Anissa Complete History | Invincible Season 2

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if you would have asked me two years ago who the most hated character in the Invincible comic book series is I would have emphatically told you that it was the subject of today's video the Vite woman Anessa however I have recently learned that it's actually this depiction of Amber because she's kind of bossy sometimes so I guess I'm not as in touch with the community as I thought anyway look I know you've seen a million Tik toks about Anessa and what she did and we will get there but just know that yes Ana sucks but she has one very specific purpose within the series Anissa is supposed to suck she's supposed to represent some of the worst aspects of Vite culture and she's presented this way because later in her comic history she repents for the things she did and understands the true magnitude of the damage she causes she is basically a literary tool that asks the reader if they're capable of forgiving today's video is not going to cover every single issue or comic panel Anessa is in but it will cover the vast majority of the most important elements of her comic history additionally in order for the story to make the most sense I may not necessarily cover every event as it occurred in the comics chronologically but rather in a way that presents itself most logically today I bring you the complete comic history of the Vite Anessa Anessa makes her comic book debut in issue 44 of invincible written by Robert Kirkman and Ryan Atley Anessa is extremely old most likely thousands of years old considering vites live so long that they don't remember their exact age we know that Anissa was around when the Vite Empire was betrayed by thus who murdered the previous leader argal before the grand Regent thrag assumed the leadership we first see Anessa sent to Earth by General C in order to check on Mark Grayson's progress assuming control of the planet Earth following the Battle on thraxa with Mark and omn man versus multiple vites Mark was charged with being the viltrumite Ambassador SLS subjugator of Earth and he was told to go back to the planet and do what his father could not or would not do Anessa threatens to kill Mark's mother Debbie in order to get him alone into the atmosphere so she can try and persuade Mark to join the Vite Empire she explains that the vites can essentially end all suffering disease and Death on the planet if you know Mark just kind of like you know helps them subjugate the planet but their conversation is cut short when Cecil calls Mark and requests that he stop a giant sea monster from destroying a cruise ship Mark struggles a little bit with the Beast before Anessa kills it with ease as an act of I don't know maybe misguided Assistance or like a truce or like a little hey like come on we can be Pals kind of thing having helped Mark defeat the Beast Anessa again asks him to side with the VTR Empire which Mark rejects Anessa at this point is completely lost what little patience she has in savagely beats Mark who at this point in his life and training is just drastically weaker than most vit when Mark is left battered and bloody Anissa tells him to basically accept that VTR is coming to take over the planet and that the next agent of the vilum Empire would be sent soon to check on his status and that the next agent they send will not be as lenient as she is implying that the Vite that they're going to send is Conquest she then reports her discussion to General C and assures him that Mark would eventually side with the vites it just might take a few ass beatings she next appears as Allen now in thick buff mode was attempting to return to the home world of the Coalition of planets Tesa Anessa on patrol flies out to engage Allen in combat and a shock to see how much stronger he'd become during this fight Allen allows himself to be captured in order to board the Vite warship Anissa is stationed on in order to find Nolan Grayson who he learns is imprisoned there hoping to lure Nolan to the Coalition side Anissa is not seen again for a while and next appears during the VTR War when the Vite forces descend on the planet telesa the home world of the Coalition Anissa is a powerful asset she's one of the strongest filtr mites but she is fended off and forced to retreat by the combined might of the now massively stronger Mark Grayson Nolan Grayson Oliver Grayson and the collective weight of the entire might of the Coalition of Worlds however during that fight Anissa does scrap with multiple cool dudes in this battle including tech jacket fetus and the aention trio the vites are forced to retreat where they head out into the vacuum of space and thus declares that the war is over believing yay we won we did it Mark Nolan Oliver thus battle Beast Space Racer and tech jacket all decide to bring the fight to Planet VTR where they are once again intercepted by the vites including Anissa Anissa spends most of this battle Fighting omn Man proving she is among the upper ranks of the most powerful vites remaining in the Galaxy even restraining after thrag punches Oliver's jaw off of his body she's also quite shocked to learn that Mark had