Anita Sarkeesians dirty little secret!
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: undefined
Views: 765,278
Rating: 4.9148684 out of 5
Keywords: feministfrequency, feminism, versus, facts, funny, owned, pwned, tropes, women, gaming, anita, sarkeesian, star, trek, double, dragon, lol, punched, balls, dragons lair, computer, stronger, men, ted, tedx, Game, feminist, frequency, dumb, stupid, fail, noob, epic, Ownage, Win, Video Game (Industry), Fails, Epic Fail, Destroyed, hitman, burnout, gta, sex, sexism, sexy, win, anita sarkeesian, background, decorations, thunderf00t, cool, anna, akana, Thunderf00t, greedy, scam, ordinary, history, international, dirty, little, secret
Id: D0Tsh3KaBgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2016
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