Anita Sarkeesians dirty little secret!

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you know what a neat is dirty little secret is well actually I'll get to that in a second cuz firstly Anita sarkeesian now wants another two hundred thousand dollars to make five videos about women in history which we all know is likely be nothing but a bunch of cutesy animations to try and abuse the easily distracted feminist minds Anita hopes that no one realizes that she just spent two hundred thousand dollars reading the wiki page I mean who needs a historian when you can have a feminist interpretation of history from a pop culture critic now I'm a pop culture critic I am a feminist and I'm a woman but wonderfully Anita tells us exactly how much of the budget she anticipates to spend on research writing and fact-checking well actually pre-production writing research and fact-checking 9% and of course this project being promoted by Time magazine cosmopolitan Elle the Washington Post the LA Times USA Today and the verge and she launched it on international Woman's Day for which YouTube celebrated by having another viral video where women say all they want is equal rights women should have the same social political and economic opportunities as men that is the important thing here that we are discussing get up and do something about it because I'm sick of the word girl being an insult well newsflash ladies you do have equal rights which is why you spend all of your time bitching about not having equal rights rather than saying what right to these that you don't have yet this will be like me protesting that I want the right to vote I'm getting a load of been from first world democracies to form a movement saying that men should have the right to vote yea it's not only making you look like entitled demanding princesses it's making you look like clueless entitled demanding princesses who have deliberately unplugged themselves from reality simply so you can believe that you're some persecuted victim as they told you on your gender these two group that will take your seat at the United Nations you're fast from your boss I provoke ads to some clean screw the poor kids this is the United Nations while we're dealing with important first world issues like being security is a middle class women who have never known real hardship in their lives seriously the only specific issue they list in the entire video is this I felt like women of plus size we're not being represented fully in the fashion market fat woman complains for her to the fashionable clothes for fat women I mean he'll never mind the fact that men can be fat too you know that this is an agenda tissue at all or never mind the fact that there are many parts of the world where being fat simply isn't an option you know being fat is something that only happens in the first world but even in the first wall never mind the fact that the women's fashion industry is about twice the size of the men's fashion industry now that woman here is going to the United Nations to complain that love fashion industry doesn't have enough fashion clothes for fat women I felt like women of plus size we're not being represented fully in the fashion market and you thought Anita was bad when she asked the United Nations to silence her critics because they said she sucked and I think it's important to to recognize that harassment is as someone had mentioned it's not just what is legal and illegal right harassment is threats of violence but it's also the day-to-day grind of you're a liar you saw as always remember that it's both possible and even necessary to be critical of the media we enjoy you you know making all of these heat videos to attack us on a regular basis and which brings us back to why you want another two hundred thousand dollars to make five videos now if that doesn't induce a hard belly laugh each should because it takes a special brand of idiot to watch the Hindenberg go up in flames and then bounce up and down oh you want to throw all your money into hydrogen lifters zeppelins and this is why I love it into sarkeesian and just like I really hope that rich fat white feminists here gets the United Nations to command the fashion industry to make more fashionable clothes for fat women because he's know that's what the United Nations should be focusing its efforts on I really hope that she raises her two hundred thousand dollars to make her five videos after all in 2012 her feminist fans watched her prize 5 reviews in six months for about six thousand dollars focus on tracking five stereotypical representations of women throughout the history of video games I'm going to look at the damsel in distress the fighting toy the sexy sidekick the sexy villainous and the most common trope in video games women as background decoration I actually raised 25 times what I initially asked for and in reality she delivered two of them in three years for a hundred and fifty thousand dollars in other words she delivered about 1% of what she promised for which she's done nothing other than give torture twenty thousand dollars a piece and even on rare occasions when she was in the mood make a video about such thoroughly well research topics that's why keeps obscure people's asses for the purposes of this video I tried to get a glimpse of Batman's for your end but it's as if his cape is a high-tech piece of Wayne industries equipment designed to cover up his butt at all costs actually it's a high-tech piece of Wayne industries technology that allows Batman to fly you know public game mechanics but I've got good news for you you really want to see Batman's ass you could try playing the game trulia genius among feminists an astute political commentator everything a sexist everything is racist everything is homophobic and you have to point it all out and