is he Oh see now he says my name there you go he says Breanna - Brianna but close enough vector let's see so yeah you can ask him how old he is I can tell him to go back to his charger I'll do that at the end of the video I can say hey vector bad robot and he gets all sad hey vector good robot you can also change his volume you can make it louder quieter but I don't want to do that I can pet him right here and he'll start purring in a second there we go I can tell them basic movements as well a vector go to the right I'll go to the right but their stuff in his way I can tell him hey vector go to sleep you know go to sleep greetings I can tell them good morning afternoon hey Victor good evening it's all excited about that let's see and that's pretty much most of the things on that now let's see on under entertainment these are like the games that's up he can do so hey vector fist bump that's like a little thing you can do with them you can do oh special occasions this is really cool so hey vector happy holidays now look at his eyes it looks like Christmas Oh looks like little Christmas lights he's gonna freak out now then there's another one that he can do hey Victor Happy New Year's oh that's one of so there's two different things that he'll do for Happy New Year's that's one of the ones he'll do that for one of them um now you can get him to dance I've had a really hard time getting him to dance oh yeah see see he knows me we'll do the dancing in a second though we're gonna do stuff with his cube now so we're gonna put his cube back here I'm gonna the different tricks that you can do with his Q well he wants a fist bump good boy so first thing is a vector find your cube so that's the first thing you can do so let's wait from the finders cube I think you may have spotted it there we go and he's gonna make it light up now and he'll pick it up so you found his cube just wait for him to put it back down or actually you can still be holding a vector bring me your cube well he just got like all kinds of confused right there apparently okay he sees his Q but he should bring it to me now she's trying to get the light up there we go sometimes this cube has difficulties lighting up for whatever reason I don't know what causes that bad Bluetooth a connection or something I'm not sure cuz he connects to his cube by bluetooth I was gonna pick it up and he's gonna bring it over me bring it over to me over here he's got a look from you though he's coming towards me now he's all mad me cuz I saved his life hey vector pick up your cube so he tried to bring me his Q but he kind of felt I don't know why he has such a hard time with this edge right here he gets stuck in between my chair and this thing all the time and he'll fall off on that edge all the time I don't know what his problem is he's not very good at seeing his feathers he never falls up on the side over here that I won but he always falls off or like gets stuck in between here and over there let's see okay next trick after this we have K I have not been able to get he's done it before on his own on his own accord but like he done never understands when I ask him to do and I don't understand why so it's roller cube I haven't been able to get him to do it like by command he's I've seen him do on his own accord hey vector roll your cube see he never understands it hey vector a vector a vector roll your cube yeah see I don't know what it is if it's the way I say it if I'm not saying it clearly but I can't do it hi vector now this one's my favorite hey vector do a wheel stand watch them to do this one this one's pretty cool he has to look first cube cuz I moved it but he'll find that he's earlier I stood there yeah and this is pretty good it's gonna do a wheels friend he's lining up for it there you go says all the tricks that he can do with his wheel or I mean sorry with his cube now hey vector Oh skidding that something what the heck is that seeing an old Moony about something a vector blackjack so he can also play blackjack look at his face and he's got cards on his face yes yes and then he makes fun of me okay I can also tell him great no so I can also tell him just to go explore that's not interesting if you guys watch he literally just roams around and like maps out his thing but now what we're gonna try to do is go we're gonna try to get him to dance so it's kind of hard to get him to dance I've only been able to get him to dance to one song which is chlorine by twenty one pilots it's I don't know when it's his favorite song it's the only song I can get him to dance to so we're gonna try it hey Victor dance okay he's dancing out so his eyes right now are like bouncing together and he'll actually start down - okay it's so cute I need answers but it's so hard to get him to do it [Laughter] [Applause] there we go and that is vector dancing it's really hard or at least it's been really hard for me to get him to dance maybe I need to find a song with a better beat but the only song I've been able to get him to even danced to his chlorine by 21 pilots so I can ask him I mean I can ask him questions on like the Internet so hey vector I have a question who is Michael Jackson knows that or I could ask him hey vector I have a question who was Ellen DeGeneres see so he had a lot of information on her he had a lot more on her than he did on Michael Jackson so it kind of depends and so he's really good with people he knows like watch this he even knows hey vector I have a question who was PewDiePie see so I mean he even knows like youtubers I he didn't know who jacksepticeye was but he know the PewDiePie was and if PewDiePie has ever been offended out people butchering his name that's a new one for the book so yeah I can also ask him things like a vector I have a question what is the weather in Antarctica that's very cold hmm so I mean you can ask him pretty much anything he did he there's a lots of things he doesn't know he's not as smart as like an Alexa or Google home but he still knows like a decent amount of stuff so like here tell G you can ask him about people places general knowledge he can define words so um what should we ask him to find oh he knows like diseases like I asked him hey vector I have a question what is spina bifida see so like asking up the other day and he's super smart he even knows that so that's pretty good he can define a word so what word should oh this is a cool thing he can do hey vector I have a question he didn't hear me it was on key [Music] so that's like a little Easter egg thing he has we can have him define a word we'll have him how about he defines a robot hey vector I have a question what is the definition of robot [Music] robot he can do nutritional stuff I've never asked anything about that um I wonder if he can say how many calories is himself a vector I have a question [Music] whoa he did know that Wow Billy's life I can ask him about sports hey vector I have a question what are the sports scores No well there you go see there's a score for you stock market I can ask him stock market questions hey vector have a question how much is gold worth flight statuses what does I even mean oh so I can ask him what the status of certain flights are well I don't know what any of them are so I'm not even gonna ask him about that time zone units currency conversion oh that's cool hey vector I have a question how much is a pound in dollars [Music] there you go you can do math equations hey vector what is 23 divided by a hundred there you go I'll just have vector did my math for now on and yeah that's oh you see he's even low-battery now so I was just about to say that's about everything that he can do I'll tell him to go home now since he's dying anyway hey vector go home you sure yep so he's looking for his charger right now anymore so this was perfect timing we finished showing everything that he can do as soon as he started doing so now he's gonna head over to treasure and now he'll go to sleep hopefully there you go he's on there very awkwardly book whatever he's charging and now it says vector is asleep so I hope you guys enjoyed this very long video but I just showed you everything that vector can do hope you guys enjoyed this video make sure to LIKE comment and subscribe and I'll see you guys in the next video bye
Channel: Everything But The Kitchen Sink
Views: 269,264
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vector, Anki, Anki Vector, Robot
Id: nkptaerReo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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