actually beaten the second most powerful Vite Conquest not once but twice and the second time he actually killed him the battle culminates in the destruction of the planet VTR and a Savage retaliation from the viltrumite leader thrag that sees the death of thus as well as a lot of physical damage to just about everybody else in the party at this point thrag could have easily IL killed everybody that's there but at the very last second he decides to spare Mark and Nolan's lives believing that they need every available viltrumite in order to rebuild their species which is on the brink of Extinction when Mark awakens from his Interstellar beating he learns that Allen is the new leader of the Coalition of Worlds taking the place of the deceased thus oh and uh the vites might have gone to Earth in order to kind of like kill everybody and everything Mark has ever loved Mark has horrible visions of the vites invading including a shot of Anissa killing Mark's girlfriend Adam Eve however when Mark arrives back on Earth he learns that basically nothing has happened thrag is waiting for him to return in order to make a deal so I outline this truce pretty heavily in Mark in Nolan's videos but the long and short is that thrag would like to allow the remaining vites to live on earth and mate with humans in order to rebuild their population as their species are genetically capable of cross breeding with one another after all Mark himself is a hybrid human and Vite and he is quickly becoming one of the most powerful beings in the Galaxy Anissa Lucan C and the others are commanded by thrag to get out there and and as you can see Anissa is clearly excited at the prospect of being hit on by Fred Durst and a young Gary Bucy Mark Nolan and Earth's Global Defense Agency agree on a tentative truce with the viltrumites believing that a war between them at this point would ultimately destroy both sides Beyond repair the vites continue to live on earth as their new adopted planet for quite some time but thrag grows impatient with his upper echelon of viltrumite Warriors as the planet slowly begins to change their personalities much like it did with Nolan with respect to Anissa thrag grows frustrated that she simply will not mate with earthlings Anissa never desired to reproduce at all and her requirements of carrying and birthing an actual child are significantly more difficult than her comrades who essentially just get to go well bang whoever they want additionally thrag becomes frustrated that much like Nolan the other vites genuinely begin to care about the people they mate with and the people of the planet Earth the status quo though gets another massive shift in the very next issue unbeknownst to the rest of the vites thrag had secretly been running tests on blood collected from both Nolan Grayson and Mark Grayson and had determined that Nolan was the rightful heir to the filtrum empire being the direct descendant of the previous leader Lord argal thrag attacks Nolan out of frustration and nearly kills him before the remaining vter might step in and stop him questioning why thrag is breaking their truce with Earth as this lineage of Nolan and the Grayson family is revealed to the remainder of the vites Anessa and the others pledged their loyalty to Nolan and Exile thrag who really they should have just killed because he becomes a real pain in the ass shortly a little bit later Anissa is shown to spy on Mark and Nolan as they have a private arm wrestling match Mark and Eve had just recently announced their pregnancy to Nolan and Debbie however Anissa is gone just as soon as she arrives without saying anything at all a few days later Anessa assists Mark by helping defeat one of Doc seismics monsters from the center of the earth Mark questions why she's involving herself in his heroics and Anissa clearly flirting tells Mark that she's been observing him Mark ends up tracking down angstrom levian gets marooned in an alternate Dimension where he has to pretend to be an alternate version of himself who's the leader of that dimension's vites in that Dimension Anissa is one of his loyal subjects and I'm going to skip all of this and you can check out Mark's video if you want to learn more about it but just know that Mark comes back to his own Dimension 6 months later to a very pissed off very pregnant Adam Eve who kicks him out and effectively dumps him God forbid men have hobbies am I right all right I just want to stop here and mention that the next part of this video has to do with some pretty heavy stuff this is effectively a trigger warning that I'm providing as the next part of this video has to do with sexual assault following his argument and being dumped by Adam Eve no sooner than Mark leaves his house he is intercepted by Anessa who has been searching for him for 6 months straight Anessa explains that it's her duty to the Vite species to procreate and Mark is her most acceptable option Mark shrugs off her advances but Anissa who is arguably still as strong as Mark attacks and forces herself upon Him Mark attempts to fight her off but is ultimately unsuccessful and Anissa Mark after the assault she taunts Mark and tells him to man up as it may take