she still claims with a straight face that this was really really all thoroughly researched it was double and triple-checked my analysis is very well researched for the this video I tried to get a glimpse of Batman's for your end it's double and triple-checked but it doesn't his cape is a high-tech piece of Wayne industries equipment designed to cover up his butt at all cost it has to be given the intense level of scrutiny focused on my every word this is one of the main reasons why each episode takes so long to produce and if you include a subsequent photo writing for which she's produced nothing more than this tiny fraction of the videos that she said she would make she's pulled in almost a million dollars of funding and that's still not enough for money please oh no no there's no money oh my dad no problem I'll just destroy this off and feminists are still willing to throw money at our left right and center when she promises pretty much exactly what she did three or four years ago five videos for a fifth of a million dollars on ordinary women and she still has the backing of Time magazine cosmopolitan Elle Washington Post the LA Times USA Today and the verge I mean for me I just find it hilarious that were the track record that bad she still as feminists and some pretty high-profile old media lining up to throw money at her and support her I mean for me how much money people are still willing to give her is simply a token of how stupid thermistor I mean let me just throw this into perspective I'm still research active and a pretty reasonable research scientist so now 100 millibars should we cancel my damn now there we go I do that and I make videos on YouTube but fundamentally I'm just one guy one manpower I have no help in doing this and just taking the last month as an example this channel pulling about 4 million hits and 30 million minutes of video views bear in mind there's just one guy doing this while holding up a research career and then you find out that Anita sarkeesian channel gets the same traffic in one whole year as Mike does in a month and according to her tax returns she spends 60 hours a week doing this pulling in almost a third of a million dollars and my channel still got as much traffic last month as her stood for a whole year I mean don't get me wrong on the grand scheme of things I mean nothing on YouTube but these things are all kind of relative and damn is that Anita's dirty little secret the steve shaves a gamma rate nobody even by my standards his channel still pulls in about as much traffic as anita sarkeesian's and that's the core of her organization that's what it does it makes videos but as I've often said that's the difference between giving money to someone who's got some talent and giving it to a feminist but hell I've got to admit it that in terms of climbing the greasy pole and self-promoting like a mofo Anita's got me beat hands-down sadly with all video making and research that I do I just don't get time for it but he'll and neatest convinced people that someone who was a C rate YouTube channel with an internet footprint about the size of Steve Jobs those are some pathetic viewing numbers is one of the most important people of the year and yeah while on the subject of fundraising I am very grateful to those who support this channel and it's nice to have some security and crazy people who are actually set on messing up my real life and sure even I on occasion have thought about trying to crowdfund for some interesting equipment that's really outside of the budget of a regular video like for instance a decent infrared camera as they clock in at about 10 to 30 K but trust me I played with these things and they're immensely fun and they're a lot better than my $200 smartphone Dewberry and the second would be a decent high-speed camera again something that would clock in at about 30 K but fundamentally this money would be for kid stuff that I would actually use to make the videos but that is something for another day because for today I'm just going to follow the lead of the amazing atheist and his drive to raise $200,000 for the women in the background rather than the ones in the front I also figure it's going to be an interesting social experiment to see just how influential all a new media actually are I mean even as it stands this fundraiser Milly with the support of the amazing atheist and sargon of akkad that I'm aware of that's raised more money than the support of Time magazine cosmopolitan Elle The Washington Post the LA Times USA Today and the verge and their drive to feed the greed of one rich privileged entitled feminists for whom a million dollars just wasn't enough oh sure did it a bit a bit a bit of it and yeah I put in my hundred dollars and sure the next time Anita sarkeesian that goes on about those misogynist Internet youtubers you can politely remind her that while she was raising two hundred thousand dollars to make five videos those same women heating misogynists were actually raising money to help women with real problems not the contrived firstworldproblems of the professional victim you
Channel: undefined
Views: 765,278
Rating: 4.9148684 out of 5
Keywords: feministfrequency, feminism, versus, facts, funny, owned, pwned, tropes, women, gaming, anita, sarkeesian, star, trek, double, dragon, lol, punched, balls, dragons lair, computer, stronger, men, ted, tedx, Game, feminist, frequency, dumb, stupid, fail, noob, epic, Ownage, Win, Video Game (Industry), Fails, Epic Fail, Destroyed, hitman, burnout, gta, sex, sexism, sexy, win, anita sarkeesian, background, decorations, thunderf00t, cool, anna, akana, Thunderf00t, greedy, scam, ordinary, history, international, dirty, little, secret
Id: D0Tsh3KaBgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2016
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