more than one time for her to conceive which is obviously pretty gross stuff if you ask me and this is the next scene after robot launches an attack against the forces of Earth in order to subjugate and improve it in His image at the same time this attack is taking Place Adam Eve gives birth to Mark and her daughter terara Anissa is part of the Vite forces who engage robot on the moon however Nolan ultimately negotiates a truce with robot who accurately predicts that an allout war with him would mean the potential annihilation of the remaining vites or at least some of them Mark is not happy with the decision his father makes and tries to talk him out of it during this time Anissa continues to taunt him and flirt with him all right now pay attention because I'm going to give you a lot of info very quickly Mark leaves Earth with Adam Eve and his daughter fearing for their lives and not wanting to live under robot's rule they travel back to Tesa the home base of the Coalition of Worlds where Mark begins working for Allen and searching for thrag thrag is secretly breeding with the same aliens the thron that Nolan produced Oliver with except thrag is working overtime man while out searching for thrag Mark meets an alien entity that transports him back in time for him to relive and potenti changed some of the most crucial elements of his life story this entire mini Arc effectively serves as a way of Aging the entire cast up a few years and when Mark returns 5 years has passed Mark misses the majority of his daughter's life and Adam Eve has basically moved on without him all right back to Anissa during the 5 years that Mark was gone we learned that Anessa did in fact get pregnant with her encounter with Mark she carried that baby to term and had a son that she named Mary after his him not only that but in the 5 years since Mark had gone Anissa undergo a massive personality shift she falls in love with a man named Scott and has a second child named Molly so this is a huge shift for Anessa we learn that Anissa had undergone a complete personality change in those 5 years she falls head over heales for this guy Scott and tells him everything about her and the vites however no sooner than we learn this information Anessa is summoned by Nolan who is preparing for the return of thrag thrag had compiled a new Army of Half Breed thrs and viltrumites who had been aged up during that 5-year Gap you can basically think of them as an entire Army of Oliver Grayson's all at fighting age Anissa leaves with the rest of the Vite Warriors to launch a surprise attack on thrag from the other side of the sun Anissa and the other vites engage thr's forces in battle and while they are in Space robot back on Earth apprehends the Half Breed children left on Earth that belong to the vites out fighting in space against thrag including Mary and Molly anissa's children the remaining vites and thrag new forces wage absolute and terrible war on each other during the fight a lot of people are killed or Gravely wounded including Nolan Grayson in issue 139 Eve decides against Mark's wishes to join the fight in space against thr's forces she quickly is overwhelmed by ragnars vicious beasts that are capable of killing even vites Anissa comes to EES aid but is Gravely wounded by ragnars in the process of saving her life Anissa knowing that her wounds are simply too grave this time admits to Eve that she's sorry for all the pain she caused to her and Mark but she wasn't sorry for the assault as it gave her her son Mary Eve tries to take Anissa back to the ship as thr's children turn on him and switch sides ending the war against thrag however Anessa succumbs to her wounds and dies Mary and Molly are eventually saved by Mark and the in forces of earth when they return following their victory over thrag Anissa is a character that many people hate and I'm not in any way condoning what Kirkman had her do but I do understand why he chose to essentially have her be the ultimate example of how Earth could change the V trite people for the better and while I want to make it clear that I in no way shape or form condone any of the things that Anissa did in the comics I did always enjoy reading her as a character and I can't wait to see more of her in the show and that is it for the complete comic book history of Anessa I hope you guys learned a lot and if you did consider liking and subscribing and doing all that other crap that YouTubers ask you to do this has been Nick with key issues thanks again for watching and remember the motto Anissa over [Music] everything
Channel: Key Issues
Views: 350,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Invincible Anissa, Anissa Scene, Anissa vs Mark, Anissa vs Omni-Man, Anissa sexual Assault, Most hated invincible character, Invincible, Viltrumites, Every Viltrumite, Thragg, Thragg vs Anissa, Anissa vs Allen, Anissa vs Robot, Ragnars, Invincible Ragnars, Omni-Man, Complete history, Invincible Complete history, Invincible Season 2 spoilers, Invincible season 2, invincible season 2, invincible season 2 episode 7, omni man
Id: 0xA22Ps44No
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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